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12916963 No.12916963 [Reply] [Original]

Is FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) realistic? Many of the stories I'm reading are about very high earners, married with no kids, who live very basic/bohemian lifestyles and eat meme diets or bike everywhere in Colorado or some shit.
Any advice for a 20 year old in college? I really don't want to wage for 43 years.

>> No.12916973

Nah it requires a lot of luck

I fired at 21 but it was mostly luck + a short time of hard work

>> No.12916979

Newsflash: if you have to ask random anons on a mongolian basket weaving forum whether it's possible to achive this or not you'll never make it because you're missing the right mindset.
Better get that degree in wagecucking, faggot.

>> No.12916997
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was it hard work combined with a windfall (high saving rate + sudden inheritance) or were they directly related (crypto success, started business, bank robbery)? 21 is really young. I'm expecting to work for at least 15 years.

>> No.12917004

I know a guy who did it. Single and just saved a lot of money and not wasting of a ton of useless shit. Paid off his house and car and has over a year of salary saved up. Says he might retire in a few more years.

>> No.12917005

Wage cuck spotted

>> No.12917275


Muh cartoon dick

>> No.12917921

It's just another flex for couples who earn 200kpa between them. Instead of cars and mcmansions it's freedom. Like not wasting your wealth on things is some kind of forbidden knowledge.

How old? And what does he do?

>> No.12918304


>live in high rise
>HOA's kinda high
>wages absolute trash elsewhere

idk how to fire in this situation. My dad spent literally like 14 years just working on our home, shit was like a full time job with all the shit older homes have.

Do I somehow figure out passive income to overcome hoa's/taxes or is there another way? (<3% tax counties, shit shack?)

>> No.12918314

Cool World

>> No.12918335

It is possible, but it takes a very different mindset to the average person. Most people can't just reject the usual status symbols and dumb wagie hobbies like cars, overseas tourism and living in popular locations. You're probably the same, which is why you find the "biking around colorado" lifestyle so perverse.
Living is not expensive, kids are not expensive. Healthcare is expensive in a lot of places, but even in USA there are cheaper options popping up for things like elective surgery and physician consultations.

If you're serious, the best advice i have is to start saving and budgeting very early to get in the habit. Always be on the lookout for ways to make a bit of extra cash.

Exercise and eat good food to avoid health problems. Find hobbies that are productive in some way, like carpentry or hunting. You might not make money off it in the beginning, that's okay.

Girls love status games and being better than the stacy next door; avoid paying for stupid shit like weddings and nice clothes by giving her something different to be proud of: her frugal lifestyle and freedom from the chains of consumerism. Women are amazing savers once convinced that diamonds and cruise holidays are for financially illiterate sluts.

Choosing a career is a hard question. Don't rule out the military or public service. These are some of the only jobs left with robust job security and decent wages. You can hide your power level better than you think.

>> No.12918339

FIRE is for inherited wealth to try and convince wagecucks they can make it if they give all their money to the stockmarket and inflate the assets of the inherited wealth.

>> No.12918880

>be yuppie
>start 20's making 100k in HCOL area because STEM
>live like the poor people making 60k in that HCOL
>literally put more in the bank than you spend each year.
>retire early or downgrade to an easier low paying job
>bonus points if you move to a LCOL area

Impossible! Only weirdos can do this.

>> No.12919076

> not wanting to earn six figures a year delegating to other people
Why do you faggots always demonize work? Just get into management and it's easy as shit

>> No.12919102

It's possible but I would chase my passions and concentrate on increasing my income not living extremely frugally.

>> No.12919129

It is realistic but it takes a reasonably good income and a lifetime of discipline.

I don't know why anyone would want to exit the world at 40 to watch anime and play video games all day while eating shit food, but if that's your idea of a life well lived then go for it.

>> No.12919145

if you save 50k per year you can have 290k after 5 years at 5% annual yield on your assets, and 420k after 7 years. 830k after 13 years.

so if you work from 23y.o and sacrifice your soul you could be retired at 36

>> No.12919172
File: 35 KB, 560x1039, mmm-early-retirement-savings-rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the canonical math post that FIREfags use.


>> No.12919195

There's nothing I like so much that I want to do it for 40 hours a week 48 weeks per year and sit in rush hour traffic to go do it.

>> No.12919200
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Never change careers
Never go back to school
Never get married unless she wants to do this too
Drive an old car forever
Be frugal 40s jobless (retired)
Yeah you can do it. Have fun.

>> No.12919407

The majority of FIRE 'celebrities' are frauds who live off of their blog income or other business endeavors that "totally don't count as employment, keep giving me ad revenue!".
People who FIRE in their late 20s/early 30s fall into 2 categories:
>very high income people who saved most of what they made
>normal income people who saved a lot and now live like peasants with almost no margin for error. Will be absolutely fucked during the next bad market run
That being said, someone who saves consistently from a young age can definitely retired in their late 30s/mid 40s providing the market isn't tanking right when the plan on retiring.

>> No.12919422

Yep definitely doable

Being free at 36 or even 40 doesn't sound like a bad deal to me.

>> No.12919646

Even if it's not realistic for a given person to retire in their 30s the tenets and mindset will get them to a much better position to retire than the average wageslave. So, save your damn money if you're making it. If you aren't making money yet, invest in yourself so you can.

>> No.12920112


>> No.12920499

>wasting your 20s away
>tomorrow is never guaranteed

There is a chance you might not even live to 30 you know that right.

>> No.12920597

I'm doing it now and I'm late 30s. You already know how to do it. Sacrifice now and live minimally. Compound interest is your friend. Take high reward risks while your young.

>> No.12920973

the more they earn *now*, the more those stories could be realistic.
btw you can't realistically retire with less than $1M savings.

>> No.12921374

>Retiring on less than $2.5mm

See you back in cuckland poorboys

>> No.12921387

I'm doing it.

> become a decent-to-high earner, e.g. study computer science
> live frugally, our combined spend in zone 1 London is something like £25k a year
> find a woman who is like-minded and earns well
> don't have kids.
> be from a third country originally and move back there for retirement

All of this combined, a minimum level of FIRE is reachable in 4 years of employment assuming no debts. Something like £10k a year in eastern Europe isn't a great life but liveable.

I'm currently at exactly that point, savings progress:

> 2015: +£35k, NW: £40k
> 2016: +£57k, NW: £97k
> 2017: +£80k, NW: £177k
> 2018: +£120k, NW: £297k

Could possibly pull the plug and live a semi poor life somewhere in Latvia. The issue is that our careers have progressed rapidly and where I was ecstatic to save 30k in year 1, in the next 12 months we should be able to save £150k+. I'm gonna plug away while the luck lasts.

>> No.12921394

you seriously want to retire and spend decades until death in a place like Latvia? fucking gay man

>> No.12921399

Man, $1M would be easy mode. Wouldn't even have to think about trading or anything.
1. $100k into minimal risk safetly net, eg. TIPS
2. $900k in to boomer meme etfs
3. ??????
4. Profit

>> No.12921428

Latvia is pretty good if you're Latvian. Also, if you're an autistic loner who'll happily spend his life playing video games, watching anime and pursuing antisocial hobbies then the area doesn't matter much. Though it's quite hard to lock down a good wife under those circumstances but I managed somehow. I guess luck plays a large part in everything.