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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12880819 No.12880819 [Reply] [Original]

>finally get job after sending out 60+ applications
>fired on first day

>> No.12880827

Can we get a greentext or is this a LARP?

>> No.12880896
File: 83 KB, 1024x518, 1542747045918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happen fren?

>> No.12880907

Did you smell like weed or what?

>> No.12880923



>> No.12880927
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Tell us fren.

>> No.12880930

Google now gives a copy of your internet search history to an employer upon request.

>> No.12880932


>> No.12880936

So you're a degenerate that couldn't not drink for his first day at a job?

>> No.12880959

> having a (((google))) account
> being logged in into said account while looking up hentai doujins
> looking up hentai doujins on google
Never going to make it

>> No.12880964

Did you smell the hot girl's chair when you thought no one was looking?

>> No.12880967

Was drinking a cup of coffee and almost made me spill kek

>> No.12880968


HR lady accused me of being drunk while I was filling out on boarding papers, basically fired me on the spot and had security escort me out.


I have bad anxiety I needed it to calm myself

>> No.12880986


>> No.12881020

What if his job was for google?

>> No.12881031

>giving one single solitary fuck about what your coworkers and 'employer' think about you in the hopes/fears of (not) getting a raise in the future.

never gonna make it breh. companies don't promote from within anyway anymore. better to just show up, get your paycheck. do a cunthair above mediocre of a job and zone the fuck out. that's literally all working is these days. there's nothing to be stressed about because there's nothing to gain or lose anymore. wasn't always like that but it damn sure is now. 'employers' still bank on the old archetype/expectations that you'll get promoted, that's why people still work their asses off and spend their time humblebragging about how tired they are or how late they worked, but you'll notice that nothing ever happens. no one gets rewarded.

let that be a lesson to you and stop getting so worked up over 'work' that you care enough to get plastered just to get by. no one cares. collect your check and get shitfaced after work. get a xanax perscription or order some from tor if you're really that neurotic.

>> No.12881034
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I feel the pain brother but if you want to play the wagecuck game showing up intoxicated on your first day wasn't the brightest idea.

>> No.12881036
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agreed, YOU need to calm down. It WILL BE OK.
if (((they)) won't keep YOU around based on your (((google))) search history you don't and won't work for (((them))).

>> No.12881055
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>> No.12881068
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my bad, im drunk, I agree w/ this anon. Hang in there fren, you'll be OK.

>> No.12881095
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thanks for the support frens


I know that but I can't help it it just overcomes me

>> No.12881129

it's cool fren. i get it. you'll be just fine.

>> No.12881158

>humblebragging about how tired they are or how late they worked

I hate this so much and I hear it all the time at work. Pissing contests over who worked more hours and who got less sleep. It's the white collar equivalent of niggers comparing how shitty their neighborhood is.

>> No.12881172

Keked. You better get some kneepads, son.

>> No.12881184

>finally find a seemingly competent autist for the job after sifting through dozens of resumes and interviewing 8 retards
>shows up smelling of alcohol at 8am on his first day
Back to square one. Good job wasting yours and everyone elses time. If you think you need alcohol and it gets you fired on your first day then I think you need serious psychiatric treatment.

>> No.12881203

Stop drinking and you won't regret it
T. Sober alcoholic with no pants.

>> No.12881214
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keep marching forward, you're obviously high iq, you're gonna make it.

>> No.12881359
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>if (((they)) won't keep YOU around based on your (((google))) search history you don't and won't work for (((them))).
The logic fits.
If this really did happen. Imagine the mass segregation of people and what that would do to niggers.

Oh wait.. but that might make all that positive reinforcement of the "underprivileged" potentially backfire when these firms only have the underprivileged in them and therefore segregate themselves from white people... that would just make a black economy and white economy...

>> No.12881366

>implying niggers know how to operate computers

>> No.12881406
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>> No.12881463

after reading your reply 5x

>> No.12881478
File: 188 KB, 336x598, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always better to show up anxious than to show up after drinking.
Anxiety is just a feeling, it can't harm you.

>> No.12881509

That's also part of my point...

>> No.12881517

get a lawyer. sue for wrongful termination. theres no way she could know you where drunk and they have no proof. you'll get your job back or they will have to pay up.

>> No.12881525
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>get a job after 1 year unemployed
>the sinking realization of being a slave yet again hits
Just one year of employment and I can leave this hell behind. I can get land and farm. It'd be better to be half starved raising animals and hunting than to work as a slave for the rest of my life.

>> No.12881531
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>> No.12881551

>being a slave
A slave doesn't have the opportunity to leave and find a new paddock to chew cud in at anytime.
Hence why "bull" markets are a thing.

>> No.12881577

this is how WE WIN turn (((thier)) kikery against (((them)))
listen up we young lads and lassies

>> No.12881578

I am at the mercy of employers for money until I can leave all of this behind and go off the grid. I am their little dancing monkey for hire.
Piss off with your "well, just get a job elsewhere!" nonsense like you're a boomer. Getting a job is easy, being content in servitude to another for pennies on the dollar is a mental game that I'm forced to play for my dreams.

>> No.12881628

Everyone loses.
It's a huge blackpill actually.

>I am at the mercy of employers for money
No you're at the mercy of banks and financial institutions, not employers.
Banks control capital. Oh and regulations.
If we got rid of regulations, I'd bet they'd be more will to take your soul in exchange for monetary compensation.
Right now they're utterly obsessed with risk to the point of limiting further demand in this economy. You can demand things if regulations and bank control prevents it. Hence why the profits of such entities will decline the more they obsess over risk without recognising how they limit demand economically.

>> No.12881689

Can we start getting rid of retards who use 'fren'
I'm getting sick and tired of people here using the incorrect spelling of this word like it's cool to use.

>> No.12881726
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I know that feeling man

>> No.12881756

Good. I hate alcohol and alcoholics. Guaranteed you're a weak, frail bitch.

>> No.12881759

ok, you convinced us, we'll stop.

>> No.12881783
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thanks y-you too

>> No.12881787


>> No.12881814
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fuck that anon
stay strong op
you'll find your way

>> No.12881869
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>> No.12881944
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I could unironically believe this kikery. We are post-1984, our timeline is getting worse than all the predictive totalitarian nightmares shit imagined in the past.
I thank God everyday for being a comfy neet overlord.

>> No.12881971

bud, you're a man, get a construction job. no one gives a fuck if you show up a little buzzed there.

>> No.12882136

imagine having any accounts online that trace back to your actual name
not going to make it

>> No.12882226

Imagine knowing and staying true.

>> No.12882346


>> No.12882406

Not quite but it's pretty common for employers to wanna look at your Facebook profile before hiring you now.

>> No.12882619

Let me share you some advice that turned my life around.
To beat anxiety you must destroy it at both the physiological and the psychological ends.

>get to a healthy bodyfat (5-20)
>improve your aerobic ability, the heart pounding and heavy breathing of anxiety will just become background noise
>aerobic exercise every day, runners high is real
>improve your diet, no processed food. I'm quite extreme about this, even replacing bread with rolled oats.

>meditate every day
>stand up straight with your shoulders back
>become the best in your field: read every day, practice every day, and one other thing every day specific to your field
>become sexually attractive: 12% bf, fix skin and hair, clothes
>find something to win at (other than video games), for example strength training, getting constantly stronger makes you feel good

Try phenibut, it's like alcohol but others can't tell.
Though no more frequently than once per month because of it's addictive properties.