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File: 618 KB, 1440x1156, Screenshot_20190224-155040_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12849520 No.12849520 [Reply] [Original]

What an international man of mystery!
>Has visited 127 countries
>1,200 patents (Thats more than Edison and he hopes to gave 10,000 by the time he dies)
>ex-church treasurer
>ex-cyber criminal white hat
>ex-telecoms specialist
>4 PHDs
>Professor at Cambridge
>800 books on his bookshelf
>4,000 books on his Kindle
>Sued Australia for $57 million (And won!)
>created the entire crypto market
>Recently had his patent on atoms bonding approved (if you wish to make money on any chemical reaction you must give Craig Royalties)
>Has a smoking hot wife
>Has a smoking submissive man side piece
>wears custom suits

>> No.12849536


>> No.12849535

You owe royalties to Craig simply by viewing this thread. Expect a bill in the mail.

>> No.12849537
File: 105 KB, 795x653, craiglol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His IQ was tested in the 200 range btw

>> No.12849541
File: 307 KB, 750x499, C5B743B7-ABD8-4F95-B012-2EF683F88673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is that drunken autistic manlet taking a photo of us?

>> No.12849551

Fake and gay

>> No.12849553
File: 13 KB, 400x551, 1477550000833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way to get scammed by someone who doesn't know anything about anything retard

only IQ 80 pajeets fall for his bullshit

>> No.12849575

>reverse shill
i know csw lives in ur head rent free but u should really consider killing yourself

>> No.12849580
File: 447 KB, 743x720, craig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just doing the needful dont mind me

>> No.12849612


Look. Craig is modest, it's only because he's been backed into a corner he's had to make some of this information come to light.

I feel bad for him. He just wanted a modest, simple life and to create a wonderful product to save us all but now he's forced to prove himself. I really hope he doesn't have to reveal his other accomplishments, he would have some very powerful people come after him, just for the sake of trying to save us NEETs. God bless him.

>> No.12849752


>> No.12850326

0-conf again, satoshi explicitly said it's a fucking bad idea. and for obvious reasons unless the order is reversible like online shopping where it's a) perfectly fine b) completely inconsequential and unnecessary. in face to face retail 0-conf is dumb in a trustless system. this is why lightning is so awesome. it makes instantaneous payments trustless even in a decentralized system.

>> No.12850343

This faggot is in every Craig thread
Rent free although me thinks another 100 satoshis has been deposited in your account ramjeet

>> No.12850381

well stop making these shitty threads and i will not be in them pushing your shit in you dumb cunt.

also there is not much going on recently that interests me, no real talks about investments nothing just shitcoins everywhere. the thread about ubi was a rare exeption. bashing noproof fraudstus is my only solace.

either make decent threads and or stop shilling this retarded cunt and his scamcoin or suck it up!

>> No.12850402

No worries rakeesh consider it charity happy to see you get as many satoshis as you’re u can per post while BTC is still worth something

>> No.12850426
File: 1.21 MB, 1324x1700, craig-timetraveller-wright-caught-faking-again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are too kind pajeet i will still fuck your shit up in every thread you make about this clown.

>> No.12850438

WOW you sure owned me, now how about you post a pic of your hand with your gay username on a time stamp , you won’t and you can’t because you are a 2$ an hour Indian paid by cockstream

>> No.12850441

You people are dense. Do you know what "amend" means?

>> No.12850461

I spell it out for you.

a·mendDictionary result for amend
Learn to pronounce
make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date.

>> No.12850464
File: 11 KB, 243x277, oldhubb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man's practically L. Ron Hubbard at this point, in terms of crazy megalomania.

>> No.12850471

nooo you don't get it, his post from that time period all got archived from within a day, only these posts about bitcoin somehow showed up in 2014 and 2015. amend my ass! this is manufacturing false ""evidence"" (by backdating on his own blog hiding the edit timestamp) of his involvement which didn't exist at the time and got caught with pants down by archives as usual.

there is no way you can put a positive spin on this.

>> No.12850486

these kind of people are very devastating inside companies or governments, offices they are so obsessed to money and power that they destroy communities from the inside by suing for ridiculous reasons or manipulating either way.

>> No.12850495

So assuming you keep one, you don't read your previous journal entries every now and then and sometimes and make changes or add important information?

>> No.12850512

>ex-cyber criminal white hat


>> No.12850517

rofl you can't be this dense, no.

>> No.12850545


>craig kills satoshi
>craig steals satoshi's bitcoin
>craig IS satoshi

>> No.12850573

we are all satoshi, except for craig wright
he is definitely not satoshi

>> No.12850583

Craig Wright is a poorfag's idea of what a successful rich man looks like.
It's so hilarious.

>> No.12850631
File: 247 KB, 1200x900, satoshi19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, let's see:

Yep, SV still has the same hashpower as BTC had early 2016. That's an insane amount, which isn't cheap.

Looks like BSV is still 100% serious in what they are trying to do and they can't "exit scam".

>> No.12851020

brainlet here, why is btc's hashrate increasing like FUCK from jan 2018 coinciding with value dropping?

>> No.12851154
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, anonymous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before the november fork i had a theory it was nchain that just added hashpower to test it in secret before switching over to bch but that was wrong. i guess it's just people that gamble that BTC will rise back up again. setting up big mining facilities in cheap countries takes time, by the time they started going online the price had already dumped a lot so i figure they were kind of stuck in their investment at that point.

>> No.12851192

>Has a smoking submissive man side piece

A what?

>> No.12851200
File: 78 KB, 500x650, goldfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this obsessed
Kek, gmax is that you?

>> No.12851549

its not obsession i dont stalk him i font write to him i dont tweet at him i just try to warn gullible cunts out of the goodness of my heart about that fucking scammer piece of shit. the fact that sv shills annoy the crap out of me also helps to stay focused on my holy mission of removing curry.

>> No.12851683
File: 113 KB, 1024x768, 1550435187891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes a confirmed faggot

>> No.12851694

No he's bisexual.

>> No.12851711

the only real question is: is he redpilled on the JQ?

>> No.12851715

Creg is the new fucking Chuck Norris. Creg Wright fact site when?

>> No.12851846

> Recently had his patent on atoms bonding approved (if you wish to make money on any chemical reaction you must give Craig Royalties)

this is low quality bait :/

>> No.12851893

I saw a thread about it a few days ago. Can't find it now.

>> No.12851925

There are thousands of overlapping patents and courts don't give a shit about patent trolls.

>> No.12851940

Well stop making these shitty threads then fucking Craig, stop being a mongoloid ffs!

>> No.12851949

fucking GROSS

>> No.12851955

Wtf? I knew he was a retard, but didn't know he was a homo too.

>> No.12851979

Yes they do and infact fail roughly 98% of the time.
Most of Creg's patents are far too general to be enforceable. "X,Y and Z, all could all potentially be used".
He is also trying to patent a type of contract.
There will be so much salt when courts in multiple jurisdictions kick hi patents out.

>> No.12851982

>not jew
Will never make it

>> No.12852038

The real question is why do losers like you keep giving him attention?

>> No.12852068

They can't give Vitalik his rightful laurels because he's a young "kid" aka could have as much been them and they're salty as fuck about his success. So they picked this idiot with 4 pumps and dumps instead.

>> No.12852224


Who fucking cares what satoshi said. He created an ok piece of software with a lot of bugs. Nothing more.

>> No.12852830

what is stopping people from getting a VPN and uploading siberian mouse movies to BSV?

>> No.12853720
File: 645 KB, 1200x2000, sonic6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he aint gay, he only did that as a dare. for some reason. he just dont give a fuck.