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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 265x400, boomer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12840982 No.12840982 [Reply] [Original]

If your parents are over 50 and did not make it financially they are literally retarded and lazy and you should have no sympathy.

>Be 1982
>Mom graduates college with a whatever degree from an okay college
>Takes night classes in accounting
>Not even a CPA level experience
>Gets $120,000/yr starting with full pension and healthcare and childcare with potential up to $200,000/yr in 4 years with 40 hour weeks. No student loans because of a summer job.
>At 24
>To be a CPA (more than what she was) you NEED to have a degree in accounting and 2-4 years of actual work experience after college and median salary for a new CPA is like $70,000/yr
>Pull yourself up by your bootstraps anon it's easy look what I did.

>> No.12840992



>Saves up for just two years
>Pays off entire cheap ass house with no mortgage in that time equivalent of 100k in today's dollars.
>Same house is now worth $600,000

>> No.12841028
File: 41 KB, 496x340, Employment Men vs Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are outsourcing
>what is illegal immigration
>what are women in the work force doubling
>what is population overall doubling in the same period

Stop blaming people for the economic consequences of globalization they had no control over themselves.

>> No.12841040
File: 334 KB, 1180x1147, 1548008636820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the eternal boomer. They tell you "Well the house may have cost 70K then (now 800k), but interest rates were 16% (at their peak)"

>> No.12841049
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t. Boomer

Guess who voted in and supported literally all those policies and did nothing to reverse them. Get fucked.

>> No.12841057

fuck boomers

>> No.12841064

> blaming women and immigrants for the sins of billionaires

hoo boy the stretch reflex is strong with this one

>> No.12841188

sad thing is that logic works for most men

>> No.12841219

>Be 1982
>Gets $120,000/yr starting

>> No.12841239


> imagine keeping half your population uneducated because of 'norms'

never gonna make it

>> No.12841291
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>Imagine buying land in 1981 with no internet

>> No.12841296
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>A generation of (((sociopaths))).

>> No.12841318
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>educated =/= employed

Women were going to public schools and even colleges since the late 19th century

Low population, low employment rate of half the population (women), little outsourcing and limited black market labor ("undocumented immigrants") meant that an individual domestic worker was worth more then than it is now. The fact you presumably understand this sort of thing when it comes to inflation of the US Dollar or Cryptopcurrencies and not when it comes to other commodities is why you're not going to make it.


>> No.12841886


> muh angry white male narrative
> reee dey took er jerbs

I bet you also unironically quote Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris to your family.

> yikes

>> No.12841982

The reason boomers had it so easy was because of tight immigration control, feminism hadn't completely taken over and no free trade. This meant that there were more jobs than workers and companies couldn't import workers who would work for less.

>> No.12841992

cringe af

women are property

>> No.12842400

The first three were directly caused, amplified or perpetuated by the boomers

>> No.12842450

Women are property in the middle east and they're still a shit hole.
>but if white people do it, it'll work
um no sweetie, women aren't property in the west as a result of being more civilized. If you want to regress to savages you're free to move to Saudi Arabia.

>> No.12842504 [DELETED] 

This low iq cucked way of thinking is always amusing

If you werent a dumbfuck you'd realize that the conclusion (the ME is a shithole (which it isnt see saudi arabia, qatar, uae)) from the premise that they consider women to be property.

> um no sweetie, women aren't property in the west as a result of being more civilized.
depends on your definition of civilized which is obviously faulty. the west is in decline and becoming uncivilized

>> No.12842549

>Women are property in the middle east and they're still a shit hole.
ME countries are shitholes because arabs are inbred retards lol

>> No.12842554

>not blaming billionaires for flooding your country with immigrants and destroying the moral order
sip that champagne harder mr. shekelstein

>> No.12842675
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>> No.12842804

Lurker here.

I'd like for all boomers to die.


>> No.12842853

boomer here(57)
I paid cash for the house I'm in now.
Also, there's a baby goat in the shower in my guest bathroom.
I don't know what he's doing in there.
I don't like to pry

>> No.12842867

>there were more jobs than workers
like now?

>> No.12842971
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Nice reddit-tier ad-hominem non-argument, retard.

Globalization did "take jerbs" and continues to do so, it also made some jerbs too.

This is a modern economic phenomenon, no matter how jet-setting stand up comedians worth millions of dollars like Doug Stanhope or the writers at South Park might want to make light of it or dismiss it. This is something that affects all workers



Black market labor drives wages down as does shifting production to countries with lower wages/weaker currencies, period. This is why most other countries have strategic tariffs in place to protect their domestic working class, their farmers and so on.

You print more money, the money already in circulation is worth less, you have access to more workers the existing workers are worth less, especially when some of these workers are playing by different rules than others.

It isn't particularly hard to understand.

>> No.12843020

you know those boomer car salesmen?
Ever notice how some are ridiculously well off and others are stuck in the job with not much to show for it?

Let me tell you what it was like.
Rewind back to the 70's 80's1 and 90's. Your chump salesman was making anywhere from 80k-100k. Your good salesman were making 100k-150k and the good ones were making anywhere from 150-250k with some freaks making more than that. Some 10% of car salesmen were making half a million a year (or more in today's dollars at a lower tax rate when everything was cheaper). These guys (if you were in the top 50%) were making more than doctors and lawyers without having to go to school. They made gross on new cars and put down payments on mansions with used car profits.
The 90's to 2010 were the same but the pay didn't increase.

Your average car salesman makes 30-60k a year now depending on the region and your average new car loses a grand on the front end if you do volume and breaks even at most other stores.

People had way more money to spend, the cpi hadn't gone through the roof, and everyone was making stupid money.

The ones in management now are the boomers that stayed in. They didn't even have to be good. They just had to not die from substance abuse or make so much money that they retired at 40. If you could shake a hand and didn't have autism you could sell a car.

The entitlement from boomer car salesmen is incredible. That was one of the most lucrative professions as much as even a decade ago and most of them have nothing to show for it.

Ama about shit, I have a $25m dealership

>> No.12843129

Also this.
Boomer sympathizers and apologists should get the gas first.
Traitors are worse than the enemy.

>> No.12843170

Cold war spending was huge. Defense and parallel industries enriched many.

Your digits are my birth year.

>> No.12843210
File: 2.46 MB, 1280x720, 1542171419189.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer genocide now.

Clean out the 65+'s and pave the way for a new generation of Americans.

Only 65+'s that can demonstrate they have provided sufficient support and value to their offspring will be allowed to live. Any others which retained their enormous wealth to squander it on trivialities such as gambling and booze in their decrepitude, will be purged.

We cannot, we SHALL not be burdened by the generation of degenerates which looted our country and partied all the way down to hell. They will not pay...they will simply die, and go away. They had their time, they had their fun, they had their chance.

Yes, I am fully aware this wipes out a significant portion of our existing government, and that is precisely the point. They are irrelevant and stupid and cannot possibly fathom or keep up with modern technology and society. They are corrupt beyond belief and only seek to retain their position at the top of the ponzi.

No more. Never again. If you want to survive past 65+ in the future, you MUST create a trust and support for your children, equivalent to the amount of social support you will receive in turn. The exact amount you are able to provide to your FAMILY and GENETIC LINEAGE is in turn the precise amount you will receive in social support.

If you cannot meat a minimum, it's off to the pasture, for a year of R&R then a visit to the gas chamber.

Boomer Genocide Now. The movement starts here, in this thread. We ARE BGN.




>> No.12843477

wtf happened, where did all the money go

>> No.12843495

>where did all the money go
Overseas investment. All those factories in chinkland, mexico, brazil etc. didn't just finance themselves.

>> No.12843533

You should pry

>> No.12843602

If the boomers though Obama's health insurance "death panels" were scary, hoohoo boy were they delusional! BGN is the future they made for themselves.

>> No.12843608

>double spacing
looks like mexicans aren't the only ilegal immigrants around here

>> No.12843636

literally every boomer who bought in the 80s refinanced during the Clinton era.

>> No.12843660
File: 144 KB, 1000x1000, DB8B6898-11E5-4FCF-A0E5-61633FA7E807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Uninvited goat))) holy shit the memes write themselves.

>> No.12843706


What’s your age? How did you come across 4chan and brings you to this board?

>> No.12843720

Not that poster but 4chan has a lot of oldfag boomers. Many 90's anime nerds came with the initial migration from somethingawful or soon after

>> No.12843758

Hundreds of trillions hoovered into the Secret Space Program. It didn't come back.

>> No.12843767

Oh and childless boomers DEFINITELY get tossed into the wood chipper, feet first. Holy fuck imagine just how fucking useless they are.

>> No.12843797
File: 84 KB, 1111x597, shinypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a college professor that was born in like 1937 and he was telling us about a girl he was friends with back in the 1950's and she went to a state school and for her major she only paid ONE DOLLAR per credit. Yes, that's not a typo. For a state school in NJ. ONE FUCKING DOLLAR A CREDIT.

>> No.12843813


Sounds like you got it all figured out little guy. Good for you. Really.

>> No.12843856

>little guy
>Good for you.
You could at least try to hide the fact that you're a woman who spends a lot of time on reddit

>> No.12843890
File: 105 KB, 665x497, mexicans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our population (almost) doubling since the 60s isn't a policy, women in the work force wasn't necessarily a policy either, rather a cultural thing. If you were alive at that time there's no way you'd imagine the idea of your girlfriend or wife working affecting your own wage or otherwise becoming a liability in the far future. Outsourcing was never "not allowed"; the world had just become more connected by that point due to the hostilities of WW2 being abated and trade between nations accelerating rapidly in ways it wouldn't have in their recent past.

I guess I'm sympathetic to an extent because Boomers didn't have the internet or social media to mobilize them or tell them what to think, they had the television networks exclusively, they were taken for the same ride that many of our generational peers are today. We just happened to fall into a different kind of social media where we can discuss the merits and demerits of ideas-all ideas-without restraint and in tandem with pictures of anime lesbians or whatever, pretty much by happenstance.

Boomers worked and voted every 4 years while the frog boiled in the pot, never thinking things could get as bad as they are now until they already were. In the end all we're doing is victim blaming, we all know it's really the GLOBALISTS' fault


>> No.12843958

Say it.

>> No.12843967

super bluepilled. Imagine actually thinking that going to university was a good thing for women- or for most men for that matter.

>> No.12843980
File: 2.02 MB, 1280x528, 1549988915929.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see webm

roasties get the bullet too

>> No.12843991

jej i really can't tell if this is some bored neet baiting people or if it's a woman who literally cannot comprehend nor formulate an argument to save her life

>> No.12844017

Imports basically doibled the amount of cars being sold. More supply means more competitive pricing. Asymmetry of information decreased with the internet. shit is super competitive now. Also, regulations drive up the costs of things and people are just poorer in general. We've really felt it the last two years.

black budget, baby.

won't disclose age, but I found it in 2007 after hearing about some its antics. It sounded incredible. It felt like home as soon as I got here.

>> No.12844064
File: 292 KB, 590x394, 2E309CB7-B501-4458-B5DB-3FD68E80D266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they invent a teleporter & cure retardation, they're useless cuz no apefuck? You better have perfect genes if you're gonna breed, or you're a degenerate.

>> No.12844079

>If they invent a teleporter & cure retardation, they're useless cuz no apefuck?
Basically yes.

>> No.12844081

idk if you would find this interesting considering it's your career but these stories are pretty entertaining

>> No.12844097
File: 23 KB, 580x360, College Enrollment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you're so upset, these are all just a well-documented economic phenomena of the latter 20th century.

I can't, Alexa will hear me

This is a great point. If Boomers can really be faulted for anything directly it's that they pushed their children into going to college come hell or high water despite how bad of a deal it had become. Just like the US Dollar and the US Worker, the US University Graduate's market value had become suppressed by simple inflation by the early 2000s.

Despite the fact that these schools were using government mandated loans as a springboard to charge mortgage-tier tuition rates for attendance, the eternal Boomer put enormous pressure on their children to go, often threatening to kick them out of the house and ostracize them if they didn't, even if they had shit grades in highschool or were pursuing a major that anyone with common sense could have figured out had no place in an institution of higher learning.

Now as men become disillusioned and turn to the internet for education, it's women who make up the majority of college graduates and are even going to graduate school racking up more and more impossible to repay deb as consequence and all you'll hear about is how "and it's a good thing" that women are deliberately making themselves black holes of debt.



>> No.12844198
File: 1.25 MB, 1238x820, Screen Shot 2019-02-21 at 11.25.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my parents are pretty based as far as boomers go- my mom is a nurse and my dad is a marine engineer and probably the hardest working guy I know. They have also lived frugally their entire lives and have no debt, and raised me and my siblings on a small farm and homeschooled us for some time- my older siblings until around 9th grade and me until 6th grade. Even though they are clearly quite based compared to most other boomers, they basically just expected us all to go to college. I was never really taught anything about a career path or anything, i was just always expected by everyone to go to college for something. I wish someone had talked to me about what options are out there, instead of just telling me that it doesn't matter as long as i go to college after high school. I'm about to graduate with a business degree soon so I'll find out if it was worthwhile but i'm not very academic and I prefer doing stuff with my hands. Maybe becoming a craftsman or tradesman would have been a better path for me. Thanks, boomers.

>> No.12844237
File: 8 KB, 249x243, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can still remember the voices of my boomer teachers in elementary school saying, "If you go to college to get a degree, you will make $1 million dollars more than a person without it!" Fuck boomers.

>> No.12844255

Yoshi & Pepe should be frends

>> No.12844262

which movie?

>> No.12844275
File: 29 KB, 500x360, 1436255035565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If your parents are over 50 and did not make it financially they are literally retarded and lazy and you should have no sympathy.

My father has a brother and my mother a sister; each of them were orders of magnitude more successful than my parents ever were. My parents were the deadbeats of both sides of my family tree.

>> No.12844287

Why are roasties on cuckchan

>> No.12844299

> My mom got insanely lucky, or sucked the owners dick on a constant basis, therefore your parents failed

>> No.12844513

You can still become a tradesman after college. It'll probably pay off your debt faster desu fampai

>> No.12844529

whats that webm from?

>> No.12844553

You put the blame on information technology and automation. It benefited the elite more than it benefited the average joe.

>> No.12844819

this, kek.

>> No.12844881

i gotta watch this please spoon feed

>> No.12844890
File: 59 KB, 1024x584, 1531608510347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be my dad
>60s kid
>start career late, he changed his career from a degree his parents forced him into
>buys house with low interest mortgage in 2005
>notice arbitrage opportunity on the same road we are living in
>one day we just move 20 odd doors down the road and kiddie anon has no idea what's going on
>it's literally the same house in a different colour
>£40k more in the bank from the difference he bought the new house to the identical house he sold.
Yes, some bong was this stupid to buy a house 40k more expensive that is identical to another one on the same road.
>sells it for 1.5x in 2016
>100 grand profit just from doing nothing
>moves to a more expensive city, buys a new house there
>be 50+
>still have mortgage but slowly paying it off
>has a stable job at £50k/ year
>could make it with house value and looming inheritance money from quickly expiring parents
>decides to get re-married and have a kid at the age of 49
>income is now lower than expenses
>"pension fund" exit scammed
>still working 9 hours+ per day with hardly any free time
>he'll be 67 by the time the kid can move out

>> No.12844941

lmao thats so deep
soz anon u were so close to making it now u gotta share the remnants of your old mans wealth with a bastard child
how do you not an hero?

>> No.12844985
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>> No.12845006

Shut the fuck up and stop whining. You want a six figure job, learn to code. That's the difference right there, no college degree necessary.

>> No.12845027

And now just imagine how much it must suck to be that bastard child. Growing up with a poor old dad while he knows he has half brothers who had the funny young successfull version as their dad.

>> No.12845069

Man In the High Castle.

>> No.12845883

>millions of people coming into the country and competing for a job wont decrease the prices

learn literally lesson 1 of any economics course increased supply decreases prices

>> No.12845958

its supply and demand

are people trolling of do guys on /biz/ not understand this?

>> No.12846135

well they are still a rich family. The point is he fucked up because he spends all his money on unnecessary luxuries and his wife and kid now

>> No.12846150

t. nopants

>> No.12846234

Yes, that's why if you google "wages increasing" you see articles from a few months ago in late 2018 discussing the fact that wages are increasing in the largest increments they had for 9-10 years. We are on a good trajectory but these things don't happen overnight.

>> No.12846243

>wages are increasing in the largest increments they had for 9-10 years.
Thanks Trump...

>> No.12846272 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12846381
File: 115 KB, 1132x1080, Charls pilot the EVA or sam will have to do it again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now just imagine how much it must suck to be that bastard child. Growing up with a poor old dad while he knows he has half brothers who had the funny young successfull version as their dad.

holy fuck this hits way too close to home

t. bastard child with 8 year older half brother

To take this to the next level my mother divorced, got 1.4 mil and is broke less than 5 years later. She literally has no money, ~50k creditcard debt and owes the state a ton of money too. She was a victim of pajeet scammer tier fraud and no one wants to touch the case because technically shes just a retard and its her own fault.

>> No.12846512

Good God are you economically illiterate. All of the things you mention trend toward lowering prices for many goods which is better for the consumer. Typical make work bias. A job is not what you want, what you want is consumer good's. The job is a means to an end.

Now, our economy is fucked, but it's not because of what you mentioned. Labor is a resource and tends to make a country richer. Sure, losing your job sucks and it can reduce wages, but again in lower's prices which is what you ultimately want.

But, you're right that there is a problem. The problem is mainly due to inflation caused by fractional reserve banking, money printing, and inflation caused by QE. The other major problem is all the regulations passed by the government and unions. Those have lead to some outsourcing that wasn't beneficial to our country by increases production costs making us non competitive.

The government is what's been fucking us over with economic policy, not brown people and women.

>> No.12846621

CPA here. I made $60,000 starting out. Seniors probably make about $80k+. Public accounting is still slavery though.

>> No.12846632

t. Ayn Rand-reading retard.

>> No.12846671

I think it's one of the "Dod sno" movies (both o's with a slash)

Norwegian comedy horror flick

>> No.12846681

found it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9ypVPLXuj8

>> No.12846736

No, it's not. Multiple studies -- both historical and contemporary -- have found that immigrants are a net positive for the economy, and more importantly, they do not compete with native-born workers for jobs. The most recent such study was published by the Trump administration: https://www.nap.edu/catalog/23550/the-economic-and-fiscal-consequences-of-immigration

>> No.12846782

>immigrants are a net positive

great now that that's settled lets make sure we get the ones with the lowest IQs possible from the most violent unstable nations we can find, since immigrants are always a net positive I'm sure nothing bad will happen.

>> No.12846800

What's that saying you all get a boner for? Ah, yeah: facts don't care about your feelings

>> No.12846823

Mexican neighborhoods are known for their cleanliness, order, and quiet industriousness and slim attractive women.

Oh wait they're actually typically shitholes full of savages and fat slobs.

>> No.12846881
File: 442 KB, 1200x800, freedom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As opposed to the rest of america?

>> No.12846921

Typically when I go to white majority areas and small towns things are pretty nice, quiet, and clean even if people are poor. No idea what dumb point you're trying to make.
>it's already flawed so what's the harm in making it worse
You might be stupid, bud.

>> No.12846923

>doesn’t refute points
>salty response with fake congratulations

>> No.12846944

That's cause they can afford mexicans to clean the streets

>> No.12846953

appreciated. Never a dull day on the lot

>> No.12846971
File: 801 KB, 1136x2200, bixnood gene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant tell if you're pretending to be retarded.

There are a ton of studies on immigration and social cohesion/trust/crime/standards of living in general getting completely assfucked by third worlders that don't/can't assimilate. I'm not even disagreeing with the notion that immigrants can be good and don't care about this enough to point you to studies.

>> No.12846987


From personal experience I've seen many people in H.S. and college that were either simply 'going through the motions', didn't pay attention at all / sat in the back on their phones etc., or were just being pushed through for whatever reason.

It's always been one big business to me and very rarely have I ever heard of students talking about their perspectives 10 years down the road and where they'd like to be with all the education they were working on. Most of the time it was only biz students that considered those factors.

And a lot of the time the parents are either funding or taking out loans in their names too for the kids. Just a big blackhole of money.

The internet could easily eliminate the 2 of the 4 years of liberal arts we all have to take to keep some of those useless degree people employed.

>> No.12846997

nice infos.

>> No.12847006

One of the key points of the study I posted is that assimilation usually takes a generation, and others indicate that's been then standard regardless if the immigrants are from France, Taiwan, Ireland, or Tunisia. You're working with a number of assumptions that are simply incorrect.

>> No.12847028

>study I posted is that assimilation usually takes a generation

right so because assimilation can happen that means it always happens.

>You're working with a number of assumptions that are simply incorrect.
anon this is a really interesting possibility to consider, thank you so much

>> No.12847077

"Those who come hither are generally of the most ignorant Stupid Sort of their own Nation… Not being used to Liberty, they know not how to make a modest use of it…I remember when they modestly declined intermeddling in our Elections, but now they come in droves, and carry all before them, except in one or two Counties... .In short unless the stream of their importation could be turned from this to other colonies... even our Government will become precarious."
- Benjamin Franklin on Germans.
The people change, but the populist language (and the actual facts) do not.

>> No.12847116

what are you even offering this as proof of? that assimilation always happens? because benji talked shit about germans and they turned out to be alright that means its going to happen every time?

>> No.12847126

Eh, here's my BoomerDad story

>lose like 65% of value in 401K in 2008
>move everything into "safe" assets like money markets
>fast forward to 2019
>completely miss recovery

>> No.12847201

Same, either way it's a retard

>> No.12847222

I could ask a similarly-phrased question: what are you even arguing? That, because of assumptions you, personally, hold against third-worlders, they won't assimilate, even though the history of man in general and America in particular indicates the opposite?

Once again, you're working with assumptions that are simply incorrect. Let's take a third-world longitudinal case study: Cuban immigrants fleeing Castro, including 14,000 unaccompanied minors: https://scholarship.rollins.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1003&context=rurj
TL;DR: Took a generation, was fine.

>> No.12847262


>> No.12847291

what fucking assumptions you massive gay retard?

that they're low IQ? not an assumption.
that they come from violent countries, and in the case of the US southern border the countries with the highest murder rate on the entire planet?

i've never even argued they won't assimilate either, i'm simply arguing its not a sure thing that they will. you seem to be the only one arguing an absolute here and don't even realize it.

>> No.12847308

Cuban-Americans have now have similar household income relative to the native-born white population, have a similar college attendance %, and are just above white Americans in terms of % below the poverty line (10% to 13%). Two of them ran for president in 2016. I'm eager to hear a 'definition' of assimilation that somehow excludes Cubans.

>> No.12847339

Found the spic.

>> No.12847359

I'm not arguing an absolute for it's own sake, I'm arguing for policy that is rooted in historical and statistical fact. If you somehow missed the forest for the trees there, that's on you.

You're right, though: you're not making any points, and are instead engaging in empty sophistry (the 'I have sources but don't care enough to show them' is particularly laughable, a half-dozen angry posts later). Try and make one or don't.

>> No.12847745

Some cultures are mutually incompatible. I won’t try and argue the point with you because you’ve already made up your mind.

>> No.12847918

Thats still true in high cost of living areas. What they dont tell you is that if you discount that, the difference isnt nearly as much.

>> No.12848055

Not necessarily, I simply haven't seen compelling evidence to the contrary. For instance, Muslims -- the most common whipping post for folks arguing in favor of cultural incompatability -- tend to acculturate remarkably well over time: http://www.pewforum.org/2017/07/26/identity-assimilation-and-community/

This also tends to be the case historically. Even in more barbaric times, cultures eventually intermingle -- if the Romans and the knife-wielders could eventually get along, it's tough to see why that wouldn't be the case contemporaneously.

I haven't seen any good arguments for incompatibility that are rooted in data.

>> No.12848109

Muslims can’t even get along with each other; Shias and sunnis desperately want to genocide each other, and that’s not even mentioning the Wahhabists. Why are the chicoms re-educating muslims in Xinjiang if they integrate so well?

>> No.12848176

I'm not sure what that has to do with them acculturating in America. Those kinds of regional conflicts tend not to spill over post-immigration -- Ethiopians and Eritreans are a prime example.

>> No.12848181

Got talking to a prime boomer the other day.
Credit to him, he was digging my van out of the snow. He's an 'ard worker is the old boy.
Told me about how he moved to Canada from the UK back in the 60's.
>in the pub with Harry reading the paper
>looking at job listings page
>Salesmen wanted Must reply by 6pm tonight
>hey Harry want to go try this out?
>they finished their pints, walked to the office and boldly said
>we here to enquire about the job postings
>come right through gentleman
>They sit down with the manager >so boys, this is a great opportunity
>we'll send you to Canada to head up the sales dept. in Ontario
>Great, but we don't have sales exp. or citizenship
>ah don't worry about that, we'll train you & the Canadian government will pay us to send two strapping chaps like you over
>so off they went, to live in Canada
>Harry went his own way
>Boomer Peter did well & moved to Vancouver
>now leading the Vancouver division he buys a house by the water front
>House price appreciation means that its now a multi million dollar home.
>Peter's happy, he worked hard for this
He had a fortunate life, but he did something others didn't and that was seize opportunity. Its everywhere, take it, if you don't someone else will.

>> No.12848194

Another cute op-ed re: sunni/Shia conflict in America: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2016/11/02/what-makes-america-so-great-for-sunni-and-shia-muslims/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.73943b886dd4

>> No.12848244

>six figure job


you can give up on that dream. that shit hasn't worked since the 90s

>> No.12848290

>Desperate milfs who used to be tumblrinas will be in your future

>> No.12848317

>Parents Mid 50's/Early 60's
>Highschool Dropouts
>Came to America from China when they were in their 40s speaking 0 English
>Still barely speaks English
>Owns 3 houses, makes money off rent and works for fun
I don't get how some old White American's can be such big fuck ups.

>> No.12848475

Go home yellow man, your people are beckoning

>> No.12848923

>right so because assimilation can happen that means it always happens.
99% assimilation rate over three generations

>> No.12848934


In life you are made by the challenges you have faced. If your childhood was comfortable and free of insecurity you have a high chance of being a soft handed idiot throughout your adulthood. That's kind of the allegory for the boomer generation as a whole, inherited great riches and prosperity and slowly pissed it away to the world.

>> No.12848959

Very admirable of your parents man. The reality is that vast majority of white Americans (not all, but a good number of them) had the world handed to them on a platter but pissed it all away. At the same way its hard to blame them, when things are comfortable one tends to think the good times will last forever

>> No.12848960

More like 'challenges you were able to overcome'. If you're life were full of challenges that you were much over your head you'll grow up thinking you can't do anything at all for the rest of it.

>> No.12848977


If you're alive you overcame them. I guess that was kind of implied, I'm not talking about getting slammed with failures, more about building important habits in discipline and resilience, as well as work ethic.

>> No.12848997

Tell that to the 300 Indian contractors at my work (IT)

>> No.12849003

>If you're alive you overcame them
Every person that glorifies 'challenges' usually never faced a true one and romantically longs for something he never experienced.

>> No.12849018


Conversely I find the people who talk like you do ("so many challenges way above their head") are defeatist losers who are justifying their failure

It is so fucking easy to be moderately successful in the United States. The only people I give passes to are people from severely broken homes.

>> No.12849051

>It is so fucking easy to be moderately successful in the United States
If you life provides no real challenges for you to accomplish this, agreed.

>> No.12849071


Real challenges =/= devastating, outlier phenomena

You really don't want to believe that going to school (free and paid for by the government), doing your work, being smart and picking a good career path is straightforward and available to 90% of the American population do you

The US is playing life on greenhorn. Not only is the path to moderate success laid for you and paid for by taxpayers, we are a rich and diverse economy. Which is why foreigners come here and make instant bank in one generation.

>> No.12849114

based and redpilled.

>> No.12849147

>If Boomers can really be faulted for anything directly it's that they pushed their children into going to college come hell or high water despite how bad of a deal it had become.

See here's the thing the "pushing into college" phenomenon is an effect of dwindling opportunities, and not the cause.

Boomers noticed that the only people who weren't affected by the job insecurity/de-industrialization were college graduates, so naturally they pushed their kids into going to college. The college meme was also a way to shift the systemic problems onto individuals, blame their failures on their "laziness" in school.

I remember reading an article about Gen-X from the 90s, where boomers were talking about how Gen-X was entitled to think they deserved stable jobs with only a high school diploma.

The millennials came along and took the Boomer advice and went to college, LOL. Now they're fucked.

It's not just bachelor's degrees. Most master's degrees are toilet paper as it is. If I see an MBA on someone's resume, I typically consider it a negative and will place it in the bin.

I was debating trying to get a really high score on the LSAT to get into the law school test prep racket, but I'm pretty sure the college bubble will pop before it's worth the effort.

>> No.12849162

>devastating, outlier phenomena
>devastating phenomena are outliers
sheltered as fuck

>> No.12849175

Not much to say. They worked part time shit jobs, bought a house for 40k and sold it for over 1 million, retired. I've busted my ass, done college, and make ok-ish money being a coder, but they definitely had it a LOT easier. No way would a couple with no degree working part time in a call center and a retail store be able to afford a house today. Not gonna happen.

>> No.12849209

>One generation
That's literally the point you fucking retard, the Boomers were that "one generation". So now we need to compete with 3rd world monkeys that work 14 hours for peanuts and live 3 families to a room. Fuck your "diverse society" and fuck your entire ilk for destroying the civilisation our ancestors built and that the boomers killed because they wanted to get high all the time.

>> No.12849221

And fuck your Reddit spacing as well, go back faggot.

>> No.12849270

Nah, (((They))) are a big part of it, but one thing the (actual) Left get partly right is class. It's not strictly economic, and it's still tied to race (well, hereditary anyway) but think of all those Bezos types, Deep State (ie military industrial complex) beauracracies etc - those fuckers are frequently not part of the chosen people, but they might as well be.

>> No.12849685

>parents 50s / 60s
>dad got redpilled in his late 40s when his firm went bust and was self-employed ever since
>mother has low wage job

They have made a lot of equity from their house price increasing but definitely weren't part of the main beneficiary cohort of middle class boomers. They were modest working class boomers that have no debt, and conversely don't require anything from me to support them into retirement.

Had a solid upbringing which I thank them for. My grill on the other hand grew up in an ex-communist country and has inherited a bunch of agricultural land and properties. They aren't worth much now, but will be invaluable when we inevitable bail out of this shithole country when we are ready to raise some white kids.

>> No.12850784

Grandma gets all horny with nipples poking while thinking how the wehrmacht soldier will rape and kill her.

>> No.12851101
File: 1.51 MB, 696x478, pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mom and dad are both nearing 50 and have way more debt to their name while living in the ghetto and they make 80k combined income. They never bothered to fix their shower and use a garden hose in the basement. There so incompetent and lazy I hope they die soon and I get some sort of financial compensation out of their miserable lives.

I want to kill myself every fucking day thinking about how useless every single person in my family is from the drug addicts to the abusers.

I'm so tired of being a wage-cuck engineer, and getting fucked because I skipped college. I live in a different state and work HARD every day. I study on the weekends, and I still get shafted more than the average individual.

I just want peace.

>> No.12851215

I've known even lefists who've accepted that basic fact. Wanting to enable beaner exploitation isn't something you'd sensibly want if you care about them

>> No.12851293


Where to find these opportunities today...?

>> No.12851350


Unironically crypto. Everything in this thread is going to be said about us a couple generations down the line, since all we really have to do is buy crypto before 2035.

>> No.12851422

>they had no control over

they had but choose to not do anything

>> No.12851437

I've already lost money in crypto and why should I ever believe it will get big again?

>> No.12851442

education == bourgeois spirit

just like in Nazi Germany the ideal man was aryan, in liberal democracies, the ideal man is educated, because is emasculated easier to control.

>> No.12851451

you proved that boomer were short-sighted and egotistical faggots

>> No.12851465


If you can't see more than a year ahead it shouldn't be a mystery to you why you're poor.

>> No.12851545

>what is fiat coupled with neo capitalism

>> No.12851550


Give me a genuine reason to believe crypto holds a future and I'll consider investing again.

>> No.12851596

>job insecurity/de-industrialization

To imagine how much nicer things would be if Boomers didn't want to ship off their jobs to foreign countries and inflate the market with more 3rd worlders from south of the border.

>> No.12851629


Go out in public and ask yourself if you really want to go down with this ship. The more you can separate yourself from the current system the better.

>> No.12851916

You’re a retard. Muslims do not like non-muslims. I’m sure if u we’re in one of their “assimilated” neighborhoods late at night they would show u how tolerant they are

>> No.12852093

Is this what poverty, lack of education and desperation sounds like?

>> No.12852133

Hearsay and hogwash.

I live in Pittsburgh. What the Muslim community did after Tree of Life is a prime example of community spirit and basic human decency. If you went outside sometimes you'd know how ridiculous you sound.