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File: 576 KB, 777x741, Screenshot from 2019-02-23 04-07-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12836026 No.12836026 [Reply] [Original]

We will all be marks

>> No.12836047

this is what happens when everyones tax info is public... fucking retarded system

>> No.12836098

I don't know what to say. What response suffices in the face of such incomprehensible terror?

>> No.12836101

just laugh about it man, or go insane

>> No.12836112

Was it a group of "asian" men?

>> No.12836133

I can't laugh about this. Laughing would just be a superficial way of hiding how you truely feel about it.
According to the article the torturer was morrocan

>> No.12836139

IT reminds me of this russian guy who boasted about his crypto money on youtube videos, a group of men robbed and beat him and then, a few day laters he killed himself:


his channel wasn't deleted, so you can see everything.

>> No.12836154

what the fuck

>> No.12836159

In these type of cases.. a death penatly would be an act of mercy

>> No.12836162

Was the guy a prolific and well known trader? Ie. Main Localbitcoins guy in the Netherlands

>> No.12836174
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AAAAND all of a sudden crypto libertarians begin to understand why we have banks.

>> No.12836177

How long until philakone gets drilled ?

>> No.12836184

Something similar happened here in NYC during early 2017.

>Guy starts buying ETH at $50 way back
>Becomes worth $4M
Idiot started letting people know about his winnings but STILL STAYED IN HIS OLD NEIGHBORHOOD.

>Goes to party
>Meets girl
>Girl offers him a ride back to his place
>Gets into car
>2 people get into the back seat

They put a gun to him and they all drove back to his apt where they forced him to transfer his ETH to them and split. NYPD only got back like $100k worth which is probably worth less since the bubble popped.

If you make it big which you probably won't either 1) Don't tell anyone, 2) Move to a rich part in another town or 3)1 & 2

>> No.12836190

this is why you just shut the fuck up. and dont pay your fucking taxes dipshits. just SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. no more talking about your internet meme coins to your friends or talking about how youre gonna "make it" from the singularity. shut the fuck up.

>> No.12836210

Are you saying you can look up what everyone in the Netherlands pay in taxes and thus figure out how much they earned? I don't think that's true, no country is that stupid. I tried googling and found nothing.

>> No.12836218

the first rule of fight club, YOU DONT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB

>> No.12836224

if you are in crypto and you dont have a gun you are a faggot.

>> No.12836236

oh no not netherlands. It is sweeden i'm thinking of. And it is true. Ask any swedebros here they'll tell you

>> No.12836243

At least Linkies don't have to worry about that lol

>> No.12836269
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>> No.12836279

You have to be very stupid to have unprotected wealth.
In most countries, unless you are autistic, no one should have a fucking clue of how much you are worth and where you keep your money - which is super easy to do with crypto, since you can actually be anonymous while amassing it.
Unless you are making money as a consultant, youtuber or whatever that DEMANDS you to talk publicly about crypto, you should shut the fuck up. Remember that the wealthiest people in this planet are practically ghosts.

>> No.12836292

Dutch people are fucking virgins though

I'm Slav and I was in northern Netherlands recently, all their appartments were floor 1, no blinds/curtains and people like me would be waking outside, in full view of their living rooms, and they would just chill there watching Netflix.
One night there I smoked a full cigarette outside of a house while watching a girl's TV screen, because I also watch that series and it was a new episode.

They are too chill and pampered by comfy lifestyles.
Also I think gun ownership is legal for hunting there, what are Dutch laws about home defense?

>> No.12836299
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>> No.12836320

Jeepers! Checkeroo!

>> No.12836334

Very easy to make a smart contract where you have to have remote third parties agree to withdrawals, put funds in escrow until further confirmation, etc.

You can make it difficult for niggers to steal your crypto by drilling holes in you. Unfortunately there’ll be a few martyrs until that becomes apparently necessary.

>> No.12836336 [DELETED] 

If someone breaks into your home and you rightfully defend yourself the burglar can sue you for it. It's near non-existant. And you're right, the Netherlands has gone very soft in the name of humanitarism, multiculti and open-mindedness. Bunch of Boomer guilt.

>> No.12836468

Kek as a Dutchman this is very true and unsettling

>> No.12836471

this isn't britain m8
most criminals in continental europe are nafris: moroccans, algerians, tunisians and so on

>> No.12836484

getting robbed irl is the last thing stinkies have to worry about

>> No.12836504

This is bullish af

>> No.12836520

why don't you just close your blinds you weirdos

scared to not be "normaal"?

>> No.12836521

Ur dumb

>> No.12836523

How did anyone know about his buttcoins though?

>> No.12836528


i have an eth smart contract with a 7 day delay to withdraw to owner's address (aka my metamask)

it also has capability to withdraw instantly to a predesignated paper wallet (incase shit hits the fan) but code is unverified so theres a 99.999% chance robbers wont know about this whilst they're robbing me, so they can only have the scraps in my metamask

>> No.12836540

They were probably Moroccans or Turks.

>> No.12836543

This is fucking insane.

>> No.12836556

If we all became more racist we'd be a lot safer here in Euroland.

>> No.12836581

I remember before the migrant waves really kicked in the Euros used to go on about how racist Americans were and so on. Well, now you know why.

>> No.12836595

this is why you use a signatory service for most of your funds where you request they only sign to you in person in their office. this way you can give up your private key which would still be useless to them as they can't just torture you in your own bank in front of the clerk.

>> No.12836608

>Very easy to make a smart contract where you have to have remote third parties agree to withdrawals
doesn't need a smart contract at all, it's basic multisig wallets already supported by bitcoin. i wouldn't call btc script smart by any measure but it gives you the right toolset for the fundamentals.

>> No.12836609

sounds centralized, can they be trusted?

>> No.12836612

This sort of thing is the end result of Libertarianism and its generalized revolt against society.

>> No.12836622

they don't need to be trusted they can't appropriate or take control of your funds all they can do is inconvenience you but then they are out of business when it hits the news.

>> No.12836646

Get rich while enrichening the culture!

>> No.12836655

that's what happens when you live in a low crime society where people know each other. Robberies were very rare before we opened borders to eastern european countries. Your people with the arabs are the ones doing all the homejacking

>> No.12836664

I'm not very racist. I don't think its racist to not want your country flooded by immigrants from poor backgrounds who are likely to develop themselves into criminals. I think that is critical thinking. But yes, I'm fucking tired of boomers allowing their heritage to be flooded by immigrants and the ''less fortunate'' all in the name of humanitarianism, multiculti and boomer guilt. It's not racist, they are simply refusing to look at the facts and long term consequences. It's such a superficial solution to an extremely complicated problem. It's simple, cultures don't mix, religions don't mix and that's a fact demonstrated repeatedly.

But I like syrians, they're cool. But the majority of them is also raised christian.

>> No.12836668

here is how it looks like in the basic 2 of 3 multisig scheme:
1. key is your private key keep it on your laptop or phone you sign transactions with this first
2. the banks private key they use it to countersign your transactions before publishing it if you authorized it on the level required by your account say 2fa or they call you and you give an okay they got voice recognition whatever, up to personal appearance in the office.
3. the backup key, you keep this key offline, encrypted at a third party trezor service which you can only access in person or your legal inheritors can access it by court order.

neither of the 3 is useful if compromised alone. if someone robs the trezor you get notice and can switch wallets, if the bank goes out of business you can retake control of your funds and if your laptop gets hacked or you are under duress you can't possibly access your own funds in their timeframe.

>> No.12836680

We need to decentralize drills

>> No.12836682

it is impossible to have a legal gun here.
i mean you could but it would take years and 3 tiers of licenses all the while you need to go to weekly shooting lessons, and if you stop going you lose your license.

then you can have a small handpistol

>> No.12836691

>What is internet banking

>> No.12836692

and in Drenthe too
for you burger anons.
nobody lives in drenthe.
that's all farmland and forests
google image search that shit

Uit het kadaster blijkt dat de woonboerderij is aangekocht voor bijna een half miljoen euro. Op het pand rust geen hypotheek en de eigenaar staat ingeschreven op een adres in Italië.
>google translate
The land registry shows that the farmhouse has been purchased for almost half a million euros. There is no mortgage on the property and the owner is registered at an address in Italy.


>no blinds/curtains
works in a homogenous society
used to work in any case

>> No.12836693

we like looking outside. if walk through my street right now almost all binds will be open, and its not even a super duper safe street. just a somewhat low class street. but there are no fights happening, sometimes a few drunks.

this is true for almost everywhere

>> No.12836701

>nobody lives in drenthe.
if you can't find a place to hide away there, you can't hide anywhere.

>> No.12836704

oh and in the theoretical scenario where the bank and the trezor colludes your backup key can still be encrypted password placed with your lawyer or in a hidden location in your home or in your own trezor somewhere in case of your death your family gets it.

they get access to your trezor by inheritancce and the bank also gonna counter sign their transaction taking control of your funds if the proper legal documents are presented and they double checked that they can't get ahold of you and you are indeed declared dead.

which is pretty fucking comfy. i wouldn't want my bitcoins to get lost if i die in a fucking car crash. i want my gf to have them but not before i die nope.

>> No.12836706

>what is bank accounts and traceability

>> No.12836709
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>> No.12836719
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>no blinds/curtains
>first floor windows
this is the shit black people say to white people in America
>yo dawg how you live like this? WTF? ya'll gonna get robbed and yo wife RAPED!
So that's what it's like in Europe... instead of blacks it is slavs... interesting...

>> No.12836721
File: 690 KB, 624x658, 1471990139957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no this is why you avoid peoples
can't get robbed if peoples don't know how much you have or even exist

>> No.12836722

>So that's what it's like in Europe... instead of blacks it is slavs...
you just figured that out?

>> No.12836723
File: 50 KB, 954x910, taxlist 2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you saying you can look up what everyone in the Netherlands pay in taxes and thus figure out how much they earned? I don't think that's true, no country is that stupid. I tried googling and found nothing.

It is like that in Norway. You can look up anyone you want and see their net income, net wealth and what they paid in taxes. Before the internet this was all printed out and put in the local sport arena for the puplic to view. Then came the internet and everyone and his dog could search the tax list from home. It was a frenzy every fucking year. I loved looking up family membrs and collegus, everyone loved it. Everyone was checking everyone and news papers made rich lists, articles about who had a bad year, who had a good year, who paid little taxes etc.

Today you have to log into a goverment site to check up people, and the guy you look up will get a message that you did along with your name. It exists services though, where you pay someone to do the search for you. The media is still allowed to make and publish rich lists, and info of famous and puplic people. They usually puplish the top 200 in each town, and make articles about the most famous people. I'm from a small town and made about 250k last year because of crypto, and I just missed getting on the list. Luckily.

Last year a crypto guy was outed on national news because he suddenly appeared on a rich list while having avrage income the years before. Media started digging and found out he was crypto rich and told the whole fucking world. Pic related is part of the toplist for Norway as a whole for 2017. It is a sick system.

>> No.12836729

>Inntekt = income (net)
>Formue = wealth/capital (net)
>Skatt = tax

>> No.12836733

if you live in a small town
where you know everyone
and work together.
then there's never this
>ya'll gonna get robbed and yo wife RAPED!
? That should not be the normal state of things.
and people that are like this should be excluded from your community.

>> No.12836738

Judging by the type of house, I think the “victim” isn’t telling the whole story. Wouldn’t be surprised if the home owner grew weed and had bad friends.
Remember this is a farm type house and Dutch reports shown that these types of houses (because) being out outside of cities filled with cops is a criminals choice.

This is not a fact I’m stating but merely a possibility.

Theee is more then meets the eye - Optimus Prime

>> No.12836742

avoiding people is the baseline, they can still find you. i'm actually more worried about more and more sophisticated malwares fishing for keys they could lie dormant for years not causing any trouble for the systems they infect because the writers know in teh next few years crypto will explode and they will make a fucking bank overnight. your machine may already have them not the blunt ransomwares but shit that we don't even know about. chinks may be putting secret chips on your motherboard for this reason right fucking now.

>> No.12836743

What the fuck lmao

>> No.12836744

the victim never commented. he's probably not in a state that he can comment.

>> No.12836748

I live in Chicago, first floor, big windows. My neighbors have big windows. Can see people walking around in their homes/apartments. It's a beautiful pleasant neighborhood.

>> No.12836753

How did you do this? Did you write the contact or find code online?
t. brainlet

>> No.12836755

>Remember this is a farm type house and Dutch reports shown that these types of houses (because) being out outside of cities filled with cops is a criminals choice.
kek that's true

>> No.12836760

how does fucking Zoomer Gustav have over 1 billion kr wealth?

>> No.12836764

he is bob from the comic strip.

>> No.12836765


On a related note, you can look up the salaries of anyone who works at the University of Michigan

>> No.12836798

His father started Salmar (salmon company), and gave a large share of the company to him

>> No.12836812

> Be a criminally inclined immigrant
> Know a shitload of people in debt and/or in desperate need of money
> Pay money for the use of their bank accounts and cards
> Torture whitey
> Cash out
> Rinse and repeat

Also you could transfer it directly to coinbase or whatever. Yes, it would take a few days, but that's beside the point

>> No.12836815

He looks so kind, dedicated and troubled.

>> No.12836816

>tfw you don't have a list you can show to women and have their panties drop
why even live?

>> No.12836850

He's gay. I'd probably drop my boomer pants for him if he showed me that list

>> No.12836860

Depending on the country, yes. In Finland the whole fucking nation stops for a few days when last years tax records are revealed. The media blasts out how much money celebrities and politician made, who were the top earners in the country, and everyone is jacking off whilst going through their friends, relatives and enemies to see if they made more money than them, or if there's someone new to suck up to.

Apprently the records are public in some other nordic countries, don't know if they have a similar mass fetish over them as us.

>> No.12836875



>> No.12836879

who thought that was a good idea?

>> No.12836914

I swear to God Nordic = Normie.
These are the most normie places on earth. You can take that as an insult or compliment if you want.

>> No.12836922

Beats me. But it really is a sight to behold. Major newspapers publish separate tax sections, and all you hear for a week from the radio, TV or in the work is how much money someone made and how little they had to work for it. The air is so thick of the envy, you could basically survive the whole week just by eating it.

>> No.12836931

I don't recognize this phenomenon but it might be different on mainland, here on Åland there's just the top 20 in the papers and there's a "whatever" kind of mentality around it. Maybe because the Uusimaa people always make 100x our island richest.

>> No.12836936

Fuckin Normies...
Don't they understand what trusts are for ffs!

>> No.12836939

Can't take it as a compliment, but can't take it as an insult either. A fact is a fact, no matter how unpleasant.

>> No.12836957

Well, the west coast is known for it's envy, so I might be a bit biased as well. But even you semi-swedes have access to mainland media, right?

>> No.12836976

>I'm Slav and I was in northern Netherlands recently, all their appartments were floor 1, no blinds/curtains and people like me would be waking outside, in full view of their living rooms, and they would just chill there watching Netflix.
>One night there I smoked a full cigarette outside of a house while watching a girl's TV screen,

You didn't give her the BBC (BigBalkanCock)?

You bring shame to us all brother.

>> No.12836983

We do have access but 90% don't understand Finnish so might as well not have.

>> No.12836991
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>So that's what it's like in Europe... instead of blacks it is slavs
No, this crime was most likely done by Moroccans.
The crime rate in eu is directly correlated with mena immigrants

>> No.12837005

How to Be Invisible by JJ Luna seems like it might be helpful:

Advice for separating your name from your address and making it so even PIs getting paid thousands of dollars won't find you (but if someone has unlimited budget, they will find you).

But still don't tell anyone how much money you have in crypto.

I made the mistake of telling both my *best* friend and my ex girlfriend I spent $80k on ETH.

A week later, my friend tells me how his friends and some of my acquaintances all thought it was so awesome that I spent so much on ETH. Fuck.

Then I was having dinner with my ex and a couple people that NEITHER of us knew and she brought up the fact I bought a lot of crypto...

Neither one thought it was a big deal.

I swear, people who just don't understand black swans. DESU, this isn't even a black swan- people get fucking mugged for *their wallets* and rich peoples' houses get scoped out and broken into for maybe a couple thousand dollars of electronics or jewelry.

Having $10k in crypto is like keeping $10k under your mattress. That's a fucking robber's dream.

$100k in crypto is even better.

But both my ex and friend insist I'm paranoid.

It's like ugly 6ft dudes telling a hot 4'9'' chick that this one sketchy neighborhood has never given *them* any problems, so they can't understand why this chick won't walk through alone at night.

Made the mistake of telling my friend I had $50-80k worth of LINK, so I'm fucked and need to disappear if LINK moons. Not even exaggerating - if he opens his mouth to the wrong person even once in the next ten years, I could be stalked without even knowing it.

>> No.12837019
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this fucking nigger is so fucking dumb
imagine making this comic and thinking 'hehe I'm fucking smart watch this'
you can delete electrum from your computer, now how does these two goons know you have any fucking private keys inside this laptop????????
all you have is the mnemonic code written somefucking where and the password in your head
now how is anyone going to fucking guess where the fuck is the seed, where you keep a note of it, or if you even have one
absolutely fucking pathetic little nigger redditor who thinks he's 'smart'

>> No.12837022

you’re fucked long term. would unironically buy some land in a white state like Idaho if you make it. Just to have a place to escape to when shtf

>> No.12837023

some fine cultural enrichment right there

in norway you can. the wife of one of the countries richest people was also kidnapped three-four months ago where they demanded 9 mill euro in monero. They lived in a regular house with no lavish spending

>> No.12837027

Dumbass conservative

>> No.12837034

it's relatively easy to write if you're familiar with solidity or just programming in general
my time is worth more than that, but i would unironically write anyone a custom-tailored one for 0.1 eth, just for the fun of it

>> No.12837035

Yeah, imagine a world where westerners could live without eastern euros and muslims though. Now thats heaven right there

>> No.12837037
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Why didn't he just remind them that they were violating the NAP???

>> No.12837048

kek this guy is literally gonna write a smart contract where he withdraws your funds to his wallet, can you even imagine the regret someone would feel if they actually used it as a last resort after being robbed.

>> No.12837063

yea, we're out this year. moving to the South, maybe Florida.

>> No.12837064

Yes anon

>> No.12837083

Sadly the south is pretty fucked particularly places like Atlanta and Miami. Asheville NC is pretty nice and Sarasota FL was great when I went there many years ago, not sure how it is these days.

>> No.12837093

How does this work?

Someone drills a hole in you and gives you an address to send your eth to.

You tell them it'll be seven days

They agree and then spend the next seven days drilling holes in you and your daughter?

>> No.12837095

All for the low low cost of .1 ETH!

>> No.12837107

that's very risky for them, these operations need to be done quickly every passing minute increase the risk of you tipping an alarm for example a smart contract wallet that doesn't hold much but signals duress, someone coming by, someone missing you and calling and calling the cops when you don't answer or don't sound right. they won't camp for days in your home usually they want to be gone in hours tops.

>> No.12837112

Or you tell them it requires the approval of multiple people and your mom is the other one so they go drill holes in her?

Or you have some service like coinbase with the other signature and the robbers drill holes in you till you contact coinbase and beg them to allow the funds to be transferred?

Unironically,. Faketoshi's vision of a government-tracked blockchain used to reveal criminal money transfers seems like the way forward.

Although, even that could be defeated if they had you transfer the coins and then killed you so that you wouldn't be able to report the theft and nobody would know the funds were stolen till someone noticed you were missing for a couple weeks and then found your body parts a year later in some national park.

>> No.12837119

>public wall of shame published by the government leads to immigrants invited by the government to dress up as representatives of the government to seek out and commit a targeted assault and robbery

>all these idiots taking non-sequitur shots at libertarianism

You have to be literally fucking retarded or something. It's unreal

>> No.12837128

Depends on the criminals and how much crypto you have.

A Mexican cartel would have no problem kidnapping you for days. Or your family. But they'll do that and demand ransom even if you don't have crypto, just if they suspect you're rich. Same reason other rich people disappear.

What's your threat model?

>> No.12837132

lol stupid europoors

>> No.12837133

>Or you have some service like coinbase with the other signature and the robbers drill holes in you till you contact coinbase and beg them to allow the funds to be transferred?
see >>12836595
>this way you can give up your private key which would still be useless to them as they can't just torture you in your own bank in front of the clerk.
2fa is not a protection from torture it is a protection from hacks. but if the big funds need to be signed for in person in the office this becomes something out of hollywood for the robbers. there is the hostage option sure, but it leaves them to exposed like your usual kidnappings. the only difference is there is no longer a money drop for the cops to stake out instead they have to follow a public trail of transactions.

>> No.12837138

at that point you might as well not talk about crypto anymore, that way anything can be taken from you even your own company your shares your home your savings accounts.

>> No.12837143

That's some sick ass shit. For what reason do they publish this?

>> No.12837150

so that their politicos can't hide their wealth through their wives and kids and nephews. among other things.

>> No.12837158

Crabs in a bucket mentality.

>> No.12837169
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Some faggot somali tried to mug me with a knife about 6 months ago (yes I am in Sweden). He didn't account for me being autistic and not having much sense of danger, so he didn't expect me to just punch him straight in the nose and knocking his manlet ass out.

>> No.12837184

the absolute state of the european union, ladies and gentlemen
this makes me wish i was born a russian hacker
i would be stealing literally everything that wasnt chained down from you retarded faggots

>Last year a crypto guy was outed on national news because he suddenly appeared on a rich list while having avrage income the years before. Media started digging and found out he was crypto rich and told the whole fucking world. Pic related is part of the toplist for Norway as a whole for 2017. It is a sick system.
sounds like a good way to get all the rich people to leave your fucking country. d_gbless EVROPA and may d_g have mercy on your (yuro)poor miserable lives

>> No.12837198

no its slavs lol
wherever slavs move into it becomes no gozon, then it goes down to shambles

mena are quite good as they stick for themselves and never learn the language at all, so not so likely to mix one of them for one of us

>> No.12837199

thats only the nordic countries, which are also one of the happiest on Earth btw. Anyway, the Swiss are also very happy and this kind of things are very private there.

>> No.12837221

yeh slav cuntries are the bottom, figures, they are the next niggs of europe

>> No.12837230

>In Finland the whole fucking nation stops for a few days when last years tax records are revealed
>The media blasts out how much money celebrities and politician made, who were the top earners in the country, and everyone is jacking off whilst going through their friends, relatives and enemies to see if they made more money than them, or if there's someone new to suck up to
well this explains a LOT desu
no wonder youre all so fugged in the heda

>> No.12837249

I think there should be a stablecoin (not usd, a stable btc coin) that prevents making involuntary transactions for cold storage by having very long transaction delays that can be veto'd and have to be confirmed again at the end with a secret key

>> No.12837253


You can look up all public employee salaries.

>> No.12837264 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 668x629, 1543500538887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or AI botnets sweeping the web and reporting profiles of potential worthwhile targets to organized crime mafias. The blackpill is real. Things got pretty real during the last bull run. Learn what you can and be ready next time. I used to shill crypto to friends and family before the bull run. The next thing I know people are coming out of the wood work asking be how much I have. It got intense. I tell NO ONE about crypto now. I talk to NO ONE about crypto now. I post NOTHING on the internet about that can be connected to me in real life. I understand why satoshi tells everyone to fuck off. If you don't you may wake up one day with a gun in your face.

>> No.12837269

they are. but those who work in western europe and grow out of poverty become pretty based. since they are white they assimilate pretty quickly in 1 generation.

>> No.12837278

what was europe like before the nigger and muslim invadors? were there chinks and gooks prior? are they pritty much just like jews?

>> No.12837282

>no its slavs lol
>mena are quite good as they stick for themselves
>t. sandnigger

>> No.12837312
File: 389 KB, 1080x1473, Screenshot_20190118-211549__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Holland
>All locals are absolutely warm-hearted and kind, really chill and courteous
>Even the older citizens speak perfect English
>I'm obviously Mediterranean but they offer me seats on the train, help me out with tickets, hold doors for me (walked with a limb back then)

>Go to Amsterdam central railway station
>All low-level station attendants are blacks, Africa level of black
>Yellow vested melanin enriched gentleman worker walking along the platform
>Blasting hip hop beats from his phone
>Try to ask him what platform the train will be arriving on because there's no monitor next to me
>He points to his ears and makes a grimace "can't hear you"
>Walks past me blasting hip-hop while working

I still don't know what the fuck that was about, and that was in 2017

>> No.12837313

it was like this:
except since everyone in europe was white the structural nigs were other whites from the lower class. there always has been intense discrimination against the poor through history.

>> No.12837340

He probably doesn't get paid to tell retards how to get on a train

>> No.12837342

I thought you guys were all Janteloven - mind your own business up there in your forests.

>> No.12837348

>I still don't know what the fuck that was about, and that was in 2017
randstad = bad
up north where the kabouters live = good

>> No.12837356
File: 106 KB, 753x681, ddeRut9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof you are a sandnigger.
Literally an order of magnitude difference in criminality between slavs and mena. Everyone knows it.
Only a sandnigger would lie about that.

>> No.12837365

Fuck off, Amsterdam Central has one train arriving every 120 seconds, and if you're in the wrong platform to receive it, you're fucked

>> No.12837383

>Made the mistake of telling my friend I had $50-80k worth of LINK, so I'm fucked and need to disappear if LINK moons. Not even exaggerating - if he opens his mouth to the wrong person even once in the next ten years, I could be stalked without even knowing it.
no worries there mate

>> No.12837412


>> No.12837420
File: 227 KB, 1100x1016, 1549882622162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how my comment triggered some faggots here. The truth is, banks PROTECT your money. Someone steals your credit card? The bank can revert transactions. Someone hacks into your account? The bank can trace it. Even if crypto fully replaces Fiat, banks and credit cards will still be needed. You'll be still storing your Bitcoin in your bank and paying you credit card in Bitcoin.

Now criminals are starting to realize that its easier to rob cryptocurrency owners than banks. Once you have a private key, no one can revert your transaction. Easy, isn't it? Why bother take risks by robbing a bank and dealing with 500 years of evolved security systems when you can enter the house of some nerd and torture him until he gives his keys away?

Just wait until bank robbers start targeting big fish in crypto. It's going to be a pandemonium.

>> No.12837433

It's the same in Norway

>> No.12837438

>Once you have a private key, no one can revert your transaction.
actually the cops can track the robbers down and put them behind bars and throw away the keys until they give it all back, maybe use the $5 wrench method who knows. it's pretty easy to track stolen crypto, pretty easy to get all coins originating from a wallet stolen blacklisted and immediately cut their value to fractions... no crypto is a vast improvement. in every regard.

>> No.12837458

>Last year a crypto guy was outed on national news because he suddenly appeared on a rich list while having avrage income the years before. Media started digging and found out he was crypto rich and told the whole fucking world. Pic related is part of the toplist for Norway as a whole for 2017. It is a sick system.
okay so how do they know this?
what kind of taxes did he pay for his crypto?

>> No.12837497


>Things that didn't happen.

>> No.12837523

>okay so how do they know this?
Journalists started digging and asking around how he made the money.

>what kind of taxes did he pay for his crypto?
22% capital gain tax. And probably wealth tax as well which varies, but can be as high as 0.85% if your wealth exceed $175k

>> No.12837592

The highest-paid public officials in many midwest states are basketball or football coaches, it's absolutely appalling.

>> No.12837656

t. Somalian

It's true.

>> No.12837663

when should i start thinking about paying my crypto taxes? if the bullrun happens i wanna be able to cash out

>> No.12837678

Not till this is widely recognized by the public, the law, and crypto is mainstream.

Right now, people - including police - are normie as fuck and think it's untraceable terrorist dollars that nobody can track down.

At least faketoshi is right about that.

>> No.12837691

In all seriousness, do it this year.

>> No.12837704

i currently only have 1 btc. under 25k you dont have to pay tax right? or does it matter if that 4k becomes 8k?

>> No.12837738

Are you norwegian? The thing is, the longer you wait to file your crypto gains, the higher the chance you'll get punished for tax avoidance. Then you'll have to pay hell of alot more than 22%

>> No.12837823
File: 186 KB, 757x580, 1510077331698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine sending funds to a contract you haven't audited, kek, i even audit stupid games like ethshrimp to make sure there's no dumb traps.

>> No.12837836

Enjoy living underwater in 40 years. Miami Beach is already practically Venice for half the year.

>> No.12837864

I don't see why this would be a problem if we just brought back public executions. Seriously, if you steal or assault someone as an adult you should be executed.

>> No.12838326


Dudes, can't you just like, limit this to politicians? Idk mates seems a bit over the top ya know.

>> No.12838341

or guns

>> No.12838348

most crime is done by mena immigrants and blacks.

t. dutchman

>> No.12838419

>what are Dutch laws about home defense?

AFAIK one needs to calmly request a home invader to leave. anything physical and you're guilty of assault.

Yes we're fucking cucked.

>> No.12838445

does not get uphold like that though. our courtroom actually is allowed to make judgement calls and use their fucking head instead of using strict law rules.
so there is an investigation to see if the defender used excessive force. most of the time this is not the case, even if the invader died.
though there are some cases where they look at it an just see a psycho that gets the chance to kill somebody and get away with it, then they might jail defender

>> No.12838447

kan je dat zomaar opzoeken?

>> No.12838509

>self-reported and published by the UN
Hmmmm ... well that settles it.

We all need to support democratic communism. BERNIE 2020!

>> No.12838564

To be completely honest I am glad Europe is being put into this situation. It's people have become too soft. They must be threatened with extinction in order to purge the sickness which has made them this way. They must either rise to the occasion or disappear from history.

Death by nigger rape and torture is sadly what is required to wake these naive children from their slumber.

>> No.12838745

Yeah, but they're going to choose extinction tho. I'm currently shorting yurop with 9000x leverage.

>> No.12838863 [DELETED] 

I'm literally wheezing right now.

Lenin is turning in his Mausoleum.

>> No.12838898

I figured this out in high school. There was a bit of an uproar when we all figured out the douchebag gym teacher was making twice what some of our favorite teachers were making.

>> No.12838961
File: 107 KB, 900x900, Yoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begun...the Coin Wars has

>> No.12839667

is it the phantom menace?

>> No.12839854

I agree, its all part of a unfortunate but healthy natural cycle. As much as I dislike modern society, I also cringe at the people in videos from 2000s and earlier, they all look so soft.

>> No.12839867

Try explaining that to a nigger with a gun to your head who thinks you have a hard drive full of bitcones.

>> No.12839890

this is why you should own monero

>> No.12840001

europe is so fucked. fuck your continent

>> No.12840020

Everyone should watch this. Espetially if LINK actually moons

>> No.12840108
File: 631 KB, 1987x920, guns state rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scary shit. Glad I'm in America. It'd be better to be in a less diverse country of course but you have to count your blessings where you can.


>> No.12840118

Don't flaunt your wealth. You'll get far with just that.

>> No.12840146

that pic needs a nigger population ratio map also

>> No.12840156
File: 56 KB, 450x270, 450px-African_American_by_state_in_the_USA_in_2010.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like so

>> No.12840189

He's getting drilled nightly by his boyfriend

>> No.12840214
File: 576 KB, 1987x1499, guns-state-rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this

>> No.12840402

They violated his kNeecAPs alright

>> No.12840758

because if you haven't noticed, commies hate wealthy people and want to be in control of everything. USA is the only western country that hasn't completely succumbed to them.

>> No.12841080

>We will all be marks
Not when overnight your holdings dissipate into BSV

>> No.12841203

I'm from South Europe and moved to the UK where it's the same shit. Everyone keeps their curtains open and everyone can see inside. That's not typical in my country and so I always close the curtains at night.
Gun ownership is also allowed in the UK btw and it's even less severe than in the Netherlands. I know in the Netherlands you need to be part of a shooting club for 1 year whereas in the UK you can own a shotgun in a month after being reviewed by cops.

>> No.12841293

Uhh people get robbed and tortured for their bank credentials all the time.

>> No.12841385

Montana it is. Possibly oregon if I get bored.

>> No.12841630


The dutch government collects loads of information and doesn't screen personnel properly

>> No.12841647


You are not allowed to defend your home. If you secure it in any way and a burglar gets hurt, you have to pay damages.

Personally I'd kill and dump them in the woods

>> No.12841707


Wrong, banks don't hold your money. When you put money into a bank, you are investing in the bank. That's why you get interest. Bank goes bankrupt? Your investment is gone just like with any other type of investing. So it's not even remotely the same as keeping money somewhere.

>> No.12841742


This is why we have the second amendment. As bad as you might think it is that bad people have guns it'd actually be even worse if a law abiding person was on an even footing with them otherwise. Imagine like 4 or 5 of these people invading your house with improvised weapons other than guns

(It's a bit sensational footage but there are places in almost every major U.S. city that are just like this:)


>For a good time I invite our European friends to look up "home invader/intruder shot" on youtube though.

>> No.12841746

the sad truth is worse. when you put your money into a bank account you don't actually invest in shit and you don't get interest. you just give your money to the bank which is their money to invest form there on.