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File: 29 KB, 1168x854, JWSilver.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12808597 No.12808597 [Reply] [Original]

Why is that shiny rock jumping up and down?

>> No.12808621

its the original shitcoin

>> No.12808627

Good time to be stacking.

>> No.12808653
File: 387 KB, 680x708, a09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being afraid of an economical crisis and buying shiny rocks as a safe investment at $45/oz to see it fall down to $15 while stocks moon to an absolute ath in that timeframe

>> No.12808661

Recently acquired a 1 kilo coin that I'm going to have displayed on my desk at home. Really should just be hording buffalos but I'm bored with them

>> No.12808683

poop and handl

>> No.12808684

Not buying silver eagles?

>> No.12808689

Brainlet time - Ordered silver off ebay with the price below that of the cheapest online bullion store. Only after I'd put the bid in did I scroll down and spot in small, half greyed out text "import costs of XX will be added at checkout." Price comes out to basically the same as from an online bullion dealer, but I have to wait longer and it could be a scammer.

>> No.12808700

>good time to stack
that chart is saying it's going to do nothing for 20 years if history repeats itself

>> No.12808703

No not this month. I have a stack of 20 though which is tiny

>> No.12808704

>good time to collect useless rocks in a perma downtrend

>> No.12808718

So you should be stacking for 20 years so before you die you can slide it across the table to your kids without the kike government taxing them

>> No.12808724

This time silver is being used in solar pannels and electric cars.

>> No.12808726

This unironically looks like bitcoin when it hovered at 6k for months until dropping to 3k lmao

>> No.12808867

1988 looks like that too.
Seems like silver will bottom out for ever now.

>> No.12808958

A normal day for a silver bug

>> No.12808982

>paying useless premium

>> No.12808987

Make sure it doesn't say 100 mills or you'll get fucked

>> No.12809115

lol you realize inflation is on the rise and its looking like almost every major western currency will collapse in the next decade but please buy more link faggots.

>> No.12809147

I once bought chinese silver plated coin instead of 1oz silver.

>> No.12809187

only buy from trusted PM dealers online or a local coin shop, not places like ebay or amazon

>> No.12809227
File: 148 KB, 900x900, 50644_Slab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think apmex is pretty good. If you aren't into designs and rare coins and just want metal they have some good generic apmex coins and bars for a pretty good prices too

>> No.12809318

I like apmex, I use them plus jmbullion and providentmetals

>> No.12809329

you make it sound like human civilization is going to go back to trading precious metals lmao what a retarded conflated sense of intelligence. fiat is never going away, the most that happens to it is complete digital integration with banks to get rid of paper fiat.

oh and buy more link

>> No.12809405

>muh impending collapse is coming any day now this time its for real guys

The absolute double-think in thinking this while also thinking shinymetal will be helpful if this actually happened.

There is a reason someone sold you silver for dollars or euros; they wanted your money because it's actually fucking useful.

>> No.12809419

> Buying kikecoin so you can get tracked and taxed
Metal has natural scarcity and practical use. Digital bing bing wahoo coins are artificially scarce and they can't do anything legal tender can't already do. You're a meme.

>> No.12809483

except link has real use cases and silver is just a shiny rock

>> No.12809488

JP morgan dictates all things silver. you're a mong if you buy it.

>> No.12809508

Yeah man no big tech companies, finance companies, or governments are fucking around with crypto

>> No.12809599
File: 178 KB, 800x491, fedora_superior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 internets sir

>> No.12809618

everything is manipulated; cryptos, Pm's, real estate, bonds, equities.

The thing with silver is the only way to make $ on it is sell it to someone dumber than you. Outside of some manufacturing processes it's effectively worthless. gold is simply superior if store of value is your end goal.

>> No.12809644
File: 21 KB, 600x400, saupload_cL4hpV-KUJfX0MLmf-alMHeHS-gtR2VY1arPd4ldbiOmahral6EllWUb3KdY_XZWer4Dix9kKQOITz6twHjNWQluqb2tlDR0SSL1GlRtc4xgm-rNULMtYkgPP7hvs-4N9RWOYEg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solar energy is going to be huge.

>> No.12809675

> Outside of some manufacturing process
Oh so like electronics? Wow man it's worthless no one uses those thingamajigs. Oh btw when a natural resource gets really scarce, supply goes down and prices move up. Unlike kikecoin where when KC becomes more scarce, some new sped comes along and makes heebcoin and then another comes along and makes zogbucks and then another and makes sheenycash. Never-ending chain of "deflationary" crypto


>> No.12809680

that's not what i said and you know it. stop cherry picking arguments kid.

>> No.12809695
File: 45 KB, 558x614, a33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so if both are tainted with big money, what's your point, baby-brain

>> No.12809713

No, it isn't.
>Oh so like electronics? Wow man it's worthless no one uses those thingamajigs. Oh btw when a natural resource gets really scarce, supply goes down and prices move up.

or cheaper substitutes are found and used.


"Scarce metals such as tin, silver, tungsten and indium are both rare and difficult to extract since the workable concentrations are very small. This ensures the metals are highly sought after - and their extraction is a breeding ground for conflicts, such as in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they fund armed conflicts.

In addition, they are difficult to recycle profitably since they are often present in small quantities in various components such as electronics.

Rickard Arvidsson and Björn Sandén, researchers in environmental systems analysis at Chalmers University of Technology, have now examined an alternative solution: substituting carbon nanomaterials for the scarce metals. These substances - the best known of which is graphene - are strong materials with good conductivity, like scarce metals.

"Now technology development has allowed us to make greater use of the common element carbon," says Sandén. "Today there are many new carbon nanomaterials with similar properties to metals. It's a welcome new track, and it's important to invest in both the recycling and substitution of scarce metals from now on."

The Chalmers researchers have studied the main applications of 14 different metals, and by reviewing patents and scientific literature have investigated the potential for replacing them by carbon nanomaterials. The results provide a unique overview of research and technology development in the field.

According to Arvidsson and Sandén the summary shows that a shift away from the use of scarce metals to carbon nanomaterials is already taking place."

neck yourself faggot

>> No.12809762

It is not a complete day without "graphene will replace EVERYTHING".

>> No.12809783

wow this is sad. it's no one's fault but your own that you're broke.

>> No.12809803
File: 232 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking plebs. How much silver will it take to build BAbylon?
One word Neom look it up.

>> No.12809816

I guess like tomorrow all manufacturers are going to immediately throw out all their silver for graphene.

Oh gee oh boy I better sell it all now! I mean forget about inflation and forget about how long it will take to figure out a process to make graphene in substantial amounts and the time it will take to start replacing silver, this is now officially a bad investment

Can you put graphene in antibiotics?

>> No.12809829

Lol what the hell, I'm nowhere near broke

>> No.12809910

>I guess like tomorrow all manufacturers are going to immediately throw out all their silver for graphene.

Don't recall saying that. As silver rises in price you will see substitutes becoming more widely adopted as manufacturing processes adapt. Like converting coal power plants to NG. Didn't happen overnight.

>Can you put graphene in antibiotics?

It looks promising.

>> No.12809922

>Like converting coal power plants to NG.

Japan and Germany are opening new coal power plants

>> No.12809930

Yeah and it looks like graphene is being used WITH silver, not as a direct substitute. If the demand stays virtually the same while inflation skyrockets then I win

>> No.12809971
File: 24 KB, 311x311, 1549556279716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Silver is the best conductor of electrical energy.

>> No.12809975

Better to stack ammunition if that's the case.

>> No.12809981

thats nice, they're still closing faster than being built by a wide margin
.Yeah and it looks like graphene is being used WITH silver, not as a direct substitute. If the demand stays virtually the same while inflation skyrockets then I win

read this again, slowly.

>> No.12809989

ok! we all believe you now!

>> No.12810014
File: 512 KB, 934x1463, 1550690877468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.

>> No.12810058

What's your problem with it? Silver isn't being tossed or replaced. If demand for silver maintains over the years while inflation and money keeps pumping on, I win. Precious metals are used as a hedge against inflation

>> No.12810094
File: 131 KB, 899x488, uploads_1498846969883-chart1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver inflation adjusted price looks like e first sell off.

>> No.12810097

>that's not what i said and you know it. stop cherry picking arguments kid.
I'll ask again, what was your point

>> No.12810112


>> No.12810124

Look, just stop and think. If silver is a strong hedge against inflation....why did someone sell it to you for fiat? Wouldn't they hoard it? instead they sold it. To you. Why?

They got cash and you got silver. Who won?

>> No.12810131


Because the market exists?

>> No.12810159

Assuming you honestly believe in shinymetals future value it is extremely irrational to sell silver for fiat if you really believe cash is doomed.

>> No.12810182

> Thinking economics is a zero sum game

> Why would someone sell you crypto for Fiat? Why wouldn't they hoard all the bleep-bloops?

>> No.12810203

>why would someone sell car for fiat? Car can take you anywhere.

>> No.12810251

Ford was retarded he could've hoarded all the cars and be the best racecar driver ever

Buy link

>> No.12810638


At this point the west would have complete economic and social collapse.

>> No.12810650

looks like a massive head and shoulder desu.

>> No.12811598
File: 132 KB, 928x968, silver_COT_forecast_2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone read that graph for a brainlet?

>> No.12811783

No one is claiming cars are assets that appreciate in value unlike the silver scam. Good try tho!

>> No.12812214

Why come all you poor ass crypto niggers ignore the spike in 08?

Buy low sell high you fucking retards. You can double your investment if you sell when your fellow Jew cunts panic.