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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 226x260, eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12778852 No.12778852 [Reply] [Original]

WTF is going on. Is this pump due to the upcoming hard fork?

>> No.12779883


God I miss when I could go to sleep and wake up and it went up 27%

>> No.12779893

yes it will likely keep pumping for another week (just before fork)

don't miss out /biz/

>> No.12779899

Hahahahahahahah 4% pump

>> No.12779917

So close to my stop loss. I'm starting to sweat.

>> No.12779930

futures contract mooning, this thing is going to explode

>> No.12779933

Hope you get liquidated Bobo

>> No.12779937

Those fucking digits. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH. FUCK!

>> No.12779938

My.... God

>> No.12779941

we crossed the 200 day MA. this is going straight to $200

>> No.12779943


You shorted?? prepare to get rekt..

>> No.12779952

for something with this much liquidity and dat chart.. yes

>> No.12779965
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>> No.12779969

this shits dead in the water til 2.0
2.0 will never come out because VB and his team have a shitty centralised governance model and nothing gets done.
it's fucked.

>> No.12779970

the absolute state of crypto lmao.
we /boomer gains/ now son

>> No.12779980

enjoy watching these green candles stack up brainlet

>> No.12780006
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>this shits dead in the water til 2.0
2.0 will never come out because VB and his team have a shitty centralised governance model and nothing gets done.
it's fucked

>> No.12780055

It was $100, 10 days ago bros.

>> No.12780076
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>> No.12780124

>brown ID
I hope you shit yourself when the bull pounds you, bobo

>> No.12780140

Imagine unironically thinking that the crypto market won't be breaching $1T in the next few years.

>> No.12780148

>[Update] [Auto] No new posts
Which will be #1 BTC or ETH anon?

>> No.12780215 [DELETED] 

Bitcoin is and always will be king. Ethereum is the only other coin in the top 10 that isn't a scam. Other non scams in the top 100- XMR, HOT, MKR/DAI, XTZ, MAID and ZIL. In a just world everything else would crash to zero.

Buy FOAM tokens and find a way to get an Urbit star. Urbit assets have only been transferable for a month and I already got three stars. Godspeed.

>> No.12780236

Thanks anon. I can tell you are one of the smart ones. Any price predictions for BTC and ETH by 2023?

>> No.12780261

started well but
>HOT and ZIL aren’t scams
fucking kek

>> No.12780273

>including holoscam
Big lol

>> No.12780278

HOT and ZIL are pretty shit hyped up anon. not scams but by no means legit.
MAID is old outdated shitcoin

how do i get Urbit tho

>> No.12780301

I couldn't tell you that with any sort of confidence and anyone who claims to know is full of shit. I'm prepping for making it sometime in the next decade (hopefully sooner but that's just be realistic).

I'm not particularly smart but I am fortunate enough to know people in the space. I will be leaking another gem here the second the mainnet goes live and I secure my own bags so stay tuned.

>> No.12780324

If HOT is a scam it's a very well-crafted one and will undoubtedly moon to new highs. Zilliqa might be a shitcoin but I wouldn't necessarily call it a scam.
I can't tell you that, sorry fren. Look around and you will find.

>> No.12780351

ok, keep overtrading in delusion until then m8.

>> No.12780359

depends on what you mean by scams. basically you called lisk, nano, stratis and digibyte scams, but they definitely aren’t scams. meanwhile hot and zil looks like legit scams next to them

>> No.12780369

Nano is definitely a scam. Digibyte is a 4chan meme from 2017

>> No.12780390
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Dude the wreckage today is unbelievable.

>> No.12780410

nano is a custom code base with public git commits and a unique value prop. You can argue it doesn't have product market fit, but arguing its a scam only shows malice and maybe lack of understanding.

>> No.12780452

Literally Roger Ver/mtgox tier allegations

>> No.12780472

Sorry you lost coins but don't mistake the efforts of Colin and his team with a third party exchange.
Although I bet it's out of malice.

>> No.12780516

Nice projection Prakesh but I never bought this shitcoin.

>> No.12780579


>> No.12780635

I'd buy without a second thought if btc was going up too. This just screams bart to me though.

>> No.12780641

Holochain is literally only capable of running wikis and forums. DYOR

>> No.12780650

its going to pump all the way to the feb 25th ETH 2.0 Fork

>> No.12780755

did mtgox mean bitcoin was a scam? dumb fuck.

>> No.12780791

Because fuck you that's why.

>> No.12780803

Buy and hold til eth 3.0 and thank me in 2027

>> No.12780836


>> No.12780874

No retard, it made Roger Ver a scammer and Bitcoin Cash a scam by default per the transitive property

>> No.12780875

>feb 25th ETH 2.0 Fork
That date is wrong, current estimate is 1 March

>> No.12780886

I’m too poor to afford ETH right now, do you think it’ll go back down to 100? Or did I miss the boat...

>> No.12780890

Right so how would a bitgrail hack mean anything about nano?

>> No.12780894

all blockchain projects will migrate to Holochain or become obsolete

>> No.12780903

> Hardfork
> NASDAQ listing
> Fidelity launching ETH on their custody platform
Take your pick, it's going to be a big month for ETH.

>> No.12780916

How about they coexist with interoperability?

>> No.12780920

Grow up, in a flattened world economy, Prakeesh can be heard and has the same opportunities as Juan and Sam.
How it should be.

>> No.12780933
File: 57 KB, 836x600, pajeetwithsprinkles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not on my street, bud.

>> No.12780965

holochain? nano? what am i hearing lol just play some games at fck.com moon3d.io or something

>> No.12780969

Join an open source project and try to determine who wrote what code and what country they originated from. You can't tell because the only thing that matters is the value created through the result.
This is the future crypto is fighting for. It is not us vs them, it is value creation for all through open systems.

>> No.12780973

people are buying eth so they can transfer to chainlink

>> No.12781043

Sure, especially with something like crypto there is basically zero discrimination other than exchanges complying the regulatory framework of different jurisdictions. In fact you street shitters got Nano for free just by solving CAPTCHAs.

>> No.12781131

Get some LTC

>thank me later

>> No.12781263



>> No.12781289

You missed it bro
The FUDers here and the delusional faggots that think their altcoin like BAT or ARK is gonna be anything but a scam makes me laugh at them
Shoulda bought in when it hit 88

>> No.12781325

should coulda woulda. Nice 20/20 after the fact bro

>> No.12781332

This. Why bother with H1B imported pajeets when you can pay them peanuts to work from new delhi and their "employment" ends as soon as their task is completed. Fuck borders, they're irrelevant.

>> No.12781371

If you’re too scared to take the risk then you deserve the loss nigga

>> No.12781543

This but instead of mutual poverty it will be mutual prosperity. We are entering an age of AI, anon..

>> No.12781623

>Down 85%
>Didn't buy yet
Weh lad

>> No.12781979

what the fuck happened to this board
it's not the hard fork or fidelity or whatever bullshit you retard pajeets are coming up with... EthDenver is ongoing and is a huge success
back in 2017 we knew about every Eth conference and called it before rallies, now you fucks don't even know what's going on after 70 posts
absolutely despicable, buy some toilet paper with your penny gains

>> No.12782028

This is the Chainlink board and we all know about the Denver ETH festival.

>> No.12782044

My friend is there shilling his project right now, asshole. I'm insulted that you think you're the only non-street shitter left on here.

>> No.12782045

will ETH ever go to $1k again?

>> No.12782049
File: 51 KB, 480x480, 1549915938772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and we all know about the Denver ETH festival.

>> No.12782055

The discord trannies knew the result of the denver hackathon before it was announced. Get on our level.

>> No.12782073

yeah lol. 10k+ guaranteed unless eth 2.0 breaks somehow due to a terrible bug. the network effect is too strong.

>> No.12782079

trannies are so based when it comes to software
no wonder there is such a large correlation between autism and mtf transexualism

>> No.12782212

It's the first mover of smart contracts and everyone including Microsoft is behind it. Fucking JP Morgan coin is using a private fork of Ethereum (Quorum) for their coin. It's not perfect and you can't expect this new technology to be perfect from the start. We won't see the world using Ethereum 90%+ until 20-30 years into the future.

>> No.12782385

>what the fuck happened to this board
>it's not the hard fork or fidelity or whatever bullshit you retard pajeets are coming up with... EthDenver is ongoing and is a huge success
>back in 2017 we knew about every Eth conference and called it before rallies, now you fucks don't even know what's going on after 70 posts
>absolutely despicable, buy some toilet paper with your penny gains
Where do you find this info and how do you tune in? I'd appreciate advice/links

>> No.12782393

I'd rather not know at all than jerk it in a discord

>> No.12782398

Holy fuck, just follow the big names on twitter you absolute mouth breathing newfag

>> No.12782404

I don't use social media you fuckin retard, feel free to cite a few examples instead of just shitposting into the abyss faggot

>> No.12782433

>doesn't use social media
>asks to be spoonfed information from said social media on a Bengal Tiger breeding forum
>insults kindhearted anons trying to point him in the right direction
Not going to make it. Make yourself a Twitter, Telegram and Medium account and just use it to lurk.

>> No.12782455

Thanks kindhearted anon, I'm using Telegram already but there isn't enough time in the day to lurk 24-7 obviously. I'm not a total newfag, I was only asking for some key resources. e.g. if you follow any specific site, or specific twitter users.

What are your favorite tg groups? Etc. I'm in some big ones but my attention would be split 100 different ways, so I'm asking for a few specifics.

>> No.12782496

Favorite tg groups I can't post here because I dont want street shitters lurking here to infest them. Follow big names like Vitalik, Vlad, Tuur Demeester, FluffyPony, Gavin Wood etc. Follow projects you're interested in. See what projects other people are talking about too.

>> No.12782518

sirs , please share your groups , kindly
regards ,
adangpranjeet Singh

>> No.12782561

Also gollow this guy https://twitter.com/ProofofResearch?s=09

>> No.12782565

I'm afraid I can't do that, they are for projects that haven't hit the market yet

>> No.12782581

And here: https://weekinethereumnews.com/february-15-2019/

>> No.12782635

Cool, thanks

>> No.12782655

Technology changes exponentially while our forecasts tend to predict change linearly over time. 20-30 years we’ll be superintelligent cyborgs, bro

>> No.12782735

Wtf there is an ETH hard fork? Is it splitting into 2 coins?

>> No.12782778

The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.12782812

havent been here in like 6 months cus shit all has happened

>> No.12782834

You might want to stary paying more attention because 2019-2020 will be huge for crypto. A lot of shitcoins are going to be dumped into oblivion the next bull cycle.

>> No.12782898


>> No.12782923

I am all in ETH, HOLO, and BAT.

W-will I make it?

>> No.12782934

Is it block collider or cosmos?

>> No.12782947

Is the BAT browser any good?

>> No.12782988

I use it exclusively.

>> No.12782996

Neither. I know of some cool projects building on Cosmos though. Check out Althea Mesh.

>> No.12783006

>Is the BAT browser any good?
No, it's a shittier Chrome clone.

>> No.12783368

Used it for a bit but it kept crashing.

>> No.12783386

A rare cookie in the wild

>> No.12783399
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Pumps in BTC and ETH have historically meant that alts are a few days or weeks away. Gear up boys

>> No.12783471

What does it mean? I need to move my ETH to exchange or wallet that supported the hardfork?