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File: 1.07 MB, 1214x563, house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12767579 No.12767579 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't millennials buying houses anymore?

>> No.12767597

they all have debt and are afraid of the trades

>> No.12767600

Because who the fuck wants to live in Montana?

>> No.12767614

Not sure why you started this thread again or what your intentions are. Millennial never were in the housing market to begin with. We all have debt. The only millennials that are buying houses are the ones married and the roastie 33 year wife has baby rabies and the cuck goes ahead and purchases a house.

>> No.12767626

why the fuck are we getting these reposts every day like it's some Normies vote karma bullshit

>> No.12767630

I'd love to, Missouri, where the house is located however..

>> No.12767637
File: 1.11 MB, 244x160, 1532219095101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy my boomer bags!

>> No.12768054

those houses are cheap because it's an all black neighborhood. These are exactly the places where no one wants to live. Anywhere worth living is just too high. Look at Seattle, the average home price is now above 700,000 for a regular home. No one has that kind of money. Even Denver, look at that market 500,000 dollars for a regular home. It would be funny if it wasn't sad. You're talking about a generation of serfs that can't afford regular homes because China can price everyone out of house and home.

>> No.12768124

now you know how it feels to be on the receiving end of the economic shafting your wonderful country has been doing to uncountable places all around the world for the last 200 years or so.

Feels great, doesn't it?

>> No.12768131

i don't even know what state MO stands for, must be flyover af

>> No.12768149

dumbass, thos expensive areas you mention were cheap when i was young. You have to find growing markets that are still cheap like vegas

>> No.12768150

>Boomers steal non stop from every generation after them
>WTF why arn't all these entitled millennials buying my stuff with all the money we stole from them?

>> No.12768448


Just looked at the demographics, 96% white, but everyone is poor as fuck.

>> No.12768459

>cuckshed included

>> No.12768472

It's always the dumbest parts of my family that stereotype blacks as being poor or classless. Most fat poeple in this country are white, most poor people white, most child molestors, most drug addicts, we lead the US in. Somehow these mouth breathing inbreds spew on about a master race, one, us good looking white people would never share with them.