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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12756139 No.12756139 [Reply] [Original]

Gather anons, let's share our tales of Wage Cuckery.

>be me
>got buttfucked so hard by life I have to essentially restart, no phone, no car, no nothing
>get shitty job at facility next to university
>older than most employees, who were college students
>worked hard, open availability
>no benefits
>some weeks got OT, but there were literally weeks with no events and no hours
>supervisor positions open up
>get told by upper management to apply
>be de facto supervisor already
>there's GM, then Operations Manager then Catering Services manager
>CSM quits
>promotions on hold
>OM takes extended FMLA
>new CSM gets hired, some dumb spic who does nothing but sit on the computer and make fucking lists all day
>interviews me
>at the end says it was a formality, the position's mine when OM gets back
>GM congratulates me
>OM gets back
>no promotion
>promotions given to middle aged woman who worked at village inn get whole life, and college student who applied as a joke to stress out some of us who actually wanted the position
>woman fired for sheer incompetence after 2 weeks
>ask CSM WTF
>he jokes and dodges the question
>writes new schedule
>has no concept of what shifts are
>if people are needed between 6a-8p then everyone gets scheduled 14 hour days, multiple days in a row
>quits immediately before bullshit schedule begins
>OM pissed, tells me he's promoting me
>doesn't promote me
>he quits too
>GM says he'll fix it
>get mad and ask wtf
>says he'll fix it
>repeat until he hears I'm so pissed I made a threatening comment
>agrees to original $2 raise
>gives me only 25¢ raise, still no full time status or benefits
>hires new people at higher wage than me
>Find the key to the building
>it "gets lost"
>bosses panic
>send out email begging for it, no questions asked
>It's the skeleton key to the entire university
>mfw these fucks are gonna shell out $10K to re-key the university
>would have been cheaper to just keep their fucking promises

>> No.12756186
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>Be me wage cuck with a couple licences/certifications
>Have a crew of wage cucks to labor for me
>Spend hours parked chilling on my phone
>One day one says let's get to work that he feels this is like stealing

>> No.12756218

Pill me on certifications lad. I have an A+ but it’s old and gay

>> No.12756295
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> wake up at 3:00pm
> eat lunch
> browse 4chan
> work at 4:30pm
> start walking to work at 3:55pm
> clock in right when it's 4:30pm
> smile and nod to everyone
> wash dishes
> I get free food because I'm a good wagecuck, so I ask the big boss for food before break
> order chicken strips with fries (sometimes I get a sandwich instead)
> come home by 11:30pm
> shower
> browse 4chan until 5:00am
> go to sleep
> wake up at 3:00pm

>> No.12756333

you could save an hour a day by living in the parking lot

>> No.12756941

Future CEO.

>> No.12757118

> Be me, no not you, me
> Get job at 20 helping do deliveries of freight
> Do that for 2.5 years, I'm a beast, all of our customers love me
> The company I worked for was a subcontractor of a much larger company
> At 23 they offered me a full time office position/helping in warehouse
> Beast mode as usual 25
> Stagnant. No room for growth. Only 2 bosses and both very young. Realize my degree-less ass has hit a huge ceiling
> 2 years later, I run everything, threaten to quit
> Go from $12/hr to 42K salary because I suck at negotiating
> Am now known company wide as a beast
> Company openning new facility 1000 miles away last December, connect at corporate tells me they want me there
> Is vague about job/salary
> Nty.
> Yesterday same guy texts me asking if I'd still consider going out there
> No longet vague. Tells me position. Tells me salary. Mid to upper 50s.
> Yep that will do
> Working on final offer

Fuck student loan debt, wageslave your way to a real salary by not sucking.

>> No.12757221

Fuck how do I get a job like this?

My current job I do spreadsheets and some other bs and usually it's only 2-4 hours of work a day since I'm not retarded, so I use the rest of my time in the office writing my novel I'm about 200 pages in. But usually once a week shit goes off the rails I have to actually work all 8 hours which gets frustrating, I wish I could swing something that I consistently only have like 1-2 hours of work a day

>> No.12757313


Nigga I'm drunk, but I worked IT at a managed IT services place, all of y clients were almost exclusively female. Think doctors offices and elementary schools. I left it to go sell pest control door to door in Charlotte, NC. That's how bad it was. Have you ever tried moving a computer out of one room, only to have the female who's room it was ask literally every other dumb cunt in the building what she should do and where they should go? Have you ever had bosses get mad you weren't done fast enough because a building full of women who can only deal with fucking children on a day to day basis couldn't all done to a consensus at once? I clearly remember two years ago tomorrow because the guy I was wiring directly under told me feminism is about equal rights and the Stacy he was simping for (who was God awful with a can-I-talk-to-the-manager haircut) invited him over but just wanted to drink wine and talk as friends. At the other end, every new neighborhood in Carolina was almost exclusively pajeet here on H1B visas with their entire extended family, working in they industry and killing American jobs

Fuck everything

>> No.12757332

dont worry, it never gets any better. dont work before you are on the clock cuck boy

>> No.12757340

50k salary? hahahaha you got cucked dude

>> No.12757346
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>the skeleton key

>> No.12757348

>implying 50k salary is bad
When you're a money-spender like a woman living on the coast, I'd imagine that 50k won't get you far with your small brain.

>> No.12757351

Also, what about negotiating raises? Lmao? negotiating for a raise can be done at any fucking time so long as you're not a brainlet

>> No.12757352

oh its not bad its just not good either

>> No.12757360

yeah... sure they can lol

>> No.12757372
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>be me
>dad is multimillionaire business owner
>work for dad
>do nothing all day just browse 4chan reddit
>get paid $5k a week
>dad pays all my bills

>> No.12757376

> 55K as a single man in Ohio with no college degree(or debt) is shitty
California isn't for all of us. Also, it's not even a promotion, it's my exact position, for $12K+/year, I'm satisfied.

>> No.12757389

50k+ puts him in the top 30% of the country. Are you all just LARPing 200k salary earners?

>> No.12757408

>be dealership service advisor
>most dealers work on a “spiff” program
>spiff is “extra” money they reward advisors for selling more of a certain product
>notice was put out November 1st-December 15th we would be paid $5 each battery, air filter, wiper blade set, $10 a set of tires, and alignments
>bust my ass and sell like fucking crazy
>15th comes around and boss calls out to all advisors except a certain number of us (myself and one other he didn’t want)
>one co advisor comes in my office and says that it’s money day and I better go get mine
>saved every repair order number that I sold a spiff on
>owed $2,300 in spiff “””bonuses”””
>boss man says
>oh you didn’t qualify
>yeah your customer satisfaction score was 87% and not 89%
>fight it and consult other managers and they tell me there’s nothing that can be done
>almost quit that day but still need my hourly check

>> No.12757415

I would've quit right on the fucking spot, anon. Are you out of your god damn forsaken mind? My anxiety shot up after reading that horesshit.

>> No.12757418
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Forgot this. Mfw

>> No.12757425
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>drive for doordash
>get to be accept or decline delivery orders at my discretion
>almost never accept deliveries downtown because of the fucking retards that live there
>one night just accept a downtown delivery on a whim
>driving to the dude's house with his food, following my gps like normal, when the dude suddenly calls me
>loud boomer voice
>chill dude I'm just following my gps, I'm sure I'll get there just fine like I do 100% of the time
>uh fine I'll humor the dude
>I'm at blah blah corner of this and that street
>wasn't even confused until he called me
>mfw he literally would have had his food by now if he didn't call me and waste my time with his retarded directions, pic related
>uh yeah sure whatever
>Hang on a sec, I'm gonna put you on hold
>Hang up lol
>block his number, go to the doordash app and mark his order as un-deliverable, choose "customer not available" as the reason
>Doordash app: "This dash has been successfully cancelled. Please dispose of the food at your discretion."
>An hour later, sitting at home eating his food (club sandwich, a cup of dumpling soup, and literally 20 large oatmeal cookies the size of a Frisbee, what the fuck?
>Check my "blocked numbers" voicemail folder
>100 fucking voicemails from this dude lmao
Love my job

>> No.12757430

Trust me friend, I wanted to. It took a lot of effort to not choke slam my boss through his fucking glass window when he looked at me with that dumb look and told me that

>> No.12757433

Good job OP, and don't trust anyone's words but yourself.

>> No.12757446

This is the funniest shit I've read in a long ass time. Holy fuck thank you for the genuine laugh, anon. This reminds me of Beavis and Butthead where they deliver for fucking Burger World and end up crashing at some dude's house eating with him.

>> No.12757450
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top kek

>> No.12757487
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>be me, not you, me, A BEAST
>i'm a beast
>just dont suck!
>i'm the best one there

No one gives a fuck and you're a useful tool and you just make the plantation owner wealthier.

>> No.12757504


Fuck those niggers, I'm going to abuse them like a junkie abuses opiates. Their profit margin is fucking retarded, I've seen it (imagine charging $375 to plug in an aux cord). I've seen events that cost $20K AT THE MOST run the clients $87K

If I had the money I'd buy my bosses mortgage note and car loans and charge 600,000,000% interest, because my direct experiences with them lead me to believe they aren't actually able to perform at their job appropriately and this they are extremely high risk loans.

>> No.12757521


You better quit that fucking job man. That's bullshit

>> No.12757522
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We charge people $35 a plate for THIS

Also checked

>> No.12757532

> Not knowing be me not you
I'm just gonna ignore that part, but yeah, I am, and I absolutely do. Know what happens when you make the plantation owner richer? He makes you richer. If he doesn't, you find a plantation owner that will. People who don't suck and actually have skills of value understand these concepts, so it's perfectly understandable a neet like yourself would need someone to walk you through it.

>> No.12757535

Not sure if you're still here, anon but. I'm certain that would have happened had you acted out. But if things already got that far, wouldn't want you want to fucking leave so you don't have to see his dumb look ever again? C'mon anon.

>> No.12757541

It is already eaten? Where the fuck you live? Its like some switzerland/airport prices

>> No.12757556

You do not belong on a wage cuck thread if 50k doesnt make your mouth water. I suck a dick for 50k a year.

>> No.12757567

>Offered nice job with Fortune 100 company
>Salary is pretty sweet and benefits are amazing
>Sales job but have never done sales before
>3 weeks into job I wanna blow my brains out
>was doubling my salary really worth it

>> No.12757587

Grats on the new position, but if you don't have the necessary faggy extroverted/arrogant/loud-mouthed personality, it's definitely going to feel like death.

>> No.12757597

Nope, this is the only conference/convention Center in northern arizona in the only city never to record triple digit temperatures in the state. This is brand new.

>> No.12758035
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>Know what happens when you make the plantation owner richer? He makes you richer.

You know somewhere along the way, you're going to encounter someone that is more of a beast than you are in all metrics and your plantation owner will start viewing you like an old piece of machinery.

>> No.12758156

>tfw you just dicked around in college for 5 years and got out with a worthless Informatics degree and no internships so wagecuckery at retail is your future.

>> No.12758179

or get mis degree on easy mode and start w/ 75k salary.. instead of being a beast wagecuck for 10 years.. ill hit 100k in 3 years if i dont blow my brains out

>> No.12758186
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There's really nothing more depressing than being that guy in his 30's wagecucking in a place where most of the workers are college kids that only work there on the side for "going out" money. I worked with a guy like this and he basically came in to work buzzed all the time. I worked in a liquor store and there was a room that we could go in where there were no security cameras and we could drink. None of us abused this privilege except this asshole and he would get wasted because he hated his life. Sometimes he would get so drunk that he would start yelling and we had to calm him down. As much as my life sucks right now, I'm glad I'm not that guy.

>> No.12758220
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>my sides

>> No.12758224

>Accept job before negotiating salary because I'm a fucktard
>get paid absolute shit
>company leadership are all one family, no room for advancement
>limited opportunities for degree in area
>can't move due to family member health issues

>> No.12758256
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>> No.12758272

>based millenial
you win this thread senpai

>> No.12758281
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>be me
>16 years old
>can finally work
>burger king the only place to hire me
>work in bad side of town
>all blacks
>get picked on daily
>late night shift is the worst
>cleaning bathroom
>darnell barges in and shoves me around and throws me in the mop water
>face ends up in urinal
>darnell laughing hysterically like a chimp
>takes out his dick and starts swinging it around
>keeps pushing me down and standing over me
>waving and slapping his dick in my face
>i start yelling
>literally shoves me down and crams his cock in my mouth
>pushing his cock in my mouth, head against wall
>he's laughing, i'm crying
>manager barges in
>"wtf is going on?"
>darnell turns his head around and says we're just playing
>manager laughs and walks out
>darnell face fucks me
>finishes, turns lights out, leaves me there
>few minutes later i walk out
>realized im locked in after everyone left
>alarm goes off
>tell them i was raped by darnell
>police don't believe me
>police arrest me for trespassing
>go to jail
>picked on in cell
>black guys surround me and pull out their dicks
>start slapping me with dicks
>tyrese shoves his dick in my mouth
>he's laughing, i, once again, am crying
>guard walks up
>"wtf are you doing?"
>tyrese tells him we're praying
>guard walks off
>tyrese and his gang face fuck me for hours
>get out of jail
>no money
>no job
>feel empty

>> No.12758288

A self made man

>> No.12758345
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Jesus christ anon...

>> No.12758361
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worse, useless neets

>> No.12758371

Dude, fuck that! That is $1 worth of food, $2 max.

>> No.12758379

>work at marine base
>Management is shit, comfy ass minimum wage job, get paid for saying hello and doing small service stuff
>coworker tells me that my supervisor told us to stop issuing certain card applications after a certain time
>alright whatever sure, I dont think it's a great idea because people come here to do the shit and get pissed when they can't, but gotta remain consistent I guess
>Dude walks in and asks for an application after the accepted hours
>Kindly tell him no, come back during accepted hours
>Dude gets pissed and walks off, saying it doesnt fit his schedule, doesn't just tell me face to face, spergs and slams the door
>oh kay...

>Next day, he comes in super pissed, slamming his fist on the counter
>give me the application now
>god damn man fine, start the app for him
>Complains about me not helping him yesterday
>Explain why I wasn't able to
>Continues to complain and stall the application process
>Dude lets keep going please so I can help you one your way
>Calls me a smart ass, lazy, incompetant
>I get angry but hold in yelling and bad words and shit, power through so this jackass can go
>Guy throws the paper at me and threatens me that he can do more than that
>he's a Colonel
>I'm getting reviewed by HR now and probably getting suspended or fired because I said no to a bitchy faggot colonel
>It wasn't my choice, anyone else would have punched him but I'm a beta faggot who needs to be a wagecuck
Been hard to get out of bed lately, depressed, afraid I'll get fired for this shitty thing

>> No.12758384

>be me
>spend 8 hours at work doing about 2 hours of work
>rest of the time spent learning music theory, Korean, various other things etc.
>putting $1.5k-$2k into vanguards each month

Getting dividends is nice

>> No.12758453

I have a worthless degree, and I'm 23 and I've never held down a job. Do I just do the military now?

>> No.12758467

It’s very easy for add people and it will straighten your brain out
Plus they will pay off your loans and you can easily get a civilian job after
If you look at the stats it’s safer to be deployed than driving to work. Even more for officers

>> No.12758471

I'm not entirely sure I have ADD, because it seems to keep getting worse. I'm starting to feel like I have dementia.

>> No.12758566

>be me
>not a wagecuck
>not a filthy NEET either
>got a real career
>freshly promoted last week
>15% salary increase
>not a virgin

Nothin' personnel, kids :^)

>> No.12758570
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>> No.12758576

Trust me friend I really wish I could give him the finger and leave that job but unfortunately I have to make a living to pay my rent and other expenses. Also I found out today mine among others pay went down from $14 an hour to $13.

>> No.12758580
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Hahahahahha anon are you me?
I thought i was reading my own post in an archive.

>t doordash retiree with certified boomer handling skills

Yes.. that is a tip that actually went through for delivering 1 taco from tacobell to a guy sitting in his car chilling

>> No.12758889

How do I sign up for DoorDash? It sounds fun almost.

>> No.12758897

Ah, Flagstaff fag? How's it hanging? Hopefully not too many nonwhites have been leaking out from Phoenix? I'm drowning in them here in Chandler.

>> No.12758920

You are wagecucking if you're employed by someone else.

>> No.12759173

It's minimum wage. But it's minimum wage on your terms. The way it should be.

>> No.12759671

Holy fucking shit thank you for the best laugh I've had in a while. I'm actually fucking saving the shit out of this dude I love you

>> No.12759674

Yeah but are there like any major requirements or anything for it or can you do it if you have a car?

>> No.12759746

Don’t post your fantasies

>> No.12759765

I had a similar problem the other day. Delivering in the gypsy zone they called beforehand to waste our time to give me their indications like their streets are not in the GPS & Google Maps like everybody else's.

>> No.12759766

Don’t do it ever person I knew that had above average intelligence that had other options hated the military after joining. Then again they were all in the army.

>> No.12760304

I have average intelligence at best.
Also >other options.

>> No.12760375

Untrue. I'm introverted as fuck, but do really well in sales. The loud mouthed approach is just for retards who don't understand the sales process.

>> No.12760465

Yeah, everyone on 4chan is a successful software engineer making 100k a year with a hot girlfriend and expensive house and car with no debt.

>> No.12760774
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>soccer referee
>second half
>watch battery dies
>decide to guess when to end the game
>blow whistle
>10 minutes off
>coach calls me out

>> No.12761136


>> No.12761190

he woulda beat yur ass