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File: 371 KB, 1280x720, WOLF_SATOSHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12733667 No.12733667 [Reply] [Original]

Now that CSW has been confirmed as being Satoshi, what are you CSW hater keks going to do?

>> No.12733716

i only need to look at the bsv price to know this is fake news

>> No.12733771

Check CSW's aka Satoshi's twitter.

>> No.12733847

>CSW has been confirmed as being Satoshi
Literal retarded brainlet detected. The ONLY thing that would prove CSW is Satoshi is if he signed a message with a key associated with an address from an early block. However, he will NEVER do that because he's not Satoshi, just a wannabe hack scammer.

>> No.12733869

He's signing the keys 2020 after the maturity date. Then he will gain full control over the keys that are being held in multi-sig escrow.

>> No.12733883

If SN’s identity were revealed, I wouldn’t have to check some drunk Aussie’s twitter. I could check the news. This guy is fucking PATHETIC

>> No.12733884

Shiva Vishnu is worst than Scientology

>> No.12733900

imagine being this retarded

>> No.12733906

As other anons so nicley put it, BSV is an IQ filter. The purging of redditors and NPCs we have waited for, will finally start. We will once again be able to have grown up discussions like we used to

>> No.12733913

indiscernible gibberish.

>> No.12733918

What the fuck is a maturity date? How the fuck do you hold keys themselves in a multi sig address? That's literally not how Bitcoin works.

If you are trolling, nice troll. If you're not trolling and you believe anything you say, you're so good damn retarded it hurts.

>> No.12733922
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>> No.12733950

> you're so good
> i'm so damn retarded it hurts
I feel sorry for you, stupid retarded boy.

>> No.12733960

you know how I know you're an NPC?

>> No.12733963


He is literally a consultor for governments. Does that sounds like "the real satoshi" to you or more like "the fake satoshi"?

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAyWT3nljBI

>> No.12733968

Wow this guy really got me guys XDDD he found my typo I used an extra "o".

Wow this guy is really smart and he knows that some Australian scammer is the real Satoshi guys!

Nice job finding my typo, you really got me :^)

>> No.12733982

Sounds like the fake Satoshi. Real Satoshi would never be a "consultor" (it's consultant btw, brainlet) for the government.

>> No.12733986
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So if I would get the keys somehow and sign a message, would that make me Satoshi?
The answer is : no, but it would proof what kind of delusional shithead you are

>> No.12733989
File: 539 KB, 1125x1543, 640DD9F8-C9EE-4F4E-9302-40C03EE5F34B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This really is /ourcoin/

>> No.12734047

Let me explain some logic to you retard.

Signing a message with an early key is a NECESSARY condition to proving you're Satoshi, not a SUFFICIENT condition. (Google these if you're too retarded to know).

Since it's a NECESSARY condition, you must sign a message to prove you're Satoshi (among other things). If Craig could sign a message, maybe I'd believe him. But he can't because he's a lying fraud and everyone who believes him is a weak moron.

However, it's not a sufficient condition, so signing a message alone doesn't prove you're Satoshi. But, since it's necessary, you cannot be Satoshi without signing a message.

Great reply btw, no real argument but you have demonstrated you lack understanding of basic logic.

CSW isn't Satoshi. Trust me, I'm doing you a favor.

>> No.12734059

>CSW has been confirmed as being Satoshi

how poor of a pathetic bait

>> No.12734069


>> No.12734087

Belief = faith = religion.
There are no facts nor evidences backing the claim that Craig Vishnu is Satoshi.
Therefore he ain't no fucking Satoshi.

>> No.12734185

Except patents, stupid fool

>> No.12734210

Only Craig Vishnu can pretend he owns patent of free software.

Fuck this cunt to oblivion

>> No.12734241
File: 335 KB, 745x640, satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Craig Wright while visiting Auschwitz yesterday. Every time the tour guide started to talk about the camp he would interrupt by yawning really loudly and shout "Boring! Get to the good parts!" - I don't think he was even tired. When we got to the gas chamber he screamed "Fake, there were no gas chambers! The Soviets built this after the war" and then started mimicking a Jew suffocating on Zyklon B.

After the tour he walked straight up to me and said "they deserved it anyway", and praised the Nazis for their "decentralized" camp system, but they could have used Proof of Work to "improve the process." He then stood on a podium and informed everyone that Jews were "vermin" and that he had made it his mission to destroy the "Judeo-Bolshevic World Order."

Later that day the staff found pictures of the BSV logo stapled everywhere.

Even later they realized he stole some of the shoes and striped pyjamas left by the gassing victims from the display. CCTV caught him walking around Nchain HQ in the pyjamas pretending to be a ghost.

I can't believe anyone would buy a coin made by this guy.

>> No.12734255
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This thread reeks of curry so bad.

>> No.12734319
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Nice try, stupid asshole boy.

>> No.12734331

If this Australian government Blacknet paper turns out to be real, well this would be a SUFFICIENT condition without the need to sign a message you fool.

>> No.12734360
File: 62 KB, 1242x784, kyxq5kd0ysu11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck it just got worse, I'm gonna hurl

>> No.12734387

Bitcoin's set in stone. Don't like it? STIFF

>> No.12734402

BSV is a fork rakesh nahdidanajad

>> No.12734421

>t. retard who just doesn't get it
when kys?

>> No.12734429
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It's a curry fork

>> No.12734431
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No signatures.

No new tech.

Just took ABC code, couldn't even add replay protection. That code was written for him by deadalnix.

Didn't know about snapshots.

Talked big about selfish mining, plagiarized a paper from third rate Chinese researchers. Then lost his bet to Peter Rizun, after demonstrating that he doesn't know basic statistics and does not understand Bitcoin mining.

Promised a Bitcoin client, delivered nothing.

Look, face it, the guy just promises a lot in the future, gives you nothing now, wants your money. That's the exact same script as a Nigerian scam.

>> No.12734443


Ok, so ignoring the fact that the dates on that paper are fake, let me ask you this?

Why do you believe CSW is Satoshi if he is:
- Unable to sign a message with a key associated with the Genesis block? And provides a bullshit excuse?
- Seeks to personally profit from the lie that he's Satoshi.
- Has a track record of well documented fraud: https://github.com/CultOfCraig/cult-of-craig

He has no real evidence, makes money off his lie, and is a known scammer. He also doesn't understand what a signed integer is (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o94cWj8YqYs&feature=youtu.be&t=1405)) and appears to be technologically illiterate in general. He's a massive fraud and you're getting scammed. The real Satoshi definitely knows what a signed/unsigned integer is and the implications of it. CSW does not.

>> No.12734464

False, idiot. Did he ask for anything when he created bitcoin in 2009? No. Does he ask for anything now that he fights to keep bitcoin alive through SV? No.

Ask yourself this, fool: Why do all the biggest names in bitcoin support CSW? Gavin Andreeson, Ryan X Charles, literally everyone that was there from the beginning. only s-o-y eating beta cucks like Vitalik dispute CSW's claim.

>> No.12734471

>there are really people in the world who buy into this bullshit drama

I never should have swallowed the crypto pill. The 4th industrial revolution isn’t worth dealing with dumbfucks like you everywhere

>> No.12734472
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, mini gun shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck you are such a shill you can't even get digits.
newfags, please take note: this kike doesn't want you to be prosperous.

>> No.12734485



>> No.12734489

>Unable to sign a message with a key associated with the Genesis block? And provides a bullshit excuse?
He doesn't need to. Gavin saw him sign and he is the only one he wanted to show the light to, as of now.
> Seeks to personally profit from the lie that he's Satoshi.
Again, he does't need to! CSW will receive the 1mm coins from multi-sig escrow SOON.
> Has a track record of well documented fraud
Libel at best!

>> No.12734499

checked and kek'd

>> No.12734502
File: 52 KB, 750x750, 1546969481433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have bitcoins but cant provide simple evidence they are yours
I think he was involved but he isn't Satoshi. If he was Satoshi he would of signed a message/moved some coins with the wallet.

Wouldn't it be funny if he was actually Satoshi but lost the wallet to all those coins and now he is trying to cope real hard after seeing the price shoot to $20k each?

>> No.12734528

>Gavin saw him sign and he is the only one he wanted to show the light to, as of now.
Then why does he publicly claim to be Satoshi? He clearly doesn't want it secret. Why not just publish proof and end the argument?

You're so stupid it hurts. I bet you vote Republican too.

>> No.12734550
File: 281 KB, 798x1211, forged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah well, "this kike" is making sense, while you seem a baseless shill with no arguments.

Why did the "sanjay's vision, sirs" meme die? It was really good to keep people like you at bay.

>> No.12734566

you just put yourself on the wrong side of the bell curve anon

>> No.12734610

who is trace mayer

>> No.12734706
File: 94 KB, 1228x474, based_eli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to cherry pick tweets that fit your corecuck narrative. BASED ELI has already slammed Wikileaks hours ago. Wikileaks didn't prove a damn thing other than how kek'd they have become.

>> No.12734736


>> No.12734751

Dunning and Kruger is a bitch, as you'll soon find out

>> No.12734790

you said that about operation dragonslayer, the flippening, satoshi's shotgun. he faked signing a transaction. ive made a lot of money betting against him. my bank account outstretches your iq. thank you.

>> No.12734831

Craig is obviously also a marketing genius.
Look at all the PR he is getting from fucking WikiLeaks.
So bullish.

>> No.12734836
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youre clearly fucking retarded lmfao. the reason SN said that was because it bitcoin was still in its infancy and wasn't ready for that kind of exposure. get BTFO'ed fucking retard.

>> No.12734858

The think is, I believe he is satoshi, but in the end I don't fucking care, cause all what is important for me is bitcoin as he describes it

>> No.12734879
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>the reason SN said that was because it bitcoin was still in its infancy and wasn't ready for that kind of exposure.
> was because it bitcoin was still in its
How much did you struggle to spit out that sentence? You fucking moron. Your reasoning is also as bad as you're grammar, if not worse.

>> No.12734888

He copied it from the Twitter post reply cause he can't think on his own

>> No.12735083
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All of the above.

>> No.12735191
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btw anyone know what Eli Afram is specifically talking about with "it also seems a comment he made about you in that post really upset you"?

>> No.12735195

>has been confirmed
did i miss something?

>> No.12735225

apparently, the truth

>> No.12735669

You sound like one of those "Not my president" libcucks
>Muh not my satoshi

>> No.12735689

you forgot to sirs

>> No.12735770

Based satoshi