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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12732590 No.12732590 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy

>> No.12732595

Look at the chart, it's about to go to mars

>> No.12732717
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Yes because people can't wait to sit and watch so they can be paid in some obscure crypto token

>> No.12732759
File: 185 KB, 285x471, bitconnect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day
The same thread
Over and over
>should I buy bat
>opinions on bat
>should I sell bat
>what do you think of bat
>redpill me on bat
funding token

>> No.12732790

People spend hours mining shitty crates to sell on the steam market, you really don't think this will work, kek

>> No.12732987

Youd be surprised what normies will do for a handout. Plus there is so much demonetization going on their favorite youtubers will be shilling them into doing so.

>> No.12733202

Semi-routine reminder/biz/ literally doesn't deserve BAT.

>> No.12733234

reminder that the only people willing to go back to ads are third world shitskins that think earning a couple of dollars a month is good money (advertisers don't want them) and fraudsters setting up farms to scam money (advertisers definitely don't want them).

>> No.12733266
File: 33 KB, 450x326, poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ads are targeted. It's about demographics. A click from a demographic with high disposable income is worth more than 1,000 clicks from a welfare baby mama. People who watch ads to earn a few cents in BAT tokens would be considered a poverty level demographic group a few notches below the welfare baby mama

>> No.12733530

This is true but, keep in mind, plenty of companies make billions off of welfare baby mamas and single motherhood is increasing in the West.

>> No.12733568
File: 12 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Target group NEETs so nobody is making money off BAT ads

>> No.12733602


Actually poor Americans are poor because they buy so much frivolous shit. They are some advertisers main target.

>> No.12734042

Targeted ads go to Google's coifers currently, with Brave ads users being advertised to get richer. If the ad is for a dapp the user can spend the BAT they earn from your on your service + other BAT they earn.