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12707458 No.12707458[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>>12707270 #
I got rid of my cancer eating habaneros. Capsaicin in the hot peppers cures all. The hotter the better.

When you eat a hot pepper your nose runs right? That's called fibrin. That same mucousy shit melting is the same shit that surrounds cancer cells and tumors. Your body produces cancer cells everyday and your immune system kills it but when that mucousy shit covers cancer cells and tumors it grows and your immune system can't attack it.

I lost the link but... one of the popes who died in the 1960's and born in the 1880's was dying of cancer when he was 10 years old and one night he started gorging himself on hot peppers, and guess what? The next day he was absolutely fine

Also here is a link of the dude who engineers the Carolina Reaper. He's on cbs in this interview and you'll see he has horrible genetics and he's also had 8 tumors removed from his body....

After he started eating a Carolina reaper everyday the past 6 years tumors haven't re grown.

>> No.12707490
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based and habaneroed

>> No.12707503

linkers = flat earthers

>> No.12707511


Here's the link actually forgot to put it in OP.

CBS interviewing the Carolina reaper creator

>> No.12707576


>> No.12707888

Johnny scoville.

>> No.12707936

Could I use habanero hot sauce instead? Or would that not be as effective?

>> No.12707962
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T. MD pajeet

>> No.12708008
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Looks like I'm adding capsaicin to my vitamins stack. Can I stick it in a pill?

>> No.12708082

Wait, I'm confused. Which is the one that mills cancer, is it capsaicin or fibrin?

>> No.12708124

what's your pic related? emergency supplies?

>> No.12708432

>growing all sorts of chillis in my back yard
>from jalapenos to trinidad butch-T
>got reaper seeds coming in the mail
>mfw dont even like chillis

was thinking of making a beef jerky "lucky dip" but i dont wanna hurt my friends

>> No.12709257

Is that a faraday cage?

>> No.12709274

Wait for senolytics to arrive. I wonder if Oisin and Unity will be good to invest to.

>> No.12709574

based and pepperpilled

>> No.12709584

v spicy post op, all kinds of hot

>> No.12709603


Funny enough OP, I am a molecular biologist studying the immune and inflammatory responses of capsaicin on THP-1 cells.

I've been eating spicy food nearly every single day of my life and I rarely get sick.

>> No.12709604
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>first ever chilli ive grown fell off the plant today before it was ripe (7 pod)
>mfw it looks like shit

oh well

>> No.12709612

Correct OP

>> No.12709632
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>> No.12709637


stuff that up your ass

>> No.12709651

Hot Ones with Sergey Nazarov

>> No.12709662

the lord has blessed this thread. hallelujah

>> No.12709671

didnt steve jobs do this shit and died

>> No.12709674

If you want to literally shit fire

>> No.12709692

I ate a Reaper last year. I've eaten Naga and Scotch Bonnet, so knew what I was getting into (I thought), and while I was a little out of practise, thought it would be fine.

Two bites and it was gone, like usual, the mouth burning started and intensified, hmm thought I, this May have been a mistake, but then I literally started shaking within half a minute, couldn't stand up, felt like I had been knifed in the stomach. When my eyes stopped watering 30 minutes later, I thought the end was close but I had strong pain in my abdomen for the rest of the day. The next day when I went to poo, it was like razor blades.

Stick to Bonnets, Reapers will fuck you up

>> No.12709706

Not only will this board develope cancer in your stomach but it will also convince you to eat spicy peppers that will cause you alot of pain.

>> No.12709708

>my friend makes reaper jerky
>also sprinkles reaper dust over each piece
>brings it to parties not for something to snack on, but just to fuck people up

cant wait to start growing my own. how the fuck were you not hospitalised by eating a full one? you must have a nice tolerance if you can eat nagas with no issues

>> No.12709709
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I keep a can of bear spray in my fridge and use it as a hot sauce occasionally

>> No.12709713

high tolerance*

>> No.12709721
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Yeah no I'm going to need a non-anectotal citation on that. As someone who works in the medical field, cancer is so much more complex than you think. Countless brilliant minds are working on a way to cure it and there's no way some cretin eating hot peppers came up with such a simple solution before hundreds of years of research did.

Oh, and by the way
>nasal mucus = fibrin
No you fucking idiot. Snot is a heterogenous substance made of many compounds, mainly glycoproteins. Fibrin is a protein that produces blood clots.

Stop spreading misinformation about sensitive subjects like this you absolute mongoloid. There are people who will literally quit chemo and go home to eat peppers or some stupid shit and die because they took advice from people like you.

>> No.12709732


what kind of goddamn hillbilly shit

>> No.12709739

>eat hod bepper it make nose run
>boogers are produced from cancer's shell
>widout shell, cancer DIES!!!1!!11!!11!

What in the fuck am I reading? How much coke are you on, /biz/Anon?

>> No.12709803

Shut up nerd

>> No.12709825

Actually this. I eat chiles and raw ginger because I think there's probably some sort of health benefit, but it's more likely to be ruining the day of any smaller parasites in your gut, keeping your eyes bright and your coat glossy. Not because I think it's some silver bullet. These theories often also have a conspiracy element, along of the lines of (((Juden))) want you to keep taking expensive medicines so they suppress the information that a readily available foodstuff cures cancer. After that you're one podcast away from being a flat earther

>> No.12709902

Massive cope

10+ years in school and $300,000 of debt and you have been replaced by a 10 cent pepper LMAO. How medicels(medical-incels) cope is beyond me

>> No.12709950

It's fine. But if it's mass marketed it might be too watered down like secret aardvark. Homemade Habanero sauce is delicious

>> No.12709964

How does this work for places where the hot pepper cannot reach? like the brain or your balls?

I hope you get cancer from this

>> No.12709972

Thanks for the tip OP. I take curcumin supplements already though.

>> No.12709980

Capsaicin reaches pretty much everywhere in sufficient dosage. Though I agree with this anon
Most people only need to go as far as habanero/scotch bonnets
I would even go so far to say most people are incapable of building a tolerance to handle ghost peppers let alone reapers. I had a similar experience but it was only a ghost pepper. I'll personally stick to habaneros

>> No.12709984

>SEETHING medfag trying to cover up the fact that cancer is a curable nonissue because he knows if people were to realize just how many of our diseases we pay him to "treat" have been cured for years but suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry he'd be living in the streets
Nice try Dr. Goldstein.

>> No.12710001

Don't forget to donate a portion of all your paychecks and crypto earnings to "cancer research"! We can win this fight!!

>> No.12710013

And just to add on to this I've personally found the following for mass marketed sauces:
- reaper sauce = 1 or 2 habanero
- ghost pepper sauce = 1/2 habanero
- habanero sauce = 1 or 2 jalapeno
- Tabasco/spicy asian noodles/Sriracha = not spicy

>> No.12710030

OP you should look into Aajonus Vonderplanitz

>> No.12710044

>t is a heterogenous
LoL, not a chance in hell you are hetro. Just admit you're gay bro

>> No.12710045


>> No.12710049
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>spiciness tolerance will peak soon
>habaneros are the hottest peppers sold in my country

>> No.12710057
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>> No.12710058


>> No.12710080

Raw food (fruits or raw (organ)meat)/fasting heals cancer

>> No.12710082

do you people actually believe this shit?
actually forget it. i've read this board for a while. you people will believe anything

>> No.12710092

google cancer and sugar. Cancer cells need sugar because they cannot burn fat

>> No.12710110

The proliferations of reports from real people on youtube is much more credible than whatever the medical field produces.
Finally, the internet is fulfilling it's promise of propagating suppressed information in a manner that allows to crosscheck.

>> No.12710126

I unironically grow habanero, jalapeno, bhut jolokia and cayenne every year. They really are fantastic health-wise. Cure cancer? Probably not.

>> No.12710130

this thread gave me cancer

>> No.12710132
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You are right there, the worst part is those people return crying for help after they are completely overgrown with cancer.
However, pharma esp. in oncology is a scam industry with bullshitters faking studies and trimming statistics to produce artificial prolonged survival.
They bullshit desperate people with fake promises just like conspiracy nuts do.

>> No.12710136

What most of them are saying in essence is that health problems are just symptoms of abusing your body in very predictable and common sense ways. Those symptoms are the body attempting to stop the process of falling apart and healing those specifically is just fucking stupid. Don't eat processed food. Don't kill your entire gut bacteria by using antibiotics. Don't irradiate yourself silly because a doctor told you to. Don't inject heavy toxic fucking metals into your body.

>> No.12710142

about half of all cancers are genetic
jesus christ you people are stupid
you should stick to shilling your imaginary money

>> No.12710146
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Enjoy eating chemically purified chemical compounds like pure sugar, purified, dry milk and chalky white, nutritionless flour.

>> No.12710147

Epigenetics bitch

>> No.12710158

I'm pretty sure most of them arise from genetic mutations due to environmental and other factors. There have been some interesting prospective treatments in trials using senolytics (mice, monkeys) done by Oisin Biotechnologies, hopefully human trials will turn out well. They seem to have rejuvenation potential too, due to clearance of senescence cells.

>> No.12710173
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>I have no clue why my factory-farmed, purified chemical compounds fed pig all develop horrible, disfiguring tumors.
>It must be genetic.

>> No.12710177

> not only bears will be hungry when chasing
> they will also be hurt and furious

>> No.12710186

>environmental and other factors
Your dismissive attitude towards those is hilarious. Let's focus on novel drugs instead.

>> No.12710202

The ultimate cuck mentality

>> No.12710204

So many diseases can be cured by just not being degenerate. The problem is ppl refuse to give up their degeneracy.

All it takes is cooking your own food, figuring out your preferred diet, giving up smoking and drinking, exercising regularly and keeping a regime.

>> No.12710206

At the end of the day getting those drugs working in humans is what matters to combat cancers (and potentially other aging related diseases).
I was impressed on what they did on animal trials, but of course you need to makes sure it actually works on humans and is not toxic.

>> No.12710213

Real men fist fight bears, not use some pussy rape sprays

>> No.12710215

let them eat you and be happy
overall happiness increased

>> No.12710224

'Real men' simply immobilize bears, using whatever it takes. They manifest their will.

>> No.12710232

Best advice is drop some shit off if they are chasing you and hope they are curious enough to investigate it.
If you are within a bears reach, you are already fucked

>> No.12710242

fucking kek

>> No.12710262

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food - Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine.

>> No.12710291

Healthy food is important, but it will only take you so far. If we are interested in expand human healthspan and lifespan and combating many age related diseases then we will need new drugs and technologies.

>> No.12710295
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>pic related

>> No.12710325

Chemo"therapy" is known to be a scam to anyone with two brain cells. If you work on oncology plugging this shit into sick people you are the most despicable kind of person in the world and you will go to hell.

Where is the evidence chemo does anything other than make things worse?

>> No.12710343

hey medfag, fellow STEM student here (though I'm not very well versed in biochem)

isn't there a chance that capsaicin might have some anti-carcinogenic properties? It might be worth looking into at the very least, I know for example that islamic teachings mention red onions as a cure for "unwanted growths" and in a recent study I've read that someone found that some chemicals in red onions do actually have a effect like that and they're looking into creating a sophisticated chemo

cancer sucks man

>> No.12710344

How many people die of chemo within the first few weeks or months of treatment you piece of shit
How many see their cancer reach other parts of their body because of chemo
You fucking piece of shit shill

>> No.12710357

>red onions
Those have Fisetin (or maybe some other senolytic, don't remember now), no? But you will have to eat shit ton a day to get big amounts of it. Pure Fisetin perhaps could be made into a drug.

>> No.12710404

>How many see their cancer reach other parts of their body because of chemo

none, you moron

>> No.12710422

I looked it up again and the articles mention mainly quercetin and anthocyanin(haven't found the study)

in the teachings it's mentioned that you have to basically press red onion juice, and drink a large bottle of it every day, that's probably how they got a more purified liquid

>> No.12710433


Kill yourself my shill

>> No.12710451

idk about cancer but if your throat hurts gargle cayenne dissolved in warm water and the pain is gone. you have to endure the cayenne pain first tho so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.12710477

Yeah, that's the stuff. But as far as I remember reading, it would still be very small amount of compound itself. That be said, I'm not from medfield so don't take my word for it.

>> No.12710533



it's generally known that poisoning your body through chemo can lead to other cancers, but jesus we don't have much else at the moment

every 2nd person gets cancer at some point, you and I have a 50% chance of getting cancer throughout our lives, whoever finds a cure for cancer is pretty much guaranteed a nobel prize and to be one of the richest men alive

do you niggers really think there is a gigantic fucking conspiracy holding back cancer research? we already have multiple potential cures and we know pretty much how cancer works on a genetic level, but the problem is we lack the technology for any cellular-level specialized area treatment and the only viable way as of now is taking the shotgun approach and poisoning the entire body hoping the cancer dies faster

we will probably be able to cure it entirely within 30 years but come on man stop with the "oncology is a scam" bullshit, survival rates have been going up and you people shouldn't be pointing the finger at medfags but rather at fucking companies like monsanto using cancer causing chemicals to grow crops you god damn dipshits, this entire thread proves again that /biz/ in 2019 is a bunch of low IQ pajeets

>> No.12710541

>Don't stop eating synthetic non-food to make your body work as it should
>Torture your body with more compounds/spicy, mucus-forming unnatural foods

>> No.12710616

The type of stupid nigger who thinks he can cure his cancer by eating a pepper, is not going to be convinced by anybody he is wrong. This is a type of belligerence that flies in the face of any logic or reason. Give up now.

>> No.12710642

>flies in the face of any logic or reason
>I have no scientific curiosity and consider the current state of science as final and not perfectible
The definition of anti-science

>> No.12710675

>>Torture your body with more compounds/spicy, mucus-forming unnatural foods
how is cayenne unnatural?

>> No.12710714

This is Darwinism at work. Let them eat peppers anon. These aren't people you want living for a long time you're on 4channel

>> No.12710716

habanero peppers are unironically good. i grew some last season and they taste way better than jalapenos despite being hotter. my personal fave is to dry and grind them and create a habarno seasoning powder for pizza and sandwiches.

habaneros are kind of sweet. really enjoy them. jalapenos taste like friggin ass

>> No.12710719 [DELETED] 

>do you niggers really think there is a gigantic fucking conspiracy holding back cancer research? we already have multiple potential cures

No we ALREADY HAVE a lot of working cures, the most surefire of them being fasting, which doesn't cost 10k a month
Many diets work as well, even the fucking black salve which 100% removes cancerous moles can have an effect on tumors inside the body, through the skin.
Oncology is a money making machine ran by absolute demons, the level of corruption in the medical world is crime-against-humanity worthy

>you people shouldn't be pointing the finger at medfags but rather at fucking companies like monsanto using cancer causing chemicals to grow crops
Ain't that funny that the pseudoskeptic scum violently defends both the agrochem business and the "official" medecine?

Ain't that hilarious that they systematically attack medical or agricultural methods that provide no possibility of patenting artificial molecules?

>> No.12710730

>do you niggers really think there is a gigantic fucking conspiracy holding back cancer research? we already have multiple potential cures

No we already have a lot of EFFECTIVE cures, the most surefire of them being fasting, which doesn't cost 10k a month
Many diets work as well, even the fucking black salve which 100% removes cancerous moles can have an effect on tumors inside the body, through the skin.
Oncology is a money making machine ran by absolute demons, the level of corruption in the medical world is crime-against-humanity worthy

>you people shouldn't be pointing the finger at medfags but rather at fucking companies like monsanto using cancer causing chemicals to grow crops
Ain't that funny that the pseudoskeptic scum violently defends both the agrochem business and the "official" medecine?

Ain't that hilarious that they systematically attack medical or agricultural methods that provide no possibility of patenting artificial molecules?

>> No.12710739

Cayenne is a powder. You won't find it in nature. You'll find it in plants. Unfortunately, fully natural plants, not the ones that were selectively bred, don't have a lot of it.

>> No.12710747

Enjoy your unsuccessful modern oncology. Your goodboy points for following doctors orders will make your mother proud.

>> No.12710767

You snort it of course you brainlet. Don‘t you know anything about cancer treatment?!

>> No.12710792

My uncle has late stage colon cancer. How many ghost peppers should he shove up his asshole per day to be cured?

>> No.12710814


That's the problem, people in the medical field think these diseases are complicated when the root cause of all of them is actually very simple. Physical disease fundamentally is a psycho-spiritual issue that is the result of living out of balance with ourselves and nature. The medical system denies the spiritual dimension, so they will never accept something this simple.

>> No.12710817

Red onions are a well known immun-modulator and leydig-cell stimulant. I mosly use them for muscle gain. Six months in now, and the gainz are massive, bro.
But the anti-carcinogenic effects aren‘t well studied up until now.

>> No.12710822

Share more anon

>> No.12710841

>thread turned into a complete shitfest
>mfw all i wanted to do was talk about chillis (or peppers, for you burgers)

>> No.12710854

Absolutely based. The truth is that Western medicine is excellent at severe trauma and injuries. But retarded at curing long term chronic conditions, and these are on the rise.

Most long term conditions can be helped by the right diet, avoiding certain foods and fasting..but here take all these pills anon..

>> No.12710869

How many jalepenos do I have to eat to cure herpes. I fucked too many sluts. Got herpes. How many chiles is this gonna take?

>> No.12710874

Eat many at once pajeet

>> No.12710881

Cut your dick off before it's too late

>> No.12710909


Then along comes Dr. Goldstein
Looking for some shekels

>> No.12710910

More water. Peppers need it like OP's mom needs dick. Also, it may be good if you chip away weaker branches that are growing peppers. You lose some imediately, but the plant will have more energy to grow strong and give you better fruits on the stronger branches. Sorry for the non technical explanation, I just go with instinct.