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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12679974 No.12679974 [Reply] [Original]

Any oldfags around?

>> No.12679982

Im from 2008

>> No.12679983

Yes what's up Sonny boy

>> No.12679988

i like to huff jenkem

>> No.12680004

m00t once replied to a post I made on /b/ asking when captchas would be removed. He said after the spam that was going on at the time was done he would return it to how it was. Lying fag.

>> No.12680006

Hey thats ray William johnson

>> No.12680009

been here since this board launched sup

>> No.12680013
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Moot once stickied my post on /q/ suggesting 4chan passes be implemented.

The first image in my /b/ folder is i'm charging my lasers

>> No.12680021
File: 11 KB, 232x300, 3A4DEC82-04E9-407F-BB2A-6CD584E1C529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you do now?
what were 4chans golden years?
are there better boards?

>> No.12680028
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Do it foar her

>> No.12680039

Be ten years in spring

>> No.12680104

How do I find this thread after posting guys help
What does noko mean are you making fun of me or what

>> No.12680206

>fp is an antisemitic remark
>but /pol/ is supposed to be reddit

>> No.12680726


oh god

>> No.12680746

Pools closed

>> No.12680763

Hey I was one of the first people who escaped from Reddit to come onto 4chan to ruin it with phone posting. 2012 baby!!!

>> No.12680786

I've been here until the beginning of 2004. The time of happy negro and cockmongler.

I was 22. Now I'm soon 37.

Oh god

>> No.12680806

Fk the habbo raids forgot all about them. Wtf happen to this site, it use to be so much fun.

Then there was Jessi Slaughter or Chip-chan who still streams the same shit.

>> No.12680812

/biz/, /lit/, /fit/, /g/, /sci/

>> No.12680829

are the best boards imo. /tv/ and /v/ are great too

/v/ was literally /b/2.0 in the golden years now they actually talk about gaems it seems

golden years never existed

i was _literally_ partyv& when i was 15

>> No.12680849
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>mfw turning 30

>> No.12680859

I've been phone posting since 2009. I don't even have a computer and I run an online business. I don't understand how "pc master race" hangs out shitposting in the house all day hunched over a cum encrcrusted battle station.

>> No.12680861

2009-2013 was pretty epic

Earlier was cool too but all i did was fap to /b/ and insult fat chicks who tried to cam

>> No.12680869

2010 reporting in

>> No.12680890

yeah im from 2016

>> No.12680892

grinman you mean

>> No.12680911

No /pol/?

>> No.12680951

Been browsing /b/ on and off since its launch in 2003, so long ago that it's all become a blur and most of the memes have been recycled into popular culture

I'll never forget the feeling of invincibility and discovery, it was a better time

>> No.12681798


>> No.12681829

I was on 4chan in 2005.
I still haven't made it.

>> No.12681843

/pol/ is unironically these days infested with low test sacks of onions, who want to believe they are the descendants of Adolf, while sitting in front of a computer 24/7.

There's no real new discussion happening there anymore, just circlejerking over and over again about Europe becoming the new Arabia, America becoming Nuevo Mexico and Jews being the evil lizard people who control the world.

>> No.12681887

No shit I remember that thread. Lying faggot. Moot suits Google.

>> No.12681897
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oldfag here ask your answers

>> No.12681919

any advice on making a youtube channel grow?
about to hit 900 subs

>> No.12681924

upload tiktok videos

>> No.12681963
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No, and you’re a huge faggot for asking.

>> No.12682047

>and Jews being the evil lizard people who control the world
and they aren't? fuck off npc

>> No.12682066
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>> No.12682072

>the newest newfag

>> No.12682076

I miss newgrounds.

>> No.12682098



>> No.12682109

post 2016 election reporting in. I been here and seen some shit.

>> No.12682137
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Go back to Gaia.

>> No.12682226

POE fag here.

>> No.12682239

You bought doge and shorted panda, huh?

>> No.12683215


>> No.12683221

I don't consider myself an oldfag, but you done goofed.

>> No.12683227

I'm an oldfag. I've been here all summer

>> No.12683239


>> No.12683252

2018 veteran here.

>> No.12683262

i-is this b8?

>> No.12683263
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I come and go, but I started with /b/ back in 07-08.
I usually stop when I have a gf.

Oh and check these dubs.

>> No.12683274

2006 here, brought in after seeing Habbo on YTMND.

Met moot once, in 2012 or so in Portland at a tech conference I snuck into with my GF at the time after finding out he was there. He said the conference was stressing him out and we sat on the back steps talking about old LAN parties and Bawls energy drinks.

Met Snacks twice, at two separate anime cons, and been there when he was DJ'ing a few times. Got him to sign a poster of an anime loli for me, poking fun on the old meme that he supported CP on the site. He signed it "m<3<3t"

Met Kalyx at a gaming center with a lot of rhythm games near me when he was in town.

Only person left is Kirt, and then I'll have met all the big names (except Lowtax, I guess, but I was never a goon, so meh).

>> No.12683277

back in my day, trolling were a art

>> No.12683289

the best was when some anon called m00t a newfag

>> No.12683323
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Since 2007

>> No.12683343

I had many names over the years. Had been years that I’ve been 2 persons at the same time.

>> No.12683352

>we're always here

I thought I started on here in 2004 because I remember drafting mirrodin at FNM look at some of my old stuff I was packing away for the feels, pick up chrome mox 2003. Nearly 16 years :/

>> No.12683381

/b/s glory days are far behind us.

>> No.12683383

I started lurking /b/ in 2005-2006

>> No.12683395


>> No.12683399

Peak 4chan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIuw_Ut3unA

>> No.12683419

/b/ needs to b& porn, but also not allow /r9k/ threads to take over in the wake of the porn b&, and then it might be good again. Now it's just a dumping crowd for tits and ass. Of course, the only thing Hiro cares about is how to data mine more effectively and bring in more money from the site, so this will never happen. moot would have put shoe on head, set background music to chiptunes, and laid down the law, but Hiro has failed us consistently and he will do so again.

>> No.12683474

I miss the pretend summer shutdowns, they actually really helped the board. I apologise if they still do it I rarely go to /b/ now. I don't think /b/ ever recovered from the cancer

>> No.12683499

I used to phonepost on my moms flip phone using web2go back in 2010 because she took my computer away kek

>> No.12683540


>> No.12683548

Yeah i agree. Once the pol/trump shit took over most real conversation and funny shit left for discord and telegram. I only check here to watch you idiots try to understand the market.

>> No.12683580

I remember when moot took all our donation money and fled to mootxico.

>> No.12683584

Fucking idiot. 2016 was epic.

>> No.12683604

it was ok.

>> No.12683612

No it wasn’t, all it did was attract semi-normies and redditors

>> No.12683775
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They mostly fucked off or lurk in /ptg/. I can't speak for you, but I had alot of fun. We also converted loads of new frens. Good times IMO

>> No.12683789

Holo AMA is live if anyone's bothered.

>> No.12683814

>I'll always be a newfag
First thing i heard. Together with faggot and it just feels so damn good

>> No.12683847

forever and always my sweet baby boy