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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12655934 No.12655934 [Reply] [Original]

Do you feel bad about profiting off the 4th industrial revolution who will put hundreds of millions out of job?

Do you feel bad about getting rich off global misery?

You're here calculating how much to make it whilst you know these technologies will create a dystopian society, do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and see a young George Soros?

>> No.12655940


>> No.12655945

no. can't stop a wave but you can ride it. if they can't see the writing on the walls it's their own fault.

>> No.12655960

i think you mean billions

>> No.12656089
File: 41 KB, 768x433, 103_sdr_4k_tiff_121217_0135737-h_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i basically want to be this man.

>> No.12656161

who he.

>> No.12656184

Laurens Bancroft

>> No.12656332


Yes, i fear being rich actually, im trying to think in a way to use the money to help people

>> No.12656348
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>do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and see a young George Soros?

>> No.12656358

nyucka im gonna be Timothy Dexter

>> No.12656363

this post was made by a white man because nigs and spics literally give no fucks about their moral conscience

>> No.12656369
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>Do you feel bad about profiting off the 4th industrial revolution who will put hundreds of millions out of job?
>Do you feel bad about getting rich off global misery?
I used to but now I don't really care. Give me that compound interest. Give me that usury cash from bonds. Give me that tech stock money which is funding the global AI takeover. There's nothing I can do to stop it so I might as well profit off of it so that when it does finally come crashing down on all of our heads I'll at least have the funds to take the first ship to mars.
>You're here calculating how much to make it whilst you know these technologies will create a dystopian society, do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and see a young George Soros?
Yes, except instead of funding the far left I'm going to fund the far right. Once I make it I intend on funding far right populist parties that will take power, kill anyone who isn't white, institute eugenics, and bring about a 4th reich with myself as one of the power brokers.

>> No.12656447

I'm half black

>> No.12656492

One drop, jungle bunny.

>> No.12656527

I actually would like somebody to tell me it's okay to work for a company that is using machine learning to disrupt an industry and create redundancy for jobs with thousands of people, most college educated.

I'm serious /biz/, the economy will hook them up eventually right?

>> No.12656529

Imo it’s going to happen whether I buy 20k usd of that shit coin or not.

Might as well get rich as fuck in the process if the future is inevitable

>> No.12656542

Yeah, with UBI.

>> No.12656554

What is that?

>> No.12656561

What's your stack nigger

>> No.12656567

not at all. my wealth will be used as a positive force in this world. kill me if otherwise.

>> No.12656569

Generalized welfare

>> No.12656576

18k, how about you crack ass cracka?

>> No.12656592

The real golden rule in this world is "do unto others as they would do unto you and do it first"

you can accept this and act accordingly or be a rube who everyone steps on for the rest of your miserable life

>> No.12656605
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>> No.12656685

the free market will fuck them into oblivion literally, naturally selection is the most powerful force of nature and it operates under any circumstances

>> No.12656695

We all have a destiny in life. Some of us are destined to be pawns, others are destined to be kings. I once read a post on biz saying something along the lines of seeing your bloodline as a kingdom and yourself as it's monarch. That's something we should all keep in mind. Even when we die, our legacy does not die, it lives on through our bloodline and our family. Seek to create a dynasty, even if you're piss poor right now, the wealth you can accumulate can be further built upon by your future offspring and in turn you will be immortal in the history books.

>> No.12656696

>He said being 1/64th black

>> No.12656705

I wouldn't want to be 1/1000th nigger, let alone half nigger. I'm proud to be of anglo stock.

>> No.12656714

I was mocking him for lying.

>> No.12656715
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black linky checking in. we're all gonna make it

>> No.12656718

white man with 56k stack here.
How can black men even compete?

>> No.12656719

why tho

>> No.12656729
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Because anglo's were known for making the most gains.

>> No.12656733


You are seeking redemption and the only one you find is the one of the blood, unironically you should read the bible and think about the philosophy of redemption, you ask for transcendence and you have faith in something fleeting as money, most generations lose their money in one or two generations (search) because of people are corrupt at the core

>> No.12656754

I believe in God and even God is a monarchist. Otherwise Jesus wouldn't be the king of the world. Destiny is predetermined by God. If I or anyone one of us here isn't meant to make it than so be it but for those of us who are meant to be kings of men than as they say, God wills it.

>> No.12656781
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>> No.12656795


The game of men are under our own hands, its our own game to cope with the fallen nature of the world, it's like when Genghis Khan said:

>“I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”

In the future the chinese will govern the world, nowadays it's the jews who didn't accept jesus, the glory of the world is not the one of god

>> No.12656827

We can wave at each other across the border of the ethnostates.

>> No.12656836

God uses Satan to bring about destruction so that he can bring about rebirth. The old institutions have to crumble under their own weight and corruption before Jesus can come back. Think of it like a forest fire. The old trees burn and turn into ash but in turn, that ash fertilizes the soil so that saplings can grow from the desolation. Everything is cyclical.

>> No.12656840

Serious question: where're you going to move after you make it?

>> No.12656906


Accelerationism is a jew trick, literally accelerating the apocalypse so the "true" messiah appears faster, be safe

>> No.12656938

Accelerationism is the only way out of this corrupt system. We have to burn it all down before we can rebuild.

>> No.12656939


>> No.12656969
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>> No.12656989
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Truth. nigger, chink, spic, or normal, we are all gonna make it

>> No.12657006

I want to network with you fren

>> No.12657009


And this is my phone wallpaper

>> No.12657014


>> No.12657018

The entire western system is a sham running on fumes. We fucked anon. Link is our only hope left before society takes a dump

>> No.12657043
File: 58 KB, 640x598, ClassicLINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad that my father didn't heavily invest in Gold, Google, and Netflix when I urged him to.

I feel bad that I myself was devoid of capital to do the investing myself at the time.

I feel bad when my genius is wasted working menial jobs during peon hours.

I am special, I am already part of the elite in spirit and intellect, and I deserve my place at the top as if it were destined and ordained by God.

LINK will bring back royal prestige to the deserved.

>> No.12657045


>Do you feel bad about profiting off the 4th industrial revolution who will put hundreds of millions out of job?

You mean lift hundreds of billions out of debt slavery and wageslavery. Yah sure I have no problem with it everyone had the chance to invest but sooner but most of us didn't for one reason or another.

>Do you feel bad about getting rich off global misery?

The Misery is only temporary. and our current debt slave system is responsible for creating more misery than anything else. Cryptos will be what sets the world free.

>You're here calculating how much to make it whilst you know these technologies will create a dystopian society, do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and see a young George Soros?

Noyt my fault people are to stupid to realize the potential of crypto

>> No.12657049

Am i really ganna profit? All i do is get JUST

>> No.12657060


I've mad enough to live a humble life without having to wageslave. I sometimes give a couple of bucks to people in crypto once they lemme show them how to use a crypto wallet and use binance to day trade. Hopefully I've saved some people from the coming collapse.

>> No.12657065
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It could go either way. The 4th Industrial Revolution could lead to a restoration of soverignity and a pullback from corrupt centralization OR create a dystopic AI hegemony.
Of course those are the extremes and the real outcome is very difficult to predict but we should at least aim towards the former.

>> No.12657069


Same man future crypto millionaires won't be to kind to the left that is for sure.

>> No.12657072

Another 40% pump and I'll be even.

>> No.12657075

you should honestly kill yourself

>> No.12657083

Rare epe ruined by shit coin

>> No.12657089

I'm not even a cryptofag. I'm a 28 year old /smg/ boomer but I can't wait to be the next Henry Ford funding the next right wing populist uprising in Europe, whether it be the yellow vests, AFD or even national socialist party.

>> No.12657114
File: 246 KB, 1200x882, Dq5PweSUcAEJoiH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing the singularity
No way fag

>> No.12657130


>> No.12657144
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>> No.12657249
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It is the dawn of our time, brother.

>> No.12657376


altered carbon

essentially our future if the rich ever became immortal

>> No.12657391

Ah, I see. Just white enough to be such a cuck and just black enough to always run your fucking mouth

>> No.12657399


>> No.12657410

he'll probably be banging plantinum blonde roasties

>> No.12657452

The best way to achieve this is become a Mormon and have 7 wives that you've brainwashed

>> No.12657459

Which jungle you going to buy and inhabit when you make it?

>> No.12657607 [DELETED] 

My mom has cancer, I'm 50k in debt. Can you help?


>> No.12657735

Sent ;)

>> No.12657942
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>> No.12657990

>a pullback from corrupt centralization
yeah nah all of this, including eth and most likely even link, is part of their initiation through and through. An Orwellian state is unironically coming

>b-but i dont have anything to hide and im not important enough to be spied upon
quantum algorithms will spy on you they dont need to do shit apart from putting in parameters like playing an RPG game. One day every browsing activity could very well have points attached to it and affects your social credit score. It would be a system that demands absolute submission. China is just a testing ground. Sooner or later governance will be dominated by just algorithms, smart contracts and drones

>> No.12658001

>Sooner or later governance will be dominated by just algorithms, smart contracts and drones
And the masses deserve it

>> No.12658088
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>Do you feel bad about profiting off the 4th industrial revolution who will put hundreds of millions out of job?
>Do you feel bad about getting rich off global misery?
>You're here calculating how much to make it whilst you know these technologies will create a dystopian society, do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and see a young George Soros?

>> No.12658101


>> No.12658125

you're demonizing them too much, people are generally nice people with good intentions in their hearts. It only just so happens that we're lucky enough to be autistic enough to come across these stuffs

you're right though, best to treat what is to come as a natural disaster

>> No.12658216


>> No.12659023
File: 13 KB, 207x371, 1531480669841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me of that supposed Rothschild who did an AMA and basically said that was all the elite care about, even more than weath and power, what matters is the bloodline.

>> No.12660209

You wanna be Marcus Antonius?

>> No.12660226
File: 2 KB, 125x92, 1546316907339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had a year to get on this train.
I've done my part and told friends, family, most people I know, but they didn't listen...
Fuck them, they'll learn the hard way.

>> No.12660770


>> No.12660772

Nope I can't wait to be rich af and do whatever I want.

t. LINK whale

>> No.12660785

lmao you'll make it for like 6 months before you spend it all like every other nigger

>> No.12660806

Doesn't matter if rich people become immortal, capital already is.

>> No.12660831


>> No.12660850

Embrace accelerationism, the faster we progress the sooner it'll all fall apart.
Only thing I'm a bit sad about is how all this new tech can be used for surveillance and advertising, but then crypto is not the worst contender for that with the whole decentralization thing.

>> No.12660857

if you were an actual link whale you would already be rich and doing whatever you want desu.
I'm guessing this is your first rodeo.

>> No.12660861

fellow black


i plan to continue to buy properties in nyc to rent and find cozy places around
word to make art for the rest of my 20’s

>> No.12660864
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absolute lmao at all the replies

>> No.12660997

White American trump supporter from pol with 100k link checking in.

>> No.12661034

uhhh yeah it does, you think rothchild and soros dont want to live forever to tyrannize us for hundreds of years

>> No.12661083

black trump supporting linkie checking in at 72k

the marines are above race baiting games of the jews. we will not be divided

>> No.12661145

did you even read my post

>> No.12661275

you said capital is...is capital conscious?

>> No.12661339
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>> No.12662017

checked and BASED

>> No.12662033

knew there'd be one

>> No.12662536

Do you have any apartments or rooms for rent available in or near Astoria? I've got a solid job and 20,000 LINK.

>> No.12663006

burner contact?

>> No.12663062
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48k. just need 2000 more and i ll finally be able to make it

>> No.12663115

I didn’t come to this Iranian dream catcher maintenance board and waste years of my life not to lord it over normies when I become rich and powerful, ok?

>> No.12663163

Make it? I only have 100k Link which is nowhere near enough to actually make it.

All these Linklets with 10k stacks singing about 1k eoy are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. It was a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump. I need to make it to 300k before mainnet for fucks sake. Link is only going to $10 max. Right now I might make 1MM before tax on that, but tax will take a big chunk out of that then inflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 1MM into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 70k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to sell any retirement Link. In 10 years that 70k a year will feel like 20k a year. You need a minimum of 2MM, but more likely 3MM to make it. The upper predictions for Link where about $60 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble when mainnet came out and we got our price singularity. All of that isn't going to happen anymore.

The singularity is cancelled. Now we will have a slow growth to $10. And the sad but ironic thing is most people on this board will hold from 20 cents, to $10 and then hold all the way back to sub $1 again because you all believe the 1k eoy memes, and just like the retards who held BTC and didn't sell at 19k, you will do the same with Link at $10. Looking at the current charts depresses the fuck out of me when I know I only have 100k Link, nowhere near enough to make it.

At best I will have 1-2 sweet years, and then return to wagecucking after that. But it will be worse because I will have tasted freedom and know what I am missing out on.

>> No.12663221

How much?

>> No.12663230

i know this is pasta but its legitimately autistic as fuck that a young 20 something can't live off 70k a year + odd jobs to pass the time

>> No.12663265

You need 100k to be a dolphin

>> No.12663293

if we get to any where near $1000 eoy, i don't mind even being a guppy

>> No.12663303

we pumping boys
target: lambo city

>> No.12663326

You fren, I like

>> No.12663365

underrated post. I sincerely believe this as well. 50% of my link gains are going to food stocks, ammo and water filters.

>> No.12663522

It is better to instead have 1 wife who is a great mother and gives you 10 kids. 2 wives at most. more than that brings issues to the kids.

>> No.12663623

Yes but link is not part of the picture

>> No.12663645

use it to cure cancer with stem cells

>> No.12664325

Clue us in anon

>> No.12664382


>Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and see a young George Soros

Only in my wildest dreams, anon, only in my wildest dreams.

>> No.12664412
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Absolutely undoubtedly BASED and REDPILLED FUCK NORMIES

>> No.12664422

This. If you're not using your gains to buy a property next to a mountain river.. your linkies might as well be bitconnecters

>> No.12664453

Is eth and link the patrician portfolio? Also is 75k link enough to make it.

>> No.12664469

>do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and see a young George Soros?
I wish I saw someone so BASED when I look into the mirror

>> No.12664687

>Yes, except instead of funding the far left I'm going to fund the far right.
>Thinking Soros doesn't own the republicans and democrats
You are never going to make it.