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12645235 No.12645235 [Reply] [Original]

>if I just keep working, someday I can finally begin my real life

>> No.12645251

fuck that's depressing. delete this

>> No.12645252

Chin up anon! Everyone has to work toward something!

Me? Oh, well I'm saving up for a brand new noose so I can finally kill myself! Money has been tight, but I think I might be able to afford one this month!

Here's to hoping!

>> No.12645258

no, this is the real pill. burn hard as fuck when you're young, don't fall for the "you only live once trap". if i had just doubled up on jobs and lived like a pauper i could have multiple rental properties and a brokerage that is 10x fatter than what is now.

just grind it little nigga's. thats how you make it.

>> No.12645275
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hee haw

>> No.12645282
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>> No.12645293

So, what's your solution?

>> No.12645300

There is no solution

>> No.12645303

when there are opportunities in this day and age you should be taking it because there might not be opportunities in the future

>> No.12645318

shit shovelers will always be needed

>> No.12645322
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or you could just be happy with your lot in life. i mean we're all wage cucks so whatever

>> No.12645336

then I will shovel shit and use that money to accumulate every dip

what else am I going to do? go to the mall and buy stuff? sit around complain and starve?

>> No.12645367

>Just 30 more years and I can begin to seriously think about maybe someday retiring if I don't have a fatal stress induced heart attack or stroke.

How the fuck do people put up with this shit for 50 years?

>> No.12645475

anyone with an IQ over 120 kills themselves unironically or copes with drugs/alcohol. go look up suicide rates

>> No.12645532

Unironically yes.

>> No.12645540

Unless you're living paycheck to paycheck. Then you're fucked. I'm lucky enough to live with my mom so I only have to pay 200 dollars a month in rent and I can play with the rest of my money.

>> No.12645552

im so glad i have both my arms man
all the way up to my fingertips
water and electricity is nice too

im gonna go use this magical device that can communicate around the world to go associate with literally any other group
alright have a nice life

>> No.12645571

When a wagie has truly given up on life...

>> No.12645576

Actually true, keep working hard and being a good person, good things come to those who wait

>> No.12645596

The solution is to save up money, buy 2 cheap as fuck homes in texas, rent one for passive income, and the other for you to just fap all day and not have to work. Passive income should pay for expenses per month.

>> No.12645602



>> No.12645603

Not really. That's just a cliche.

>> No.12645656

Seek jesus, my child.

>> No.12645842

If you work harder I can afford an even BETTER car next year!

>> No.12645911

so I can enjoy my drive in stop and go traffic more?

>> No.12645947

I never understood why people obsess over cars. Like you buy an expensive car... just to go to work at the same time frame due to traffic anyways..

>> No.12646122

Self-educate, formally or informally, and aim higher

>> No.12646139

>Get a job at McDonalds.
>Up front, couldn't work a grill.
>Only my third job. Actually like it.
>Think I'm shitty at counting money, actually pretty dang fast at it.
>Nice coworkers, bosses.
>Hardest thing is cleaning at the end of the day, the rest is just standing and light cleaning.
>Don't make nearly enough money to support me and my dad. Sister demands I pay half my check for a very small room.
>Have to leave to head back home.
>Put in my application to most places around town, not a word.
>Only real chance I have anymore is the insulation factory.
>First job was a factory one, started out bad. Went slow due to disliking it, bad at it also.

Hopefully they want me. If not the only other option is the city, and I can't drive.

>> No.12646154
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>> No.12646158
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Ya, if you made terrible decisions in your early life, leading to wagecuckery then I have the solution.

LTO network would help you bulk up your savings. Stock up ASAP.

Then, continue working and saving until you can withdraw some money and invest in yourself.

>> No.12646397


There was a chance for normal wagies to pull that off 20-30 years ago but that chance has now gone

>> No.12646404 [DELETED] 

That's the ultimate wagie cope. For 90%+ things won't change significantly. If you want your life to change make it happen NOW.

>> No.12646411 [DELETED] 

That's the ultimate wagie cope. For 90%+ of people who think that things will never really change. If you want your life to change make it happen NOW.

>> No.12646415

I used to be a nigger worker in factory. Earned quite a lot doing night shifts etc. Earned enough to enlist in a programmin course. Now i am a programmer in my countrys largest logistics firm.

If i did it anon you can do it as well! Keep your head high and aim for high salary jobs!

>> No.12646419

That's the ultimate wagie cope. For 80%+ of people who think like that, things will never really change. If you want your life to change make it happen NOW.

>> No.12646426

Missed the point entirely.
This. It's just existential truth. Not everything has a solution.

>> No.12646658

What's going on here?

>> No.12646768


>> No.12646779

stupid wh*te girl with Down’s syndrome

>> No.12646789

Your mom isn't going to live forever.

>> No.12647317

This is beautiful.

>> No.12647326

rise and shine wagies

>> No.12647379
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>> No.12647384

I literally dont give a shit anymore. I'm just going to wageslave until I can afford a top-end gaming pc, quit and then wageslave once I need new parts again.

Life is pain, better to find something that takes your mind from it.

>> No.12647487

>start wageing
>lose sex drive
>lifts go to shit
>can't enjoy music
>attention span fucked, can't enjoy gaming

genuinely felt healthier physically, mentally and emotionally as a NEET

>> No.12647496
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>multiple rental properties
From wagecuck to parasite.

>> No.12647505
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Whoops. Bigger version.

>> No.12647507

just imagine working your enire lie away to enjoy life at 65.

>> No.12647515

>I never understood why people obsess over cars. Like you buy an expensive car... just to go to work at the same time frame due to traffic anyways..

Imagination isn't encouraged amongst the rich. Some of them might start rocking the boat.

Just buy useless shit and leave the rest to your kids. At best, you can leave money to a charity, but it has to be a useless one.

>> No.12647522

35 year old here. Studying part time, on a disability pension.

Want to get off the pension and be productive, but not sure if anyone will ever hire me.

I also wanted to interact with interesting people in my life. I was hoping I could do that through work somehow.

>> No.12647537

i hope you make it.

>> No.12647545

I think you have better chance of learning guitar and becoming a rockstar then being a middle aged programmer.

>> No.12647556

You don't sound hopeful.

>> No.12647578

im thinking about forming an LLC and putting all of my properties in it. i need to hire someone that speaks spanish to deal with the tenants.

>> No.12647586

The person who posted this is a neet whos going to stay at home and play video games in mom’s basement at 35 today

>> No.12648172

how do you know

>> No.12648267
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>>if I just keep investing in Chainlink, someday I can finally begin my real life

>> No.12648287


Just use a mgt company, they take 8% of rent but handle all the contractors, finding tenants, etc

>> No.12648313

I don’t understand, you aren’t all software engineers making 200k/year who have deep insights on crypto? Now You telling me you are all a bunch of minimum wage brainlets speculating in internet beanie baby coins and thought you were brilliant.

>> No.12648361 [DELETED] 

Cars in general are stupid

>> No.12648400

I'm only starting my third year of wagecucking and I already want out. Not because the job is unbearable or anything but I can already tell this is a dead end. Pay is barely enough to save a little over $700 a month, living very frugally. How to get out?

The only thing keeping me here is the medical // dental insurance.

>> No.12648510

Yes, go back to your make-believe bubble where everything is set for you to have the life you always wanted and the only thing you need to do is trust someone else to solve it all. There is nothing for you to do, just wait. It will all get better once you make it. Your parents will be proud of you and look up to you. Your friends will respect you and want to be on your life more often. You'll find love, be sure of it. Once you've uncovered who you really are after acquiring your wealth people will agree with you: You're the best! You’re so smart! You’re so lucky! I am so lucky to have met you, I'm always going to be by your side, and I love you. I love you. Maybe she does and maybe she won't leave. Maybe your new and old friends like you all the same and do care for you. Maybe your parents do think they did a great job raising you. Or maybe you don't have anyone at all. Even better then, because once you make it none of this will matter.

That's because everything you've dreamed of being depends on only one decision. Would you'd made it if it wasn't for this? Would you'd made it if you didn't risk being a fool for a year or two before whatever scam you're attached to succeeded? I don't think so and you don't think so either.

That's why you're still here, looking for yet another clue to lay back and be calm while you wait for the day when the rest of your life can truly begin. Keep waiting.

>> No.12648534

Where are you located. I speak Spanish and currently getting my management certificate

>> No.12648535

This is the first time I actually mean this, please delete this post. Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.12648555
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Once we make it, we'll be laughing at you while you continue to wagecuck and grind for 40-45 yrs total of your life giving your youth away just to make some cunt that doesn't give a single damn about you richer.
>living the dream wagecucking
Be delusional. You're a slave.

>> No.12648560

Good speech, motivated me to hold and accumulate even harder.

>> No.12648634


>responding to ancient pasta

>> No.12648661

>Wakes up at 45
>Has done nothing but work
>Experienced nothing in his youth

>> No.12648667

Realize whatever you do is meaningless and the memory of your existence will slowly fade away.

>> No.12648672

Crypto is already my plan B, if it doesn‘t work out in a couple years I think I will kill myself.
Just don‘t see the point continuing as a wagecuck which only hope is to get a slightly less draining job and work away til I‘m 70.
Sure I could work and accumulate more Fiat so I can taste freedom for a couple more years but once you are not young anymore its all pointless anyway.

>> No.12648742 [DELETED] 


>> No.12648754
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yes just grind it. until you can finally begin living your real life. thanks for buying my bags in january 2018 btw