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12632539 No.12632539[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me, biological woman
>feel the need to dominate like men
>read maths at Cambridge, buy a home at 24, studying for a PhD in applied mathematics
>men STILL think it's appropriate to pay for dates, say what I've done is especially impressive got a WOMAN, treat me like I'm incompetent etc
>seeth about it daily, try making myself look masculine without looking like a lesbian and power dress to get m*n to fuck off

Reminder, being female is nightmare mode if you're successful. There is nothing you can really do apart from seeth silently. Call them out and you'll be hated, but to be honest I do this nowadays anyway

>> No.12632557

You wouldn't be "succesfull" if you weren't female. The standards are much lower for you and there are institutional programs in place to give you opportunities and positions that you don't deserve. If you were a man you'd be working a dead end job in a shitty apartment.

>> No.12632562

I would love this to be a real thread, but sadly there is more chance of OWW token getting listed on coinbase.

>> No.12632565


you know the rules

>> No.12632571

Well I literally heard woman bitch because the man didn't pay on the first date. I even know woman who are broke af, but still hopping from beta to beta and let them pay for everything.

>> No.12632574

Its a fucking larp you dingus

>> No.12632576

So you're successful and you hate all the people who you got ahead of? I don't think you're a woman. I think you're a tranny.

>> No.12632585

You're shit. And you'll always be shit. You're only where you are because you're a woman.

>> No.12632594

haaa, now that's a woman

>> No.12632615
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You're not a woman.

>> No.12632685

>feel need to dominate
>likes math
You probably have above average T levels or were exposed to above avg levels in the womb. Your brain is more masculinized than the average girl. May or may not be lesbian. Nothing wrong with that. But you should also know that most girls are not like you and do like being dominated which is the natural order of things.

>> No.12632694

Cool, wanna peg me?

>> No.12632696

Transvestie gay female tries to dominate men but
does not whant other people to think you are a dirty lesb.

>> No.12632699

Go full 14/88.

>> No.12632700

me learn math me smart me big girl why no good stuff I do what I am supposed to do duhh duhhhh duhhhhhh

>> No.12632702

I’d kiss you on your little button nose and open the car door for you and you wouldn’t do SHIT about it

>> No.12632714

sorry but if you are a woman you are not competent to defend yourself or do anything practical. congrats on being good at math but you need a man

>> No.12632745

I also have a PhD in applied math. I witnessed women being given special treatment regularly. For example, one professor gave summer internships to women for the last three years, almost certainly because they were women (he has explicitly stated that he wants scholarships and quotas for women). When we were organizing conferences, we had to have at least one (out of two) invited speakers be women. Commitment to "gender balance" was part of the application for funding. Same for other grant applications, they stated that they aim to have at least 40% (or 50%, can't remember) femalre researchers. It's partly for the funding, but a lot of the professors are feminists and actually believe in this stuff.

The "gender balance" thing is bullshit because if the pool of potential candidates is only 20% women, why should the outcome be a 50/50 split? It is just discrimination against men. The outcome should be 20/80 assuming men and women are equally qualified on average (which may not be the case).

To be fair, I've witnessed one professor making sexist remarks towards women. But he still worked with women, so I don't his actual actions were really different regarding women. And the feminists have him way outnumbered.

Btw, I've worked on projects with several women and never had any issues with them.

>> No.12632759

Angry fat slam pig whore who has been rejected by men probably hundreds of times

>> No.12632765

Were programmed

>> No.12632780

I am part of a company outsourcing software dev recruiting. We ask companies for requirements for a role, and find candidates that meet them. We don't "look harder for qualifying women." For women and minorities, we simply reduce the requirements by about 30%, with the company's permission.

>> No.12632789

pls be my femdom gf

>> No.12632791

I can be your boytoy that you take care of and shower with gifts

I have an 8 inch cock and a 6 pack

>> No.12632794

The reason for quotas is because even if, say, only 25 out of the top 100 minds are female, if the ratio is 9/1 because social pressures discourage female applicants, then you've just lost 15 of the top hundred applicants to your course. So you have a situation where EVEN IF men are literally twice as good at math it is still wothwhile (and PROFITABLE AND PRODUCTIVE) to enact quotas. But you don't understand any of that because you're an autistic brainlet.

>> No.12632807
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Show pusi and bob sir

>> No.12632815
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I see no tits in this thread
You're always completely incompetent aren't you

>> No.12632820

You reek of autism. Why should you be treated differently from other women? Why can't you take advantage of what your position. women who know their shit are promoted to high heavens because they are so rare.

>> No.12632826

That doesn't make any sense. Sorry.

>> No.12632836

>especially impressive got a WOMAN, treat me like I'm incompetent etc
if you weren't incompetent, you'd be able to spell "for".

>> No.12632847

There seems to be a typo in your comment. I think you meant to say "I don't understand :("

>> No.12632863

You are really stupid. First of all, you are implying that minds ranked 101-130 are useless instead of just slightly worse, and second quotas don't end up being the exact ratio. In reality the quota would end up making you hire alot of women outside of the top 100 minds, which according to you is completely useless.

>> No.12632868

Show satoj sapio

>> No.12632925


You are a pathetic cunt. Do you know what the difference is between man en women? women like people, man like things. If you really want to act like a man you would care about your vision and ideas, and you wont give a flying fuck about what the people around you think about it. So starting this thread is already a big indication of you being a women. Moreover, there is nothing wrong with being a women. Women have their own specific strengths and skills things they seemingly do not seem to appreciate as much. Women indirectly have as much maybe even more influence as men do. So start appreciating yourself, stop trying to act like men, because your doing an affwul job at it, its not sexy and its pathetic.

>> No.12632934

Explicitly discriminating against men will encourage >60% of top female applicants without discouraging >15% of top male applicants. Got it. Makes sense.

>> No.12632938

Wow woman are fucked no matter what, I have been hating woman all this time for expecting to be spoiled etc but after reading this post I realize woman are just annoying as fuck no matter what.

>> No.12632964

We have a black woman on my software team who I don't think has produced a single line of production code and probably couldn't write a fizzbuzz. Everyone just kind of plays along like this is somehow completely okay and normal for her to sit there and do absolutely nothing. We are living in a total fucking clown world.

>> No.12633008


>> No.12633012

>imagine running a uni course with quotas in mind
Taking brainlets to look good are more likely to drop out of the later years rather than the nerds, since they pay per year, this is bad.
The last 1-2 years may even run at a loss (as my lecturer told me my own course was in yr3).

>> No.12633015

I haven't seen the inside of these companies but it makes sense that a good diversity compliance strategy might be to simply eat the cost of a high-value minority (black woman) and put them in a rubber room rather than try to integrate mid-value minorities (white women, black men, etc.) into the team.

Of course the best strategy is to pass off qualified asian women and indian/arab men as "diversity" for as long as possible

>> No.12633017

>bought a home at 24
get out. you don't belong here. go post on facebook with the rest of your ilk.

>> No.12633033

The top female applicants would displace less-capable males. I can understand why you would personally find this distressing.

>> No.12633047

>1 post by this ID

why is it so easy to bait people on this site?

>> No.12633055

>Taking brainlets to look good
Doing it to "look good" is incompetent management. The purpose is to make sure you get the best possible talent by fostering a culture that draws on the widest possible talent pool.

>> No.12633097

Why is it getting to you ? Could there maybe be some truth to what they are saying?

>> No.12633100

>men STILL think it's appropriate to pay for dates
Wasn't that a complaint of the women of newer generations that men don't want to pay for anything due to 'equality'? Why do you end up dating men that don't do that? It's like you intentionally do so to be able to complain later on while still attaching to the male that is of higher value than you.

Or is the whole thread just humble-bragging? I recon it is. **WARNING** **ATTENTION WHORING NARCISSIST ITT AND IT"S OP**

>> No.12633194

But the top male applicants wouldn't displace less capable females?

Sorry your brain is broken. Good luck out there! :^)

>> No.12633235

>But the top male applicants wouldn't displace less capable females?
In this scenario the male applicants are the incumbents, by definition they aren't displacing anyone.

>> No.12633236

Women who chose to be degenerate career women at some affirmative hire Jewish institution instead of raising a family deserve the rope

>> No.12633264

Here is the truth to it:

Banning women from STEM entirely was indeed inefficient. Enforcing complete gender parity is also inefficient. With a laissez faire meritocratic approach, biology becomes majority female, physics/math/CS stay majority male.

Teach men not to instantly discount women intellectually or rape them in the faculty bathroom and you have done enough.

>> No.12633266

Serious question: Why do you strive to be "successful" in your career? Men do it to get laid. That's the only reason. Women don't have to. All you've accomplished is to turn into a bitter man-hater well on her way to post-wall catlady status. You should have married at 18 and had a bunch of babies.

>> No.12633281

larp or not your problem is the social impact of the internet on your mental health. The brain fog you feel is because you dont have real human interaction on a daily basis but the actual dialog with people on the internet tricks your mind to not feel lonely. This is the ultimate social cancer of the 21. century. Time will tell.

>> No.12633318

>Teach men not to instantly discount women intellectually or rape them in the faculty bathroom and you have done enough.
I don't know if you're one of them, but there are many men would never become a make-up artist, for example, no matter how talented they are. Because of social pressures.
There are many women who feel the same about male dominated fields, and will not apply no matter how strong a candidate they are. This is inefficient for society. Social norms involve more than raping, and putting up signs saying "pls no rape" isn't the magic cure you seem to think it is.

>> No.12633362

to elaborate on this there are about 1 million perfect opposite sex partner matches just within your reach but because of the internet social interaction you have clouded judgement. Trial and error my fren. You have to go through horde of imbeciles to find the right one for you. And dont think its any easier for us, men. You do realize that we have to actually ask the girl out and get our ego destroyed 9/10 times before they even give us a chance to fucking entertain them spending our money just to get a kiss and go home in the rain to cry ourselves to sleep, alone. Seeing independent successful woman is very intimidating because of these reasons. Most will just pass because the risk/reward is just not worth it. You obviously expect too much.

>> No.12633412


If a company were 100% men with more than, say, 100 people already hired, then I admit that (a) it has relatively unqualified employees who could be displaced by women and (b) it has a taint of sexism that discourages qualified female applicants, and could be corrected by committing to either a gender quota, or gender blind hiring.

I think gender blind hiring is better because we don't know what the efficient male/female ratio is to target, and frankly, nobody goes out and targets less or greater than 50/50. Set it to 50/50 when it's really 60/40, and you're inefficient -- I won't even comment on whether men are the 60% and women the 40%. It's an unknown, and either way, you have an inefficiency.

As I mentioned earlier, I am part of a recruiting company. People work. We are more than 50% women without implementing a hiring quota for women. We have an engineering team which is more than 50% men. Nothing is wrong.

>> No.12633448

men don't "feel the need" to dominate. that's where you're misguided, and why you'll never feel satisfied. the apex male is laid back

>> No.12633491

>be successful roastie
>be butt mad because men are still gracious to me and give me compliments on my success

>> No.12633501

while you're trolling, friendly reminder there's numerous shotcallers who unironically think like this

>> No.12633564

If I have to be willing to be more girly to enter make-up artistry then women can become more manly if they want to enter science and engineering. Women unironically "want to be scientists/engineers" in a capitalist society while pissing their pants in the face of competition and argumentation. Lose in a win/lose scenario and find someone to cry to about how the contest wasn't "fair", etc. This is what we mean when we speak of clown world

>> No.12633635
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Allowing a man to fulfill a masculine role is how you show respect to a man. Instead you throw a temper tantrum and consider it a personal attack when a man wants to engage in courtship behavior.
The fact that you strive so hard for recognition by your male counterparts instead of simply doing your thing and trying to enjoy your life how you are fit, says to me that the only reason you tried to accomplish so much in the first place was for attention. Then, when you get it (what you apparebtlt desired in the first place) you self sabotage and enter a cycle of blame and reconciliation.

Basically you are a typical woman, and ignoring the simple things which satisfy you on base level has led to your present discomfort. Continue to ignore them and rail against your biology all you want, don't worry...society has a place for you.

Pic related.

>> No.12633763

Sorry you have to deal with that OP. That's why we have to keep slogging to take down institutional patriarchy.

>> No.12633845
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>1 post by this ID

>> No.12633896


>read maths at Cambridge, buy a home at 24

LARP confirmed

t. lived in Cambridge for 4 years and the average house price within the city limits is £520,000.

How much fucking scholarships did you get with that PhD nigga?

>> No.12633921

>Female anon here
Someone is forgetting the sacred covenant

>> No.12633951
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>24 years old


>> No.12634469

>you will never have a femdom gf with a PhD in math

Why even live.

>> No.12634795

Shitty larp.
The reason this culture exists is because women are physically very weak. Unless she takes steroids or testosterone, a woman could train every day for a year, and still she would be physically weaker than average neet who sits all day in front of a pc. It's only a testament to how protective of women Western culture is that almost no woman realizes this.

Humans are still primates and we give automatic respect to people who look strong. That means height and muscle.
That's just how it is. Even a weakest unfit neet is more of a physical threat than a fit woman.
There's no way to change that evolutionary instinct. It's unfair, yes. In the same way it would be nicer if we didn't age. But we do. It doesn't matter what a female does, she will never activate millions of years old pack hierarchy procedures, buried somewhere in human dna, in the way a male can do it.

>> No.12634812


>> No.12634825

Take care of me please. I am good stay at home handsome house husband.
My breadwinner
Alpha female.

>> No.12634842

Larps should be responded to with larps

>> No.12634863

>~70 replies to bait post 14 months in the bear market

the purge seems to not even started yet

>> No.12634874
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Jesus fucking Christ I've heard of first world problems but that is something else

For someone doing a Doctorate in Maths you're a true fucking retard
Living proof in fact that women's education is an absolute waste
If that's you're meltdown of getting attention and free meals you're in no way shape or form cut out for employment

Go back to the kitchen, get knocked up and transmit that high IQ to some kids
Hopefully at least one of them will be male and contribute to world enough to redeem you from that abysmal post OP

>> No.12634885


>muh efficiency

>> No.12634982

>missing the forest for the trees
>who will take care of the next generation and make them into individual making progress and sustaining what's already there.
>raise in a very specific type of efficiency destroying efficiency at the higher level of importance

>> No.12635357
File: 89 KB, 1146x1148, bait duel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only purpose and desire of a woman is to get married young to avoid whoredom so she can provide the man with healthy children. Any other desires is LARPing

>> No.12635412

> biological woman

The thing is, if you’re going to LARP, why give it away immediately. But then again, if you are LARPing, you may have anticipated that and did it first anyway to make us second guess. But nobody here thinks that rationally.

So the only other explanation is th-

My god...it is a woman

>> No.12635512

A fucking standing ovation for this man please

>> No.12635622

Kys kike

>> No.12635633

bet you went to murray edwards or some other women cope college, kys

>> No.12636175

you larp but my sisters relationship is like this

>> No.12636193

no pics no care

>> No.12636256

Who is talking about being manly? I dont know how you got the idea that you "being girly" is somehow relevant so Im afraid you're on your own with whatever strand of thought is going on there.
>I think gender blind hiring is better.
Sure. There are lots of studies where for example, blind auditions for orchestra positions resulted in huge upswings in female hires. But its very difficult to do an interview process where gender information isnt leaked to the panel. Impossible in a lot of cases.

>> No.12636468
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obvious larp 2 lines in

>> No.12636487

Men are the best and the worst of our species. They've been responsible for our greatest breakthroughs and our worst atrocities.

4chan betas will whinge about how manipulative, deceitful, or whatever, but they always neglect to consider how in most of the world, men will straight up murder you if you cross them. In the worst parts of the world they torture you first.

>> No.12636621

First time am visiting the /biz/.

>See this filth

Disgusting filth. Am going to let uncle /pol/ know about this

>> No.12636637

Kys faggot

>> No.12636653

>feel the need to dominate like men

Means you ain't been fucked good yet.