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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12630247 No.12630247 [Reply] [Original]

Buying iExec now is like buying ETH at $0.50.
iExec is in STEALTH PHASE right now, and will be 200$ by 2020.
It's ONLY shilled on /biz/, and it's at ICO price.
v3 comes in May, where enterprises will begin to utilize the tech.
I'm not telling you to buy the coin.

I'm telling you to do enough research to understand the coin. This technology will change cloud computing forever.

>> No.12630346

How about posting at least 1 link for someone to start collecting breadcrumbs.

>> No.12630356
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dyor faggot

>> No.12630359

> buy my bags
> dyor

Fuck off back to plebit

>> No.12630366
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He's not wrong.
iExec is definitely a DYOR coin because it's extremely complex.

But, this is a really good read.

>> No.12630388

> buy my bags
> dyor

Why tell people to buy something without shilling it properly?

Fuck off back to plebit

>> No.12630394
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I honestly really like RLC and hold a small bag but these curry brigades really tarnish the project's reputation for me. It is clearly not STEALTH if you fucks are busy posting 10 threads an hour about it. Same shit as when penny stock shillers promise to share 'hiddem gems' with rando fucks during cold calls. It doesn't pass the sniff test.

Friendly reminder to gullibles that RLC was being shilled all year as the NEXT BIG THING but it's been bleeding out since the Intel pump in April. Down 75% in sats since then. Considering we're bear for another 1-2 years and microcap shitcoins don't have a snowball's chance in hell of escaping daddy BTC's gravity well, there is more than enough opportunity in the medium-long term to pick this thing up for sub-20c.

Basically it's a good project, but wait for a retrace and buy the bottom like a smart person. If you buy now you're just giving these curry faggots the liquidity they need to dump their +40% bags on your head.

>> No.12630396
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I shill it properly, and get called out for being a bagholding faggot.

Now I don't shill it beyond "it's fuckin legit DYOR" and people still cry.

At this point, if most of biz doesn't have a suicide stack of 5k or so, they're gonna kys in 2 years.

>> No.12630424
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>curry brigades
Lol? I'm probably whiter than you are.
Also, I know one RLC shill is from europe, and is white as well. Most RLC shills are competent white males.

>It is clearly not STEALTH if you fucks are busy posting 10 threads an hour about it.
Except it is, because it's periodically shilled on biz and that's it. No shills on youtube, reddit, etc. I started shilling at 16M MC and now its 20M.
>Friendly reminder to gullibles that RLC was being shilled all year as the NEXT BIG THING but it's been bleeding out since the Intel pump in April
Just like how ETH was being shilled in the same manner, pumped, dumped, and then skyrocketed once everyone realized the insane potential?
Also, most coins are down in crypto. You're not saying much really. Also, buy high sell low it's the biz way.

>bear for another 1-2 years
whew lad you're clearly retarded
>sub 20c
you missed that chance at 17c bud

>Basically it's a good project, but wait for a retrace and buy the bottom like a smart person. If you buy now you're just giving these curry faggots the liquidity they need to dump their +40% bags on your head.

For one, I can assure you most of us shills are long term holders. I myself am holding for ~2 years or until 200$.

But yes, keep waiting like a dumbass while it pumps 2x by next week.

>> No.12630426

Bag holders call other anons bag holders.

Mature fags enjoy a good shill because why not. Worst case scenario, you just lose a few minutes of your life.

Brb selling another 15% link and buying RLC

>> No.12630433

clearly youre the real reddit fag
you deserve nothing other than the dirty shit-filled street that you live on, you fucking pajeet
we all did our own research. you do yours, you fucking inbred 60 iq smooth-brain

>> No.12630478

Woah slow down there, edgy autistic faggot

>> No.12630496
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no. you're the scum of this board and are the reason biz is dying.
fucking retards like you think that all of this information that intelligent people researched, compiled, and analyzed is rightfully yours to be handed over to you on a silver platter
when people tell you to do your own research you cry about it
when people call you out about being a faggot, you cry about it
get fucked. go kill yourself, unironically.
the world will be a better place.

>> No.12630499

iExec fucking blows my balls screen cap this

>> No.12630526

ok ill put you in the retard montage in 2021

>> No.12630590

>whiter than you are
curry is a state of mind, not a skin color

>Just like how ETH
"New ETH", "I'm getting ETH vibes", "don't miss this moon mission," etc etc etc congrats you passed shitcoin shilling 101, professor raj poo gave you an S+ for the course (S is for shit)

>keep waiting like a dumbass
I already have my bag. I suspect it will go up in the medium-long term, so I am looking forward to RLC's success.

Bottom line is, you don't care about anons. No anon has ever cared about another anon. You're posting to get people to buy to make the price go up so you can sell. That's it. There is no other conceivable motivation. certainly not when the shilling is as organized as it's been the past few weeks.

>> No.12630627

>curry is a state of mind, not a skin color
Whatever you say.
>"New ETH", "I'm getting ETH vibes", "don't miss this moon mission," etc etc etc congrats you passed shitcoin shilling 101, professor raj poo gave you an S+ for the course (S is for shit)
Except it is. DYOR retard. Coins can and have "pulled an ETH" before. It isn't crazy to think iExec will 1000x.

>I already have my bag. I suspect it will go up in the medium-long term, so I am looking forward to RLC's success.
It's going to 2x by next week, then 10x or more before v3 arrives. Once it starts getting shilled on places other than biz it'll 100x or more.

>Bottom line is, you don't care about anons. No anon has ever cared about another anon.
Wrong. Anons have shilled me many coins before and I made a ton of money because of it. I'm simply returning the favor with a coin I've done many hours of research on.

>You're posting to get people to buy to make the price go up so you can sell.
Except I'm not selling for at least 2 years or until 200$+

Most of us shillers aren't selling in the short term because it's a top 10 coin easily. You're wrong bro! I get your skepticism, but you're wrong.

>> No.12630689

i can put up a 20 btc buy order and the order will fill eventually...

he's just trying to feel secure about his investment. so he shills it to others to get in on his investment to make himself feel better..

he probably doesn't even realize it. it's subconscious

>> No.12630712
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>> No.12631108

Get ready for a new pump, thank me later. Don't forget to swing.