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12608525 No.12608525 [Reply] [Original]

So, basically, Swift dumped Chainlink and went all-in with Corda? Is this the consensus (no pun intended) of the adults in the room?

B/c if it is LINK is finished.

>> No.12608547
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Corda is partnered with Accord. Accord is partnered with Chainlink. Sell your linkies, you deserve to die poor

>> No.12608562

yeah, my apologies. seems corda is actually link as the settlement oracle for swift's transactions.
that is fucking huge if true.

>> No.12608872
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the fuck do you think we've been doing all this time? wasting time and money? yes it's fucking huge

>> No.12608992
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Corda replaces link. Link is over anons sell while you can.

>> No.12609057

It's not Swift using Corda, it's the other way around.
Corda is integrating Swift GPI as a payment option.

"Corda Settler" is supposed to be an all-encompassing payment solution that spans all types of payment; crypto, fiat, etc.

>> No.12609077

o you even know what the fuck is corda? Jeez, dude stop with the fucking FUD alreadsy, the FUD phase is over just accumulate when you can and stop this bullshit

>> No.12609124
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>> No.12609331
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>> No.12609564
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you dumb idiot, corda is a blockchain for shipment and medical stuff...in order to function they need ACCOR project smart contracts wich uses chainlink...

FFS some of you are fucking dense.

Corda settler just allows payments in fiat and crypto, XRP happens to be the first crypto they support for payments, but more will come, you guys are basically calling an exchange having xrp a partnership between the exchange and ripple

fucking brainlets srsly

>> No.12609571

chainlink never had a shot at being used in any institution or company. just look at the pedigree of the devs in chainlink, they have nothing that makes them attractive to large companies. their only hope was getting picked up by a middleman that those institutions used, but when they don't even need to use chainlink or its token in order to get the same result, they have no place anywhere.

>> No.12609573
File: 389 KB, 1300x731, kek link army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12609599

>all these panicked stinkies

so glad I never bought this shitcoin

>> No.12609601

This. FUD is so bad atm.

>> No.12609624

Please sell your bags.

>> No.12609637

i'm pretty much making a living out of swing trading link right now.

>> No.12609720

Imagine still fudding link in 20 fukkin 19. The absolute state of this board.

>> No.12609739

imagine still holding it in 2019, and not selling when it was above $1 a year and a half ago when everything else was pumping and link did nothing. talk about missed opportunity

>> No.12609790

Fucking huge if Swift is using Chainlink in conjunction with GPI Link.

>> No.12609801

Imagine thinking $1 is the top and it won’t be $10+ in 18 months then posting on an anonymous cambodia cum rag forum proclaiming you know shit.

>> No.12609933


>> No.12609987

r3 partners with ripple.
you know what, in a way you deserve to lose all of your money. you 4chan guys behaved like a fucking pig when it came to chainlink, spread negativity everywhere else someone was bullish about LINK, tried to claim it as your own 4chan coin, dragging Sergey's name into dirt with all of your shitty memes. You reap what you sow. And you deserve everything of it.

XRP will be the standard

>> No.12610207

r3 didn't partner with ripple you dumb fuck.

>> No.12610349

yes they did you stupid idiot

>> No.12610485
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Wouldnt he just say no if they werent involved?

>> No.12611040

wow nice fucking shill link coming straight up from the jews themselves.
you fucking cunt thats like link is saying we partnered with binance

>> No.12611045

you literally fell for the jew tricks, you're a fucking idiot

>> No.12611078


Hey man, we still that Open Law guys...

>> No.12611334

it's simple you dumb nigger :
what is corda(R3)?
>The open source blockchain for business.
>corda connects : digital assets across the financial system
>corda connects : patients, providers and the healthcare ecosystem
how can corda connect that shit?
> corda announced partnership with accor project
why does corda need accord project?
>Accord project allows the usage of legally valid smart contracts
how does accor ptoject smart contracts communicate outside of the blockchain?
>accord partnered with chainlink to retrieve data for their smart contract

what the fuck does XRP has anything to do with that?
>corda settler wich is the payment sub module of corda, supports XRP as a mean of payment, this has nothing to do with the tech, son they will support other cryptos

>> No.12611365

No because the team are fucking pros and you'll know what they want you to know.

>> No.12611364

Yes he would. He's avoiding confirmation because they stated in the past that they'll let their 'partners' announce working relationships.
If they announced every company that decided to use them, they'd seem like bag pumpers.

>> No.12611384

Xrp holders ripped off and BTFO.

>> No.12611422

based and linkpilled

>> No.12611535

>being this buttblasted
This is what we call "emotional investing"

>> No.12611592
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fucking pwnt

>> No.12611917

i'm 100% link since december 2017, i'm a true marine who held through the jan 2018 pump, chinese new year dump, july mega dump, linktober, december pump, and jan 2019 dump.

nothing phases me i'm here to hold till 0$, this fucking ship can either fucking grow wings and jet engines and rocket to jupiter or hit an iceberg and mother fucking sink, i'm gonna hold it until it hits bottom, and be eaten by fish.

TLDR: you're a swingy and deserve the rope

>> No.12611940


At least put some effort in it my man.

>> No.12612105

Don't worry we still have the mainnet dump
the sergey car crash dump
the rory suicide dump
and the golden bullrun of course

>> No.12612573

HAHAHAHAHA U NEED A FUCKEN BRAIN SURGERY AT THIS LEVEL OF RETARDATION!! omg if u honestly belive that crap may gob be with u