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File: 32 KB, 500x417, Holocaust_pictures_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12607246 No.12607246[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there business records clearly demonstrating that the Holocaust happened? I'm having a debate with my friend, and I realized that to prove that the Holocaust happened, all I have to do is come up with a paper trail. They'd have to have spent a metric fuckton doing the deed and covering it all up. Has anyone investigated this angle before?

>> No.12607258

No because it didnt happen

>> No.12607275

No because it didnt happen

>> No.12607304

The Holocaust did happen but the gassing has been proven time after time to be a myth. Camp conditions were not that bad, but typhus and running short on supplies killed a lot of the Jews off. Let's say 500,000-1,000,000 probably died in the camps.

The exaggerated number of Jews dying in the Holocaust (6 million+) is to divert your attention from the fact that they all moved into the United Kingdom & USA.

>> No.12607324

It did happen but they weren't gassed? What happened during the Holocaust, then?

>> No.12607386
File: 136 KB, 819x1024, 1540427244989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12607396

since the guards were also dying of typhus and starvation, does that mean the germans holocausted their own men as well? How evil

>> No.12608025

>since the guards were also dying of typhus and starvation, does that mean the germans holocausted their own men as well? How evil
well does it?

>> No.12608131
File: 218 KB, 600x579, 345643654676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most jewish people died during the last 100 days of the war because the german supply lines and infratructure was bombed into shreds. They couldn't get food or medicine there, so people died of starvation and disease on a massive scale... the pictures actually prove that.

The mass extermination by gassing was attrocity propaganda to prevent a national socialist resurgence during the post-war era in europe imho.

I'm not condoning it or anything, shit was horrible. But this is exactly what happens every single time you put populations in concentration camps; the boers died in english camps, germans died in US camps, americans died in jap camps, and jews died in german camps.

Let's just not use camps anymore, shall we?

>> No.12608135

You're asking the fuckwitz on 4chan this?

>> No.12608141

Good post, thanks

>> No.12608148

feels like it's been fucking months since i saw this pepe

>> No.12608157
File: 199 KB, 900x516, 895F07E2-AC5B-4A0B-9531-08F46AC98D5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hasn’t happened yet

>> No.12608180

Is this that pump and dump coin that is currently dumping? I stopped visiting here a couple of days ago because it was just flooded with that junk.

>> No.12608226

It did happen and pretty much the way mainstream describes it. I'm from Lithuania and we killed 95% of our jewish population, I'm sorry to tell you this. There are still many old peoplenwho actually remember and they're just common folks who never even heard about the denial or "conspiracy". There's a pit near Vilnius where they shot 70k or so jews, most of the Vilnius jews were shot there actually. I've personally spoke with an 85 yo babooshkabwho saw 400 jews being lead to this place from the city by only 2 germans and they all knew where they're going and no one stood up. Their things were shared by the locals of the area. I know you anime teens who only hear of this in youtube comments will not list and I aint even sad about this, stupidity is everywhere but what happened happened. I could tell more if anyones interested.

>> No.12608229
File: 106 KB, 853x1432, 547A22FB-7F32-47BA-B597-97DDF1927C3E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12608241
File: 1.11 MB, 3816x3464, CB603C12-46D7-4938-9DC6-767ACEAEC954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12608259

why are incels so obsessed with jews?

>> No.12608279

they weren't only death camps they were labor camps

>> No.12608282
File: 98 KB, 695x1024, kovno-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We never had gas camps only shooting pits in my country but that was enough to clear it of jews. Locals hated them and most of jews were killed by locals, not germans. This fellow personally clubbed dozens of jews to death while locals were clapping and playing harmonica :)

>> No.12608307


>> No.12608338

You are describing the einsatzgruppen shootings. Different category and not directly related to the concentration camp deaths. Einsatzgruppen activity is generally aknowledged to be accurate even by hardline holocaust deniers. Their point of contention is mainly about whether the Germans deliberately killed off healthy jews in the camps en masse in an attempt at genocide, as opposed to allowing them to die due to starvation, exposure, disease.

>> No.12608358


Stolen art

>> No.12608424

Look up what happened to the Japanese in the US. This shit was common at the time - all countries used camps. If the war was lost by the US, and was running out if food and supplies, what would have happened? Military and known loyal civilians come first.

>> No.12608445
File: 248 KB, 600x579, art pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this version is better

>> No.12608455


No gassings, no holocaust. No 6 million, no holocaust. No deliberate state policy, no holocaust.

The pillars the holocaust myth rests on are those: gaschambers, deliberate state policy, 6 million figure.

The gassing chambers that were found have been conclusively shown to be for delousing purposes. The deliberate state policy is something that establishment and conformist historians have been searching for since the 50's. Without success. Revisionists know that there never was such a policy, as the natsoc party was zionist, and the final solution to the JQ meant, forced relocation (the term was coined by proto-zionist Herzl in his book 'der Judenstaat'). And lastly the 6 million figure is pure rabbinical mysticism based on an interpretation of some writings in the torah according to which (the interpretation, not the writings) 6 million jews need to perish in a sacrificial manner, before the jews can return to their homeland. This is why the figure is protected by law in for instance germany, and despite constant revisionism not adjusted or changed. Where it to be changed, the messianic sect in control of world jewry today would lose its claim to their land (according to their own mysticism).

Oh btw, the world is ending soon.

>> No.12608461

Hugo boss

>> No.12608522

mathematics of the ovens destorys "muh 6 gajillion" argument immediately. even with modern cremation ovens, you wouldn't even come close to that number.

>> No.12608532
