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File: 72 KB, 800x513, productivity-versus-wages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12577088 No.12577088 [Reply] [Original]

This gap is explained by pay inequalities. ((They)) made you believe it's perfectly normal for a ((CEO)) to earn 312x the average workers wage. We could see it in crypto when all those fucking ICO received millions. I saw a lot of developpers who are the ones doing critical work getting paid quite little compared to the money raised.
If we propose to close that gap and make CEOs earn less you'll cry muh socialism like good npc little goys. You can be easily fired, CEOs have a golden parachute.

>> No.12577096
File: 69 KB, 801x912, trickle down economnics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry good onions it trickles down

>> No.12577108


If you’re the CEO of a company with 50k employees, reducing your pay from 20 million to 1 million a year, is like bumping the pay of every employee by 40 bucks a month. That’s like 7 lattes.

What you’re chart is showing has more to do with the size of corporations, as there are more and more megacors the number of ceos has reduced so their pay is becoming disproportionately huge. But there’s always gonna be some tiny ass minority that makes a ton of money in any system, because they’re a tiny ass minority getting rid of them doesn’t change anything.

Your real problem is the poor obese retards with diabetes and tons of health problems crushing your health infrastructure, or pointless (((wars))) leading to high taxation.

>> No.12577141

May be automation and debt-financing could be reason. I would like to see trends in median gross margin and debt levels over those years. But this is brutal !

>> No.12577153

CEOs wages arent anywhere on this chart. Only productivity vs. wages. In fact your example kind of implies that the amount of money going to all CEOs should be close to the same regardless.
No, this has more to do with reaganomics. Deregulation, and an increased share of capital gains as new income (see how much worse it gets after the tech bubble)

>> No.12577162
File: 181 KB, 1200x1200, ceo pay2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12577164

That wouldn't be such a huge issue if it wasn't happening with companies who don't even break 1k employees.

>> No.12577188

Also, forgot to mention, it's not even one guy who gets the money, it's often a bunch of them in this high position earning ridiculous amount of money while money pinching every single thing on people they employ.

It's not that I think people can't be paid such huge sums of money, it's that it's not paid a sensible sum compared to the value they put it.

>> No.12577196

Goods-producting workers get shafted so bullshit-producting employees can get paid. Someone gotta pay to keep these useless majors employed.

>> No.12577198

Exactly. It's fucked

>> No.12577220

A big reason for wages to become stagnant since ´75 was the busting of workers' unions.
>muh unions are bad, muh unions are socialism
the result speaks for itself

>> No.12577229
File: 83 KB, 736x414, ceos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12577252

wages can be kept low if a company can find someone doing the same work for less pay. why is this not true for the ceo? would the board of fucktrads want someone who works for less?

>> No.12577256

unless i'm misunderstanding this chart it's literally just saying that CEOs productivity has increased which corresponds with the increase in wages. What's wrong with that?

>> No.12577274
File: 89 KB, 1153x975, coincidences.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something happened in the 60s/70s bros
what was it?

>> No.12577281

Ceo is the guy who investors look to. Only thing that matters is stock price, so they compete on getting the guys who investors throw money at and that number gets higher and higher

>> No.12577303
File: 7 KB, 220x229, dltthos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wages of GOODS PRODUCING workers - we became an information society. Productivity of factories was increased by computers and robots, with a large part of the extra profits going to trained professionals such as engineers rather than the handiwork plebs.

>> No.12577306
File: 27 KB, 712x474, Wages__Productivity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all know it was the juice


>> No.12577488

Just want to point out that trickle down economics actually DOES work and is demonstrated.

It just trickles down to the poorest not to the middle class.

Look at China and the economic growth of most third world countries like many african nations. All the wealth trickled down from western conglomerates into the poorest countries that are booming and forming middle classes right now.

>> No.12577629
File: 58 KB, 600x800, Bo1JhCmIUAAj-i6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Effectively unlimited 3rd world migration happened, cutting the legs out from under the lowest classes. Whereas once you would have been able to organize and ask for better pay or conditions, now you can be fired for any minor offense and your slot is filled by Miguel for 1/3 of the cost within the hour.

Raising the minimum wage won't fix this. You need barriers to keep human capital within a certain radius (ie borders). That way the money builds within local communities instead of fleeing to wherever it's easiest to live, and then the banksters fleece the newcomers for all they're worth as they get settled.

>> No.12577658

trickle down economics is something made up by the left. There is no such thing a trickle down economics, there is not one economist that says this shit.