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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12536595 No.12536595 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really /ourguy/ biz?

I mean seriously, how can we expect the project to gain any traction if any business watches one of these presentations and gets turned off immediately. There are no promises, no announcements, no announcements of announcements. It's pathetic, there's no hype to the project. We need to recruit Justin Sun to step away from TRON and come be the CEO of ChainLink. It's the only thing imperative for success. We can no longer ignore this type of shit. We need a leader with action.

>> No.12536690

>no hype to the project from ceo

>thinking this is a bad thing

sergey is based and redpilled to the 10th degree. He is too busy fickling around with thoughts that are too far beyond our capicity of understanding, and far more advanced than our plebian minds could fathom. >sergs is to busy envisioning what the world will look like in the future and building it today. the impatient do not deserve the treasure.

>> No.12536708

i actually agree. what was the point of tonight. nothing new was said

>> No.12536741

Link is B2B not B2C like all other crypto’s. Sergey is being put over by a big player. Now big business will begin to take notice. You don’t understand this because this wasn’t meant for you.

>> No.12536750


>> No.12536757
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What you guys are forgetting is that you are immsered in this fucking coin and know EVERYTHING about it.

Like, lets be serious... there was only 500 people on that steam and probably all of them are from here in some way shape or form... Put it into perspective, go talk to people, everday people.. they have NO fucking clue what we have been discussing here for the last year.

Like, I guarantee you half the people in that room all this stuff they just heard was for the first time and now they are going to go think about it and google it.... your at a tech talk and you hear the names sergay of nazarith and go "Literally who" , and Tom gosner of docusign "Oh yeah i know him, hes wildly successful" now who is he talking to ? and what are they talking about ? I should google this later

>Meanwhile on biz
"i actually agree. what was the point of tonight. nothing new was said"

>Its about perspective

>> No.12536765

I lol'd when those people walked out less than 2 minutes into the chat

>> No.12536769

this was never said and is actually a bad thing if true. it should be both retard

>> No.12536777

ok. i hear that marine

>> No.12536779

the blackpill is that even if this technology solved oracles (which it doesn't, at least not with a lot of compromises) the big companies have no reason to use it, because the power model is all about the data itself, the api providers, not the mainnet itself. this is unlike btc/eth where the value is on the chain itself, as money, or code.

>> No.12536782


you're literally sergey's personal dick sucker aren't you?

>> No.12536783

me and you have a bet. why the fuck shouldnt i be able to use a smartcontract to enforce it? are you actually retarded.

>> No.12536790
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this. probably 90% of that crowd were devs who know very little about chainlink (based on their questions). sergey's mission right now is to pitch chainlink to as many tech people as possible to ensure the network has a foundation at launch, which is why tom was there. sergey is doing exactly what he should be doing.

>> No.12536792

also a lot of you are definitely missing the true timeline of a project of this magnitude. just because "mainnet" is released doesn't mean shit. you know how much work is going to need to go into the UI design in order for smartcontracts to become normie accessible? you think people are just going to code up contracts?


>> No.12536801

Stop this bullshit Serg I know you’ve been posting in biz all along. Someone has asked you LEGITIMATE questions live on stream and all you could say was “oh I don’t know ask Thomas.” I hope you know that not everyone here is gullible enough to fall for your scam. The fact that you’re STILL desperately looking for developers to hire shows poor management of resources - these conferences you’ve been doing are a waste of time and money you could be spending interviewing and paying new hires. Engineer hiring and retention is by far one of the most critical parts of your business and yet you can’t seem to find enough in Silicon Valley. Meanwhile Coinbase has hundreds of engineers. Something seriously fishy is going on.

>> No.12536806
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What the fuck did you just try to say ?

>> No.12536814

i said chainlink itself has zero pull for these companies, when the value is entirely off-chain, in the api sources, and off-chain again, in the contracts.

>> No.12536815 [DELETED] 


>> No.12536860

This. Dan Z is an annoying worm taking away Sergey's chad-time with the other chads. He's just a fanboy who managed to fly too close to the sun that is /ourguy/ our lord and savior.

>> No.12536871

I definitely can tell you have no idea what your talking about. The value is in communication, Trusted communication. Not your data source; and not your execution environment.

"Off-chain" , did you just hear about this term or something.

>> No.12536874

> doesn't know about psd2

>> No.12536878

This. Why do the brainlets here and on Twitter not realize this? 6 cents eoy

>> No.12536918

$100 says this is uncle oldfag and the jannies are going to remove this comment before he gets vanned again

>> No.12536923

yeah, only mainnet doesn't capture any of that value for businesses, and a version that uses a token that isn't entirely dependant on the security of the platform its trying to secure, like eth, can do it even better.

when you have to rely on external apis that need to have open access to anybody to validate the data, and rely on another, bigger network where all the action takes place, i.e. ethereum, you don't really get any network effects.

>> No.12537005

This guy is based and I've been saying this shit in every thread for months. Sell now while you can brainlets.

>> No.12537215

FFS someone with a brain. This is life changing techology that requires somewhat specific understanding of it applies to various industries and how it can be used in separate facets of each business. Ultimately, how data
is being monetized is changing and it will become the new commodity that runs the world, perhaps even moreso than energy even.

>> No.12537327

Here's the thing though - Sergey wants to capture the B2B space, while Justin Sun is after the leftover pocket change from niggers gibs (and he got it). So any real, serious financial mover & shaker, any real Gordon Gecko type is gonna go for Sergey over the hypetrain of shit like Tron. You have no concept of how much more important (and valuable) a good, well coded, secure B2B solution is over mere consumer facing shit, especially Chink trash. It's pure meme magic that anyone here caught on, and there's a reason we fud so hard - this isn't some shit project we want Redditfags and the ponzi loving Amway buying normies on TG & Twatter to screw up. This is the /biz/ equivalent of getting Trump elected, our chance to pull off a massive win for all anons looking to leave the wagie life behind. The financial backbone of the planet will be actively protected as a major asset by that dreaded hacker known as 4chan - who the fuck else would you prefer had it? So just trust in Sergey, he's /ourguy/ for a reason OP. And go fud YouTube comments, to drive off any passing normies, make yourself useful marine.

>> No.12537355

You will be able to brainlet - that's just not the focus. Eg, AWS is all about providing IaaS and PaaS for business - doesn't mean you can't host your seedbox on their though too right? Same deal.

>> No.12537393
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Based and redpilled

>> No.12537403

those footgloves are gayer than buttsex.

>> No.12537436

normies are not needed link is a middleware software for business to business transactions. people are already doing their own contracts, look at legalzoom or rocketlawyer. youre a dumbfuck

>> No.12537515

>the power model is all about the data itself
Gonna start just saying this about every coin to see how dumb their holders are

>> No.12537573

Sergey is not at publicly interacting I am also beginning to detest his fucking secrecy and it's making me think he almost doubts his own project? Like why be so anally secretive about everything is that just the way he is? like fuck me the lack of details is beginning to shake my resolve its starting to stink a little too much something feels up... Like he doesnt have clients or something went wrong

>> No.12537588

Well he is doing a really shit job at it? 1 fucking presentation every 6 months? Come on if that was his intent he could outsource presentations... I've being in link since ICO and I'm beginning to doubt this project

>> No.12537735


based and redpilled

>> No.12537749
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What we did learn:
>In talks with "big insurance companies"
>Derivative market worth $1.2 quadrillion will use chainlink
>by end of this year Derivatives, insurance, and shipping will all use chainlink main net

>> No.12537822

kek die hard ICO marine here as well and made lots of memes and shoops, but today my faith got a little moved, I really need a bedtime story thread with old time shilling to restore it along your side frens.

>> No.12537828


>> No.12537833

wasn't that the exact same progression one of our larpers dictated? Was it riddle or drunk? Hard to keep them all straight....fuck it feels like a decade.

>> No.12537837

It’s all true. We have only a few months to accumulate.

>> No.12537842

Who said that?

>> No.12537854

drunkanon and he was once again right

>> No.12537855

FPBP /thread. OP how dare you call into question the divinity of our lord and savior Sergey of Nazarov.

>> No.12537859

he said derivatives but he never put a figure on it like the 1.2 quads you immediately have started tossing around here. we will see derivatives in some form, but it's not like the entirety of global derivatives market will be engulfed in the next 6 months. keep in mind he specifically noted finance as one of the sectors that takes much longer even though it has a greater impact. yes they are going to start launching derivatives but so many specific instances will need to be created and standardized. this is what anons mean by mainnet being a rolling process.

>> No.12537882

Sergey said the first one in the stream I can't find it though, the others were mentioned at the end of the stream by Daniel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSZtWz7mRUw 1:26:00

>> No.12537889

Did Sergey say that? I'm trying to go back and listen to the stream since i missed it but the audio is hard to hear

>> No.12537891

Legend thanks mate!

>> No.12537909

It's a high estimate, but using them in any way is an opening to a large market
my bad he actually says "banks and insurance companies" not big insurance. time stamp is 32:10

>> No.12537938

did people seriously believe something big was going to come out of a fireside chat? dumping because of that is turbobrainletism. it's not as if they promised something and underdelivered. im hoping the hot potatoes drops this sucker down to 12.8k. it finna get back in the mid 14ks not long after

>> No.12538222

The "sell the event" here is entirely the market playing off a non existant ignorance within itself. As in everybody knew that there wasn't going to be an announcement but since the market always goes down after events people say, might as well sell and that is the actual reason it's going down. It's nothing substantial. It makes sense in a stupid way.

>> No.12538235

Third parties are building ui for the network. Normans will be able to plug and play their contracts without ever touching the coding side

>> No.12538399

Etherisc isn’t a big insurance company

>> No.12538754

Oh you want Confido like attention and then exit scam?

>> No.12538827


>> No.12538874

you can't call this drop really a sell off, we dropped more on the towncrier anouncement

>> No.12538930
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Is this really /ourguy/ biz?
I mean seriously, how can we expect the project to gain any traction if any business watches one of these presentations and gets turned off immediately.

>> No.12539121

the blackpill is that even if this technology solved oracles (which it doesn't, at least not with a lot of compromises) the big companies have no reason to use it, because the power model is all about the data itself, the api providers, not the mainnet itself. this is unlike btc/eth where the value is on the chain itself, as money, or code.

>> No.12539199

Either there was no point and it was a social event, or, they were half hardedly trying to make it appear as if they’re busy doing something other than a slow exit scam, or, the point was to have a lackluster and almost embarrassing presentation in the hopes of shaking out hodlers in the event they reactively sell.

>> No.12539225

>all these betas and sergey has the worst posture

>> No.12539241

Except Serg literally talked about this if you watched and says it’s not dependent on Eth

>> No.12539257
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>the power model is all about the data itself
>this is unlike btc/eth

>> No.12539345


Just remember, we are all in this together. In the sea of shit thats currently cryptocurrency, Chainlink stands as the bastion of something thats actually needed, not some made up crapware.

>> No.12539450
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Ask Thomas Ask Thomas Ask Thomas Ask Thomas Ask Thomas Ask Thomas Ask Thomas Ask Thomas Ask Thomas Ask Thomas Ask Thomas Ask Thomas

Sounds like a corrupt politician.

>> No.12539671


This is why I hate biz.

They're too autistic to realize they need to stop brigading Reddit. It does nothing but make ChainLink look like a bad investment.

You want people to look into LINK, and realize why it's important.

>> No.12539688


Fucking idiot.

"Normies" are needed to run the damn nodes. The more decentralized the nodes the better.


>> No.12539796

Data sources are like houses and factories. Chainlink is the highway that connects them.

>> No.12539826
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>stop brigading Reddit