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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12527301 No.12527301 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12527315

you have democrats in the house, pardon me, you have nazional socialist in the house

>> No.12527321

Gay bait. Get a job. Sage

>> No.12527330
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same thing happens by state drumpfnigger

>> No.12527331

It’s not the republicans it’s the fed you doink

>> No.12527347
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>caring about party affiliation
>not making money off goys

>> No.12527349

This data is almost 15 years old. The average 4chan user wasn't alive when these stats were valid. You're a disgrace.

Post some 70's stagflation infographs next!

>> No.12527352

did you ever talked with a republican? like, one to one? a discussion? dumbest fucking people on the planet.

>> No.12527359
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Fucking lol nothings changed, and by complaining about it's age you've recognised how awful it is.

>> No.12527408

>nothings changed

>> No.12527427
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This has been the case for 50+ years

>> No.12527476

Woah woah woah. That's some interesting data there. thank you for sharing, but let's take off our partisan hats for a second to talk about this. Let's meet on that weird little demilitarized zone of purple for a second.

Did you read that the federal spending in these graphs includes federal jobs and federal/ state contractors in those states? The data isn't just welfare, or the like, it also includes salaries and infrastructure of federal and state institutions in the listed states.

>> No.12527486


>> No.12527495

Do you know the correlation between interest rate hikes by the fed and republican presidents

>> No.12527518

No no no. Let's talk about the data for a minute; not shift to another unrelated economic indicator.

If these federal funding dependency relative to tax receipts charts are including the salaries of in state federal workers and the capital/ infrastructure necessary to do their work; then, from a stereotypical left of center economic point of view, the less proportionate the ratio the better. There is substantially more gov't employment and points of entry into the citizen's life in red states, according to this graph, relative to blue states.

An interesting development.

>> No.12527522

You want a serious, politically neutral answer?

Liberal policies stimulate consumer spending, as poor people (who are by far the largest spenders in any society as they are many and they're too dumb to save) which props up the money in circulation.

Meanwhile republican policies stimulate entreprenurial spirit, incentivising more and more people to create businesses, and keeps big business from leaving the country. These periods aren't stimulating in the short-term, since poor people can't afford as much - however it is what keeps USA as the prime country for business and capitalism.

In summary: It's a symbiotic relationship, 20 years under either republicans or democrats would not be feasible. Everyone in politics knows this - it's not a coincidence that the dichotomy is so clearly split at 50/50 levels.

Hope this helped.

>> No.12527592

Why do borderline all the major companies seem to be in blue States then?

Not shitposting just curious pretty much everything innovative seems to come from a blue one (then and again this could be narrowed down to pretty much just California)

>> No.12527635

Am i the only one who wishes we could walk away from this red blue dichotomy. Almost all states are purple with tilt in one direction or the other. We all experience the same problems, but we point fingers at eachother (magahats or soibois), instead of pointing them at the entrenched political class on both sides of the purple line. As if some fag loving latte sipper is the reason why I need two jobs, or as if some low iq trailer trash is the reason why greenhouse gas emissions are at all time highs?

Where's the middle ground?

>> No.12527667

Simply because those are the most populous cities - larger populations are always filled with poors/normies who vote democratic.

>> No.12527674

fake news. socialists ruin economies, look at brazil and the soviet union. if you actually think libtards don't cause recessions you're retarded. Look at how a state like Texas is the wealthiest in the nation and California is broke.

>> No.12527690
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Your arguing with jews mate. I can smell them a mile away. They will never listen.

What this data does NOT take into consideration is two fold... One being subsidized farming land running off federal grants to literally help feed america, and two... places that just have hood niggers on welfare. Both are costly - but only one gives back.

End of story on that subject.

Because infrastructure is better in Chicago then in bumfuck nebraska... and California is leading tech capital of the world - and it just so happened to be where the semiconductor fatcorys set up and grew from there... Much like how crypto might take footing in wyoming and blow up from there.

Fascism- Destroy the non producers and valueless of society- raise the kids right- create and cultivate and be kind the neighbor- keep the population low and IQ high- so there is abundance for the people and intelligence to solve problems if they arise...

It fucking sucks anon, but thats the true and final blackpill. Its a hard one to swallow- because those who dont, die. But its necessary to continue on life as we know it- to advance as a society and be better then the shadow of our past.

>Its not a EASY decision to make, and right decision never is

Read this anon:


>Like i said, its a hard blackpill, but its the truth.

>> No.12527737
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>it was her turn
>waahh waahhhh wahhhhhh
It wasn't and won't be, retard.

>> No.12527746

I never said socialists don't ruin nations or US states. I'm saying that a capitalist system requires cyclical shifts between left and right in order to function.

Again, look at literally every modernized western democracy. They're all dichotomous, split between left and right and always changing in cycles between 4 to 10 years. Do you really think that if politics was *just* about values and the strength of policy or politicians, this pattern would appear in every democracy? It's like clockwork, by design.

>> No.12527810

retards don't know to reply here

>> No.12527880

Because republicunts are actually more big government and less fiscal conservative than democrats. They also serve their donors with almost no push back from their base who is mostly interested in culture wars rather than actual policy.

Think about what they did in the 2 years there were in power. Pass a $10T tax cut with $5T giveaway to global corporations and billionaire inheritors. But they actually increased government spending so they aren't incentivizing production in any way to grow the economy just printing money and dolling it out to the donor class.

The other classic GOP play is to pump the shit out of the economy with one time tax cuts and massive government spending then when it inevitable crashes blame it on the democrats.

>> No.12527895

Poors and normies are who elected Trump en masse.

>> No.12527973

Poors and normies are the ones who vote, period.

The culture in Americas big cities is leftist, the culture in rural bumfuck is right. But seeing as many americans live in rural bumfuck, Trump won.

There are many factors fit this cultural divide. Funnily enough, in Europe it's the opposite. In Dcandinavia and the UK, the right-wingers live in cities while leftists live in smaller towns.