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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12522001 No.12522001 [Reply] [Original]

So, what does Request look like in 5 years?
Two weeks ago we’ve introduced our focus of 2019 in this blog post.
As a disclaimer, we recognize that the team has been surprised in 2018 by the scaling roadmap and privacy aspect of Ethereum that led us to change the roadmap. While we could have communicated better at those times, we feel confident that we will deliver a very strong technical product with our current team.
In 5 years, technically speaking, we are aiming for the characteristics in the “What do we have to achieve” part above.
From an adoption perspective, here is the ambitious picture of what success for Request entails:
Two to three countries have decided to move on with the Request Network invoicing infrastructure nationally. They use a real-time dashboard, gaining in-depth insights into their economy and their taxes.
As a consequence, more than 10 billion requests a year are being processed through the Request Network.
80% of the market of accounting platforms, invoicing software and e-shop creators are covered by easy to install Request Network plug-ins. In specific areas, Request acts as the back-end of these platforms.
The protocol is strongly decentralized through governance. This metric is harder to quantify at the moment, though frameworks will appear.
The Request ecosystem is decentralized, with hundreds of apps built by other entities than the foundation.
Several large institutions use Request as a transparency framework.
Anyone can trace everything he consumes and can adapt his habits to consume better, more ethically, more local or more environment-friendly.
Accounting, auditing and tax duties are automated. The Request infrastructure asks for minimum manual inputs and provides more analysis for different actors.
And 5 years is still the beginning. While the future is unpredictable, all our decisions take into account the need for the network to survive through time and new emerging technologies.

>> No.12522010

Better get your 100k suicide stack soon

>> No.12522021
File: 320 KB, 1584x879, rektoro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trying to shill this, the worst crap token ever, they couldn't even integrate BTC in 2018 and got a full year to do it.

>> No.12522051
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I'm gonna go through billions of THOTS within 5 years. See I can do it too.

>> No.12522094
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>> No.12522105

Nice fud pajeet

>> No.12522126
File: 23 KB, 640x608, 1508492032207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why no Link mainnet

>> No.12522167

Believe or not I actually wrote that

>> No.12522195

i laughed my ass off, can you write some other variants of it pls

>> No.12522243

All the Stacey pasta was written by me. I feel like I’m one of the last people on /biz/ holding this token. Me, the financially ruined guy, you, and the guy who posts this chart (likely the creator) >>12522021

>> No.12522275

got my 98K ready to rock

>> No.12522396
File: 49 KB, 299x450, ReqSoldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u fogew abo me

>> No.12522438
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im not holding anymore fren I sold. you should too

>> No.12522506
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150K and comfy as fuck

>> No.12522587
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>mfw request rebrands and changes their logo because of our FUD

>> No.12522638

Who this bitch with the dolphin teeth

>> No.12522659

Imagine meeting up with normies.

>> No.12522691

4chan hasn't had influence over the Internet ever since reddit was released. Accept the fact that everyone sees us as NEETs who has no social skills.

>> No.12523475

I hold only req, 71k, and I wanna blow my brains out. Break even is 22cents, don't know how the fags who bought ATH or rode it from ICO must feel