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12492712 No.12492712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How to profit off of vapid roasties?

>> No.12492814

any publicly traded funeral home conglomerates? They will anhero en masse soon.

>> No.12492875

Imagine being a bitter incel

>> No.12492902

imagine being a cuck

>> No.12492903

Not gonna green text, from an article called "Feminist Apparel CEO Fires Entire Staff After They Learn He's An Admitted Sexual Abuser"

The employees of the popular clothing company Feminist Apparel thought they were creating tools for the resistance. The online store’s viral shirts and accessories — which feature sayings like “Cats against catcalls” and “Trans rights are human rights” — became staples at events like the Women’s March and Pride. The brand amassed over 360k followers on Instagram and Facebook and was behind viral moments like the “No Catcall Zone” signs that took over NYC. Plus every item sold helped support an independent artist, and in many cases, a partnering organization that would receive part of the proceeds.
Loretta Gary
The employees of the popular clothing company Feminist Apparel thought they were creating tools for the resistance. The online store’s viral shirts and accessories — which feature sayings like “Cats against catcalls” and “Trans rights are human rights” — became staples at events like the Women’s March and Pride. The brand amassed over 360k followers on Instagram and Facebook and was behind viral moments like the “No Catcall Zone” signs that took over NYC. Plus every item sold helped support an independent artist, and in many cases, a partnering organization that would receive part of the proceeds.

It all came to a grinding halt in June of 2018 when Feminist Apparel staff discovered that the brand’s founder and CEO Alan Martofel had an admitted history of sexually abusing women. In fact, he claims it’s the reason why he started the company in the first place. After asking for his resignation, all nine employees were fired without notice or severance. (Only Martfel and an outside consultant remained.)

>> No.12492918

“This is the patriarchy and toxic masculinity at its fucking finest,” says Rebecca Green, the company’s now-former art director. “I feel righteous and angry. I feel supported by my coworkers and friends. I also feel tired. I feel incredibly sorry knowing that there are survivors in this office who were led to believe that their contributions to this company were directly going to creating a safe space and platform for survivors, feminists, and marginalized identities. As an artist myself creating work based on my own experiences with the patriarchy, toxic masculinity, and harassment for this company — and by extension this man — I feel used and willfully mislead.”

Facebook post accusing Martofel of rape. The employees investigated and found a Facebook post that Martofel wrote in 2013 that describes his own sexual abuse of women, how he came to learn about rape culture, and that he was starting a company called Feminist Apparel as his “humble attempt” to “solve it.”

“We’ve all either faced this firsthand, seen it, heard a firsthand account of it, or are guilty of it ourselves,” Martofel wrote in the the post. “I’m someone who’s guilty of it. I’ve grinded up on women on buses and at concerts without their consent. I’ve made out with ‘the drunk chick’ at a party because it was easier. I’ve put a woman’s hand on my dick while she was sleeping.”

The long post — filled with statistics and a PSA that the majority of rapists are people you know and trust — concludes with the announcement of the new company and an ask to help him spread the word about it.

>> No.12492923

Forgot the Rupi Kaur "poetry"

>> No.12492947

This was a far cry from the origin story that the team had been told. In interviews, Martofel said he came up with the idea for Feminist Apparel in college while brainstorming for a documentary he was making about sexual assault. A glowing 2014 piece in Forbes rehashes this discovery: “I learned what feminism is and preaches, and I thought it was incredible. I began working on a documentary about sexual assault on college campuses at my alma mater, and while I was brainstorming ways to raise funds to better carry out that project, I came up with the idea for Feminist Apparel.”
"This was a place that claimed to be ethical and feminist,” says Ryker Fry, the company’s now-former office and HR manager, told Refinery29. “It was so hard to hear that Alan had done those things and hidden them from us, because that meant that we had been working for an abuser who was taking money from abuse victims.” The day after the June 21 post, members of the Feminist Apparel team confronted Martofel.
“As a group of people dedicated to activism and social justice there was only one thing to do: take action,” the now-former employees wrote in a joint statement released publicly to get word out about the story. “[We] decided the only thing to do was to demand Alan step down as CEO of the company, separate himself, and issue a public apology to our customers, creative partners, and the larger community of intersectional feminists and social justice advocates that he exploited along the way.”

According to employees, Martofel immediately admitted to the allegations. He said he’d step down because he was now “a liability to the company” and left the office soon after. The employees went back to work, but things soon took a turn for the worse.

>> No.12492958

>Long yoga teahouses
>Recruit some hippie bitch to do daily palm and horoscope readings
>Buy Pajeet art from fiverr, sell at a premium
Make basic bitch revenge hexes a commodity and you could easily become a millionaire

>> No.12492961

While placing a routine order for blank shirts that same day after Martofel’s departure, a production team member found that the company card was declined. Some employees told Refinery29 that they then decided to close the site to new orders until everything was sorted out. Four days after Martofel resigned, he messaged the entire team on Slack to tell employees not to come to work for the week, and that he’d fulfill the outstanding orders through a third party, and update everyone on Friday.

On Saturday, employees noticed their company email accounts had been closed, but the Feminist Apparel website was live and receiving orders. The employees reached out to Martofel several times, but all of their messages went ignored. Shortly before 6 a.m. Sunday morning, they were all fired via individual emails to their personal accounts.

“The way he's handled this whole situation has been less of a surprise and more of a shock to the system,” says Kerri Grogan, a now-former graphic designer and communications associate at Feminist Apparel. “Not just lying to us about stepping down and then firing us, but the silence. The fact that he could stay silent — aside from one two-sentence Slack message — for almost two whole weeks, about our jobs and livelihoods being at stake? That was really shocking and very telling.”

>> No.12492972
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Beta incel losers

>> No.12492974

agree with all of these except skydiving.
that shit is exhilarating.

>> No.12493011


I thought you were posting an Onion or fake news article, googled it and watched the Vice Youtube video. LMAO. That's incredible

>> No.12494346

carriage services (CSV) and service corporation international (SCI)

>> No.12494404
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vapid roasties detected

>> No.12494438

Dude seems like a bro. I'd def buy his book and pay extra for an autograph plate.

>> No.12494450

Chicks aren't going to bang you because you "yes man" them. They'll still fuck the assholes and laugh about what a scrub you are. I'd kick sand on you if we were at the beach.

>> No.12494458

Whats the "want-to-get-married-before-sex-but-cant-attract-women"-cel?

>> No.12494652

create an anti incel website and ask for shekels or something

>> No.12494704

This is actually pretty genius. Claim you're a lone developer making a revolutionary incel "hate speech" detection AI in your spare time. Make some fake proofs of concepts and use your knowledge of the terminology to make yourself seem like you're in the know. Establish yourself as a member of any bluepill online community and ask for small donations on r/IT or something.

>> No.12494889 [DELETED] 
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Hmm do I smell roasties?

>> No.12494896 [DELETED] 

Roasties btfo'ed

>> No.12495063

Sounds like the scam of the year
It must be done

>> No.12495729

what's this groups mean age and what are we aiming for? 30? 40? menopause?

>> No.12495889

Im diasapointed in you biz

>> No.12495926
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ah, that. that's a doomcel.

>> No.12496267
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>>Buy Pajeet art from fiverr, sell at a premium
pretty good. reminds me of people selling chink shit on etsy

>create an anti incel website and ask for shekels or something
nice too. there was some mgtow guy who sold those male tears cups to feminists

create an app which talks to automatically to guys and demands amazon gift cards

>> No.12496380

From what I can tell online, roasties arent necessarily feminists in the aggressive sense that theyll actively go attacking incels or showing up to retarded marches, thats typically the preserve of the femcel landwhales and dykes who dont get the roastie attention.
They still hate incels of course, they always have, though they arent going to spend money hating them.

To profit from them avoid politics, theyre just kids, you need to sell them something they can post on instashit like new sumglasses. The same sort of bs women have always wasted money on.

If you want to make money from feminists, thats easy aswell, just put a shit slogan on anything they can show off. The live for peer approval and signalling, the number one moneymaker with them is campaign funding, go punch your girlfriend and then post it on pol, say you did it because she wouldnt let you play rocket league and women are gay.
She'll have $50,000 in a week

>> No.12496424

Being a bitter incel doesn't make one less right.

>> No.12496992 [DELETED] 

I don't understand why feminists attack incels at all. Aren't they supposed to be allies against chads?

>> No.12497074
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>that picture

>> No.12497124

>I feel righteous
no that's fake, nobody said that.

>> No.12497132


>> No.12497155

>Your employees demand that you hand over your business and stop getting paid for it
>we feel justified in our demands because you once did something we disapprove of
>Based CEO trims the deadwood, which happens to be his entire staff
>waaah waaah mean man is mean

Literally what did they think was going to happen? Fucking drooling retards think they can command their own boss because they have a sperm-slathered snatch and he's only got a benis?

>> No.12497234

I'm doing this.

>> No.12497275

Imagine the ammount of penetrations with no resulting offspring

>> No.12497390

Based. Use concepts like "permutations of common hate phrases" and "conversational tone assessment matrix"

>> No.12497450


Why is #pizza on there, I love pizza

>> No.12497451

Can anyone list me some sites that I can use to outsource and commission products like t-shirts and mugs? They'll buy anything with a female orientated message on it.

>> No.12497468

Here's a better idea; Go to the Goodwill/SalVal and buy some le vintage/le hipster clothes and sew feminist/SJW patches on them. Look at the shit boutique brands sell. Copy that and charge a reasonable price.

>> No.12497470

Would it work to just create gofundme's for all the liberal causes and then just keep the money? Like for the caravan of illegals, couldn't you just whip up some super liberal paragraphs about humans suffering or some bullshit and get like $50K and just pocket it?

>> No.12497483


buy bitcoin

>> No.12497506

>young people doing things that young people enjoy doing

>> No.12497513

boy group and host

>> No.12497933

I want to join as well. I can do the advertisment videos.

>> No.12498234

Posting on 4chan, masturbating, being right wing, never traveling for longer then 2 weeks and studying comp Sci doesn't exactly make you unique either Op especially on this site.

>> No.12498283


The ultimate black pill. These thots have fun experiences and enjoy life while you stew in misery in front your computer all day.

>> No.12498284

>Travelling for more than 2 weeks
Okay what the fuck? Unless you are going to some shitty in-country vacation that would be expensive as fuck.

>> No.12498377

They are allied with chads against incels.

>> No.12498404

God I wish I could just impregnate some roastie and make them single mothers

>> No.12498758

Found the roasties

>> No.12499061
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>> No.12499076
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>being right wing
>never traveling for longer then 2 weeks
>studying comp Sci

Better luck next time

>> No.12499079

Whenever the nearest student city has that first week of the semester, and everybody is on and about, work as a promoter or sell blueberry shakes or smth like that

>> No.12499110

nice cope. if you could trade lives with any of these roasties, you would do it in an instant.

you lost the genetic lottery. you weren’t born a woman or a Chad. deal with it.

>> No.12499724

>you lost the genetic lottery.
That's mostly true
> if you could trade lives with any of these roasties, you would do it in an instant.
Not really, except the part where they ,most likely, get their expenses paid by their parents or have high paying jobs.The rest of the pack can go fuck off.