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12482477 No.12482477 [Reply] [Original]

Why is 30 considered to be the cutoff point to whether you're going to be successful or a wagecuck the rest of your life? What is the significance in turning 30, and why do so many people freak out over it?

>> No.12482506


Because they have a shitty mindset. It's not a real standard but rather a reason to not try.

>> No.12482528

It’s not. Plenty of people get successful well into their 40s. Stop falling for all the 4chan(nel) black pills.

>> No.12482535

It's like digits, even yours. Excited to get 77? Why, it's truly nothing.

>> No.12482547
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The west is falling apart, there will be a chance to come out on top of a new system soon. Buy a gun

>> No.12482556

men peak in their 20's mentally, physically and aesthetically. it all goes downhill at 30. yes yes you get more experience and therefore valued for it but in every other aspect you are declining.

>> No.12482563

Just numbers. My grandfather got out of prison when he turned 30. He was also a WWII veteran. Still was able to change his life around, get a big house and make a family.

>> No.12482573


Because general population likes round numbers and 30 is already old. At that point you've either got it or you got a lot of catching up to do.

Just more drama filled noise that you can ignore if you simply chose to do so - there are people that aren't all up tight about that.

>> No.12482579

it's only an issue on 4chan which is populated by fat neckbeard NEETs in their teens and 20s which are permafailures.

>> No.12482593

Bullshit. Men hitting 30 and are still struggles to get their shit together will 99% of the times stay poor and be forced to package rotten disgusting food until they retire poor in their late 60s.

>> No.12482608

cheer up op. 30s is the new 20s. people these days are in heavy college debt in their 20s.

>> No.12482653

I think it's the opposite. Women flat-line at 30 and become hungry and desperate, which elevates their view of us at that point. I never heard the word "distinguished" once to describe myself, and it's becoming a running punchline since I turned 30. "It's not fair men get to age like that...etc". I've never been lazier with my looks and I get the 'George Clooney' comments. Past 30 it's on easy-mode man.

>> No.12482700

I exist outside the spectrum of time

>> No.12482789

Fuck no, men peaks at around 35-40. Females peaks at 20-25

>> No.12482888

its just a number faggot, you can be a failure at 26 or succesful at 33, doesnt matter

>> No.12482926

As a 29 y/o working on his second degree(accounting) this thread has made me feel good. Gonna own a business lads. We're gonna 3D lambos and only accept the choicest shitcoins.

>> No.12482946

30 is just a sobering reminder that you aren't youthful anymore. In your twenties it's easier to justify shitty life choices as you're still young and finding yourself, but rolling over the decade digit from 2 to 3 makes it hard to stay in that mentality without serious cognitive dissonance

>> No.12482963

>tfw I turn 30 on Jan 30th
>tfw I have no face
I have no mouth to scream

>> No.12483003

>tfw turned 28 days ago
>tfw still NEET with no degree
>tfw still living with parents
>tfw still khv virgin
>tfw no friends
>tfw going bald
>tfw still addicted to porn
>tfw all saved up welfare money in chainlink

>> No.12483033

Because you're old you grandpa fuck hahaha I bet you can't even do the floss with your fucked up old hips

>> No.12483050

yep, well said

>> No.12483073

Just turned 29 and working not only exactly the career, but the project type/city I'd imagined back when I was 17. It's kinda eerie to be quite honest: like really anything was possible but I settled for less. Weird thing was that until last year I was a neet living in a trailer park.

>> No.12483224

My knees are seriously fucked, though.

>> No.12483368

All my female friends who were cute as fuck in their early to mid 20s are looking haggard now we're all mid 30s. Doesn't affect plain Jane's or fatties though, they age considerably better.
Guys look basically the same. Maybe I'm more critical of women's looks.

>> No.12483398

Maybe you're gay

>> No.12483409

Enlist in the military before it's too late

>> No.12483496

unironically this >>12483409, do it soon anon

>> No.12483498

>All my female friends who were cute as fuck in their early to mid 20s are looking haggard now we're all mid 30s.

The burden of fat is enormous

>> No.12483558

they wont take me already tried getting in 10 years ago.

>> No.12483606

Me too! Life is good.

>> No.12483752


Based forest hermit elder-god

>> No.12483778

This. No age is too late to turn your life around.

>> No.12483973

Wtf are you talking about ? I get more pussy now and i have more money. I even have enough money to trow at internet meme coins. I just bought a fucking house since i was dirt poor in my youth i had to work my way out. just turned 33.

>> No.12484013

plenty of guys look a lot better older than they did as young men.

>> No.12484051


I was like you when I was 26 but now I am almost 30 and I managed to turn my life around.

It is not too late.

>> No.12484063

>grinded in my 20's, stayed in, studied and worked my ass off for close to a decade living off simple home cooked meals

>investments taking off, life looking good - wont have to suffer more than i had to.

You become what you do


>> No.12484080
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This. Just look at guys like Jeff Goldblum for example. Compare him in the 70's and 80's, to how he looked in the 90's and 00's. That man is like a fine wine.

>> No.12484087

Good mindset, based anon

>> No.12484790
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Its just another self imposed limitation.

>> No.12484804
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>Peak mentally

>> No.12484928

Peak everything for men is 35-45, that 30 age limit definitely applies fir thots and brappers, they better have their shit locked down on some beta by 30.

Nothing sadder than a 48 yr old single roastie.

>> No.12484977

unironically join the military

>> No.12485112

None. It's all made up bullshit don't fall for the meme.

>> No.12485478

The average age for entrepreneurs is 45. To answer OP, society is really shallow right now. Maybe the most shallow it's ever been. Youth worship is a symptom of fascism. If you're upset about ageing, you might be a narcissist who has nothing to offer but your body. Or you might be aware that we are surrounded by narcissists who try to impose nonsense onto our system because they are too stupid to realise how destructive it is. What's even more stupid is that the minimum requirement for success is close to 8 years of training + education, which brings us to late twenties if everything goes perfectly. Unfortunately idiots are currently in charge of our sentiment and so we are stuck with it, unless a miracle of self-awareness reaches all of us soon. It will probably be easier to be humble once most of us are starving to death, unfortunately.

>> No.12485613


This was a refreshing opinion and an insightful post that goes against he grain of what a lot of people repeat here on this website. I enjoyed it thanks.

>> No.12486140

Very good post. Thanks

>> No.12486197
