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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 231 KB, 1599x911, rapt-github-6821-e1525232459873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12472448 No.12472448 [Reply] [Original]

designed to fight bro-culture and toxic masculinity.

I can imagine Bill Lumbergh patrolling these cubicles and softly harassing comfy wagies

>> No.12472484

I can see this being adopted after they add 2 more between each one

>> No.12472487
File: 108 KB, 940x626, rapt-github-6777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he'd fit right in this comfy atmosphere

>> No.12472500

wow what a bunch of retards. that looks incredibly uncomfortable.

>> No.12472517

How to develop permanent neck pain by age 30. What an inefficient use of space and does that second guy have like an 11 inch screen? Brutal.

>> No.12472518


when are the cage doors being installed?

>> No.12472533

its not important; the wagie is a disposable utility like a washing machine

>> No.12472548

looks comfier than sitting

>> No.12472550

Are these fucking workstations? Like for actual work getting done? If that's the case it's comfy as fuck.

if it's a place where people actually live, then no, it's a bad idea.

>> No.12472562
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>> No.12472633

Designed so users naturally rest their laptop on top of their crotch, for maximum genetic and fertility damage from EMF while they wageslave themselves into dustbin of genetic history.

>> No.12472653

>Big talk for a delivery boy

>> No.12472666


>> No.12472771

Delivery boys unironically make $30/hr

>> No.12472785

This, I can smell the onions

>> No.12472802

How can anybody get work done on a single laptop screen? I will never understand.

Also watch how the big corporate boys will "tinker" with this design and screw it up for maximum economic and space efficiency at the expense of comfort.

>> No.12472819

>light 2 inches above head
>manlet with feet almost at end
>terrible for lower back
A roastie designed these

>> No.12472829


>> No.12472845

More like homeless haven

>> No.12472906

The real atrocity here is using a touchpad all day.

>> No.12472909

Maybe its on purpose to heat the wagies head to boiling point. Also the wagies would get electricuted if they accidentally stood up. Double purpose

>> No.12472929

>How can anybody get work done on a single laptop screen? I will never understand.

Holy fuck this.

Sitting is torture as well.

I can't imagine a worse fate than being a devcuck.

I would literally and honestly prefer to dig ditches or remove roadkill.

>> No.12472945
File: 9 KB, 256x256, 1544509035392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncomfortable and terrible posture for the spine. Why is everyone completely fucking retarded when it comes to ergonomics now? Most will pay the price eventually.

>> No.12472959 [DELETED] 

I tried development for a while. Problem in this field is, for every one very good developer there's lots of losers like me. And there's no screening process. Worst, you get are getting all these sjw's in development now.

I was never good at it and went back to tech support. Pay is shitty but you're always going to need to fix shit for someone. I can't imagine doing dev work, especially if you don't like it and aren't any good at it.

>> No.12472999
File: 904 KB, 3000x1072, 1476887668371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with laptop it would be hopeless to do any kind of a job wagie job whether it's coding or design you will need at least 1 ultra wide monitor

>> No.12473017

Soft conditioning to slowly get people comfortable with the idea of living at work

>> No.12473025

laptops are dogshit my company only supplies laptops and I had to buy my own monitor who the fuck thinks attaching a screen to a keyboard is a good ergonomic work environment

>> No.12473047


also: you don't need a huge monitor if you're a script kiddie for the airbnb website.

>> No.12473061

this is hipster faggotry
you cant get work done efficiently on just a laptop
if you dont need 3 monitors and a decent keyboard for your job you arent working

there are two types of people that are being put in a cage by this shit:
the employer
and the employees who are actually doing something besides reading reddit

>> No.12473124


Indeed. Mind you, I can do some shit with a single laptop screen but I'm waay more productive with a proper external screen hooked up to a laptop.

>> No.12473138

I was at a coffee shop and some dude sitting there with his macbook pro touching up some smiling dude's face in Photoshop with face zoomed in and taking up the whole screen. Yes, why yes.. I am quite familiar with hipster faggotry.

>> No.12473140


Indeed man, I really don't get it either. I'm always vigilant all the time about my posture and ergonomics and still I'm already feeling some effect of being a devcuck.

>> No.12473164


I don't understand either.

Give me a proper external screen and laptop, a good mouse and keyboard and a cubicle (yes, a fucking cubicle is better than a shitty open office) with a good chair and desks and that's what I would require for working conditions.

>> No.12473181 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 474x317, whattheflyingfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if you think the photo OP posted was bad, here's another "unique" working setup some bright mind came up with.

>> No.12473186

>if you dont need 3 monitors and a decent keyboard for your job you arent working

3 monitors might be a bit overkill, but definitely at least two (including a laptop screen) if you're working on more complicated tasks.

>> No.12473209


What the fuck, source please.

>> No.12473218

I just typed "funny coworking spaces" in images search and all sorts of deranged hipster shit comes up

>> No.12473241
File: 1.95 MB, 2121x1414, lotsofworkgetsdone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12473281

How many flavors of s'o'y does that bar serve? I MUST know before I sign my agreement paper. You wouldn't didn't me my privilege would you?

>> No.12473284



NO! Fuck this shit. Fuck this shit so fucking hard. Open concept fuck off. No desks. No privacy. If I went in to an interview for a company and saw that office layout I would leave before the interview even started. I'd rather clean toilets.

>> No.12473294

Same here. Open concept is the most retarded thing ever. What kind of shit for brains comes up with this god awful shit

>> No.12473312

Imagine being a boomer with a man-bun. Its literally time to end it. Also look at that fuckin 60 year old on a girl's stool. Literally just end it

>> No.12473322


>> No.12473379

leaning slightly backwards is perfect spine posture wtf are you talking about

>> No.12473661 [DELETED] 


>designed to fight bro-culture and toxic masculinity

you forgot to mention that this innovative solution™ also provides our employees with a free sleeping pod! No need to go home, Joe! No need to pay expensive rent! Just stay here, code as long as you can, take a quick nap and jump back to work! ;^)

>> No.12473737
File: 1.06 MB, 2121x1414, npc working.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12473756
File: 18 KB, 205x246, 5652724562456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12473836
File: 72 KB, 323x323, 1519162833750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lighting placement in those loungy things is atrocious!

>> No.12473883

What's with these building block baby babble bullshit? I don't need you to tell me I need to Eat if I'm in a lunchroom, you don't need to tell me to Rest if I'm sitting on a couch. What the fuck is this? Should I wear a Shirt that says SHIRT on it?

>> No.12473895

putting a laptop on your lap like that literally kills your sperms

>> No.12473912

>Wear a shirt that says shirt on it
I think you just had a billion dollar idea

>> No.12473920



>> No.12473928

You need to namaste bro

>> No.12473931

Good job with the monitors, but your desk is fucking disgusting dude. That would take you 10 - 15 mins to clean, tops.

>> No.12473989

Looks like a preschool for adults. Women in the workplace was a mistake

>> No.12474062

it looks like a fucking kindergarden

>> No.12474116
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, 03.08-theylive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12474208
File: 44 KB, 500x488, 1536501956365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>backrest is at a 90 degree angle forcing the the person to hunch forward to due to lack of back support

>laptop is resting on top of groin area creating a heat pocket that is adverse for the growth of healthy sperm

>bright light is facing directly on top of the person, creating screen glare causing the user to strain their eyes trying to focus.

So, the designer of this intended, in time, that the employee becomes a hunched over, squinty eyed infertile cuck.

>> No.12474218

Seems he should be subsidized then

>> No.12474247

Probably predictive programming type MKultra. As long as you abide by these rules you will be receptive to future rules (((we))) make for you whenever we want.

>> No.12474270

is that the office in a haunted house?

>> No.12474833



>> No.12474848

how the FUCK am I supposed to jerk off in that bed?

>> No.12474861
File: 312 KB, 827x835, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work and living spaces are increasingly becoming more and more like prisons

why do I have a feeling this is intentional

>> No.12474870
File: 8 KB, 256x256, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genetic and fertility damage from EMF

>> No.12474876


>> No.12474902


So fucking glad I work from home and never have to see retards at all ever unless I pop to the shops, and even then I go to the nice ones in the middle of the day and shop alongside the milfs.


>> No.12474947
File: 145 KB, 1600x835, TheMatrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fast forward 25 years...

>> No.12475108
File: 208 KB, 1200x801, jeffdean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these "you need 5 monitors to do work" posts
This man accomplished 100,000x times more than you ever will, using just one single monitor.

>> No.12475181

this. All these faggots have way too much money to spend on bullshit. These are the kind of people that for example buy the most expensive guitar/piano before actually learning how to play it, or who decide to start coding and buy a macbook pro for it

>> No.12475204

Is that Jeff Bezos 40 years ago?

>> No.12475245

Keep in mind those are actors or models or somehow people someone put there to rappresent the comfiness of the „office“.
Now change them with neckbeards, afghans, somalis and random junkies, losers and people out of luck.
What a hellhole.

>> No.12475327
File: 3.91 MB, 350x185, 1498484780012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12475371


Well, that's a big ass monitor.

>> No.12475390

Thick monitor

>> No.12475429

and a macbook

>> No.12475430
File: 404 KB, 2238x1260, IMG_20180417_094014983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need three monitors, and I have no clue who that dork is.

>> No.12475527

Huge monitor infinitely better than whatever those sperglords in their cuck-cages are situated with.

>> No.12475537 [DELETED] 

What's that movie from? I can't imagine that's an actual steven seagal movie

>> No.12475623

Basedpods for basedboys

>> No.12475634

lol, what kind of low lvl job are those guys larping? there's no room for anything... well maybe it's just me, but in office, I've about 20 books (on avg.) on my desk that i'm constantly using + second monitor for databases, countless sheets, pens , printer all kind of shit ... secretary next door ... for real, what kind of fucked up jobs are supposed to happen in those cages?!

>> No.12475643
File: 20 KB, 691x653, 1507714976056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12475683

This is has no more functionality than a sofa yet costs 5 times more.

>> No.12475698

those lightbulbs right above their heads look a bit comical, like they're having great ideas all the time

>> No.12475708 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 800x600, DY4RwtVW0AAbzr6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there /biz/

Come on over and Mine Monero V (XMV), a FINITE alternative to Monero (XMR).

(XMV) is a new coin, so you can still mine a decent amount of coins using just your computer gfx card, and without needing an expensive mining setup. And it only takes 20 minutes to get going with the instructions below.

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3) read the instructions below on how to direct XMR Stak miner software to the mining pool


4) use this mining pool below (all the pool address and port details are here):

5) start accumulating XMV, easy

>> No.12475832
File: 15 KB, 578x566, 1520442505907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>radiation can't damage cells

>> No.12475839
File: 85 KB, 879x1200, 1547260796471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12475901

Why are you trying so hard to larp as someone that isnt a low income bitch with a mcjob?

>> No.12476183

For you

>> No.12476305

>this is unironically someones room

>> No.12476345
File: 42 KB, 598x582, 1541754622459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this shit again... EMF (as in electormagnetic fields) is not radiation brainlet.

>> No.12477137

>Laptop on the lap
I guess they don't care about their semen

>> No.12477184

>zen book
>table looks like shit

i think you dont understand zen

>> No.12477190
File: 852 KB, 300x225, REEEEEEEEEE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12477238

What is up sysadmin

>> No.12477436

anyone saying they should have their shoes off is a foot fetishist hoping for sniffs

>> No.12477476

>laptop on your lap
This kills your sperm, anon.

>> No.12477543


>single-monitor master race

Coder here. If can't alt-tab, tilde-tab, window-tab, or need to use your mouse:

You're fucking trash.

>> No.12478137

and imagine the chatter around the table area

>> No.12478695
File: 844 KB, 711x952, 1547753384265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, Sysadmin is back

>> No.12479083


>> No.12479105

What's up with this shit? It's a fucking workplace not a kindergarten. Cubicles were unironically a hundred times better than this. We have to go back.