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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12443535 No.12443535 [Reply] [Original]

never change you fucking autists, the schlop threads, the tink threads, the wojak singing threads, i dont know how a swedish floorboard knitting community got such a diversified portfolio but damn am i glad

>> No.12443540

were a bunch of fucking retards lmao but we're still ganna get rich thanks to autism

>> No.12443565

>only does things he thinks are BASED

literally me

>> No.12443573

Cringe but baste

>> No.12443580
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>they call it a disability

>> No.12443668


>has the best posts

literally me

>> No.12443738
File: 34 KB, 539x354, 1541658091231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do /tv/ and /biz/ share the same userbase?

>> No.12443878

Nah, you're all a bunch of losers desu. I only come on here to have a laugh at how fucking pathetic you guys are. Lågasre intellekt går seriöst inte att hitta Nothing but a cringe subculture of brainlets.

>> No.12443923

Hot pockets for din din again, janny?

>> No.12443941

/biz/ /tv/ crossover when?

>> No.12443960

go back dressing up as sonic the hedgehog at furry conventions and pick up that service job you left for "getting rich of crypto" will ya?

>> No.12443965

cringe and bluepilled snownigger


absolutely based

>> No.12443977

Imagine non-ironically using bill terminology still

>> No.12443979

dunno but I'd love to go to the kinoplex with you chaps

>> No.12443988
File: 9 KB, 216x250, 6CAC5305-21A3-4918-8D6E-23512BE7B16A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schlopgang runs this board and always will

>> No.12444121

/tv/, /v/, /pol/, /biz/, /sp/, /r9k/, /b/, and /int/ tend to be within the same userbase generally speaking.

>> No.12444135

Without biz I would have NEVER found out about LINK and LINK is the only thing that keeps me motivated in this disgusting market and for the I LOVE YOU BIZ WE ARE ALL GONNA MAKE IT

>> No.12444143

>Lågasre intellekt går seriöst inte att hitta
Try speaking a real language next time fucking mega brainlet

>> No.12444228
File: 156 KB, 708x738, C0E9C50A-0AB9-45B2-B974-D85BC4077B58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Svend you’re not allowed to post on this hateful website. Get back to work, Jamal and his Swedish wife need your tax money.

>> No.12444265

*sucks air through teeth*
*hushed tone under breath*
you too lil nigga we ride till we die

>> No.12444270
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>mfw USA have 3000% more niggers than sweden

>> No.12444320

Your Feminist government will come get you for posting here. Better go post on tumblr about how much you love the BBC if you know what's good for you.

>> No.12444328
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>> No.12444350
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>/pol/, /r9k/, /b/

>> No.12444365

no. /bizck/

>> No.12444370

>that feel when part of this board

>> No.12444372
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>> No.12444396
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>> No.12444428

most of the /b/-tards fled to /r9k/ after that mod faggotry that happened back in 2011, and 2012, and most of /pol/ is also old /b/.
Not even accounting cross-board posting which has been a thing since forever.

>> No.12444587


>> No.12444786
File: 600 KB, 876x539, hentai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder that 90% of indian street food contains faecal matters