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File: 85 KB, 810x540, humble and nubile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12435382 No.12435382 [Reply] [Original]

Who fucking cares how successful your career is if you can never have a humble and nubile gf?

>> No.12435391

how long is this humble gf going to last?

>> No.12435393


Until chad texts her

>> No.12435401

Best I've gotten is 4 years and I think that's pushing it

>> No.12435404

Having money makes it more likely that you get a gf faggot

>> No.12435408

2-6 months on average. then they turn into seething cunts when you talk to other women

>> No.12435409

you can tell that the one on the pic is not humble

>> No.12435412

Humble and nubile gf's don't care about Chad, they are interested in you for the same reasons you are interested in them, i.e. because they are humble and nubile and because you fulfil them emotionally and intellectually and the the same is true of them.

>> No.12435415


You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.12435418

a better question, you really believe in this fairy tale?

>> No.12435419

People change, it's never that simple.

>> No.12435422

Until she stops brapping.

>> No.12435428

You're utterly delusional and have no self-confidence if you think someone who is humble and nubile will leave you for some guy who can bench press more than you.

>> No.12435438
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I'm trying to teach you anon. Listen to those with more experience/knowledge. Don't commit the same mistake every other simp makes.

Remember: All women are whores, that goes for your mother and sister too
All women want Chad
All women will lie,cheat and steal from you.
Never trust women
Always have a prenup
Chase a check, never chase a bitch

>> No.12435441

I never said that you projecting twat.

>> No.12435446

>muh perfect woman
back to plebbit you absolute faggot

>> No.12435468
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>> No.12435511

They exist, anon. It's called 2d.

>> No.12435521

does she have a penis is that why shes different

>> No.12435688

Been there, done that. Felt like in prison after 3 months. Never again.

>> No.12435731

this. still miss the pussy tho

>> No.12435743
File: 6 KB, 250x203, 1540286882841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks women have emotions

>> No.12435747

>you will never have a pale white married-virgin wife which takes care of your children and household

>> No.12435755

But I had that for 10 years. Well 5, then married. Still happy af. So.....yeah, I dunno OP. Go to Church or somewhere else wholesome & find a tradthot of your very own.

>> No.12435761

But what if he can OHP 1pl8 more than you? Checkmate.

>> No.12435781

>T. virgin

>> No.12435814

it's both true and sad, OP has a very naive view of the world and of women, but holy fuck would I want to live in that world.

Maybe in death that will be my final dream.

>> No.12435815

how young?

>> No.12435820

I AM the nubile gf :p idk about humble though

>> No.12435896

Well luckily there are Thai girls for hire to remedy this need

>> No.12435917

I want to do anal sex with bitches from night clubs

>> No.12435938

imagine the smell

>> No.12436061
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People change it's never that simple.
Your mommy and sister might be whores, but that doesn't mean everyone's has to be though.
Your life must be sad anon.

>> No.12436075

Who is this semen demon

>> No.12436107

what is humblenubile is it like mimblewimble?

>> No.12436123
File: 22 KB, 430x593, 1524092577561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere over the rainbow, just around the corner, there's that girl who's different than everyone else. The one for he who can see.

>> No.12436130
File: 582 KB, 538x794, sheisworthfightingfor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna start a business soon but hate the women in the US. I live in Texas and have been planning for a while to go to the Netherlands or Norway to start it. Which of the three is best for a business neophyte to start up in?? Which one also has an abundance of pure conservative waifus?

>> No.12436311

Men are the real romantics.

Keep yourself to your women, noone wants you to import your degeneracy.
Besides women in Netherlands and Norway are as slutty as american roasties.

>> No.12436327

>Listen to those with more experience/knowledge
Ok mr 4chan

>> No.12436329

>Netherlands or Norway
weak b8

>> No.12436417

Wtf is chase and check?

Interesting point is a guy had 3 prenups and still lost half his wealth
I hate to say it lads but don't get married
It puts you at a disadvantage

>> No.12436438

My plan
Make it with crypto and biz
Move to Poland or Ukraine

>> No.12436447
File: 34 KB, 500x375, 20y9yn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks women in Nordics are not sluts

It's probably worse than US
t. from Denmark

>> No.12436463
File: 69 KB, 579x960, facciapalmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a humble and nubile gf?

she's also has to be modest, loyal, mentally healthy, and -most of all- virgin.

>> No.12436490

the only way you'll ever find a woman like that is if you go where they have no possibility to activate their polygamous nature, like in nations where polygamy is repressed, or where the women live in small societies, and have no way to escape to a city.. Women in the the most rural areas in the western world are just as bad as those living in the cities

>> No.12436496

Nords are not as soulless as the eternal anglos, nord women won't sell themselves out on social media as easily, but they're bigger whores simply because whoredom is celebrated there