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12413926 No.12413926 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy wagies only, no leechneets or ragiewagies allowed.
what makes you happy about your joblife?

>Wake up bright and early before anyone else in my house
>Get to enjoy the sunrise with a hot cup of coffee and a smoke
>Shower early and shave, smell good the whole day
>Drive out west to work, low traffic and sun is behind me
>Listen to classical music on the way to soothe the soul and get my brain in the best mood for my job
>Arrive at office, everyone greets me with a smile and a good morning
>Have small talk with the office girls as we await our morning meeting
>Manager always has something cool to say in the meeting to get us pumped up to work
>Get to browse 4chan and watch charts im swingtrading all day long because it's not blocked like FB/Youtube
>laugh at neet posts
>comfy knowing im accumulating way more LINK than the neets by working a 9-5 job
>Manager really likes me and lets me take breaks when I feel like it because he knows they allow me to work smarter
>Always get a high five after closing a deal
>Enjoy lunch with anybody in my office at McDonalds because we're all so close
>Manager smiles at me and I can't help but to smile back when he sees me at lunch
>After lunch meeting I always look forward to getting shout out after having a killer morning
>Drive out east towards home at 4:30, sun is behind me again
>spend my evenings smoking and drinking with my friends discussing future business prospects
>actually get to look forward to my weekends and spend them using <5% of my check at bars/clubs or at home (usually rum/gin w/ coke)
>By sunday I'm looking forward to getting back to work and usually doing at-home improvements to better my sales technique

>> No.12413967

is this post meant to be ironic

>> No.12413999

>Always get a high five after closing a deal
your a normie harry

>> No.12414002
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No, I assume that's just your NEET mind incapable of believing someone with a job actually enjoys their life

>> No.12414051

Wish I would find such joy from going to work. At the moment my current position is like mental torture. Work that does not suit me as much but pays really well so I am sticking to it for now. Hopefully will move on with life and finally enjoy it for once. Gave me wholesome feelings after reading this not gonna lie.

>> No.12414064
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It'd be best to live both this life while investing in crypto. You have a secure job so you can invest some side cash into crypto. If it doesn't work out, you lost some spare money. If it does work out, you've got NEETBUX to retire on.

>> No.12414069

all that matters is that you are happy in your current state, dont let it get ruined by selfhating shitposters anons degrading all and everything

>> No.12414132

I Work a shitty government maintenance job, sit on my ass in mechanical rooms for hours at a time browsing my phone while banking my 30 days of pto a year not including 15 holidays. I feel like my life has no purpose but I have a wife at home who lets me cum inside her when I want so that helps me get by.

>> No.12414136

Hey man, I know how you feel, I wasn't always this comfy. I used to hate my sales job, constantly repeating the same bullshit on the phone with little to no success, but you gotta enjoy the little things at work, there's gotta be some moments you can enjoy. Take that shit and run with it.
And remember, we're not forced here forever, we can leave when we please and go onto that next step.
All in due time Anon.

>> No.12414139

Thanks for post anon. Thoughtful, truthful and inspiring.

The real redpill is we are adaptable, resiliant, creatures of habit. Accepting routine and confirming to it removes the stress of having to stress over it and clears your mind for your own interests and endeavors. I am an oldfag who wagecucked for years and finally achieved success through hard work and determination. You neets will learn eventually. Sloth is bane of existance.

>> No.12414176

Working in sales my jobs purpose is to convince people to spend money on a product they really could live without. I know my life at the current moment is pretty pointless/actually detrimental to society but I'm always looking forward

>> No.12414186

That was really nice anon, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.

>> No.12414194

100% true I am working on my Soft Dev thing hopefully will work out in the end.

>> No.12414207

Relatively speaking I enjoy my job as well. It's a lot better than staying at home and wasting time on 4chink.

>> No.12414209
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I don't know these feels

>> No.12414220

Hard to look forward when you're stuck like me. It'd be literally retarded for me to leave my job. Where the fuck else am I going to get this kind of pto without a diploma. Anywhere else I'm lucky to get 2 fuckin weeks. My only hope is making it from crypto.

>> No.12414225

Get out of here normie

>> No.12414236

If you smoke you smell like shit. You just don’t notice it

>> No.12414246

Some like to be Mustangs, others like to be Thoroughbreds. Personally I find your life boring and just prefer to be a neet stress-free. I know ways of making money without having a job so I can sustain this lifestyle

>> No.12414274

I did this too anon. Inside sales for 10 years. Dont kick yourself for being a cog in the machine. You didnt create it and you dont have to endorse it, it was here long before you got here and will be here long after you are gone. We all want purpose. We all want to think that our lives left a positive impact and we made the most significant change for the better that we could. For many of us, the only way to do that is by playing the game that has been presented to us.
The best way to effect change is to play by the rules(however deceitful) until you are in an actual position to help those you care about. You absolutely NEED to accumulate the power to change things before you can, and that requires temporary confirmation to the current ruleset.

>> No.12414280

I mean that sounds comfy in it of itself, I don't get any PTO. I'm paid based on commission. And if you aren't looking at other options you should, you have leverage with your experience. You can use some PTO to interview at other companies in the same field. If they can't promise a higher wage then all you've really lost is an hour and you were even paid for it.

>> No.12414282
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>easy commute, just a 30 minute bus ride
>get to work by 7 because I like being up early and it's really quiet in the office
>just me and boss this early, he's bretty cool and we mind our own business for the most part
>sip on a tall frosty can of boomer juice or warm coffee depending on my mood
>browse the news, take time going through email, other sites of my own interest
>get all work for the day done by 8:30 and other people start coming in
>coworkers can be kind of annoying but I don't mind because I'm usually not stressed out otherwise
>doing more stuff because my boss recognizes I do things well and have ability to expand in my role
>fucking fantastic benefits (401k and HSA matching, three weeks of paid vacation, company share purchase program... and I get to work from home on Mondays)
>get lunch early, downtown isn't crowded yet and I can sit in the building's comfy break area if I want
>break area also has nap rooms so I can grab a few z's if my boss is out of the office
>leave by 3:30, get home by 4 and have plenty of time at home to cook, watch youtube/tv, shitpost on 4chan or pursue my other hobbies
I have to say... being a desk jockey ain't so bad at all

>> No.12414301

how much link you own, anon?

>> No.12414342

>cup of coffe and a smoke
>shower, smell good the whole day

You don’t smell good if you smoke, black. Smells like shit

>> No.12414344

In on data mining thread

>Work 80hrs a week doing taxes for 3 years (40hrs non tax season)
>eventually burnout and quit
>find new job working as a meme analyst
>show up everyday at 8:15
>take a 90min lunch
>leave at 11am every Friday
>boss does the same
>everyone at the office does the same
>spend half my time doing nothing
>bosses tell me I’m the best employee they have ever seen
>Get paid more than old job too
>constantly bored though and this open office concept is making me too paranoid to actively fuck around on the clock
I don’t know how to feel

>> No.12414353

Tobacco vs body odour. Its a plant anon. Deal with it.

>> No.12414360

youre already actively fucking around by doing nothing half the time

>> No.12414365

Hell yeah! Similarly I sparked an idea for a business solution while working at my company that I feel could make it way more efficient and I've been learning C# at home to actually develop it. Once I have the working product I'm going to use the money I'm saving to launch some advertising and hopefully start selling that product to other businesses. If all goes well I'll have a real useful product and an office doing B2B sales.
Yeah man thank you for that. Sometimes I do feel like a cog in a machine but as I mentioned above I'm always looking forward as to what my actual goal is here. I'm not at this current company to make a positive impact in other peoples lives I'm focusing on mine first, once I have the capital and knowledge built up I should have a real product and be doing B2B sales, which is much more attractive than my current inside sales position. Even if that plan fails atleast I'll have the sales experience to be able to walk into any door and get hired. That's what I love about this field.

Anyone else have any comfy feels to share?

>> No.12414370

What I’m saying is I’m too much of a pussy to pull up FaceBerg, YouTube, 4chins, plebbit etc. on my work computer so I end up just staring at screens all day blankly

>> No.12414397

>>Wake up bright and early before anyone else in my house
Waking up at the ass crack of dawn for Mr. Shekelberg
>>Get to enjoy the sunrise with a hot cup of coffee and a smoke
Vices to get you through your miserable day
>>Shower early and shave, smell good the whole day
Shaving daily is bad for your skin
>>Drive out west to work, low traffic and sun is behind me
>>Listen to classical music on the way to soothe the soul and get my brain in the best mood for my job
Have to mentally prepare yourself for the long stressful day ahead
>>Arrive at office, everyone greets me with a smile and a good morning
Have to fake smile at a bunch of coworkers who want to stab you in the back
>>Have small talk with the office girls as we await our morning meeting
Most of them are fat or old
>>Manager always has something cool to say in the meeting to get us pumped up to work
"Guys lets get out there and crush it! If we work hard and make believe, we can turn a higher quarterly profit for Mr. Goldstein"

>> No.12414416

Fuck off you dumb Neet

>> No.12414422

I take my dog to work every day. my morning starts about 9, I have a matcha and do free writing for about half an hour. then browse the internets till 11 at which point I talk the dog for a 20 minute walk. shitpost till lunch. at about 2 I work for about an hour and get all my shit done. then personal research/more shitposting till 5. I make a six figure salary for about 8 actual work hours per week. I'm a copywriter. I'm comfy.

>> No.12414428

>>Get to browse 4chan and watch charts im swingtrading all day long because it's not blocked like FB/Youtube
He looks at cp at work and is going to get v&
>>laugh at neet posts
Your nervous laughter intensifies
>>comfy knowing im accumulating way more LINK than the neets by working a 9-5 job
Comfy knowing you're blowing your savings on a PnD scam
>>Manager really likes me and lets me take breaks when I feel like it because he knows they allow me to work smarter
>>Always get a high five after closing a deal
No bonus, just a high five
>>Enjoy lunch with anybody in my office at McDonalds because we're all so close
Lying to yourself about enjoying a sedentary lifestyle while stuffing your fat face with sodium packed "food"
>>Manager smiles at me and I can't help but to smile back when he sees me at lunch
You're gay
>>After lunch meeting I always look forward to getting shout out after having a killer morning
The office ass kisser
>>Drive out east towards home at 4:30, sun is behind me again
>>spend my evenings smoking and drinking with my friends discussing future business prospects
You have to de-compress with unhealthy vices so you don't kill yourself
>>actually get to look forward to my weekends and spend them using <5% of my check at bars/clubs or at home (usually rum/gin w/ coke)
More vices and numbing the pain
>>By sunday I'm looking forward to getting back to work and usually doing at-home improvements to better my sales technique
Has to spend his Sunday studying to keep his pathetic job

>> No.12414469
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Have fun staring at blank screens all day you massive faggot

>> No.12414487

Working for state government for 13 yrs. Just 14 more yrs to go till I can retire w/full pension + 401k at 50 yrs old. Stay active during the day, no stress, no bullshit, no reams of paperwork, no having to kiss anyone's ass or other stupid shit, just come in on time do whatever needs done then leave. Job is kinda laid back, boss is cool, co-workers all get along so no complaints.

>> No.12414504

US government likely won't exist in 14 years and your pension most certainly will not

>> No.12415245

t.Virgin neet who makes tfw no gf threads.

>> No.12415259

You sound like a massive NPC.

>> No.12415325


What are some entry level copywriting positions for somebody trying to get into that field of work?

>> No.12415336

You kiss your boss's ass with that mouth?

>> No.12415366

as you think, so you are really. you would still be smiling cleaning poop i bet. so its good.

>> No.12415783

>work for a mega-corporation in mining as a buyer
>achieve millions in savings by negotiating, manipulating and outsmarting sales cucks
>boss is an Engineer and teaches me more math/tactics to achieve godly savings (which will reflect in my compensation)
My job is pretty good, I make more money than I know what to do with, so stick it all into high risk stocks.

>> No.12416147

I mean, just junior copywriter. you'll probably have to start writing product descriptions or just whatever web content for not much money. but if you have a good portfolio after a little experience you can move up.

but if you're really serious, consider finishing school. my bachelor's means fuck all in a creative field.

>> No.12416575
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>work at edible factory
>chill ass coworkers
>regularly smoke weed on premises, no one gives af, and it's even encouraged
>time flies when having good conversations / coworkers and meditating during repetitive tasks
>honest blue collar folk
>manager is an ex-con, has cool white power tattoos from prison days, but is chill now
>casual racist jokes don't bat an eye, people aren't racist either and ignore PC values.
>Get tons of free weed and edibles from company for free

Maximum comfy lad

>> No.12416578

>Manager really likes me and lets me take breaks when I feel like it
wow you have the dream life

>> No.12416582

also paid lunch, $15 an hour, pretty good for wagecucking in burgerland

>> No.12416623

>get to wake up at 3am, start the day off nice and early
>drive an hour and forty five minutes to get to work, nothing like a nice soothing 100 mile pre-dawn drive
>spend a wonderful 8-10 hours working my ass off, its like a free workout so its almost like I'm getting payed to go to the gym
>cruise on back home, just a short little two hour and twenty minute joyride while I relax and enjoy the company of the tens of thousands of fellow commuters surrounding me
>go to bed at 10pm
>wake up at 3am again

Literally fuck my life

>> No.12416655

then use your phone or bring a tablet/laptop from home
i used to work front desk night shift at a Hotel and used to just get drunk and play vidya for most of the night. No-one cared as long as I was sober by 7am when dayshift arrived

>> No.12416682

'Tobacco smells bad' is such a meme. Sure compared to daffodils its not exactly pleasant, but it smells better than 99% of other burning plant materials.

>> No.12416807

>dad's ceo of national company
>hired me making 45k a year literally just showing up to the office and going on the internet all day
>take off as much time as I want
>nobody says shit to me
>21 and richer / nicer car than 99% of people I know
>just got my first rolex because I was bored

>> No.12416904
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When your old man dies and the economy goes bad, you’ll be fried.
>dads financial statement 50 million
>tells me I need to run the gauntlet of life without his help to manage his empire one day

>> No.12416923

>ultra premium

this can't be accurate

>> No.12416951

kys spoiled brat

>> No.12417105
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Amen brother.
We all like to think that we are all-powerful, and that we can do it all, epscially when we are sitting comfy on the couch.
Reality is we have precious few mind cycles to spare, and not so much energy.
The routine saves our mind cycles and directs our energy productively.
And we can walk with clear head and ready reserve to pounce on any new opportunity that does arise.

>> No.12417149
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>> No.12417150


remote job life

>wake up whenever, sometimes early for a meeting, sometimes not
>walk, do errands while everyone is in an office
>have a coffee, have a nap
>wake up at 7pm
>work and fuck around on my computer until whenever I feel like sleeping
>don't work at all some days

>> No.12417167

You are a faggot, anon

>> No.12417177

unless someone is forcing you to do this with your wife and children held hostage you are retarded, I'm sorry

>> No.12417445

if you love your manager so much why don't you marry him?

>> No.12417589 [DELETED] 
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>wake up at 6am
>it's pitch dark, sun only rises after 8:00 because it's middle of winter in this yurocuck land
>go outside
>another snowstorm, great
>extra high humidity so -20C feels like -40, and the chilling wind is literally peeling away skin from your face
>go to the bus stop though 1m thick snow and icy wind, to drive to work with fellow doomers
>everyone wears black, not a single smile, the air is filled with despair, the suppressed aggression and anger are almost palpable
>listen to daily propaganda (also known as "news") on the radio, another report about our glorious republic meeting the annual GDP growth targets, with full compliance of the EU regulations
>arrive in office, manager screams at me because i didn't come to work 15 minutes early, like a loyal employee should
>Some co-workers greet me with a quiet 'hi' and empty "doomed wojak" 1000-mile stare in their eyes, others are already too depressed and blackpilled to say hello
>Manager screams at us, but it's not because he's a bad guy, it's because he has been promoted and now wants to show his gratitude to the upper management
>also because he graduated from the mandatory courses "How to increase productivity and motivation of your employees while keeping their wages as low as possible"
>Can't browse internet, surveillance cameras everywhere + spy software that takes screenshots every 10 seconds
>utterly depressed, because i know that even if i buy link, its value will stagnate at .30 until i'll sell
>Finally a lunch break
>eat my two sandwiches and drink some black tee without sugar
>12:15 break's over, it's time to continue the grind!
>Get tinnitus in both ears because manager screams at us extra loud today
>Apparently the upper management wants us to work unpaid OT for the rest of the month again
>it's 7pm
>finally allowed to leave the office
>can't go home yet, have to buy some bread
>roof of the supermarket collapses on my head
>ftw finally sweet death
>ftw freedom

>> No.12417659


I switch from normie to neet. if i could be a normie without an alarm clock and actual time off I would be ok with normie life

>> No.12417661

y tho

>> No.12418738

>IT support for local government
>Work from home 3 days a week
>I'm my own boss
>tickets come in online
>pick and choose what to do at my own leisure
>Probably about an hour's worth of work to do a day
>Trainers tee shirt and jeans when I do go in
>Don't have to sit near any of the normal ragie wagies >own office and machine room
>£36k a year
>Parking right outside the office
>10 mins drive from my house

I always see NEETs on here acting high and mighty but the whole idea of it is pretty pathetic. If you don't work and earn money how would you ever get to do anything fun?

>> No.12418745
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wagie cope is hitting critical mass

>> No.12418832
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>Manager always has something cool to say in the meeting to get us pumped up to work
"Guy's we're not trying to boil the ocean here, let's chase after the low hanging fruit. Let's touch base tomorrow on this."

>> No.12419016

sounds pretty /comfy/

>> No.12419029

Even worse, my dad owns the company. I can’t quit without letting my entire family down and forfeiting my inheritance (which includes the company). It’s a construction company and I’m the foreman so I literally have to be there every day. I’ve worked the last 4 weekends in a row, overtime every day.

At least I’m getting payed good

>> No.12419197
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>Wake up 4:30am
>jog down to local pool for their early morning lap swimming
>put in laps till 6, go back home get ready for work
>short 20min commute on bike every day
>get in and bs with coworkers for a few minutes before one of us decides to kick off the morning meeting
>split into our areas and have meeting with my team, get to pat ourselves on the backs for what we've done, lay out the agenda, address or escalate concerns
>enjoy the feeling of being there for my team and supporting them
>stop by desk for a while, check stocks, crypto, shitpost
>get to have breakfast with old department coworkers, keep building network through them
>get to talk about my awesome team at higher tier meeting, my boss loves me and always tries to talk me up to his boss too
>have lunch with some qts regularly, otherwise other supervisors
>more time to shitpost
>out of work by 3pm
>go to gym, work out for an hour minutes, sit in sauna, shower
>smaller cozy gym, only long time regulars get their own lockers and I recently got one
>do any shopping needed on way home
>make dinner, pour a beer, hop on 4chan, check crypto/stocks, shitpost
>play games online with some old military buddies
>go out with small group of friends a few times a week
>always have something to look forward to on weekends
Being a wagie helps me do the things I love in life; mostly hiking trips, events like marathons, spartan/toughmudder, competitive shooting and my annual trip with old CCT buddies. Every day I'm thankful that I didn't try to become an air traffic controller after collecting my DD 214; it's a ridiculously stressful job.

>> No.12419280

what did you study anon ?

>> No.12419291

download some books on any topic you're interested in, and read them

>> No.12419702

Idk I have a day job and earn 1.5x average in my country (IT job). Got an apartment as inheritance and looking to upgrade, going to leverage bank loans and collect rent monies from existing apartment. To be honest, wagecucking isn't that bad if you get a good start. If I get rich thanks to crypto then it's all good, but I am happy with my life and can get shitfaced on the weekend like right now.

>> No.12419765
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Pic related, current apartment selling for $250k. Fucked the image up because of google image tracking, but you get the idea.

>> No.12419808

Atvmy office, there are several people like you describe OP. They seem to enjoy small talk, their coffee breaks, office life.
I just can't, i feel it's killing my very soul and will be quitting my 8 years, above average salary job next month.
What I gathered from them is that they have no dreams or aspirations.

>> No.12419822

Do you have dreams? Big aspirations that feel define you, and are closely related to your soul? A purpose in life?
>Traveling and consuming don't count

>> No.12419856

I had a dream of a start-up. It failed hard, but I had a huge SAAS project that I showed off to my current employers and which got me a great job (I am a college dropout). I've always been depressed and don't really care to be honest, I just do things and see what comes of everything so I honestly have lost all hope of becoming "rich" and "successful". I am in good shape, make good money and have no debts, I will probably never make it, but at least I can afford a comfy life and have some real skills if that's what you were asking about.

>> No.12419943

I understand anon.
My case is different, I need a shot at what I think I was born to do.

>> No.12419953

What do you think you were born to do? I am 26 and from my experience in business (since 18) you won't succeed. Buying crypto is a great chance for us, but if you are born a norman who doesn't have a 200IQ you are fucked..

>> No.12419977

getting paid to have a jew and gook boss yell at me

>> No.12419983

>Wake up
>Drive to work (if not working remotely)
>In the morning, do some easy database stuff which people think is hard
>At lunch, try catch a glimpse of a girl from another department I have a crush
>After lunch, browse biz, daydream about future riches
>Get paid well
>Accumulate chainlink

Easy and comfy, also ending soon cause link

>> No.12419988

I'm more of the artistic type. But I'm not dumb, so I want to do it in a way that can become a business for me.
This is the year, I feel it. Quitting next month.
>from my experience in business (since 18)
I'm older than you, failed a lot of times, but each time I analyzed why that failure happened and never repeated it.
If you failed, instead of projecting into others ("you will fail"), learn and grow. You fail because of your decisions and your surrounding conditions.

>> No.12420021

Yeah sorry, I might be projecting my previous experiences on you. It's probably my own life that has taught me that every time I try to do something greater than average, I will fail. I've built 4 startups, the latest that failed is the only one that can be taken seriously. I've analyzed my failures and it's boils down to me being stupid. If you are quitting then I truly wish the best of luck to and hope everything will work out for you. It takes a fuckload of guts to quit your comfy job and pursue something. Seriously, godspeed brother.

>> No.12420039

Do you live in a first world country? I live in a 3rd world country where people are born to be employees. OP is the dream here. Attempting to make your business is seen as you're arrogant etc.
So here it's quite hard and failing is the norm. Also, recovering from a failure is almos impossible.

>> No.12420048

>im swingtrading all day long

>> No.12420050

>If you are quitting then I truly wish the best of luck to and hope everything will work out for you. It takes a fuckload of guts to quit your comfy job and pursue something. Seriously, godspeed brother.
Yes I am. It's a hard decision, it's really a job I know won't be able to even come close to get if I fail.
I appreciate your words anon, wish you the best to you too. Don't give up, you're young.

>> No.12420056
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>a wagie
>flames wagecucks
the future is so bright my fellow wagecucks.

>> No.12420067

>wake up at 9am
>get back to home to take a shower
>arrive at uni at 12pm
>mog some students if I have to
>"work" until 4pm
>get back to home before wagie traffic
>eat my single meal of the day
>meditate, read, work on my hobbies/projects, do a bit more work if I want to

4.5 years into my PhD and going strong. I don't want to become a professor.

>> No.12420097

OMAD masterrace

>> No.12420106

> 30 year old boomer
> Work 4 days a week
> 1 day from home
> Have around 27 days off, just bought 7 more
> Work ATM is cool (innovation)

The thing is I know this won't last long term (been fucked over in other jobs). Saving as much as I can, so when shit hit the fan I can get comfy.

>> No.12420145

>wake up around 10am
>take all of my pills, then take a shower
>drive 10 minutes to my office, there's zero traffic since i come in at 1030
>sit at my desk and bullshit with my coworkers a bit
>browse the web for 30 minutes
>write some code for like an hour
>go to kitchen for a free catered lunch
>sit and chat with my coworkers about current news topics, politics, technology, etc for an hour while eating
>go to a teleconference room for standup
>spend the rest of the day varying between writing code, helping or chatting with coworkers, and browsing the web
>go home at 530pm after rush hour has ended
>get paid like a king, live in a nice house in the best part of town, drive a nice car, have the best computer money can buy, eat out and go drinking with friends a ton, have a qt redhead gf as well
>still have money leftover to buy HOT (the superior project - fuck off stinky linkies (but i do have some link as well))

i like to think i'd be doing the same thing if i didn't work, except i would be alone and at home.

>> No.12420242

Private sector maintenance guy here

Right now I do jack shit too, though the boys on day shift are a bit busier

>> No.12420282
File: 110 KB, 850x850, B67CDA7F-6FCE-43DF-9F48-108886C5F48D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m fucking jelly. That sounds comfy as fuck.

>> No.12420283
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 73DCA14D-3F83-4E15-9CD6-41BC4FDB882D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine needing to make post like this to keep coping and wagecucking

>> No.12420325

forgot to mention
>unlimited vacation
>option to work from home whenever i want
>free health insurance with zero deductible
>get paid in company equity as well -- it's a
rather successful startup so this could one day be worth millions
>office is filled with plebian customer service reps, but there's some hot chicks among them and they all look up to the engineers and are delighted to talk to us

>> No.12420451

how old are you?
what city?
what language?

>> No.12420463

mid sized (300k pop) city on the east coast
mostly java but i do a lot of other things too

>> No.12420519

should probably mention that my company is headquartered in sf, we're a remote office. these kinds of benefits are very rare in east coast companies.

>> No.12420591
File: 293 KB, 1344x1702, Screenshot_20190112-105440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Acting like waking up before everyone else is a good thing.

If it wasnt for the job he'd not be waking up that early. Sounds like op is coping. I have coworkers who act fake nice, I don't trust them. There are many backstabbers in my office yet its difficult to find which ones they are. Have become quiet in the workplace to get those fakes to leave me alone. Only stuck with three employees who continue bothering me, 2 who seemingly look out for me and 1 who incessantly screws me over BUT is my boss. Might quit sometime this month without another job lined up.

>> No.12420610

how the fuck did you find this job? how many years experience do you have?

>> No.12420663

they reached out to me on linkedin, and i interviewed. i have almost 5 years of experience.

>> No.12420664


I'm a wagecuck in my mid 20's and I see through the veil in my workplace full of 35-60 year olds who act like they're best of friends but don't even hang out outside work.

>> No.12421200

>> Have around 27 days off, just bought 7 more
Bought? I haven't heard of that policy before.

>> No.12421214

Lol, nice wagie cope.

>> No.12421224

>qt redhead gf
Be careful with that one broski, they can go from happy and mellow to absolutely insane in the blink of an eye. Fucking killer in bed though and when they're cool they are god tier girlfriends.

t. guy who has a thing for redheads and has dated many

>> No.12421285
File: 80 KB, 578x900, 1515909682738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pharma maintenance here. Our company is really fucking incompetent so we don't really have much work which means i get to sit on my ass and browse the webz most of the day.
My gf left me this week but learning about stocks and investments gets me by.

>> No.12421304

What’s the required education/training and pay like?

>> No.12421314

>wake up
>take 4x 50mg tramadol to ease the living hell that is life
>collect trash from the streets and deposit into a black bag using my little gripper tool
>get looked at by passers-by as if I were an actual piece of shit
>30min unpaid lunch - I usually eat a chip sandwich and can of fizzy pop
>leave work unfulfilled
>arrive home contemplating suicide
>accumulate link using what little spare fiat I have
>currently have 264 link
>FML frens

>> No.12421342

Mechanical/electrical technician/engineer here in yurop. I get like 1k a month which is okay-ish for my area.
If you're an engineer you get about 1,3-1,5k tho

>> No.12421373

Why not become a garbage man. They make more money than you’d think.

>> No.12421397

>wake up
>roll up a blunt
>go to my houses by the beach
>put music on
>call up my niggas
>smoke and chill for the day
>fuck bitches
>check clock the day is done
>finish the day with a drink
>count my money i made during social interactions

neet life is comfy

>> No.12421523
File: 167 KB, 636x426, 1537559800960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm pretty sure we work at the same company, but I just always work from home LOL

>> No.12421606

my company only has about 80 employees so probably not, many companies in SF have these kinds of benefits

>> No.12421707
File: 28 KB, 575x431, npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

progressing in life bad
wasting away in moms basement good

>> No.12421812

Overnight maintenance reporting in

>30 minute commute
> very comfy office
>Time flies in an instant
>No annoying coworkers

Social interaction is 80% of what makes a job unbareable to me so I'm happy to work alone.

>> No.12422104
File: 1.26 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190112-221438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduated last summer, landed a job immediately
>5x8h web dev, about 4h heavy work a day on average in reality
>junior but report to director
>25% raise just got signed off and will be active end of this month
Feels good to be able to generate wealth for my employer directly and get my fair share of it. And I'm planning to keep the momentum upwards, if they don't, there are dozens of recruiters begging to represent me for 10-15% above my salary at any time

>mfw neets on plebbit think there is no way to make it when it really just takes a modest but consistent work ethic

>> No.12422175

>used to take the bus + subway to work, commute was an hour on average
>bought a parking pass for a lot which is ~8min walk from the office, only $250/month
>saving at least 30min EACH WAY on my commute

Feels so good man.

>> No.12422331

There is nothing wrong about being a wagie. Working hard to progress in life is nothing short of admirable. However, some things people have to do to support their wagie life style are terrible and must be avoided at all costs.

These are:
>Long ass commutes
If you have to commute over 1 hour per day and especially in traffic you are kill
>Mind numbing job
You must have a stimulating job. Avoid data entry at all costs
>Oppressive workplace culture
Aka "you must do unpaid overtime anon"
>Paycheck to paycheck
If you are living like this then you are fucked. Get yourself out of that hole asap or become a slave.

If you are avoiding these then the wagie life-style is pretty comfy. Enjoy it my friends.

>> No.12422399

this sound pretty ideal

>> No.12422931

you dont mean janitor do you?

>> No.12422995

>civil servant
>performance doesn't matter, basically can't get fired
>pay is decent
>nobody ever asks what I'm doing or where I am
>unless I ask for work I have nothing to do
>a few hours of meetings a week
>can come and go when I leave and choose when to make up my set weekly hours
>have a laptop to work from home occasionally
>know lots of other 20-30 year olds and constantly meeting chicks
Honestly I feel sorry for NEETs. I spent years being a student, doing part-time work and even a year or so unemployed, and by far this is the most comfortable my life has ever been.