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12412700 No.12412700 [Reply] [Original]

Is BAT a scam?

>> No.12412735


>> No.12412838

>The only crpyto project with a working product and showing consistent fast development.
>Browser is fast, clean, had built in Tor tab, built in crypto wallet.
>Thosands of websites, exponentially growing, accepting their free BAT coins from the people who browse their site using Brave.

BAT is one of only a few crpytos that will survive this crash.
Only those with ultility will avoid going to zero. Real world use case. People choosing to use the crypto to do something. Delusional promises and hype will not save your favorite 'global platform' shitcoin.

>> No.12413005

BAT is a potentially useful ethereum contract. It is not an asset to Brave, not to you.

All EC20 tokens are only as valuable as how much ether has been put into them.

>> No.12413027

>Browser is fast, clean, had built in Tor tab, built in crypto wallet.

browser is SHIT and UNUSABLE

>> No.12413107

I'm literally using it as my daily driver. Have you tried it recently?

>> No.12413127

>The only crpyto project with a working product and showing consistent fast development.

You're pretty goddamn ignorant.

>> No.12413222

I'm a BAT bag holder but I unironically use brave on my mobile as it seems faster than firefox and (((they))) are less involved with it and therefore my search history.

>> No.12413307

Your shitcoin is losing to BATs development pace.

Prove me wrong.

GitHub commits stats to change 1 word in a text file are empty and you know it. Show me crypto software that is more user-friendly than Brave.

I'll wait.

>> No.12413344

>The only crpyto project with a working product and showing consistent fast development.

>> No.12413355

>"Please install MetaMask"
good luck getting normies to use it

>> No.12413398

It's not ready for normie use but it is a real and working product. Besides, everyone will be using Ethereum (if not something very similar) 10 years from now. It's not that difficult to learn.

>> No.12413418

Normie friendly UX is one of the biggest barriers for crypto adoption but we are getting there.

>> No.12413686

I’m using that browser right now...

>> No.12413706

It doesn't even work you absolute fucking retard

>> No.12413966

the real question is which coin is NOT a scam?

>> No.12413994

I’m using brave right now. Works fine.

>> No.12414006

Brave doesn't actually have metamask built in anymore, but on the upside you can download any chrome extension you want

>> No.12414456
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Let's say it's late to the toolbars party

>> No.12415212
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Your shitcoin is Losing

>> No.12415277
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>People will literally pay money to block ads

>> No.12415305

I tried it like 2 months ago and ragequit after an hour. Damn thing couldnt even play youtube correctly.

>> No.12415390

>Beta browser
>Still has issues
>Been upgraded since
>You're an idiot

>> No.12415407
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>> No.12415884
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Haven't gone anywhere, batties. The dot com bubble took a long time to recover and crypto will probably do the same, with the best companies rising to the top. Emphasis on companies too because yes, Silicon Valley companies like Brave have networking effects with other Silicon Valley contacts like Coinbase and PE/VC funds. Decentralized/foreign projects will never enjoy these network effects to the same extent. It's a built-in advantage especially when you consider SEC regulation or oversight increasing.

The value proposition with BAT is that you can own .00666% of the total market cap with 100k BAT or ~$13k USD right now. Owning the same share of Facebook's ad revenue in 2017 ($39.9B) would make the BAT investment worth over $2.6M. Someone check my math because I'm drinking and can't be assed. If BAT is valued at even a minuscule 1% of Facebook's ad revenue, the token would be worth $0.266. So 1% of Facebook ad revenue = doubling your initial investment by this logic. Crypto market forces like holding, speculation, lost tokens, and slow velocity could raise the value of the token even further.

Brave is funded by Founders Fund and big name PE/VE firms and investors i.e. Naval, and has significant publishers signed on like Washington Post and the Guardian. This is the kind of infrastructure you should look for when considering an early stage tech project's risk/reward ratio. So many coins and tokens have no external connections or networks right now. This is a major hurdle right now and for the foreseeable future.

Brave has the funding, technical knowledge, team and connections to expand into a VPN service (high probability of development according to quotes from the team), email service, or even OS. The token is simply the unit of attention that would be exchanged by these services- no forks or inflation can spook investors.

>> No.12415908
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So, to bet against Brave and BAT is to assume that 1) they will never gain a share of advertising even remotely close to 1% of Facebook's 2017 share and 2) Brave will fail in every attempt to create a mainstream internet product in spite of Brendan Eich's success with Javascript and Mozilla. When you bet against BAT, you bet that the creator of Javascript and Mozilla won't succeed in creating a mainstream browser, VPN, email client, ad network, etc. with the financial support of Silicon Valley. I genuinely believe this.

>> No.12416441

Everyone holding BAT should start shilling the actual brave browser. Taking ad views away from other platforms is what will make advertisers want to prepare for advertising on Brave. Which means they’ll start buying BAT. Are you picking up what I’m putting down, my fellow BATtards?

>> No.12416479


Okay, I'm gonna be honest, I don't care about BAT, but BRAVE is fucking great.

I thought it was just over hyped garbage, but it's better than opera, vivaldi and firefox.

>> No.12416489

Tell all of your friends how awesome it is too. Fuck other ad platforms. Even if I didn’t hold BAT, I would use brave purely for ad blocking.

>> No.12416497

To get 1% of Facebook is to get 50M users. I don't see normies swapping from chrome to use a new browser for the sake of a new currency. There's not enough motivation. If they're lucky, they'll get 100k users, if even that.

>> No.12416507

With word of mouth promotion, it’s not hard to get people to switch browsers. FAANG stocks are getting raped because people hate being advertised to. They hate being a product. Normies would love brave without even knowing about BAT.

>> No.12416518

>better than vivaldi
On desktop? Fuck outta here

>> No.12416524
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For Liberty


>> No.12416526

Read the TOS. BAT "tokens" aren't legally allowed to give any benefit to the holder, otherwise it becomes a security. These "tokens" are like receipts for the amount of money you donated to BAT. All you can do is exchange them with other bagholders.


It doesn't matter the founder's pedigree if it's legally impossible to benefit from it.

>> No.12416550
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you poor fools

>> No.12416708

> If they're lucky, they'll get 100k users, if even that.
Can't tell if serious... Brave literally already has 5.5 million /active users/. And it's not even finished yet. They're going to have a huge marketing push once v1.0 is finished, and they have a serious marketing team.

>> No.12416733




>> No.12416784

Buy the fuck out of this dip you fucking retard. Hold long. Seeing this hit $1 at a minimum is completely plausible. I’m holding until 2022 at a minimum.

>> No.12416875

I don't see how BAT and brave could possibly be legal. Can they erase people's ads and replace them with a token that most people don't recognize as money? I don't think so.

>> No.12416894
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BAT has slowly but surely been climbing the ladder.

When I bought BAT it was 60+. Now it's 34. LINK passing it is depressing, but BAT faces a LOT more opposition than LINK. BAT is potentially shutting down/cutting into tons of different industries, while LINK is vaporware with almost no competition.

I'll probably but some LINK because I don't want to miss out on another TRON, but long term I think BAT's the better bet. I've been using Brave for an entire year and will never go back.

>> No.12416900

It’s perfectly legal. I would say that blocking an ad, which causes no additional charge to an advertiser, is far more legal/ethical than using a person’s search history to target a user without providing that user any compensation considering that ads cost a user data which may or may not cost them actual money.

>> No.12416924
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Jesus you fucking idiot.

>BAT are not intended to be a digital currency
It's a utility token, the purpose of BAT in its origin is to be bought indirectly by companies in order to fund their advertising campaigns. BAT is essential to the advertising platform of Brave.

>not intended to be a security, commodity, or any other kind of financial instrument.
Yeah, bingo. That's a good thing you fucking brainlet. It's literally legal speak for "THIS IS NOT A SECURITY." BAT can be traded and bargained for because it passes the Howey Test, and this language is an attempt to fortify that by the Brave team.

Fucking brainlets on this boar, probably like 1/20 posters on /biz/ have gone to law school or set foot in a law library. Stick to shilling your coins on discord you fucking plebs.

>> No.12417094

I’m glad someone took the time to explain that.

>> No.12417362

as i keep saying.. bat reached it's peak long ago.. it's a stable coin now

>> No.12417372

lmao I really hope you're not for real

>> No.12417379

The browser is literally a BAT miner

>> No.12417415
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There exist better things which you can use with every browser

>> No.12417637

How will the Ethereum network handle the network load if BAT is mass adopted?

>> No.12417781

Learn how to greentext before you try to blend in

>> No.12417818


Why does the BAT token exist other than fundraising and creating money out of thin air?


>> No.12417858

BAT isnt a scam but it's a clear ponzi

>> No.12418638

The New York times ran a story about a year ago that said it was illegal. Google it.

>> No.12419001

The closest link to what I found is this:

Which says that participating in ICO is illegal. Which it already is in the United States. You stupid fuck. However, purchasing and selling them to other traders is not. If BAT is illegal, then Coinbase wouldn’t be able to direct sell it for USD from your bank account.

You’re such a stupid fuck.

>> No.12419481

It’s absolutely illegal. As soon as ads goes live it will be endless lawsuits. There will probably also be lawsuits over taking donations on other people’s behalf without their permission. The whole thing is shady af.

Blocking ads is one thing. Blocking them and then profiting off of putting something in their place is straight up theft.

>> No.12419495

yep, they just took chrome and a few existing extensions and bundled them together. Outrageous that they raised 30mil for this scam.

>> No.12420153

Very ignorant post. Using ZKP in digital advertising and complex script/tracker blocking is not "a few existing extensions." Why are there so many pajeets paid to FUD BAT in this post?

>> No.12420156
File: 223 KB, 1200x800, EichbrainBAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more bat memes.

>> No.12420743

I've been using Brave for almost a year now but there's no way I'm giving those niggas any money.
You're a bunch of brainlets

>> No.12421111

Brave/BAT is fud proof. In it's Beta form it's already regonized as one of the best browsers. It's definitely hands down the best mobile browser. The launch of 1.0 and BAT rewards are the icing on an already delicious cake.

>> No.12421136

Those digits.....