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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 459 KB, 2906x1229, bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12407622 No.12407622 [Reply] [Original]

Copper bros, show me your stacks

>> No.12407719


>> No.12407738

What's the copper in OP's pic worth? $500?

>> No.12407740

unless you have a fucking warehouse, you're stacking a few thousand $ worth at best.

>> No.12407777

I buy pre 86 pennies at around melt. It has copper value as well as numismatic value so if one drops the other is around to support its value. Same goes for my silver collection, I mostly get junk silver for that.

>> No.12407785

$153.40 USD from what I can count

>> No.12407788

Maybe $165.20

>> No.12407823

Checked & you're a fucking smart dude.

>> No.12408001
File: 94 KB, 1316x320, silver1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copper is shit, just get silver it's so fucking undervalued

>> No.12408004

what's the markup for the coins VS raw copper value mate

>> No.12408079

depends since I've used a bunch of sellers but I can find it at melt + shipping online, at the LCS there's markup. sometimes you get lucky and find a good deal, I've got some uncirculated mint bags I got pretty cheap too that were just slightly over melt

>> No.12408106

I thought it was 1982 for 95% cu

>> No.12408114 [DELETED] 

I think once you start collecting copper your "precious" metals fixation is certified autistic tier. Its a waste of time and money like writing Sonic the hedgehog fanfiction or memorizing years and models of toilets

>> No.12408168

Anyway - Penny hording is a chumps game, wire is 99.9%.
Silver & platinum are undervalued af

>> No.12408169

I'm sorry I had the year off yeah it's 82. fuck, I haven't bought any in a couple of years. I really don't want them to phase out the penny because it's my favorite denomination but that does mean people will start melting the old ones en masse

>> No.12408174

the more time passes, the greater the chance of them getting rid of the penny, so anything you can get at or near melt is going to have some value. I wouldn't recommend collecting semi precious metals as an alternative to the stock market, it is just a healthy hobby I have on the side

>> No.12408221

Silver stacker here Good to see that there are still people on this board that understand the value of precious metals.

>> No.12408231

I agree, copper rusts.

>> No.12408403


Copper corrodes, it doesn't rust.

>> No.12408440
File: 32 KB, 1172x675, 1503869689459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your posts get screencapped
Feels gud frens

>> No.12408521

Lots of money to be made in residential and industrial teardowns. Unrelated, but old houses can be a gold mine in lumber as well. People buy old window frames for crafts, and vintage oak tongue in groove flooring can go for a bundle. Getting it out in usable shape is a bitch, tho.
Of course, this all means going outside and doing physical work, so it probably won't be too popular here.

>> No.12408593
File: 44 KB, 657x527, 1511676773061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based silver bro

>> No.12408618

Old bars and restaurants can be good cash, for old fixtures, especially bar taps, and mahogany bars and trim. You can't buy that kind of old growth wood anymore easily if it's Kapur. Instrument and furniture makers will pay good money for it. If you have a garage or small warehouse to store it, it's a good sideline.

>> No.12408647

How do you start a teardown? Just look for abandoned boomer houses? Seems comfy and scavenger-pilled
Mm, also, old wood can be made into cool table with some epoxy magic

>> No.12408651

Rust is corrosion of iron and steel.

>> No.12408699

"rust" is the product of the chemical reaction between iron and oxygen with water or moisture as a catalyst resulting in Fe2O affecting iron or iron alloys such as steel.

Copper does not "rust".

>> No.12408739

I know copper doesn’t rust. But it does oxidise, that’s what the green stuff is. Oxidation is a form of metal corrosion. Rust is corrosion of iron and steel.

>> No.12408743

its fucking illegal

what are you larpers talking about

>> No.12408759

Maybe becoming a contractor for developers is an option. They need to tear down old shit to build new houses.

>> No.12408865

Probably a lot harder to do these days. You'd want to look in rural areas that don't have a huge tweaker population.
>>12408759 has the right idea, my dad used to do electrical subcontracting and that's how he would get leads.

>> No.12409143

words matter. "rust" shouldn't be applied to copper corrosion as it isn't rust.

>> No.12409152

>in rural areas that don't have a huge tweaker population

That would be a paradox. A rural area without tweakers is like a synagogue without gentile child sacrifice. it just can't exist.

>> No.12409155

Ex electrical contractor here. We call it demo work in the us & I would work the scrap $$ gained into the overall estimate of the job.
Can't imagine an electrical contractor will pay you to take money from their bottom line.
General contractors who oversee the whole job might not give a shit & will probably let you in for free.
Also, dont even bother with residential projects they are Mexicano-tier