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12397562 No.12397562 [Reply] [Original]

How do I short America?

>> No.12397617

They created a financial system that required more and more inflation and debt to survive and act shocked that native people can't afford their own kids and resent the immigrants taken in to paper over the situation.

>> No.12397649

Isn't this a situation all over the West? I believe it's even worse in Europe. I suspect Jose and Muhammad are quite fertile though.

>> No.12397655

>Entire system is a literal ponzi
>American workers have to keep the system going
>Companies use slave labor in the form of immigrants to increase their profit and it is squeezing the middle class
>Government being corporate stooges does nothing because as it is a ponzi it constantly requires new blood and to keep going up to function so immigrants are glossed over and ignored
>Americans cannot afford to have children as they have tons of obligations, poor wages and stupid amounts of taxes and bills
>Immigrants have none of these things and are willing to work for very little as the cost of their existence is subsidized by the tax payers

It always boggles my mind that democrats claim to be progressive when they are literally importing slaves for labor and votes.

>> No.12397662

Who gives a fuck. The only reason cost of living is so fucking high is because there's too many people as is. Fucking stop immigration already fuck.
>inb4 muh GDP growth must be sustained
>inb4 muh more tax payers are needed for baby boomers
STFU bitch! Your solution for too many old people is bring in more people that will eventually get old?!? Dumbass that isn't a solution, it's just another problem.

Roads are fucked, job market is fucked, work conditions suck. Housing market is fucking shit. Fuck

>> No.12397673

Too true

>> No.12397682

Stop cussing so much and take a few deep breaths.

>> No.12397688

China has the same issue that's why they've started a new form of colonisation in Africa. Not sure why though, but I do see more people questioning whether putting kids in this world is responsible.

>> No.12397695

Yeah no shit, childcare for an infant costs $10,000 year or more, insurance is an extra few $100 a month.

The only people who can afford to have kids are people with big local extended families to help mitigate the cost.

>> No.12397705

That is ultimately the problem though. Smart and considering people are much less likely to have kids unless they are ready for them. So there are fewer of them in the world with each generation. The people who just fuck with no consideration and whose children are being subsidized by those smart couple will just keep reproducing.

It will literally be the end of the progress of humanity if it keeps up.

>> No.12397711

>The only people who can afford to have kids are people with big local extended families to help mitigate the cost.
And welfare recipients.

>> No.12397718

>Isn't this a situation all over the West?
that is why we have to import the shitskins, the gov has seen this coming for a while

>> No.12397736

*rubs hands*
Clearly we need more immigrants to fill this gap...

>> No.12397750

The taxpayer is the biggest extended family : )

>> No.12397756


>> No.12397763

We may enter another "post-Rome" Dark Age situation for a few hundred years. But then what goes down must come up right?

>> No.12397769

It's not necessary at all, we could do with less. There's already so many bullshit jobs and bureacracy. We don't need to import anyone to fill gaps that don't exist.

>> No.12397793

>wage slave every day my way to work on a train at 5 am in the morning
>train completely filled with commuters
>everybody is >30yrs old
>the only young people you see are drunk or tourists going to the airport
>I have to feed 2 old people now, 3 in 10 years and 5 in 20

Atleast Merkel is "taking care" of our problem in Germany

>> No.12397798

I think it's clear that if things continue as is the West is doomed. Not to get all sci-fi and shit but the only real hope is either white people literally colonize other planets, we have an AGI singularity at which point nothing else matters, or we perfect genetic engineering and raise the IQ of the shitskins as that's the real issue anyway.
Personally I'm optimistic that technology will save us in some way but I imagine it will be expensive at first hence my interest in /biz/.

>> No.12397801

Illegal Mexicans are having 8 kids each tho so it's no problem

>> No.12398772

You don't only have to feed the old people, but also the brown ones and all their children.
But the majority ist still too scared to vote right. They deserve what is coming to them.

>> No.12398842

Wtf I love immigrants now

>> No.12398882

not anymore.



TFR in Mexico is down to 2.18

t. American (and father of four) who obsessively follows demographics

>> No.12398890

Wtf I love capitalism and perpetual growth

>> No.12398898

Instead the millennials buy pets and treat them like humans. Disgusting.

>> No.12399010

This is the dirty demographic secret the Jews don't want you to know about. Different genotypes go through boom and bust periods so every graph you see where the Mexicans and niggers go up in a straight line and whitey limits towards zero with the accompanying "And that's a good thang" is a fucking lie meant to demoralize and manifest the lie. Populations go up and they go down and no trend lasts forever. Don't lose hope.

>> No.12399079

South Americans have less kids than Americans actually.

>> No.12399114
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>tfw moving to japan soon
Later, faggots, enjoy your rapid decline

>> No.12399146

>It will literally be the end of the progress of humanity if it keeps up.
Yes. We have 100 years top for a technological solution - antiaging, artificial wombs, or full on transhumanism.
Failure means that technological civilization falls - probably for centuries.

>> No.12399183

lmao how many kids do you think they are producing in Japan?

>> No.12399212

US is going to become the next Japan. If you want to short the US, read some books on how people shorted Japan during the lost decade.

>> No.12399218

What's really telling is almost no one, not even republicans, are doing anything focused on western families forming and growing. Everything is short term. Closest thing of any value (And it's not much) is the recent tax bill. If they want this garbage ponzi scheme to continue they really do need to redirect money into almost straight up paying working people for having kids.

>> No.12399237

>South Americans have less kids than Americans actually.
Well God bless favelanon then

>> No.12399239

smart npcs though, smart redpilled people want to have kids

>> No.12399247

The Japanese demographic isn't collapsing like whites are, I'm gonna have hapa kids to make sure they have a good future

>> No.12399248

>demand free birth control
>birth rate goes down
No shit

>> No.12399250

>not a single fpbp

Add to it the literal propaganda that kids are detrimental and there are too many of us already.

>> No.12399265

Ok guys. Every western economy needs inlux of new people to be sustainable. Every country almost needs to increase their population to not go bankrupt. (Except for, Cuba, N korea and Iran i think)

What will happen? The bubble will burst. But when

>> No.12399276

This wouldn't be a problem if our social programs weren't pyramid schemes. Fucking FDR and Johnson I swear.

>> No.12399338

How do you figure? Japan is producing babies at a much lower rate than the US. And your solution is to make more mixed race mutts in a dying nation? Good luck.

>> No.12399408

no it doesnt look what happened after the black plague the same pool of resources for less people - more wealth in mid and long term

considering the Lifestyle/wealth of western/asian countrys the earth is already overpopulated and i'd rather die than to live like a cockroach or a strongly pigmented african

>> No.12399445


>> No.12399455


>> No.12399509

Americans aren't having kids because they can't afford them (along with Jewish propaganda teaching girls from age 16 it's good to be a slut and never settle down)
They can't afford them because wages are kept low
Wages are low because there is a never ending cycles of Pablo's and Juan's who come work for a year or two for much lower than the minimum wage and then fuck off back to whatever 3rd world shithole they came from and can now retire with 6 months of American wages. Meanwhile Americans have to live in America where everything costs 50x more.

>> No.12399551

True that

>> No.12399591

Don't fall for antinatalism. A child born will still value its life. The situation they grow up in will just seem normal to them even if it is bad to you. You are not your child.

>> No.12399609
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It's much worse in europe. Especially if you count out statistics without muslim and immigrant born kids as migrants tend to have very large welfare funded families

shitskins cost much more than they pay taxes, several studies confirm this. the purpose was to prep up property prices for quick profit + some might have thought illiterate migrants from 3rd world would pay more taxes than consume, but it is just a fantasy. in germany for example out of 1 million migrants 100 found a job

>> No.12399613

Japan is a society.

>> No.12399638
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Not even horny South American monkeys can save Amerifats from extinction.

Fuck America

>> No.12399662

Usa is forecasted to have rising population unlike europe

>> No.12399737

This is expected of developed nations, growth is not infinite, the same will happen to developing nations.

>> No.12399747

Fuck off. The wagie peasant life isn't worth living. I would kms if crypto didn't tease an escape, and I'm still miserable and going to do it if I don't make it. I'm not having kids unless I have enough wealth to support them at a modest level for their entire lives. I'm definitely not going to be a boomer and throw them into the slave system and then expect them to come back and support me because I didn't plan ahead for myself. Fuck off.

>> No.12399769

There are still 1m more babies born than people dying each year.

>> No.12399787

Nice, the US will be a white again in 2080. The future is bright.

>> No.12399818

I hate working (for insufficient compensation) as much as any other guy, but you sound like a retard.

>unless I have enough wealth to su
How do you think wealth is created? Any time a dentist fills a cavity, thats wealth creation. A plumber fixing a drain - thats wealth creation. An engineer designing a more efficient device - thats wealth creation. Waiting for crypto money to fall from the sky isn't wealth creation.

>> No.12399853

>wealth is created by having a job

>> No.12399878

Same here bro

Fuck this

>> No.12400081

True. The smart people consider the consequences carefully when choosing to have a kid, others just go oops I guess were having a kid and hope to pay for it or hope that the taxpayers will. I lived in a town like that once and a boss pointed it out. He noticed that all the professionals in our dept. were like 0 or 1 kid, only a few had 2. Then you go for a walk during work hours on lunch and notice all the young girls with toddlers and babies in a stroller, just hanging out downtown and you know if they are that young they are bound to have more. Generally poverty is generational too so those kids are going to be stuck in the same loop, spawning early and generating a bunch more that loop. I'm a not one to get all 'end timesy' but imagine something happened a while ago, somehow the renaissance got turbocharged and tech today was 100 years ahead. Hypothetically it is 1919 and we are on computers like we have today, all the tech is like now, lets say and we have all this tech but, the population is what it was then, ~1 Billion or so. Global warming, pollution, oils running out and whatnot would not even be a thing on the radar and by the time it was a problem the solution would probably be figured out before the population got too big to where it was a big issue. Eventually we as a people will have to come to terms with some kind of stasis, zero growth. The resources are finite, most other species reach an equilibrium with the environment, except humans. We can only hope it sinks in at some point.

>> No.12400256

Smart people that don't get children are literal genetic waste. Dumb people that produce lots of kids are superior life forms.

>> No.12400392

So what you're saying is manbearpig is real and will bring upon a reckoning that will "take care of" the problem OP is concerned about?

>> No.12400484
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it's just an excuse, bringing shitskins into our countries is just the peaceful way of jews for genociding the white race.

>> No.12400587

meanwhile refugees make 1213213123123 mosleem babies

>> No.12400635

This is true for any country rn, the retarded pleb continue to spawn babies while patricians get none. We are too many on earth anyway, especially shitskins pajeets and niggers. We must get back to sustainable level for our planet, in the 1 billion range, 2 max.
Before i was seeing the insane decreasing sperm count as a malediction, now i see it as our only hope. Fun thing no one speak about it on the (((media))) btw, we lose 2.5% of fertile spermatozoids every year in yuropoor since 30 years. One more decade with this trend and we will all be sterile (the whites), just like in the last man movie.

>> No.12400651
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>Don't lose hope.
>The Japanese demographic isn't collapsing like whites are
You're right; the Japanese are collapsing much faster. Pic related.
>Nice, the US will be a white again in 2080. The future is bright.
Ehhh....my personal opinion is that the goalposts of "whiteness" will be shifted to include mestizos (this was done with the Italians as well) so on paper you're going to be right at the very least.



I'm not a Nordophile and know "white" people can have quite a bit of diversity in skin shade so this doesn't bug me too much, just saying the idea of a "white" in 2050 will be much broader than it would have been in 1950.

>> No.12400673
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I should also add skin color is a really unreliable indicator of race. Facial structure+hair texture is better.

native range of the caucasian race in bright green. All whites are Caucasian but many Caucasians are not white.

>> No.12400728


How do you cope with Africans shitting out litters of 8 children per woman with this kind of logic? You think just having 1 child is enough? Most people in the west can't afford that many.

>> No.12400767

>All whites are Caucasian but many Caucasians are not white.
huh, never though of that...

t. spaniard

>> No.12400997

Without the white man to feed and produce good for them, the niggers will first eat their own kind, then starve to death until they get back to natural numbers levels.

>> No.12401044

This is what happens when the economy destroys a lot of people’s chance to afford a proper family life..and biologically for the most part people have a need to care for a child. I’m 32 year old boomer and my wife and I make a decent salary but I’m not gonna put us in the poor house because my brain is fighting for us to make more people.

>> No.12401054

If 2 people make 1 kid they are genetic trash too. Niggers from Africa have way higher fitness for our world.

>> No.12401064

Bullshit, wages are kept low because companies don’t share even a portion of profits with their employees anymore.

>> No.12401140
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>> No.12401177
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Look for high cheekbones, a long nose, thin lips, straight hair.

These people would all be the same race, but have widely different skin tones.

>> No.12401198 [DELETED] 

There's some guys who refuse to marry a woman if it can't be with a woman who meets the necessary requirements they have.

I've realized there's a strong possibility I will never have a wife because there aren't enough women who meet my requirement and also like me in return.

>> No.12401205

god damn look at that sexy man train, imagine their cocks each pumping cum and lube out of the ass in front of them
sometimes i swear you racialists just want to be the bukkake boy

>> No.12401286
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>> No.12401289

US population has doubled in my lifetime. Someone must be having babies.

>> No.12401315

>I watched Idiocracy once
>Of course I'd be one of the smart people who wouldn't get culled

>> No.12401356

Eventually nature will win, it might take quite a few generations declining sperm count and other things reproduction related, estrogen modifiers from plastic and other things that we have no idea what they will do to us might cause some sterilization. Or just the environment might shift in a way to reign in on the numbers, less sustainable land to have agriculture followed by shortages, more die off. Part of why theree are a lot of people is medicine, keeps people alive longer and ensures they will reach adulthood. In 1693 only 1/2 the people made it to 17yrs, 28% died in the first year of life. When you look around an older cemetery 1700's-1800's it is noticeable how many babies are buried there and how the people died earlier in general.

>> No.12401457

Isn't that good?

There's way too many people in the world already.

>in b4 in theory we can feed 30 billion or whatever

In theory and if we all ate insects, maybe. In practice we can't, and specially not when everyone is consuming more and more as time goes by.

>> No.12401470

Daily reminder ~60,000 goy americans died in vietnam alone defending capitalism.

>> No.12401484

My 38 year old cousin is pregnant. She will give birth to a baby afflicted with autism from her poisoned, dried up cunt. She spent her 20s and 30s being a "missionary" aka travel on church dime.

>> No.12401533
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>Go to family Christmas party
>Have big Anglo family, mother is one of 13 siblings
>Notice distinct pattern amongst cousins
>The high IQ women have uni degrees, decent paying jobs (100k AUD+), travel the world and probably rack up a huge lay count
>The low IQ women have low-tier jobs like cashier or retail sales, or no job at all, and have 3+ kids each

Its ogre

>> No.12401625

>in germany for example out of 1 million migrants 100 found a job
while i hate shitskins myself, u cant just post lies u fuckin faggots
unfortunately these immgigrants work million times harder than whites do, they're more family oriented and have more children than we do

>> No.12401628
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>> No.12401872

it was Sweden, not Germany.


>> No.12402253
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using the same bone structure and only changing the skin color is just wrong

>> No.12402295

65 immigration act boyo. Thats who is having babies