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File: 45 KB, 640x360, Twitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12372008 No.12372008 [Reply] [Original]

i have access to the women/girls of a country that is currently imploding /starving all i need to do is feed & house them

does chaturbate/twich respond well to hot Spanish chicks ?

>> No.12372023

Twitch responds best to anime/weeaboo bullshit, if you can teach those girls to pretend to like Japanese culture, play vidya and speak English, you could maybe find a niche market

>> No.12372028

i will unironically send you bitcoin for a share of your business

>> No.12372094

chaturbate is the easiest avenue to approach with this but unless there is a niche they will all fall by the wayside earning yet not optimized. >>12372023
Twitch seems like a better chance for getting larger returns. Provided that you either have a small group who can semi fluidly speak English, or can actually add some kinda effort into gameplay. I imagine you can just have them all speak spanish but you lose a lot of the american audience and with it the larger revenue.

>> No.12372135
File: 114 KB, 670x503, Bedroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already worked out expenses everything waiting for some cosplay outfits
teach the the basic english and ill behind the controlls telling them how to say a tipper name right

>> No.12372219

if this thread is still up in a bit I'll detail out how I imagine it working for optimized profit if you care.

>> No.12372220

wait spain is imploding?

>> No.12372229

>a good investment
I've gotten to meet my favorite streamer a few weeks ago and I know for sure it happened due to me investing many hours watching their platform and engaging in her community
I've also invested in other ways to our relationship and I can't wait until the mod meet up turns into a 1 on 1 meet up if you know what I mean..

>> No.12372238


>> No.12372283

not Spain but my country have a famous port of Spain the imploding country is so fucked they eating zoo animals

>> No.12372295
File: 470 KB, 1104x1600, 1546486529819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12372301


>> No.12372305

Holy fuck it's happening.

>> No.12372358

Port of Spain is in Trinidad, just north of Venezuela.

Venezuelans are famously sexy and their country is imploding, they're probably desperate to get the fuck out of there. OP could take advantage of that by helping really good looking ones come to his country.

Won't you have immigration issues with these girls?

>> No.12372360

I'm going to link twitch staff this thread and warn them about your scheme.

fuck you!

>> No.12372363

best of luck anon

you might find this useful for training:

>> No.12372372


holy shit twitch pimping might have some worth

do you think someone could make a pimpcoin?

>> No.12372408


This has to be a troll otherwise you are hands-down the biggest faggot on the internet.

>> No.12372410

this really isnt any different from kpop or hollywood

>> No.12372414
File: 8 KB, 267x189, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was for research on how these cam farms work but i already have 2 venes staying in an apartment waiting for everything to set up

Sofia 17

María 21 María already have fake tits

there is almost 50k of them here seeking refugee status i already ready got a cousin to fakr marry María all he want in return is a fuck every so often police dont care hundreds swimming in weekly

>> No.12372433

more like it's fappening

>> No.12372461

he's exploiting women for sex and he's probably going to pocket most of the money

the moment I recognize the background of any of the models I'm hitting that report button
already sent an email btw to one of the site administrators to be on the look out

and I hope and pray to Gd you think it's a troll, I can't wait until you invest so much time and money into this only to get perma banned off the site you trafficking piece of shit exploiter

>> No.12372483

yeah, OP if you can get them to do skimpy streaming with games that's more legal than getting them to chaturbate

>> No.12372503 [DELETED] 

can we get a sneak preview? I'll be your first twitch sub/follower if you do :^)

>> No.12372515
File: 116 KB, 620x348, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck u faggot venezuelans are starving im offering them food shelter and a job that will allow them to send money home KYS commie

>> No.12372528

ill take pics & make a thread tommorow when i go over to the apartment

>> No.12372532

you're an opportunistic predator and I'm going to make it my mission to disrupt your "business"
good luck to you buddy..you're gonna need it

>> No.12372541
File: 119 KB, 1080x1246, 1546482408794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you cared why would you try to profit? there is nothing wrong with trying to make a profit, but you shouldn't try to deceive yourself that you are a saint for doing so

>> No.12372543

Giving the prostitutes your faggot aids so they can't work isn't disrupting his business it is just you being a dickhead

>> No.12372558

>helping really good looking ones come to his country.

yeah and they get to his first world country and say good bye.

>> No.12372592
File: 10 KB, 185x272, randian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasn't steve jobs bill gates elon musk men who build this world opportunistic providing a service people needed creating jobs for billions

>deceive yourself
im a randian objectivist at heart im just pointing out to this commie faggot who only sees the world as predators and victims this arrangement isnt one sided

>> No.12372604

I'm gonna need a sauce on that homie

>> No.12372644

wtf do u know about my country my country is 3rd world only in name we are more developed than all of south America all of eastern Europe fuck more developed then 40% of America

>> No.12372671

is this how the Venezuelans treat the locals?

>> No.12372694

This is already a thing, plenty of russians do it

Single channel with timeslots for different girls, so a subscription gets you access to all the girls instead of just one, package deal sort of thing

Guy does promo and handles everything they just talk and play games, money gets split

>> No.12372707

> venezuelans
Everyday I see dozens of the so called venezuelan "refugees" and I have never seen a starving one, many actually are fatasses specially women

>> No.12372747

It's that high carb arepa and patacon diet

>> No.12372910

Based pimpbro

>> No.12372946

damn she cute!

>> No.12372985
File: 742 KB, 1920x1080, ffx-2 rikku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe they starved and can't be on the move?

get off your high horse, you're the type of person that would rather let someone live in the gutter than to let him be "exploited".

just a matter of time before US implodes as well, though it won't affect everybody because they have military

this new Andreas Antonaoijdaiushid video is great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgI0liAee4s

>> No.12373044
File: 19 KB, 286x286, Intelligent Qube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genuinely surprised she provides good advice, sure im only 7 minutes in but she hasn't talked about how short skirts to wear or anything like that yet

>> No.12373281
File: 120 KB, 416x435, 1536722918251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"everyone has an inner monologue going on in their heads"

>> No.12373322

This was a cool game

>> No.12373326

Step 1, report all thotts to IRS.
Step 2, tip them off that investing in crypto will bypass audits in future.
Step 3, watch them become BitThotts, taking crypto for payment.
Step 4, Thirsty beta losers buy crypto at market price to donate to the BitThotts. Pushes price up.
Step 5, BitThotts hodl for "retirement" rather than spending it all (many pornstars and camgirls are actually doing this).
Step 6, kekkle as crypto value rises, as sex sells.

>> No.12373472

>Step 5, BitThotts hodl
think for a second anon do we really want this?

>> No.12373571

The more people are hodling rather than selling, the higher the price rises...

>> No.12373582



Seriously sex is the oldest industry, and it sells. The more it is involved in crypto, the more legitimacy it gets. Horny people want the money NOW to give to the thotts, they buy at market price, again pushes it up.

>> No.12373614


>> No.12373971

Trying to run a webcam studio isn't easy. It's basically an obsolete business. Tipcucks aren't as dumb as they were 10-15 years ago, and most prefer independent camwhores vs. studio whores. And that's if they even tip at all, competition is fierce. You will spend money and time setting it up, that's even if you actually get any girls on cam, and then you'll make pennies and they quit.