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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 147 KB, 1920x2003, background02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12364876 No.12364876 [Reply] [Original]

oh shit... it's live


>> No.12365554

i love the marketing video where you see business people using it.. nobody using cryptos.

>> No.12365609
File: 9 KB, 349x144, 9D4C9977-D1B0-47A6-81A4-142566F7AD2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t fucking get it, these so called security experts actually think Bluetooth is safe? Lmfao

>> No.12365628

>building wireless connectivity into a cold wallet
are these retards serious?

>> No.12365650

t. brainlet

>> No.12365651

I can see this being useful for people who trade on their phones but only plebs trade on their phones. I see no need for bluetooth so as it stands I would choose the nano s over the new model.

>> No.12365727

You guys haven't ordered already?!?

>> No.12365883

Bumping for Hardware wallet awareness, funds not safu!

>> No.12365895


>> No.12365935

Wtf I already have to buy a new one
This company is becoming like apple

>> No.12366051

God damnit I bought the ledger Nano S like 2 months ago and haven't even put my crypto on it.

>> No.12366111
File: 61 KB, 720x733, TurnRightLockDoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is bluetooth not Susceptible to packet sniffers?
Are you actually saying that bluetooth is 'secure'?

>> No.12366137
File: 31 KB, 660x574, 1543084092712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for ledger live for nano to be released. My BTC is stuck on binance, need to transfer to my ledger using Android phone.

>> No.12366147

Meant ledger live for Android. Nano is trash

>> No.12366148

>not understanding what hardware wallets are le post
no wonder so many bagholder of link are here

>> No.12366158

great, another unnecessary attack vector

>> No.12366163

Dont worry we knew what you meant he he

>> No.12366194

Fuck off, I've had a trezor (1st) & ledger for years.
No, I was asking why they were calling others brainlets about the bluetooth security... I am not overly technical, just wondered if there was some magic BS i did not know about BT!
t. proud nolinker

>> No.12366244

i'm saying it does not fucking matter

>> No.12366314

>Ledger works for months on end designing a secure wallet
>They wouldn't have though about bluetooth security

>> No.12366321

hardware wallet cucks will never learn

>> No.12366593

fuck! All my coins are on my old nano S, have I lost them now?

>> No.12366626

Great, just keep adding new technologies and potential for attack vectors to something that needs to be 100 pct secure. How hard is it to buy a cheap laptop and just install linux and just make paper wallets? Fucking normies.

>> No.12367087

right so supposedly, wallets sign the transaction internally on the secure device. and the only thing transmitted is the signature. not the private key

I would rather have a good usb only wallet but I agree with this sentiment, more features mean more black swans

>> No.12367092

plebs will make you rich, dumbass

>> No.12367116


>he's a new point of attack
I'm sticking w the Nano S, what a dumbass decision to add Bluetooth

>>12366148 Leave, pajeet.

>> No.12367154

Bluetooth is a transport protocol absolute brainlet. It only depends on how you use it

>> No.12367280

>Leave, pajeet.
Fuck off Mutt!

>> No.12367326

even the fucking packaging

>> No.12368211

not if you fixed the btc price at 19k or higher

>> No.12368351

my boiiiii

>> No.12368389

This is what you dumbass faggot normies get for relying on few single centralized entities (trezor, nano). Paper wallets will always be superior because there are so many different methods of creating them -> more security.