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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 750x730, 8DD46FD8-B4F5-40AB-BB07-EC847B4F57DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12337336 No.12337336 [Reply] [Original]

>see people botch about link spam
>link outperforming all cryptos in the past year by a wide margin
Why do people hate money? I seriously don’t get it.

>> No.12337347

fuck off delphi

>> No.12337355

Because they wont allow themselves to believe anything getting spammed on 4chan.

They fell for the link is a meme meme.

>> No.12337366

Link did better than Btc in 2018. Nolinkies are just paranoid retards.

>> No.12337382

Trying to understand the mindset of a redditor is futile without consuming copious amounts of söy, interracial pornography, and children's cartoons. Don't even bother

>> No.12337387

This, & checked

People went all in on xrp, xlm, ven, req etc in january and called link a scam.
Now they’re salty and still call it a scam

>> No.12337389

chainlink? more GAYlink lmmao

>> No.12337403

good one

>> No.12337416





>> No.12337429

You are a MANIAC

>> No.12337443
File: 958 KB, 799x431, The_Last_Day_Dawns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last day dawns on the Kingdom of Nolinkers.
It arrives with no fanfare, no tolling of alarms.
Those who will remember, will speak fondly of the stale morning FUD.
People carry on with their daily posting, unaware that in a short while . . .
Everything they have ever known will come to an end.

>> No.12337460

Just invested my first $20 into link/eth (my first ever crypto transaction). It was fun.

>> No.12337530

to be fair you need a very high IQ to even begin to understand Chainlink

>> No.12337585

nice just sold 100k

>> No.12338010

First FUD to legitimately scare me

>> No.12338041

and so it was linkies made a fortune

>> No.12338153

Welcome, brother.

>> No.12338200

Imagine being a nolinkie. Why not just end it all at this point?

>> No.12338213

give me the rundown of link and I'll put 2k into it right now.

>> No.12338225

lmao linkies BTFO

>> No.12338229
File: 80 KB, 701x517, 1520818535653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for the inevitable eternal NoLinker cope general threads

>> No.12338237

No on cares about your lunch money. It really fucks me off when kids come here and demand we teach them from square one like they deserve special treatment. Take just a single hour out of your day you fat lazy sow and research it yourself. Don’t buy and fuck off honestly.

>> No.12338267
File: 3.97 MB, 250x455, BBE66050-9D54-43B9-9DDC-65187249A023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who support these pump and dump scams on the desperate and naive need to be shunned as the amoral vultures that you are.

>> No.12338282
File: 248 KB, 700x1049, Screenshot_2019-01-03-20-27-02-679_com.miui.gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, indeed. It is called Chainlink , where the transitory dreams of the autistic neets converge. In researching the blockchain , the autists discovered the truth of the old words: "The fiat fades and the Jews go without thrones." When Chainlink 's memes are threatened, /biz/ reeeeeeeeeeees , unearthing the old Lords of Linkies from their graves. Assblaster, Larper of the Deep. 4chan' s Shilling Legion , the Link Marines . And The overweight lord of the Big Mac Capital , Sergey the Giant.
Only, after the singularity .. the Linkies will abandon their tokens...
And the Nolinkers will rise -

Nameless, accursed anons , unfit even to be coiners.

And so it is, that autists seeketh Sergey .

>> No.12338290

suck shit fuckhead cunt you waited your time writing that when you could have told me about the fundamentals. someone doesn't know how to shill...
Lunch money till I invest 10x the amount if it performs well, it fucks me off that 19 year old cunts like yourself come on here and have some chip on your shoulder cause you spend your life on here and get nothing out of it. you're probably some virgin bitch that has terminal autism and can't communicate with people without feeling the need to be a weak standover. If you don't ask you don't get.

there's always that one gay cunt that likes to exclude others when they finally belong to a group because they're used to being excluded themselves and that's you :P x

>> No.12338309

tell me I'm wrong sir

>> No.12338316

Stay mad bitch boy. Absolutely loling at you retards.
Research the project yourself absolute Brainlet. Or don’t buy at all. No one gives a fuck.

>> No.12338331

You only belong if you lurk and figure it out yourself, that's how it works dumbfuck.

>> No.12338365

do this and do that and then do this and do that... shut the fuck up. I'd rather ask and get a slave like yourself to relay what you've spent your useless hours doing, my time is obviously more valuable and have better shit to do. only boy who is mad is you because you just realised you got talked to and you're the one who looks like a uptight fuckhead who dreams of getting rich quick.

Sorry mate I don't want to belong to a group filled with virgins who count their roots, you're just as bad as the cunt I'm talking to now. "YOU CAN ONLY BELONG TO THIS GROUP IF YOU HAVE THE MAGIC PASSWORD" how old are you cunt? denying entree because someone asked a single question, you're a bot and so is your lesbian mate above.

>> No.12338366

If you really wanna make it you need at least 10,000 LINK, mate. $20 is not gonna amount to anything.

No, newlinkers do not deserve to be spoonfed. You need to research it for yourself. For off.

Exactly mate. I've been reading about smart contracts and chainlink every single day for the past year. I'm not going to spoonfeed demanding faggots who act like we give a shit if they buy in or not.

>> No.12338384

Do not buy chainlink. We do not want you here.

You would only sell anyway. Only those who have put the time and effort into learning about smart contracts and the oracle problem will hold until the Singularity.

>> No.12338392

Get fucked buddy. So fuckin smug.

>> No.12338433


hahha listen to you pussies I'd be surprised if you had any testosterone left. right.... which one of you guys got severely bullied when you where young and now you finally feel like you belong to a group because you've worked your asses of on minimal wage and invested it into the dumbest thing you can think of and have no idea how to shill.

newbie? lmfao kid... I was here for the MOON coin shill and made $$$ off it, you probably have no clue what that coin was or what volume it traded over the week it got shilled.

now, when you're ready to lick each others shit I'll be here pressing record to show what you appear like now

>> No.12338455

oh and for any new comers reading this shitty post, yes this is a massive shill coin so if you're going to make any money out of it you're only going to make money in the next week if you don't sell within the next week you're going to be left holding the bags. now watch these useless bitches tell me I'm wrong but not tell you why you should have heavy hands.

fucking losers, weak game :D

>> No.12338476

this man is smart and knows how to tell the truth along with keeping a good sense of humour about it.

sorry for destroying your shitty investment choice

>> No.12338531
File: 92 KB, 1066x514, 1537437356633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone being honest. I almost bought this scam coin. I researched a bit and found this in the archives. Looks like it is a marketing campaign.

>> No.12338592

yep 100 percent shill scam there's peasants making money out there but doing a horrible job at their job ( convincing ). and the reason why is because they're all kissless virgins in the basement who have never engaged in a real life sale before and have no clue how or what triggers human senses to make a sale. The people who are dumber are the ones spending the money on these non experienced fuckheads like these clowns above us ^^^ yeh I'm talking to you cunts


let me tell you one classic line from seeing plenty of shills on 4chan from people SHILLING.


Once again, you're all fucking pussy cunts and I'd snap all your legs in real life as easy as a paddle pop stick. I know a few people that still act childish because they finally belong to a group they've either never belonged to or have always wanted to belong and when they're in they act all exclusive and shit. sorry to say but you dumb dumbs are going to come to the realisation that CAPITAL TAX exists and no matter how you try and hide your money in your dumb paypal accounts the government will come for you and will ass fuck 90 percent of your 10 year earnings from you before you have time to call a provided lawyer.

>> No.12338608

>4 replies
>all ignored
dude, stop typing. also sage.

>> No.12338621

Fuck mate your posts are comedy gold.

This is easily the best link thread up right now.

>> No.12338669

linkers last jan 1.65$ now 1/4th of it. meanwhile rest shit coins did 100x.. link bfdooo

>> No.12338695

this ontop of many other reasons is why Link is a waste of money and everyone who is shilling this coin in this thread bought in at 1.50 and are now holding the bags trying to palm them off to even dumber cunts. There is literally no better proof that this is a piece of shit coin other than the statistics themselves.

someone please tell me I'm wrong

>> No.12338702

he use $ to calculate the performance of LINK...holy shit...how noob are you?

>> No.12338727

matters if you dca, what everybody should do
if you have an income actually
oh, got it

>> No.12338745


fyi: LINK reached new ATH yesterday, keep trying to FUD with your $, it's cute

>> No.12338773

how dumb are you? sorry we're not all walking satoshi converters,

ladies and gentlemen.. yes, this is nothing but a pathetic attempt at making someone appear like they have no clue what they're talking about because he's worried I'm going to start making sense to people looking to invest in their shitty shill

hey everyone look, this guy is choking on his own cum he's trying to talk down to people with real income who are looking at investing into alts, if any of you want to take something away from this post ignore the fact that this is a fucking horrible coin to invest into but take away a life lesson... don't be this guy. This is not how you shill a coin.

" tehehe fuck you fuck you fuck you fiat money user your 120 thousand dollars is not welcome here because I got in a day earlier than you teheheh yeh you suck tehehh "

>> No.12338817
File: 132 KB, 499x752, 162005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I sold all my xrp, trx, and btc for link a day before the boom

>> No.12338827

5 million HOT Chad reporting in
>time to burn these commies

>> No.12338952

It is a complete scam, and everyone here knows it. Filter all link threads and don't look back. I normally shill link because i get paid to, but with smarter anons like you i like to try and help out.

>> No.12338973
File: 68 KB, 630x630, 1545708532852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious newfag is obvious

>> No.12339021

LOL fucking hilarious!

he mad because he invested his McDonald pay check and don't understand how to calculate performance of a coin.

mueuhhh because $ value down since one year, holy crap, thanks for laugh buddy :P

>> No.12339155


Lol go fuck yourself. I literally takes about an hour on /biz/ to find relevant info, probably even less time on twitter. I’m not spoon feeding your fucking dumb ass. Read the white paper if you’re too dumb to figure it out you don’t deserve it.

I’m glad you’re going to neck yourself when this shit is worth over $100 per.

>> No.12339191

And we don’t have to sell you shit because it’s going to moon with or without you. In all honesty we would rather you not getting in so that the price stays low.

>> No.12339209

Imagine putting this much effort into FUD. Incredible.

>> No.12339227

But link IS a meme
The final redpill is that it will succeed because it's a meme, not in spite of it

>> No.12339279

or just work in IT...im actually a dev with 10 years experience it was kinda a walk in the park to understand...after reading the whitepaper, and seeing how the team handles their communication and work, i just sold all my shitcooins, even my ETH for link...in the end i dnt regret it, in this whole market i actually made 40%

>> No.12339292

i thik at 1.5 - 2$ well start see them coping

>> No.12339337

If link isn't 30k sats by end of February I will delete 4chan from my computer.

>> No.12339358

read this you cunt, someone took the time to write this so take the time to read it instead of asking for being spon fed ffs

>> No.12339387


>> No.12339697

Audible kek