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File: 28 KB, 500x363, how-to-know-if-your-new-landlord-is-a-scammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12320359 No.12320359[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

carding is my job AMA.
I use stolen credit card details to make money, I sell them or I use them to buy things online, I can do my job from my comfy house, I started in march 2018 and since then I have made 74K

>> No.12320364

Gotcha bitch. You think your VPN can save you...

>> No.12320372
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You’re fucked soon

>> No.12320374
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What's the next step in your master plan?

>> No.12320375

you don't have the tools to find someone behind a VPN, just stfu

>> No.12320380

Is there an AI that does this or something?

>> No.12320384

yep, you're definitely gonna find me with your android, phoneposter faggot

>> No.12320398

Someone mentioned it on /pol/ earlier


It’s called GOOD FRIEND


>> No.12320404

invest those money in real estate, here in the uk it's very profitable

>> No.12320408

Actually a really good name desu

>> No.12320418

I'm not a scammer myself but this shit is getting out of hand

>> No.12320421
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Welp there goes my scam plans. I’m mortified.

>> No.12320422

I dont need to ask you, I know everything about that.

Just shut up and keep going, you aint find nothing besides undercovers.

>> No.12320423

how have you only made 74k?

>> No.12320430


>> No.12320432

comically orwellian. i might will toss an eth cuz boomers love that shit.

>> No.12320445

thanks for the mini heart attack what the fuck

>> No.12320447

because i spent a lot of time smoking weed and very little time working, my monthly expenses aren't high anyway

>> No.12320448

that's actually pretty decent if he's taking the correct steps to stay safe

>> No.12320454

technology like this could eventually expose everyone’s darkest secrets, especially celebrities.

can we not create a hacking focused AI program?

>> No.12320468

It's inevitable. If someone doesn't create it it will just be made by another AI program that wants to find out some sort of special info about something. Suicide may be your only option.

>> No.12320471


no one needs to know about all the anal porn i watch

>> No.12320473

yep, i use a vpn and i also bought a laptop that i only use to work and nothing else, no real names no real emails, there is no traces of my personal info on that laptop i also use only public wifi or a pocket wifi device with a sim card that is not registered with my real name

>> No.12320484

I’m in the same position as you fren
I had a cool idea (chainlink lotto but no winnings lol) but this just scared the fuck out of me

>> No.12320488

that's easy, they'll just go watch the surveillance footage of wherever you accessed that public wifi from for that time interval.

>> No.12320491

not a very smart idea in the first place

>> No.12320492


Bragging on the internet that you're a fucking thief.

Youngsters these days

>> No.12320512

You bought the laptop with cash, right?

>> No.12320517
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am I doing it rite

>> No.12320523

nope because the good ol vpn is always there, and lets be honest banks prefer to spend money into preventing fraud rather than investigating

>> No.12320528
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>> No.12320529

I extend my congratulations for having bigger balls than I do. I hope you don't get caught, because obligatory prison rape.

>> No.12320533

If you do it enough, some one will eventually find you.

>> No.12320537

Don't get too euphoric, or your little criminal bubble is going to burst, like bitcoin in january last year. Better quit now and go all in on crypto while it's bottomed.

>> No.12320539

nice lol

>> No.12320541

Where are you shipping the items to?

>> No.12320542

i bought amazon giftcards from ebay with a stolen paypal account and then ordered the laptop to one of those amazon pickup lockers

>> No.12320557

amazon lockers, or if someone wants me to order something for them (for a cheaper price) i will use their address

>> No.12320560
File: 2.20 MB, 901x1280, 04866FC2-AA6A-4E21-B78F-5D6A58E17328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Goodfriend will rape your white scamming booty

>> No.12320563

How does one get started?

>> No.12320564

lmao it's laughable. What they promise to do can't be done. Unless they work with NSA who got backdoors everywhere. They should investigate themselves with their AI because THEY ARE the scammers. Just another cashgrab ICO.

>> No.12320566
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where are they holding an ICO? Someone is nervous.

>> No.12320568

>what are cameras?

i was beginning to think you had decent opsec too. baka

>> No.12320569

*gets in doggy style position*
>come and get me

>> No.12320576

actually, there are new exploits being discovered every day.

Absorbed is based on Linux, probably has a bunch of Kali tools in it. Hacking-focused AI is going to fuck a lot of people.

>> No.12320582

I really really hope this is true because I don’t want some AI snooping through my asshole

>> No.12320589

you need someone trustable who can sell you the card details,

>> No.12320590

even if goodfriend doesn't happen, another will take it's place. it's inevitable.

>> No.12320610

Can someone please end this? I just don’t like it.
I fucking hope you’re right anon

>> No.12320626
File: 239 KB, 474x333, 24116092-029A-4593-9814-8EA3D38E3227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I thought at first but then I saw their GitHub with Penetrate7 or whatever the fuck it’s called. Automated Kali toolchain.

Shit could be real.

>> No.12320629

lets be real the only thing you have to worry about is your fucked up porn fetishes

>> No.12320645


All it does is automate a bunch of penetration techniques that are featured in Kali Linux which is just a distro.

The real hacking techniques, especially ones that could catch criminals, aren't little apps on Kali.

Nonetheless, this is impressive for what it is.

>> No.12320649

This is a nightmare right?

>> No.12320654

>Goodfriend protocol also attempts to purge the scammer's wallet and return funds to the individual who was scammed
LMAO. Like a scammer is going to store his private keys on a fucking website server.

it's already snooping through your asshole. What do you think google does ? They store gigs of data on your particular identity, "to show you relevant ads". I'm saying if you really want to dissapear from all this faggotry it can be done. If you obfuscate yourself on the web you can use 100s of VPNs, use a clean version of a webbrowser (not google chrome), break your average browsing patterns, change your writting style to evade the phonetic analysis and so on. It's possible, but if you're a really big target even that won't save you. But OP is just a faggot scammer, not Edward Snowden, so he's probably safe.

The AI can't find your identity behind VPNs, tors and all this shit unless it has petabytes of data to learn from and a profile on you like google.

>> No.12320672

how do u steal the card information? asking so I know how to avoid getting scammed

>> No.12320689

It doesn't say it purges a wallet on a server, it purges the wallet by publishing public info and alerting the cops so a lawsuit or something can occur.

It's a good idea if they get a government contract.

>> No.12320691

He just buy, there are thousands from sale out there from leaked databases/etc

>> No.12320701

nigga they publish the scammers info so money can be retrieved... not sure if that works though unless the scammer is in the US?

>> No.12320703

there is hundreds of ways, phishing emails, nfc readers ecc there even is phone apps that will get the cc info just by getting the contactles card near the phone, a good way to stay safe is using rfid proof wallets

>> No.12320712

I feel like 4% of the population would be getting arrested

>> No.12320714

Dude, you trust these people?

>> No.12320720

ok but there's still no way they can find him even if they manage to hack into his webserver, which I doubt they could. Unless he's a retard and didn't use VPNs or tor or both.

so what ? He can just dump it for monero with atomic swaps or dex and get out clean. Unless he's stealing some specific shitcoin token

>> No.12320740

Favelanon, the internet sleuth.

>> No.12320752

What that means?

I'm not kidding, there are thousands for sale out there, there are even marketplaces for that type of information (both darkweb/deepweb and clearnet), just google jokerstash and you will see the articles related.

I know how to do it from A to Z, I dont do because end up fucking people and I'm already broke so I dont wanna fuck people

>> No.12320753

Google "kali linux hack cpanel"

basically, if a scammer owns more than one domain, which is usually true, at least one of those domains on the cpanel might not be secure. If the hacker can access one site, he can access them all and gain valuable data.

Not sure how dated this is


Fact is, it's possible, but not easy or realistic for the average person. An AI changes things though.

>> No.12320755

what are they gonna do about it? if they tell to the feds they will go to jail because they where doing something illegal too, if they get feds knocking on their door they dont know my real name, i comunicate with my customers with a fake instagram account using vpn

>> No.12320763

>started in march 2018
so you haven't even been doing this for a year, i won't tell you why, but you'll find out soon why nobody talks about doing this

>> No.12320776

almost all card data is compromised by teams of hackers that then resell that data to retards like OP that buy it to purchase items with it. its resold on darkweb forums like jokers stash. mostly comes from compromised websites or networks that process payment card data.

>> No.12320788

People talk, but not in public places or LE friendly places.
Yup, look what I said on >>12320752

>> No.12320790


Have fun getting v& and/or always having to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life. I would hate to be a criminal

>> No.12320793

indeed anon

>> No.12320803

Nah, they will just make it in a proper format with the logs and other things, so LE can get it too and use it as proofs, like a tip

>> No.12320837

keep in mind that we are talking about the british police, they only care about arresting people who make offensive tweets

>> No.12320864

Nope, any crime related with bank related matters is taken seriously. Its identity theft, impersonation, purchasing of illegal goods for illegal activity and the list goes on.

I know some people who bought shit thinking it had a discount and end up being charged for carding on EU.

>> No.12320917

selling milk as cream while keeping the cream for themselves

>> No.12320935

It's basically impossible to get caught unless you fuck up (leak your ip or personal info). What are the cops gonna do about it? Unless you are scamming millions so fbi/nsa gets involved you are save

>> No.12320989

not true, out there you can easily buy card details with more than 40k/50k

>> No.12320996

theres a reason for this.
fbi/nsa wouldnt be involved. he said he is in uk. fbi is strictly us and nsa doesnt give a fuck about this stupid bullshit.

>> No.12320998


First, if you pay the hosting with stolen card what they harvest? mr cockney living in suck my dick street 420? Second it's illegal to harvest information and publish it unless there is a legal procedure that has been finished and a case labeled as scam, regarding OP doing carding in the USA the country where you steal an apple and they give you 10 years of jail, good luck with that

>> No.12320997

you're buying what they're willing to sell

>> No.12321008
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I have access to CC data, including names, CVVs expiry dates, but not the physical cards themselves.

What kind of opportunities does one have with this data?

>> No.12321018

Online shop;

>> No.12321036

online shopping, making a clone and using it to buy a 2 feet dildo

>> No.12321037

lol do you think you need the physical card for carding? just dont do it you're too dumb

>> No.12321046


I think shipping to an address different than the residential address on the card will generally get the card flagged and suspended REAL quick.

Any other ideas?

>> No.12321053

As an online retailer this won't happen. Not over 74k.

>> No.12321056
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>lol do you think you need the physical card for carding?

Umm, is America the only backwoods shithole where credit cards are still issued with microchip security?

>> No.12321062

Just do account takeover or socialengineer the bank adding the drop adress as an temporary adress because you traveled and need it fast.

just need to spoof the cardowner number with a spoof app.

>> No.12321072


WITHOUT, mean to say without chips.

>> No.12321073

amazon lockers, or click and collect stores

>> No.12321087

Create a protonmail, I need to sleep.

>> No.12321121

who needs to sleep when you can take a line of cocaine and stay awake

>> No.12321145

No cash to good coke, already had problems with white powder, be carefull.

>> No.12321218

So if you have card details , how do you "cash" out the cards or are you forced to buy retarded physical shit with this?

>> No.12321236

gift cards, services..etc

>> No.12321265



Honestly this isn't completely crazy. I work in the fraud department for a major bank.

When online fraud gets big enough and starts costing us enough money we will eventually devote resources to find who is doing it. Usually when we direct our efforts towards this it is more because of an issue due to organized crime or some kind of scamming/hacking network(this is easier to catch because it is on a larger scale and it's pretty obvious from our perspective what is happening).

Basically if you commit a certain crime enough times it's pretty easy to find a pattern and once your pattern is identified you can safely assume we are tracking everything you do until you slip up and we can identify you. We will assist law enforcement in investigations and probably provide them with way more info than they could get on their own.

Usually when we do find this sort of stuff it is coming from foreign countries(Ukraine, Russia, China, Nigeria, etc.) When it's a foreign country there isn't much that can be done as far as prosecution but we will put measures in place that make it harder for those guys to do their thing. I imagine when this info is shared with law enforcement it can potentially end up getting shared internationally with the local law enforcement in the perpetrator's jurisdiction.

If I were to give advice to a criminal, it would be don't sacrifice your security for convenience. If you automate something you can guarantee people will notice because almost every automated process has some kind of pattern in place that can easily be identified. Also if you're committing crime online do it internationally because it is much more difficult to prosecute that way. You may very well have been identified but it can take a while for law enforcement in your country to act depending on their relationship with the country you are committing the crimes

>> No.12321290

So you buy gift cards (which have a unique code) with stolen cc info and then buy stuff with them at your legit adress?

>> No.12321309
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pic related.

>> No.12321320

OP already stated, use stolen card data to ship something of value to neutral address so you cant be tracked. amazon drop off or something similar.

>> No.12321374

Good job anon. Handing your private keys over to spend is fucking retarded. People like you are another thing that brings us closer to a world run on cryptocurrency.

>> No.12321378

But then why buy a gift card first? Does it make difference to just outright using the cc and have that shit delivered to a locker?

>> No.12321450


>> No.12321539

sure you can buy gift card and then buy something of value like a phone or laptop. or you can just resell the gift card. either way, it will eventually catch up to you if you do it enough. if he was good enough to steal the data (stolen cards or creds) then he wouldnt be doing this grunt work shit in the first place.

>> No.12321545

What are the steps to successfully run a project like this? Is there a lot of starting capital needed? What are the steps to make this work swimmingly without getting caught?

>> No.12321586

you will never catch me faggot

>> No.12321629

use proper opsec op and you will never get caught.

>> No.12321645

buy a brand new laptop and use it ONLY to buy the details and the items online, make sure you use a good vpn make a new email and use that email to make a amazon account and any other account that requires an email, make sure that there arent any traces of your name or any other info, the rest is pretty simple, and remember that you can buy anything you want online

>> No.12321694

well this is also fueled by the level of paranoia you have. have a 'good' vpn is an understatement. also paying for the vpn can be an issue, need to make sure the payment is not traceable to you. some vpn providers log your data, even if they say they dont. you could also just make your own vpn. but lets be real.

>> No.12322042

any good sites for carding info?
Are there online shops that are more difficult for cops to track. How much money should You spend per carding item? How to avoid blocking the card?

>> No.12322056

You say the UK but I bet you're a pajeet aren't you?