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12314599 No.12314599 [Reply] [Original]

Ayy goy, silver demand is lowest it’s been in 11 years. Sell all of your silver and buy some (((stocks))) and (((bonds))) instead goy.

>> No.12314610

That is straight up lies. Physical demand is at ATH.

>> No.12314632
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Nothing to see here guys keep it moving along

>> No.12314655

Actually this is probably a really good time to buy stocks. Historically, winter is always bear and spring is almost always bull. Also, the first yield curve inversion occurred in December. The average time from inversion to recession is 12 months. If that's the case, we will likely get another couple dead cat bounces this coming year before we tank. Buy stocks now, then, "sell in May and go away," THEN put into gold and silver, which typically runs when stocks start dumping, which presumably would be once summer comes.

It's not about just stocks, or just crypto, or just metals, or just bonds, or just anything. Its about buying and selling all of them, and moving between the markets, based on traditional correlation relationships and current situations. This is how you max profit.

>> No.12314676

if the fed has signalled more qe everything will go up including silver anyways. if anything its pretty risk free.

>> No.12314703

Agreed. I think stocks are a more profitable opportunity now, but I also think metals are solid. The real time to buy metals will be at the top of the stock run, though, as I'm guessing we'll see a small dump in metals there as boomers FOMO back into the top of the dead cat stock bounce in spring.

>> No.12314781

this, now what faggot boomer shill OP?

>> No.12314810
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During the 2008 crisis JPMorgan, the biggest bank in the world, bought Bear Stearns for pennies on the dollar after the CDO/CDS collapse for $1.9 billions.
They discovered something unusual : Bear Stearns was the biggest shorter of silver in the world, while on the other hand using a branch of the company to buy physical silver.
JP Morgan, continued the scam, intensifying it to new heigh. Starting in 2011, they accumulated 133 MILLIONS 1 oz coins with suppressed prices thanks to illimited creation of paper silver via the Globex (silver comex), iceberg calls and cancelled orders.

133 millions oz of physical is 8 times the biggest stack of silver ever collected on earth (previous record was set up by the Hunt brothers during the 80's when they tried to corner the silver market).

JPM is preparing something huge. I'm not sure what for the moment but i've my idea. Oh, and i forgot to mention they accumulated on behalf of the US government, which is the one keeping safe in warehouses the silver, and helped via the CFTC to avoid market's manipulation trials for JPM.

So we have :
- JPM creating worthless paper silver en masse to suppress the silver price
- JPM hoarding the biggest stack of silver ever
- the US treasury helping JPM in this scam
- a megagiant derivative, credit default swap, real estate, stocks, everything bubble about to pop
- the petrodollar hegemony currently being fucked up by the pretroyuan
- JPM buying the biggest specialist in PM, RBS Sempra (Royal bank of scotland-sempra) for 1.8 billions in 2010

You want my guess? I think the US is preparing to adopt the dollar convertibility in silver. The silver standard just in case SHTF to maintain a sort of confidence in the dollar.
If i'm right, silver will pump like it never did (well it alrdy did during the venetian banking cartel of the 12th century and the british east indian company during the opium wars where both empires adopted a silver standard to short gold and then accumulate it).

>> No.12314885
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Also daily reminder through history the gold to silver ratio was always 1:15.
As of today it's 1:83....
In the earth crust, the ratio gold:silver is between 1:9 and 1:10.

Silver is the most undervalued asset ever in the history right now.

>> No.12314902

Silverback conspiracy was already disproved in 2011

>> No.12314924

im all in on silver. Where are my boys at

>> No.12314979

The dollar is never going to be backed by silver you twat. Silver should do well in the coming years, but you made me doubt everything you posted once you mentioned silver convertibility.

>> No.12315023
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Reportin in fren!
I bought my first lil stack of coins last week : 1oz phillarmoniker.
I FOMOed because i follow daily since the dip last month where they were at 14.70€/coin and the last few weeks it creeped up super hard.

Got them for 15.69€/ea 4 days ago.
Today they sell for 16.16€.
It's +0.47 in 4 days. Better than any shitcoin rn.

Why it couldn't? It's a scam empires alrdy used on multiples occasions. And it's just a theory of mine, i didn't said it's what will happen but something very shaddy is going on, you have to admit. Why the biggest financial institution of the world would accumulate suddently so much silver? They owned 0 ounces in 2011 and never were interested in PM before!!

>> No.12315046

that's about 2.4 bil $
how big is that you stupid?
how big is that to cover a dollar?

>> No.12315061
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Yes it's only 2.4 because they totally suppressed the price you dumdum. It's should have costed them 30 billions in a non jewed world

>> No.12315080

But there's gonna be a recession this year.

>> No.12315089

commodities goes up during a recession, bonds, fiat and stocks tank.

>> No.12315099

>1 oz = 500$
> ~67 bil $
how do you still cover a dollar?
I do understand that we can make a buck out of it, but your point about covering dollar with silver is beyond... well, stupid

>> No.12315113

Well the dollar is currently covered by stricly nothing so i see it as an amelioration alrdy.
Our whole fiat shit is beyond stupid.

>> No.12315128

wrong dumb shill, silver shitted the bed in 2008 too.

>> No.12315146
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of course i explained you it was shorted to oblivion you brainlet. Learn to read.

>> No.12315154

Idgaf really what happens as long as there's volatility. My trading account is fucking ready.

>> No.12316043
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I’m 50/75 % gold/silver x2. Hold me.

>> No.12316090
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>> No.12316118

that's bullshit any of (((them))) would sell jesus for few silver pieces

>> No.12316136

why do you silver fags insist on shilling your pms? if ((they)) dont want us to buy why are you shilling? you should be fudding to accumulate, retard. Whats actually the case is that you bought higher than current price, you're out of cash and you want to get rid of your bags. Kys silvertards

>> No.12316167

> thinking shilling PM on a taiwanese chocolate trading board would have any effect on the price

>> No.12316200

same as thinking shilling does anything.. every day a few pm threads show up from desperate pmfags shilling their bags

>> No.12316365

nowhere near as many as linkfags