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File: 328 KB, 657x684, africa fuck tour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12309613 No.12309613 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, you faggots convinced me to travel to Africa to impregnate as many women as possible. My goal is to impregnate at least a thousand.

What should be my first destination?

>> No.12309622

dont, aids.

>> No.12309629

I'm not afraid of aids. I have nothing to lose.

>> No.12309633

you would be improving the genetics of anybody (if you're white), so doesnt matter where you go

>> No.12309645

I'm going to Africa since the demand for white genes is greater there.

>> No.12309653

fuck my life for still being on this guadelupan sandal manufacturing board in 2019. i need to do penance

>> No.12309661

there is no way to improve the genetics of blacks if you can't see that in america. you just muddy the waters

>> No.12309674

No, he's going reduce their melanin and make them less athletic and more vulnerable to skin cancer.

>> No.12309719

For some reason mixed race are in general better at sports and athleticism, research it.

genetics are not mathematical

>> No.12309766

at least go someplace where the average IQ is above 90. try asia.

>> No.12309792

Too much effort. Asian women won't accept becoming single mothers.

>> No.12309822

you dont get aids from fucking women, the chance is extremely low. Not kidding. Look it up.

HIV transfer from men to men and men to women. Women to men is extremely rare.

>> No.12309851


I looked it up, and you're right. Makes me feel a lot less worried about fucking a few Thai hookers without a condom last month. I'm still gonna get tested in a few months just in case.

>> No.12309861

really eh, what about anal with a women? i'd laugh my ass off if only way to get aids is from being a fag or something, then i would know God is a troll, and exists. i love it.

>> No.12309876

Rate is even lower if your a cutfag. I however am not.

>> No.12309882

This, can't believe retards here still actually think men can catch HIV from having sex with dirty sloots. Is this one of their virgin copes?

You could literally bareback hundreds of HIV positive sloots and your odds of getting infected would still be remote.

>> No.12309891

do uncut people just not wash their penis or something

>> No.12309915 [DELETED] 

Yeah I read that on the website. But if I wasn't cut, I would have probably had more sensation with acondom and not felt the need to fuck without one.
The foreskin traps bacteria which bumps up the immune response and attracts HIV.

>> No.12309924

Yeah I read that on the website. But if I wasn't cut, I would have probably had more sensation with acondom and not felt the need to fuck without one.
The foreskin traps bacteria which bumps up the immune response and attracts HIV.

>> No.12309941

start laughing because i'd wager over 95% of HIV contractions are due to anal sex or hard drug usage

>> No.12309970

Add to that being born with it because mommy was a dirty whore with HIV, and that's pretty much it.

>> No.12309976

They do in the backyard of Asia: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3164917/The-red-light-city-Philippines-filled-children-fathered-Australian-sex-trade-tourists-women-pregnant-abandoning-nothing.html

>> No.12309990

Based aussies

>> No.12310090


Take antivirals. Duh.

>> No.12310402

Legend of Breeder

>> No.12310972
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>> No.12310983
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I would be more worried about other stds like antibiotic resistant gonorrhoea and herpes, but If I make it and get really bored I will just say fuck it and travel to Thailand, Philippines, Colombia, Brazil and Africa and breed thousands of women. Fuck just thinking about it gets me hard.

>> No.12310990

Oh and I would film it POV and call my site "BreederPOV"

>> No.12311587

Botswana, Ghana, that whole area. Nigeria as well.
Literally not true. American niggers a like a whole standard deviation above African niggers due to the White blood.

>> No.12312029


>> No.12312641

Why do you fucking degenrate faggots continue posting this bullshit. If you want to bareback disgusting niggers have fun but stop shilling this shit for other people to see, we don't want any more HIV spreading to the west.

YES, transmission from woman to man vaginal sex is very low, like you can see from the study, except this ONLY applies when a western white man and a western white woman has sex. The HIV type in the US/Europe is different than the type in Africa or Asia. The statistics also only apply if there are no other STDs present.

So yeah if you go bareback hookers in Africa/Asia you are fucking retarded and you have a real risk of getting HIV.

t. someone who is paranoid, has really researched this after doing stupid things in Thailand drunk. Ended up taking PEP instead of leaving it to chance.

>> No.12312760

its not bs u retard its the fucking truff
educate urself faggot

>> No.12312824

African countries should pay white men to come there and bleach their population.

Unrionically, the best possible thing for any third world shithole at this point in history, is an injection of potentially higher IQ citizens.

Not only will it make them more beautiful and less prone to diseases worldwide, but mullato children will have higher brain function than pure niggers.

In fact, Africa should be subjugated and all black males castrated and permanently prevented from breeding. In only 4 or 5 generations Africa could be so heavily bleached that African niggers would cease to be niggers completely, and almost be white. Still a disgusting slave race, but at least more capable of meeting the demands of a technologically advancing world.

As it is, the negro is little more than semi-sentient livestock, and will wallow in misery until he is forcibly civilized.

>> No.12312862

You write like a nigger

Either disprove what I said (by showing a real study using data from SEA/Africa + some numbers for how much the risk increases when the girl you fuck has other STD) or shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.12312867

This is an unfortunate red pill but there are no lies detected. Sadly immigration has been turned into a one-way street, I wonder why (((the major players))) deny nonwhite countries the strengthening diversity that has been enriching Europe for years now

>> No.12312896

Brazil unironically tried this in the beginning of the 20th century, they called it "braqueamento" (something along the lines of bleaching, literally)

>> No.12312901

You are an autistic sperg and they can smell it

>> No.12312910

ca anyone actually suggests countries/places/plans for this not just argue about aids

>> No.12312922
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>investing in niggers

>> No.12312940

And that's a bad thing how?

>> No.12313012


Indonesia and Philippines are full of women that want white babies, even if it means not having the man stay around.

I lived in Philippines for two years and my dating profile said "lets make white babies together", and got endless attention. I straight up told the chicks during our chats that I wanted to knock them up, and that when we fucked (not if), that I would be doing them without a condom and coming inside of them. A few were disgusted, but a ridiculous number were turned on by the idea to the point where we usually skipped the date and they just came over, had a drink, and then let themselves be bred.

I had women coordinating their ovulation cycle and then coming over on their fertile days just to get creampied, because they wanted a white baby. It was ridiculous. I couldn't believe it, but it was available so I made it happen.

Women go absolutely wild when they aren't carefully controlled by men. They are race traitors and WILL destroy their society if they aren't stopped. I enjoyed myself, but had no respect for them, or their men who failed to stop them.

>> No.12313096
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Horn of Africa (e.g. Ethiopia, Eritrea).

>> No.12313105

how many kids do you reckon you have and or have you kept track of them from afar like on facebook, do they resemble you?

>> No.12313129

do u have any experience there or you just saying because they are pretty?

>> No.12313144


I know I've got 4 kids from my two years over there, for sure. I occasionally send their moms gifts of cash, mostly during the holidays.

They might look like me someday as they get older. As it is, they have far lighter skin than their peers, and more european facial features (no SEAmonkey nose). If they take care of themselves physically, they will probably be quite handsome. All boys.

I'm considering sending them to private schools, since it costs so little compared to the rest of the world.

I could have several more children that I don't know about, since I fucked a LOT of women bareback, and never pulled out.

>> No.12313223

thats actually pretty cool. How old were you when you were there and what job did do.

>> No.12313642

Shameful bump for interest, please continue the story

>> No.12313830

top kek

>> No.12313985

inb4 they all become traps and are fucked by other tourists in the butt when they turn 12

>> No.12314003

how much cash in the gifts, what amount would they be happy with?

>> No.12314037

>instead going back to breed your half white trap son for days on end

Where do i sign up

>> No.12314112
File: 224 KB, 1080x1075, 1543447630409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads like this creep me out much more than threads of people sniffing chairs of girls or their shoes
But I'm probably biased, because I secretly sniffed my fair share of girls shoes.

>> No.12314148

holy shit look at those comments and upvotes, everyone is hating, why are we the only ones who can see through this bullshit and call it what it is


>> No.12314256

umm okay, trust me you are much weirder than anyone in this thread

>> No.12314503

>He was nice, he was bald, he was older than sixty
Men age like fine wine confirmed

>> No.12314509

absolutely this

>> No.12314634

>Bleaching Africa

This is the only way.

>> No.12314827

If you've ever been to a SEAsia sex resort you'd know he almost certainly looked like a fat slob with his gut hanging out over hos boardies.

>> No.12315209

>at a party
>girl has sweaty socks on her feet
>feet are close to my face
>catch a whiff

I didn't know I was a footfag until then. The urge was unreal

>> No.12315210

>Threads like this creep me out

>If you want to bareback disgusting niggers
t. gay.

>African countries should pay white men to come there and bleach their population.

>Brazil unironically tried this in the beginning of the 20th century, they called it "braqueamento"

>my dating profile said "lets make white babies together"
Great idea, very direct and simple.

Thank you, sensei.

>> No.12315279

>The foreskin traps bacteria which bumps up the immune response and attracts HIV.
broscience 101

>> No.12315338
File: 126 KB, 960x1200, 1546197220890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely south - Namibia, South Africa, Botswana. I've been to all three. they speak English well and god damn the women are hot.
my prejudice says skip west and central africa.

then you have to sample the local goods in east africa or north africa where i've never been. this girl lists Eritrea in her twitter profile

>> No.12315594

race mixing is the best solution to the world's problems

>> No.12315666

>The inner surface of the foreskin contains Langerhans' cells with HIV receptors; these cells are likely to be the primary point of viral entry into the penis of an uncircumcised man.

It's just science, bro.

>> No.12315996

"Hybrid vigor" is probably false. You got pwned by Jew psyops, kiddo.