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File: 12 KB, 310x223, get-more-matches-on-tinder-profile-1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12312553 No.12312553 [Reply] [Original]

Is 2019 the year the roastie bubble pops?

>> No.12312557 [DELETED] 

ok s i rs here is the crypto brown pill. there is a v ishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the v ishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the v ishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything
Creg stumbled into creating the v ishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the v ishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The v ishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this v ishnu (they have their own competing v ishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs v ishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the v ishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol.

>> No.12312648

Were reaching the point where white women realize they are being manipulated into having relationships with abusive black men and get PISSED about being lied to. When women turn on the Jews it will be SCORCHED EARTH.

>> No.12312652

This is funny to read

>> No.12312660
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>tfw you will witness the great roastie depression when sex bots hit the market

>> No.12312663

>having agency

>> No.12312669

Angry pathetic incels on MY biz? Say NO MORE.

>> No.12312671

No, they will put the men up to it.

>> No.12312687

how do I cash out?

>> No.12312755

4chan was literally made for pathetic incels since it was originally an anime forum.

Dont like it? Fuck off.

>> No.12312766


No you dumb faggot it was made of wizards who have no use for women. Incels are retards who still want to get laid instead of ignore the roastie. They literally focus all their energy on roasties and nothing else, see incel forums.

>> No.12312807

Lol no.

Modern society has created an environment and social order where it has NEVER been better to be a woman and a roastie.

historically, all the repressed parts of womens nature which kept them in line from living out there hypergamous nature is gone. Society no longer has mechanisms in play.

This both makes women miserable while also experiencing a top level in society in terms of freedom. It makes them more miserable than ever because they can never be happy or know what they want. Nothing stops them from trying to get more and more and more, and get damaged every time till they become too old and suddenly undesirable and what they think they want becomes impossible.

At the same time it has never been better to be an alpha who just pumps and dumps and abuses their nature. The only REAL drawback of the roastie bubble in the west is that beta men have no real change anymore, especially those who cling to old world values which no longer effect women.

alphas who genuinely want to settle down also have an extremely hard time making a woman loyal for same reasons.

>> No.12312890

Based and respelled

Alpha looking to settle here, it’s not so much my girl is not loyal as much as I worry about losing her suddenly losing her loyalty and going full slut mode

>> No.12312934

When a bird says that she is a "dad bod enthusiast", how chunky is that?

>> No.12312936
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you actually got me thinking. There's a cyclical nature to everything in nature, even seemingly unrelated collective human behaviour.
>planet is overpopulated
>prosperity and growth in the first world countries
>freedom politics, supporting weak and unfit
>women as being more biologically useful (bobs and veganas) have it best, living the hedonistic lifestyle rejecting 80% of shit tier males
>more gay people born (works the same way with animals population actually), trannies, male suicides (like with lemmings). Mostly because of overpopulation.
>women being euphoric
>bubble bursts
>Conservative values on the rise
>whamens are no longer human anymore like it was in the good old days
>Incels do some dumb shit like hitler did with his buddies, they were basically poltards of their time
>modern civilizations collapse due to invasion of savages (like in Rome)
>Possibly Hitler 2.0 on the rise, after the next economic collapse where people won't have anything to lose, just like in the 1930s
The whole universe and collective unconsciousness of humanity is driven by the same universal laws. Same happened to ancient Greece and ancient Rome. When you push the system out of balance, it wants to restore the equilibrium state. But it always goes parabolic in the end, where the worst shit happens, like world wars

>> No.12312951

Tits or gtfo

>> No.12313211

Dunno if you see my reply, but for everyone else:
- History repeats yeah, but there is one minor difference - technology level.
Develop sex bots? Haha bye-bye useless roasties, everyone's gonna get sex without relationship drama.
Develop Androids? Even better!
Develop independent super-intelligent ai? Haha hello Hitler 2.0, gas the inferior humanity.
Back to stone-age with ya apes.
And so on and so on. History. Repeats.

Note, cryptocurrency is pretty good expression of public money. However, sadly it won't overthrow degenerate paper bills anytime soon.

>> No.12313251

They aren't going to realize shit.

>> No.12313341

There is a circle of culture versus counter culture, in the 60s the established culture was centered around conservative beliefs, work, marriage, religion - and a biological explanation of different outcomes between men/females, white/blacks, rich/poor.

Now the counter-culture of that time, has become the dominant culture, and the previously dominant culture has become the counter-culture.

>> No.12313634


>im single becos of niggers
>muh niggers steal my women

>t. bizcel

>> No.12313671

>Hitler 2.0, gas the inferior humanity
>Hitler 2.0
Oy Gevalt! this goy has been watching too many Spielberg holocaust flicks!

>> No.12313680

HOW do I cash out before the roastie bubble pops?

>> No.12313713


>> No.12313718

you can still ride a few more pump and dumps for easy money-shots, but make sure you get the fuck out before they introduce KYC

>> No.12313968


>> No.12314056

nah, they'll do what they've always done. blame men.

>> No.12314091

It never fully pops, there will always be loose women. But expect a reversal, it's already beginning. People will look back at the 2010's and realize what massive degenerates we were.

>> No.12314115
File: 1.07 MB, 1439x2156, Screenshot_20190102-112805_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this gets more matches than anyone on biz

>> No.12314141

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.12314184

We need a meme to push the process along something like the NPC meme that highlights how stupid insta thots and roasties are. All men I’ve talked to agree they find women who post half naked selfies as off putting and nothing but pump and dump material.

>> No.12314185

there is some truth to this

>> No.12314214

you just described a bubble ready to burst into capitulation

>> No.12314430

>No you dumb faggot it was made of wizards who have no use for women

Correct. In ye olden days, those of moot and snacks and shoe on head and Caturday, no one complained about women because no one gave a shit. I was just entering college at the time (2005) and all my friends were guys. We sat around playing Smash all day. It was the same with 4chan. No one gave a shit about women because no one cared. We were happy to be online in a cheery social outlier anime website of lulz.

Now, 4chan is hateful and resentful. 4chan is hateful towards other people. 4chan is hateful towards itself. 4chan is hateful towards women. I think it's a zoomer thing, personally. You have all these faggots coming on this site who feel that society has wronged them. They use social media and it makes them jealous and envious. And then they ask, "Why don't I have these things pop culture says I should have?" and instead of just accepting that it's because they're pathetic failures, they find other people to blame for their problems. Social media and cell phone society has destroyed an entire generation of people and turned them into this guy


>> No.12314451


>> No.12314504

Are you like 31?

>> No.12314512

30 year old boomer, yes

>> No.12314541

probably does yeah

>> No.12314544
File: 896 KB, 809x1684, roastiesBTFOfun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12314550

I think she messed up and inverted the distance with the age.

>> No.12314558

Any chads on here? Need some help. I can get matches and get conversations started but I just can’t seem to close the deal. I would rate my self 7.5 on the low end and 8.5 on the high. Have over 70 matches on tinder lol

>> No.12314568


>> No.12314583

Absolute truth here. The quirky autistic teens of old 4chan have turned into the bitter 30 yo boomers of newchan. Awful.

>> No.12314783

when the beef flaps can't contain the pure concentration of roast anymore and it spreads over the whole body like fucking anime power marks

>> No.12314912

we havent even seen peak degeneracy

>> No.12314988


The 30 yo boomers aren't here anymore and if they are they aren't complaining about women constantly because they've accepted their lot in life or they got married somehow

>> No.12315030
File: 29 KB, 500x500, IMG_2464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god

>> No.12315040

Oops didn't mean u

>> No.12315060

>or they got married somehow
30 yo boomer here, can confirm

>> No.12315101
File: 92 KB, 604x604, 1544562588613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I never got a single match on tinder. I have used it for multiple month-long periods in the past few years

>> No.12315158

>When you push the system out of balance, it wants to restore the equilibrium state.
Exactly right

>But it always goes parabolic in the end, where the worst shit happens, like world wars
Sort of right. Zoom out. It oscillates along equilibrium. Only time it doesn't is when it's a new useless fad like tulip mania. Then it parabolas back to nothing.

>> No.12315165

The fundamentals are in place for a rally but it seems like algos are keeping momentum from pivoting.

>> No.12315199
File: 125 KB, 549x696, oo2b9t81klo01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12315222

Unfortunately the roastie bubble won't pop completely until realistic sexbots are here. That could take several more decades.

I only hope I'm alive to see it. It will be the greatest bubble collapse of all time.

>> No.12315223

>get 456 likes on Badoo within 2 days
>too lazy to swipe through that shit

>> No.12315339

If you got only 1/10 of the US military budget you will only need 5 years for this at best

>> No.12315446
File: 39 KB, 1000x666, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be epic, press F to dab on women

>> No.12315508

fuck this is based. im 20 and came to 4chan actively when i was 13. it really was all for lulz for the first few years until i left. when i came back i discovered /pol/ and really hated a lot of things, especially women because i was done wrong by an ex of mine. relatability creates the hivemind

>> No.12315560

This is like the best news ever

>> No.12315565

Literal 30 yo boomer here. Feeling like the elves at the end of lotr. Biz is the boomiest board and Im already aging out. Remember us in your prayers you fucking zoomer jeets....

>> No.12315582
File: 84 KB, 750x709, Nuclear_eyes_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm ready.

>> No.12315584

I thought boomers were 65yo+ now?
1980-90 are millenials?

>> No.12315600

newfag detected

>> No.12315611
File: 242 KB, 807x830, 1545359460657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.12315619

get out of here you fucking boomer

>> No.12315638

Anon, I...

>> No.12315639

hello newfriend, the meme now is to call anyone over 30 a boomer, now get the fuck out

>> No.12315658

29yr old boomer, I still have time, I still have time....

>> No.12315734

Don't spoonfeed newfags. It will only bring in more newfags. The proper response is, "lurk moar," or "lurk moar faggot."...hmmm, is this post also spoonfeeding...

>> No.12315739

roody poo

>> No.12315749

Yea even as a chad your success rate on tinder is between 5-10% of the girls you will message will turn into a lay, as a non top 10% male? Those odds go down to 1%. You probably aren’t even doing anything wrong you just have to realize these thots have unlimited options on these apps and your success is a combo of your looks, game and just plain getting lucky and catching a girl in the right moment. Shit I’ve had girls say how horny they were and send snaps of their tits and then they just ghost. It’s retarded but that’s just how women are man. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze 95% of the time anyways.

>> No.12315785


attention whores.

Never entertain that shit. Nudes are for chumps, and she is just gonna use u for validation. More or les the same goes for sexting IF you haven't fucked yet. Even then u must keep it to a minimum.

Make them work for your attention and make it valuable, and they will come to fuck you if they want it.

If you give them all the attention and validation nthey want by talking about fucking and complimenting their nudes, why do they need sex? they got waht they enjoy from sex(validation) without giving u the fuck.

Tinder is a fucking massive waste of time.

>> No.12315804


So the best response is some non-comment like "ugh" followed by blocking? Thanks, this is going to be fun.

>> No.12315811
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>> No.12315841


Literally YES.

Obviously you wont get a catch every time, but if they respond to your messages they want your attention. so u know that already.

Now u make it valuable unlike 99% of chumps desperate for the attention themselves.

If she says something flirty, dont give her the easy validation. keep it sexual and do not out right use a "neg" but give a backhanded compliment or something.

"Yeah you might be boring to talk to though" etc. important to have small rapport first.

Just dont give out your most valuable asset to a woman (validation and attention). its the same as woman giving out pussy easily, u dont respect them for it or care.

>> No.12315907
File: 23 KB, 358x380, thottaccount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope not, I run a shitty chatbot that pretends to be a thott, I have it post a few prepared lines lines, a pic of her tits, then ask for the losers to send her paypal money for more pics and a few generic lines about how horny she is. It has worked surprisingly well, over the last cpouple of months I made about $500.

>> No.12315934

Nailed it, I have gotten a few lays from tinder but after you fuck enough girls you realize how lame casual sex is. It’s important to learn to game women and learn their tricks and what works with them as well as the confidence from fucking 10+ women but after you do that continuing to chase pussy constantly is an endeavor for dumb niggers. Focus on your life goals and women will come naturally if you aren’t an ugly beta loser.

>> No.12316028
File: 304 KB, 770x775, 1529558894778(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Short roasties NOW. SELL SELL SELL!!!

>> No.12316046

How does one set up a tinder chat bot? How do you avoid the account being deleted from people reporting it?

>> No.12316275

this sounds like a nice quite little earner bro, just post on standard cam sites or what?

>> No.12316306

Roastie market continues to skyrocket until Q4 and then it corrects in a spectacular fashion as there will no longer be any bigger fools to buy into orbiting as better options and information become available.

>> No.12316403

This is the funniest thing I've read in 2019 so far.

>> No.12316472
File: 150 KB, 398x397, 1468540475479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state

>> No.12316572

>Realising anything not spelled out for them