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12304729 No.12304729 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you sell at 2017 pump and live the good life in Thailand?

Ask me anything bros im currently living in Thailand.

>> No.12304734

How shitty is it on a scale from 5.5 to 36.2-b?

>> No.12304737


>> No.12304747

Ladyboys everywhere you go.
Being a homosexual in thailand is like being straight in America, very opened culture.

They lowkey they look better than actual females here.

>> No.12304770

If you won the riches, why not living in some first world paradise like japan or something, instead you chose some fake rich country

>> No.12304783

You like too assume alot don't you?

>> No.12304792

living the dream

>> No.12304868

>They lowkey they look better than actual females here.

look at this delusion

>> No.12304912

you condo look very cheap
also i don't need cryptos to be able to live in Thailand.
I'm in PTT right now
We made it.
How do you deal with the visa limits?

>> No.12304929

I have lived in Thailand, I probably have a bigger net worth than OP, and I can confirm it’s a fucking shithole. Burma is nearby and is true paradise.

>> No.12304936

how small is your penis?

>> No.12304939

lived in Thailand....true shit hole

>> No.12304946

How often do you have to go to the clinic ?

>> No.12304949

> Burma better than Thailand
If you like eating moutain root instead of god-tier prawns, sure.
If you like getting arrested for puffing a joint, sure.
If you like a country averaging one genocide per decade, sure

>> No.12304954

everytime i order food in Paris i have intoxications
never had one in Bangkok

>> No.12304958

Educational Visa

1 Year

Also i paid $300 a month to live here its actually really nice.

>> No.12304973

12,000 bht / month is the price yes
educational visa? How can I get it, I have to pay for 1 year university?

>> No.12305010

>god tier prawn

Jesuschrist I’m arguing with plebs.
For the true patrician anon who seeks a nice early retirement: Burma.
Here you will find an unspoiled country full of fresh pussy willing to do anything for one dollar.
(Obviously, you can’t be a total cunt, or you will get arrested ‘for puffing a joint’ lmao)

>> No.12305014

spooky bro u living here?

ofc u have to pay its around $1,000


>> No.12305071

look good but too much normies in chiang mai
in pattaya i stay with the old folks, veterans, based iranians and creepy indians bro

>> No.12305089

How did it feel like realising you finally made it

>> No.12305099


Lol that really looks nice

>> No.12305108

u aabtc?

>> No.12305180

is that in pattaya, the condo building on soi paniad chang? that place looks very familiar but cant remember the name. I spent 2.5 years in thailand and would rather kms than go back there.

>> No.12305192

nope its in chiang mai.

why? what went wrong?

>> No.12305233

i just realized I dont enjoy living in some humid third world craphole. its nice for a holiday but the more time you spend there the more you start seeing behind the facade and its not pretty IMO. chiang mai is a good example it looks awesome on first sight but then you realize the traffic terrible, the condos are all low quality buildings, the entire becomes completely unliveable for months every year because these morons burn the surrounding fields and forests. the list goes on and on.

>> No.12305263

Pass. I rather not risk the third world diseases you're likely to get in such a smelly shit hole

>> No.12305265 [DELETED] 
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I sold at the top and stayed in uni.
I hate school, but god damnit I love college. I'm using the time till I graduate with a CS degree to build and scale my own software business, but also actually enjoy my college experience. I wouldn't change it for the world
>everything is cheap
>girls everywhere
>everyone 6/10 and up has a shot

>> No.12305291

How much does it realistically cost to live there?

>> No.12305311

What's the price for living in Thailand per month?

>> No.12305314

$40k a year and you live like a king. a lot of military fags retire there for that specific reason.

>> No.12305337

if you wanted ultimate do-nothing NEET status, you could do it for $15k

>> No.12305339

Your being ripped off. You can live "well" for half that. What additional value do your receive spending over and above $2G/month?

>> No.12305358

He's getting a daily massages on his dick though

>> No.12305361 [DELETED] 

thanks :)

>> No.12305366

Wrong more like 8 to 10k

>> No.12305380

stop talking about what u dont know guys
u can live for 700$ a month i

>> No.12305381

That's only $10-20 for actual massage. Fucking girls every day gets old pretty fast. As a resident you don't have to pay retail at gogos. Then your only paying 450 baht and no bar fine.

>> No.12305384

>What additional value do your receive spending over and above $2G/month?

i thought about getting a girl and bimboing her out with plastic surgery. boobs, butt, lips, you know.. the works. i got expensive hobbies man.

>> No.12305390

Does this figure include medical or border runs?

>> No.12305395

You sound like one of those losers trying to escape his pass. You literally fell for the "just be white" theory and ended up hating it cause it wasn't like you thought it would be.

>> No.12305409

Would be funnier if you convinced a guy to do it instead. Some down on his luck farang.

>> No.12305411

also, cars. vidya. all the first world stuff is still first world prices p. much.

>> No.12305420

u obviously haven't been to thailand.

games are like 60% cheaper on steam in thailand

who the fck drives cars in thailand?

>> No.12305429

Sold peak but live in Japan on language learning visa.

>> No.12305430

well there you go...to each his own. do you bum around SE Asia to avoid burn out or are you settled in?

>> No.12305437

selling premine high for making the founders rich - /biz/ style LOL

>> No.12305539

I spent 10 days in Bangkok last year. All I can think about is going back asap and living there long term in the future. It is what people say, a white mans paradise. My plan...

>save up enough to buy 2 condos
>live in one rent free
>rent out the other
>work online and hussle for income
>have high tier wife for financial support. I'm good looking and know this won't be hard to find.

It is the best bullet proof plan I can put together. No I wont be screwing ladyboys. Already did this and don't plan on doing it again lol.

>> No.12305571

>>save up enough to buy 2 condos
illegal to own real estate as a foreigner

you didn't really think this out did you?

>> No.12305589

Why choose Thailand over the clearly superior Singapore?

>> No.12305593

You can purchase condos but not land or property like a house.

>> No.12305613

Instead of buying the condos just rent airbnbs and travel around the country, It's cheaper than a hotel and if you want to bring girls or ladyboys home it makes them feel like their not a one night stand.

>> No.12305626

I doiversified and fell for hodl meme..was daytrading like a motherfucker and after so long i just spread it and forgot about it..been wanting to pay off a loan and been thinking about getting back in game, but shit dipped hard, and one stupid shitcoin i had high hopes in appears ded, no biggy just sucks i didnt sell at high

>> No.12305630

my mistake u are right

>> No.12305650

it's cheaper to just do border runs

>> No.12305728

Aren't they tightening laws wrt to border runs? Is it possible to leave and not be able to return? Longer term stay would translate to cheaper rental rates as well.

>> No.12305773

No worries. We are all going to make it bro.

>> No.12305907

>hurr durr youse just a loser
>muh paradise
>bragging about his $500 condo
and you sound like the typical fresh off the boat retard whos still wearing rose coloured glasses. enjoy the honeymoon period while it lasts anon.

>> No.12305936
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he is not totally wrong
Thailand is what you do it
I spent the best moments and the worst moments of my life in Thailand

Best moments:
Living with my unemploiment bucks in Pattaya for 7 months, it was like 2 weeks because time was so good

Worst moments:
Took meth with a prostitute in Bangkok, almost kms because I had paranoia crisis and this shit could not get out of my head.

Thailand is like France, Italy or Greece. It's what do you it.

>> No.12305970

Any other shaba stories?

>> No.12306013

the point I was trying to make went right ovver his head. notice that in no way did I even mention thai women and he made it all about me being butthurt because the white god factor is dead in thailand. hes the typical guy whos been there for a couple of months and thinks its paradise. the reality is that this "paradise" is a third world shithole and these third world realities will eventually catch up with you unless youre completely braindead. Im not even gonna delve into the topic of thai women who I consider some of the most overrated females on the planet.

>> No.12306024

Why did you pick Thailand instead of something less alien like south america?

>> No.12306038

You can rent for long term and still do border run. It only take 1 day to go back and forth. I don't know about security but I been doing it. One month day then pay 1 month extension then go outside country and come back and repeat

>> No.12306068

That was my plan all along and I got to $300k and didn't sell because of greed. Now I am doomed to wage cuck forever while you live the dream. Enjoy.

>> No.12306071
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he is living honeymoon

but you are living the divorce mood kek

Sometimes i feel like Thailand is a shithole, sometimes I like it, may be you need to leave the time do its work with your feelings about Thailand. Ofc being a farang is a + there, its not over... just try tinder in Western europe and in Bangkok and you will see the difference. I dated girls from the high society in Thailand, daughters of army generals, guards in front of the door, working as models. Do you really think I would be able to do this in the West? NO

Sometimes you feel like shit, you tell yourself thai people "like you" just for the money you bring, but its the same thing in the west.

I feel good in Thailand so i dont really care, also, with indian, blacks and arabs now invading the place, they will eventually remember farangs were not that bad. Anyway

>> No.12306072

Care to elborate? Was it a simple issue of quality of life of mismatch? Compared with cambodia or vietnam it is clearly superior. Did you hop around at all? I'm confused. What does thai being 3rd world shithole have to do with how delicious the food and activities are? They don't have tiger village in the west. Have you truly even been there?

>> No.12306088


>> No.12306229

Yeah thai may be overrated but not as much as western womyn. But the sheer number of available girls means you'll find one to like. She will be more hot and freaky than 90% of girls available to you back home. And will cost the same as the unattractive ones. Notice I didn't say anything about dating whores.

>> No.12306264

notice how he still brings it up? so at the end of the day it all comes full circle.

300k is more than enough to live the dream in thailand u fucked up.

lol ur bullshitting the alphabay guy who killed himself relayed all his experiences and what type of girls who enterain you as a farang and he was a multi-millionarie. He stated high society chicks won't even talk too you unless ur rich urself. GTFO

>> No.12306280

I'm rich for a 26 y/o guy in Europe. So imagine in Thailand.

>> No.12306282

source on alphabay info?

>> No.12306285

Google it.. He use to post on one of those PUA/dating forums and would write guides and relay all his experinces in Thailand.

This dude had an actual lambo and multiple 300k+ cars.

That retard talking about dating High Society Thai chick is full of it lol

>> No.12306299

fck it i found some of it for you


>> No.12306316

he killed himself because $$$ won't change the fact you are a fat neckbeard loser + probably incel

>> No.12306318

sawadee kop

>> No.12306320


>> No.12306325
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>> No.12306405

what is the equivalent of Thailand in the Americas?
Costa Rica?
Punta Cana?
Puerto Rico?

>> No.12306406

Wow guys if you wanna retire the best option is Spain by far, more expdnsive than Thailand yes, but real state right know is really cheap, and you can buy a house in the islands like all germans are doing

>> No.12306417

It has nothing in common
enjoy having to hide your iphone when you walk in the street in latin america
fat gringo

>> No.12306428

thai food is mildly interesting, not really good, borderline intolerable. imagine being surrounded by all that slop everywhere you go and your only salvation from the disgust you will have developed for that shitty food (after 2 whole weeks) will be a McDonalds.
>No Thank You Sir
food is too important

>> No.12306435

I would unironically deck a spic trying to rob me.

>> No.12306444

sure until the collapse of the EU and they bail-in your expat RE holdings.

>> No.12306540

for girls, cost of living, and tech/internet/advancement

thailand = colombia
phillipines = dominican repub
Costa rica/panama = singapore/hongkong, higher prices but higher quality all around generally.
puerto rico = no comparison, US territory so the prices are inflated for the quality - the girls are attractive though.

Really depends on your priorities and what you are into. If you have a decent budget and refuse to learn spanish, just go with costa rica or panama.

>> No.12306568


at that point just get a fucking realdoll

>> No.12306579

he will put a knife on your throat before you have the time to say "buenos dias" stupid gringo

>> No.12306584

It seems like everywhere cheap in the western hemisphere has crime problems, though. It's not worth it for me if I'm always at risk of getting jumped. I'd rather stay a wagecuck than put up with that.

>> No.12306586
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Spanish isnt an obstacle, I've been to Miami. The only language there is Spanish and I got along just fine.

>> No.12306603 [DELETED] 
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spics can't afford knives.

>> No.12306675


women in general are overrated. I was an angry khv incel before I got a gf for a couple months and realized this pussy shit is more trouble than it's worth

>> No.12306698

Thai food isn't that shitty. And there are plenty of Western, Indian, and Chinese restaurants if you want something different.

>> No.12306711
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Same here, moved to Phuket in 2016 after one of my pretty pennies mooned.

Bought a cheap condo and live the life here. I also make enough passive income to stay here indefinitely if I want. Thank G-d for dividends.

>> No.12306715


300k will run out eventually even if it's invested and you live like a hobo

You need about 600k to go perma NEET in a country like Thailand, but realistically more like 1M. Double this if you're in a Western country

>> No.12306753


>> No.12306754 [DELETED] 

you can go permaNEET with way less than 1m in the U.S. 400k ought to do it.

>> No.12306781
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Thailand is by far the most BASED asian country period. If I believed in heaven I imagine it would look like Thailand lol

>> No.12306788

put condoms with this one please

>> No.12306809
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no thanks
I take Truvada so I have no fear of infection

>> No.12306820

I know it hurts pretty bad. Fortunately I have a very high paying job and I still have 90k LINK and 350k NKN so I will probably still make it in 2-3 years tops. You live and you learn.

>> No.12306838
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Do you ever think back and wonder what could have been?

>> No.12306841

Is that a guy or a girl? If you're into females there are much, much hotter ones at the high end soapie massage places. If ladyboy then continue on. Idk about that cuz I'm not a flaming faggot.

>> No.12306853

Nah. I've traveled the whole world and gone from poor to rich and back multiple times in my life. I'll get it back soon. Also, this thing you posted is gross to me.

>> No.12306861

The average gook in Thailand is a hideous ricenigger. The average ladyboi has to spend a good portion of their lives actively dressed up, made up perfectly, and looking as fem as possible.

>> No.12306865

hey I saw your video on youtube where you and your fiance or wife or something were swimming in the pool. she's very cute desu and seems nice. hope you take good care of each other. it looked like you do.

>> No.12306879
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It's a girl but I don't shy away from lady boys. I've urinated on a few of them and in my opinion they take abuse quite well.

But I will admit, when I first got here I had a hard time deciphering who was a girl and who was a ladyboy but after being here for quite some time it's become second nature

>> No.12306886
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you sound bitter and angry
is everything ok?

>> No.12306897

You're correct but that's true of most races. There are plenty of hot high end women in Thailand if you know where to look and have cash.

>> No.12306923
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You don't need a lot of cash.
For example I've picked up many thai women at the bar (and no not a blowjob bar) a regular bar girl is easy. In fact most thai women are EASY this is the reality. All you need to do is tell them you will save them from this impoverished shit hole and bring them back to America and maybe even take their kids along too and see how they light up with happiness hahahahaha. I have to say crushing their hopes and dreams makes it worth while.

>> No.12306939

These women you're posting are nasty. You're obviously pretty old and gross so they are good enough for you but I wouldn't fuck any of these with a broomstick. Also I'm not sure what was bitter about my comment. I lost a lot of money but I'm extremely confident I'll have it back shortly and will be back in Thailand slaying actual attractive women unlike these slampigs.

>> No.12306955

you are the vishnu in the thai blockchain
don't treat them bad faggot
I'm always very sincere with girls and LB

>> No.12306954

sounds like fun also sounds like you are rotten to the core

>> No.12306982
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You are a loser and will never be successful.
You will continue to cling onto memories of what could have been and lash out at those that made the right choices. The ship has sailed and you are stuck working your wage slave job lol. Keep up with the nasty attitude though, I'm sure that will make things better..

>> No.12307018
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You sound weak
who are you to judge me?
are you G-d?

>> No.12307048
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I was in Thailand 2 years ago, honestly full of people who want to rip you off in the city, shitty transit system hot as fuck.. Malaysia is much better.

However if you can get away from the dumps some place are quite nice actually like pic related

>> No.12307053

is this talay view 6?
pimpshark is a faggot

>> No.12307070
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>> No.12307078

ahh you've been there?
I must say pattaya is my favorite getaway within a getaway but it's way pricier than Phuket which kind of fucks me up but I can't complain too much
malaysia is way too pricey mate
you'll lose all of your riches living there

>> No.12307121

>malaysia is way too pricey mate

Depends where you go but its definitely more organized and they don't drive like idiots. If you want to see pricey you should look at the prices in Singapore. But honestly I couldn't live in these country way too hot and bugs everywhere.

>> No.12307164

I lived in Pattaya for 7 months, will be there again in 20 days.

Pattaya is 100x better than Phuket from my pov but each one has his own tastes

>> No.12307182

I feel like the women in Phuket are way more desperate and have a little bit of innocence where as Pattaya they are straight business and truly have no limits for the right price which isn't a bad thing either. I guess I like to take away innocence mmmmm it's more exciting that way.

>> No.12307198

enjoy your AIDS

>> No.12307239
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enjoy being poor loser

>> No.12307265

Lol fatty bragging about his 2k

>> No.12307268

Does this include rent? What would it be without rent?

>> No.12307286

That's just my carrying around money when I go to the bar or decide to go to the internet cafe
I have a safe in my condo that has triple that amount as well money in the bank obviously
anyways you're a hater so you're getting blocked
bye now

>> No.12307318
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you are living the life
do you have kids?
don't you think about having a son sometimes?

>> No.12307358

I have kids im sure
I just havent met them hahaha

>> No.12307903

how much money would you suggest to have before moving to Thailand?

im talking moving with full security that no matter what happens you dont ever need to go back.

im thinking 1.5 mm usd is cool.

>> No.12307913

moving to thailand has been my dream since im 18, im 23 now, financially and location independent, but still havent got the balls to make the move

>> No.12307961

do it, its really easy once youre there. people are extremly helpful and interested.

>> No.12308051

wow this guy was a full autist, lived a dream before he necced himseld

>> No.12308232

how easy is it to make friends there? i mean meeting other expats who live there and are also location independent etc.

thats my main worry about making the move, having no friends or social life once im there

im not autistic or anything im a pretty social guy but i never really had to create a new social circle from zero and thats kind of scary

>> No.12308293


Wow man! So you have like 20k? Rich as fuck!

>> No.12308305


1M invested in stocks/bonds withdrawing 3% would let you live pretty well there but you’d want more in case you got sick in your old age.

>> No.12308311

You can find expats pretty much in all major townships. However you will find the MOST expats in Pattaya and Bangkok. I decided to settle in Phuket because it's low key as fuck and the police here and chill and don't fuck with expats as much.

>> No.12308412

this guy is the biggest cuck i ever read
good riddance