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File: 185 KB, 2500x2500, Tesla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12305569 No.12305569 [Reply] [Original]

Should I invest in Tesla now, wait or don't do it at all???

Convince me

>> No.12305581

You are investing into the uknown. Nobody knows if electric cars suceed.

>> No.12305610

It’s overpriced atm.

>> No.12305660

Lots of other car manufactors are shifting focus onto electric cars, I don't think Tesla as a car manufactor is strong enough to compete, if the market becomes as competitive as gas-car.

>> No.12305678


are central banks gonna continue carrying the entire stock market?

>> No.12305697

If you do decide to, I'd wait until musk says something stupid and buy the dip afterwards. He's good for a stock tanking statement every 3-6 months

>> No.12305772

BYD has better batteries based on phosphorium.

>> No.12305995

Invest in Tesla and you invest in the future.

Brainlets who don't realize that Tesla is about more than electric cars and batteries.

>> No.12306014

This. It's a movement.

>> No.12306015

>Tesla is about more than electric cars and batteries
dem alien dreadnoughts tho

>> No.12306030

You should have both right after he got kicked off the board, smoked pot on youtube, told some guy in thailand that he is a pedo and said he would take tesla off exchange when it hits 420.

The fud was insane. It went from 379 to 250. People were buying like crazy. And what do you know, it was back to 376 and now 330.

I havent done technical analasys so I dont know when a good buy would be.

But overall, as a company, on fundamental level, its a STRONG AS FUCK BUY.

Just dont buy when it pumps, because you will have to go tru pain until it gets back. And in stocks the bear times take times.

>> No.12306744

Tesla is a ticking time bomb running on government handouts.

>> No.12307077

>I don't think Tesla as a car manufactor is strong enough to compete

Why not. How will Tesla get outcompeted? They already produce these cars.

>> No.12307235

wait until the resources for lithium batteries run out then Tesla will be nothing more then hot air

>> No.12307316

That theory has been debunked

>> No.12307776

Just like you waited for oil depletion right? Fucking retards like you probably said "why get a car when I've got a good ol' horse". Boomers are in every generations.

>> No.12307923
File: 98 KB, 468x622, Smoking_Towers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12307930
File: 39 KB, 900x471, fraud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should have bought it in 2013.

>> No.12308054

Well there is more oil than kobalt on the planet you stupid fuck just wait what happens when the niggers in Kongo chimp out then you can kiss goodbye to your electric junk.

>> No.12308076

What are some good publically traded companies invested in lithium mining?

>> No.12308095

i wouldnt. too much optimism around this company. even when elon fuds his own company and it drops it still seems over priced


>> No.12308096

Now is a terrible time to invest in any auto company. There's no telling who the winners and losers will be in the next recession, but assuredly, the auto industry will be near the epicenter of disaster.