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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 238 KB, 1080x1349, C349E055-E373-4D5B-A554-5C9E542349AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12290262 No.12290262 [Reply] [Original]

what private student loans can i get as a black uni drop out to go back to school? cant afford to pay for it
>inb4 we dont like your kind around here nigger
i dont like my kind either faggot

>> No.12290282

save the money. uni is worthless

>> No.12290283

Go for an ISA. You won't be able to pay your loans back

>> No.12290289

also stop cooning you self hating nigger

>> No.12290294

Would legit go to college somewhere in west Africa assuming you're an American negroidal type. Way cheaper and you may actually be happy there. Ghana has hot chicks too.

>> No.12290300


Name on these ebony goddesses?

>> No.12290303

nr 1 start liking your kind
nr 2 start hateing people in general
nr 3 why do you want to get into debt now?
nr 4 just get any job, 2 of them, go back live with your mom and invest everything you have into crypto. On free time you have, learn a trade, or trading, or anything that intrests you

>> No.12290305

nigger join a union in trade work. start at 18 an hour and then get to 45 an hour withing 5 years with a pension.

>> No.12290327

Oh dem coons be gettn allofum ahdeas in dey heads, dey be tinkin dey gonna do dat skule an be smart n shiet

>> No.12290329


>> No.12290353

This desu. Become an electrician or welder, work super fucking hard for like 5 years straight. Develop a safety net of liquid cash that is equal to approx. 6 months worth of living expenses. Taking as much of your paycheck as possible and put it in investments until the roi on those investments is equivalent to at least 75 of each months living wages. Quit your job (or keep it, whatever works for you) and get a far more enjoyable job that will probably pay less. Love coffee? Be a barista, etc. Use the dividends to help pay for your monthly expenses while continuing to contribute money to investments until your investments dividends completely pay for your cost of living. From then on its your choice to keep working and adding 100 percent income to your wealth, or just retire humbly early on. Youd be best choosing the first and living lap of luxury in an extra 10 years. On top of that, if anything happens financially youll have that emergency fund.

>> No.12290383

unironically really convinced. what all do i need to apply for ISA?

>> No.12290431

>t. 50 y/o uncultured boomer

>> No.12290442
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Source now

>> No.12290588

He is literally baiting you with "Go back to Africa" and you took it?

>> No.12290902

He's a black man who is about to take on a lifetime of debt for an American "education" , why the fuck would I not suggest a better option? Based on his pic he obviously has Africa on his mind, if only subconsciously.
Ghana is streamlining visas for black Americans. You'll definitely need a passport before you can do anything, they take a few weeks. In the interim you'll have time to research universities and life over there.The office of the ambassador from Ghana is probably a good starting point to get all the paperwork going.

>> No.12290956

anything seems better than jewmerica at this point.

>> No.12290967

Kek. the fuck is wrong with you. youll never be rich no matter linear retard stories you make up anon.

>> No.12291009

>uni is stupid
>do this even more stupid thing

>> No.12291072

>He's a black man who is about to take on a lifetime of debt
Get a job and apply for scholarships?

>> No.12292194

why drop out? just fight through it with barely passing scores and then let AA handle the rest for you when it comes job placement time.

>> No.12292259
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unironically learn cs and java brother. my boss didn't go to uni for cs but it's even better if you can study it in school. #1 happiest job/growth outlook.
>t. token new hire

>> No.12292464
File: 149 KB, 634x963, article-2156937-1383FE92000005DC-231_634x963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be proud of yourself my dude. I'm black (father from Nigeria) living in Germany. Have a white girlfriend that loves me, a great job...

She look a bit like Pic related though with a smaller front load.

Africa is the future

>> No.12292475

>Africa is the future
kek, for the Chinese

>> No.12292483

>Africa is the future
Said the German citizen who chose a white girlfriend.

>> No.12292490

Our children will grow up surrounded by African culture I'll make sure of it. And my gf is totally supporting me

>> No.12292512

>Our children will grow up surrounded by African culture
As long as you continue living in Germany your children will grow up surrounded by western culture.
Move to Africa to make them Africans. If you stay in Germany they will be Germans.

>> No.12292518

>pig living around horses is a horse
The delusion is real with you, wtf

>> No.12292530

Your argument is invalid since we look a bit different but are the same species.
If you were truly believing in Africa and African culture you would move to an African country. But you know the better future lies in Germany and you are right to do so.

>> No.12292536

Why do people constantly bicker about race? Life is too short for this shit.

>> No.12292542

>African culture
so in a ghetto where everyone rapes each other

>> No.12292546

but in Germany even completely integrated (half)-blacks like famous football players complain about racism from time to time.

That's why I want to make many babies with my white gf. At some point Germans will be coffee colored mulattos. We just need more Khangs

>> No.12292573

the ovens will run 24/7
roasted monkeys for days

>> No.12292582

because jews stuck us together like the faggots they are

>> No.12292585

>At some point Germans will be coffee colored mulattos.
Yeah, that's possible, so what? They're still Germans. I am responding to your argument about culture. I don't care about what they look like.

>> No.12292607

>the black race takes over
>natural breeding takes place only between the most fertile black men and women to produce the strongest bulls
>white women are used as fucktoys by black men and any pregnancies are terminated
>white men are enslaved, and their semen is extracted to artificially inseminate white women to produce further pure white fucktoys and slaves
>some lucky white men are used as fucktoys by lower standing black males

I hate that I won't be alive to see this future.

>> No.12292714

I thought this board was about money

>> No.12292838

>diaspora trash mutt thinks he is African
You are just a self hating German that wants to feel special.

>> No.12292907

No he's not German, you fuckwit. This is not America where Africans can be Americans

>> No.12292909

Nope not in the age of nuclear weapons and directed genetic weapons. At best you can leverage artfical wombs. But then bounty Smart Contracts can buy a Wood Chiper for each of your genetic offspring to live in as insurance indefinitely. Then beautiful grass can grow

>> No.12292916

Holy shit you are a dumb roleplaying neet

>> No.12293114

>lives in Germany
>hates himself
Seems pretty German to me.

>> No.12293720

gib sauce you worthless nigger

>> No.12293875

ill kill you faggot

>> No.12293894

>africa is the future
>lives in white society and has coalburner girlfriend
lmao you niggers are really hilarious. even niggers dont want to live among niggers but then you want to niggerify everywhere you go

>> No.12293902

>t. triggered baboon

>> No.12293929

>>>/b/lacked.com faggot

>> No.12294012


>> No.12294026

Proudly announces he is happy to bring his children up sub par culture when he could have them enjoying the fruits of the west.

Nigs will Nig.

>> No.12294028
File: 94 KB, 577x329, Lagos-fastest-growing-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I DO NOT recommend this unless your coming here with plenty of revenue and an established network of trusted family or friends. Nigeria is a dog eat dog country filled with scammers and shysters, with enough passive income you can live quite comfortably but bear in mind 3rd world infrastructure (slow internet, shitty roads etc) can make your life a nightmare if you enjoy the convenience of such things. The positive is you can fuck 10/10s every night if you tell them your american (t. American/Nigerian neet forced to spend 2 months in Nigeria as rehab for neeting)

>personally I cant wait to get back, nothing better than getting fresh tendies delivered straight to your door after a 12 hour session of Arma 3 life GOD BLESS THE USA

>> No.12294046

Yes it is amusing. Muzzies are the same. Don't want to live in their own country, do everything to get out but when they do they want to recreate the old country in their new country.

It can not be fathomed.

>> No.12294069

i stopped trying to understand shitskins a long time ago theyre so unbelievably stupid I think they really have no concept of time and cause and effect. they operate on pure instinct and are simply not capable of any abstraction. it would be hilarious if they were still in their containment countries and we could live stream their antics for entertainment. too bad our elites are forcing them in our countries now, its really a lot less amusing when you have to breathe the same air as these animals.

>> No.12294497
File: 87 KB, 644x525, 1543610274331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it really sounds as if you had an upsetting, personal encounter with blacks. One might even assumed you've been a victim of the blackening by the seethe your displaying in your hate fueled comments. Newsflash: Nobody cares about your unpopular opinion on a chinese frog breeding forum, faggot. Try to spew your same hate in the real world, boomer. You won't get very far in life these days.

>> No.12294522

>it really sounds as if you had an upsetting, personal encounter with blacks
yeah every day I see a nigger in my hometown that used to be 100% white 10 years ago it is indeed upsetting to me.

>> No.12294557

>that used to be 100% white 10 years ago
thanks for telling me your un appealingly old age, non-factor boomer. Your opinion is disregarded by default.
KYS inbred neanderthal, this is a zoomer's board.

>> No.12294566

>boomer who lost his daughter to BLACKED corp throws his shit on a Chinese dating forum

Why dont you walk up to those black fellows and politely ask them to leave your established community (dont forget to record and post)

>> No.12294571

>falling for muh trade meme

>> No.12294577

HAHA nigger!!!!!

>> No.12294579

because theyre primitive, brutal apes who cant be reasoned with and my own government is forcing them into my neighbourhood

>> No.12294620

Holy crap go back to /pol/ pls. This is /biz/. It's not my business if an African has a (admittedly hot) white girlfriend

I support him

>> No.12294629
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>> No.12294659
File: 439 KB, 680x798, 1297199080171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you and you are pathetic.

>> No.12294697

/biz/ is now a black board.
theres NOWHERE to hide wh*Toid, accept your superiors have arrived

>> No.12294707

>nigger anon said ITT he doesnt want to live among niggers and wants a comfy white country
>is butthurt when whitey feels the same
its you whos pathetic you nog. go back to your homeland and fix your own shithole instead of leeching off what the white man built.

>> No.12294711
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fucking nu-boomers

>> No.12294720
File: 50 KB, 253x253, DinduPeeking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is you

>> No.12294755

>Retarded boomer actually thinks america would have been anything other than a colony full of scumbag criminals without slaves?

>boomer actually thinks he can rationalize by saying "well we did enslave you to grow our superpower but now that we are off our feet we'd like to thank you for your service and bid you goodbye"

And I'm the low IQ one? as far as I see it you are entitled man-child with reasoning skills of your neanderthal cousins

>> No.12294889

im european you retard. go on and tell me how european civilization was built by slave labour you stinking nigger lmao. also you just went to nigeria you retarded ape, that should give you a picture of what a black civilization looks like. if you could put 2+2 together you would thank your lucky stars every day you were born in a white country

>> No.12295508
File: 18 KB, 248x189, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the black race takes over
