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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.14 MB, 4032x3024, omE6OvD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12293314 No.12293314 [Reply] [Original]

imagine the smell

who else here /made it/?

>> No.12293329

if I ever make it im going to fill my garage with 80s and 90s shitboxes

>> No.12293932

>2019 - 9&1/2 hrs
>Not having 12 different colored maseratis
>Not driving to the bar in a different color every day
You messed up senpai

>> No.12293960

why do normies can't understand I don't give a fuck about driving a car / driving a luxury car / driving a supercar.

>hurr durr look at me i made it

If I make it I will go far from you all

>> No.12293965
File: 647 KB, 1920x1080, 1504707890401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want cuties like that

>> No.12293972

This, super cars are fucking ugly

>> No.12293973

rather have the grey vanquish in the background

>> No.12294118

everyone on this board hates everyone else for no reason at all

just look at this uppity faggot >>12293960

>> No.12294127

T. Seething schizoid incel

>> No.12294140

or maybe cars like that are just for pathetic faggots who need validation from the outside world.

>> No.12294167

Everyone needs validation from the world. You cant put a rating on yourself faggot, that's biased.
Also, we all need human contact, specially autists with low social skills

Most importantly, you buy a car to play with it and have fun, its not a social status symbol like you inbreds think.

>> No.12294182

Only a few hours till $1000 fren

>> No.12294239

I'd rather the Porsche. That Ferrari is ugly and has no soul.

>> No.12294254

>being so poor that you don't know Maserati's quality has gone down the shitter the past decade

>> No.12294269

This is the answer.