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12274677 No.12274677 [Reply] [Original]

Is any one who actually knows anything about economics able to explain to me why white countries are so rich?

Most people I am acquainted with seem to work in the service industry or otherwise do something that produces nothing of any material value--beauty therapist, stock trader, call centre worker, working in a newsagent selling sugary filth and worthless papers, teaching nonsense as a university lecturer etc. etc. Whereas in third world countries they actually seem to produce everything we eat or buy. So why are they the ones living in poverty?

>> No.12274681

Jews /thread/

>> No.12274698

Tech, chemicals, financing, is stuff we tend to export which is worth a lot more than banana and synthetic clothing, plus Americans do work the most hours per year and are the most productive, look it up

>> No.12274699


Boomers flipping houses

>> No.12274706

Us Military industrial complex owns all the oil in the World since ww2

>> No.12274707

so you have two problems OP
the first is "filter bubble": you assume your acquaintances are representative of the overall population. in truth, they're not. in first world countries, plenty of people make products
the second is "quantity = quality". first world processes are optimized to the point only a few need to work to provide food and other essentials. the explosion of service jobs is a consequence of that efficiency: as needs are satisfied, the market expands to wants

>> No.12274708
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wait hol up, he thinks it is some economic solution and not genetic?

>> No.12274712


Why are the houses so expensive in the first place?

>> No.12274720

If it's genetic Why were whites shitting in the woods as mud people invented mathematics?

>> No.12274741
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5th place, Americucks btfo by Northern Europe. Working less and more productive.

>> No.12274754
File: 108 KB, 1237x1017, invent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop the false memes bro

>> No.12274764

America has the world by the balls. They can print as much money as they wish, their population are on top of the world, dollars are abundant. Dollar is backed by oil. Wanna buy oil you have to do it through dollars. All printed currency in the world is backed by fuck all. Western countries give their paper to poor countries and in poor countries people work for pennies to get a piece of that paper which USA people print shitloads of. But inflation is gonna hit USA sooner or later so whatever. They have the worlds strongest military though so if any other country in the world gets an economical adcantage/foothold and their currency becomes stronger than the dollar, uncle sam will come. USA is a terrorist bully but they teroriste through economy, dollar and oil. Basically it takes many years to get where USA is at now. It's easy being USA when you never had a war fought on your soil, your closest economical rivals get obliterated in two world wars, your ally turn enemy collapses because of their own retarded communistic ideology and later join the capitalistic world order, selling cheap natural resources to stay afloat. And don't get me started on USA CIA drug markets and them earning shitloads of money through occupied territories manufacturing drugs to get money for destabilization and economic gain. If there ever was a wolf in sheeps clothing country it's USA. No doubt about it.

>> No.12274774 [DELETED] 


What is stopping the third world countries from adopting this higher grade of technology that we use to produce quantity over quality?

>> No.12274780


What is stopping the third world countries from adopting this higher grade of technology that we use to produce our quality over their quantity?

>> No.12274802

Nice numbers and characters you use there in your Charts wonder where they came from

>> No.12274814

Banking elite

>> No.12274819 [DELETED] 


The problem with this chart is exactly the fact that it takes a selective 550-year period of human accomplishment. Whereas had you looked at Britain for Germany for thousands of years prior you would have seen nothing, and all the figures would have been in places like China. The West is now on the decline owing to our immorality, just like the Romans of old. Virtue makes a civilization great, not blood.

>> No.12274825

No tools, no knowledge, no money. They have no chance. They're getting smarter of course and the west is giving them some money, but the west must come to their countries with investments. Basically what happened in China. Cheap labor, let's build factories there. Chinkies will work for pennies and we don't have to pay them western wages. And why would you if you're after the money? It's the perfect storm. You teach people to use your tools, but if you take away the tools nobody can make those tools from scratch. Bascially in certain countries you're so poor you can barely feed yourself. You don't give a fuck about education. It's a cycle. Then western companies come, offering you salvation. Then western people get their jobs sent offshore. Even though they have perfect standard of living, can sell their hand crafted shit for shitload of money if they wanted or start their own business, they choose to cry about jobs going to CHYNA and AFRICA. It's easy to cry about trivial bullshit when welfare state takes care of you. Everyone's selfish, nobody looks at the browner grass beyond the fence. Everyone's after the green grass.

>> No.12274830


The problem with this chart is exactly the fact that it takes a selective 550-year period of human accomplishment. Whereas had you looked at Britain or Germany for thousands of years prior you would have seen nothing but barbarism, and all the figures would be in places like China. The West is now on the decline owing to our immorality, just like the Romans of old. Virtue makes a civilization great, not blood.

>> No.12274837
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1512179586896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the across time and place graph you mong

>> No.12274843


Thanks for the detailed answer to >>12274780. Sorry I deleted the original post, there was a serious mistake in the phrasing.

>> No.12274844

time and place graph fuck

>> No.12274852

So the invention of text and algebra was 0.3 %
Good to know this meme chart thanks

>> No.12274885

there was much more competition for land and resources within a cramped europe with many countries, therefore much higher incentive for advancing military tech, tax laws, land reform etc. to get an edge over the various other nations just outside your doorstep. ultimately europeans would use these advancements especially in gunpowder and metallurgy to colonise other continents stripping them of their resources enriching themselves. this continued via neo-colonialism until present day.

theres a simplistic incomplete one dimensional explanation for you but its a start

maybe this could have happened in china, they invented gunpowder after all (not to mention printing, paper-making, the compass etc. long before), there just wasnt any real incentive for them to innovate on it, or to explore and colonise for various reasons.
Europe was not consistently more advanced than some other places in the world until the 15th or 16th century. maybe you could make an argument for Rome or greek city states in specific ways but that would be the exception. and then you could make the same argument for other civilizations throughout history in china or mesopotamia. even at that point the white people in germania gaul britiain scandinavia etc. were filthy barbarians to the romans.

>> No.12274886

>imagine thinking other groups didn't work out the basics as well but yet is capable of the far beyond / advanced

>> No.12274899

The age of discovery. Europe was the poorest area on the whole eurasian continent from 500 ad up until 1500 ad

>> No.12274906

The tallest building in the World Stands in mud peoples land
How does this make you feel

>> No.12274913

Makes me feel like the countries with most oil are the richest thanks to US dollar backing and them making deals with not selling oil in their own currency or the uncle sam would cum and rape.

>> No.12274922

Yes, western world and more specifically white countries as you call them are rich because of the harsh envoirments that they developed in way back that forced them to pursue international trade. Whereas countries like China had everything they needed at home, Europe isn't a place to find many luxury goods. The East has a lot of luxury. Besides that Europe quickly learned that to thrive economically is to dominate trough military. Europe has been a constant warzone since forever. There's always been huge competition between countries as they rival for world domination so to speak. When other countries started appearing on the map a lot of European nations made it their quest to be the first to conquer them as to increase their own power and limit the power of their rivals. Other cultures seem to simply never really have had this drive atleast not on a scale as Europe has probably because they produced everything themselves and didn't need much more.

White countries are very innovative. It brought medicine to the wide world and is generally more educated and developed than other cultures, so it is easy to dominate other cultures and force your shit on them. There's a variety of factors that play but I'd say the competitive nature of Europe and the natural scarcity combined with harsh conditions that forced exploration for economic prosperity have been the most apparant for Europe's rise in power. Besides that, lots of cultures still today can't get their shit together and organize. Europe has had so many bloody revolutions that got us where we are today.

Imagine this, in the year 0 Europe was already more developed than 99% of the world, then got knocked back into oblivion with the dark ages and still advanced quicker than 98% of other civilzations. Surival of the most adaptable in its most literal sense.

>> No.12274932

Ashkenazi Jews are the Most intilligent people on earth
How does this make you feel

>> No.12274940 [DELETED] 


Supposedly stripping resources could have to do with the Industrial Revolution, both as to the inventions that sparked it and the industry that sustained it. Besides which, European countries gifted enormously more to colonies than they ever took away. India's railways didn't come out of thin air.

>> No.12274941

The european genes are so superior nothing happened for 1500 years

>> No.12274943


Supposedly stripping resources could have little to do with the Industrial Revolution, both as to the inventions that sparked it and the industry that sustained it. Besides which, European countries gifted enormously more to colonies than they ever took away. India's railways didn't come out of thin air.

>> No.12274950

And all the countries these europeans conquered were filled and endowed with natural resources in quantities and varities Europe had never seen. But the locals didn't bother to do much with it. Europe wanted to expand its operation and could always need more resources, Europe is rich because it kept pushing the limits, innovate and try to escape this cold harsh as hunger winter filled life it has.

India is probably a good example as an opposite of Europe, it's naturally very abundant so there's no need for imperialism.

>> No.12274958

have you ever heard of british/dutch east india company? Didnt come out thin air either

>> No.12274964

Apart from a few countries that you could count on your hand no other civilization has innovated and developed like this. They all got stuck in their comfort zone because most other civilizations didn't experience the harsh conditions Europe has had to endure. Before technology, the only way to live a life of complete leisure was to have slaves and that's what the world was to Europe, nothing but slaves.

>> No.12274974

Makes me feel like jews being sneaky businessmen fucking over everyone and leeching American dollars because they got in control through evil ways, no sane, good human would. A jew has never invented or innovated. A jew has always degraded and tricked. Banished from all nations, specific genocides after them, communism, revolutions, brainwashing, Weimar degradation. Parasites. That being said, most jews are evil financial rapists and some, I assume, are good people.
It's fairly obvious though, that when you look through history, they always wanted money and nothing else. A jew would sell you his children if it was legal. And them making bloody matzohs out of catholic children blood doesn't help their case. They would go through any means to get money, trick the goy throughout the ages. That's why they MIGHT be smarter. They were always put in position of power. Accountants, bankers ever since the middle ages. It wouldn't surprise me if they got USA involved in WW2 and forced the rise of communism just to recreate Israel.

>> No.12274978

Mesopotamia got stuck in their comfortzone
Wtf are you talking about

>> No.12274989

>apart from a few countries you can count on your hand
Don't twist my words you serf pajeet. Do my bidding.

>> No.12274993

industrial revolution

>> No.12274998

>Industrial Revolution
read the first part of my post, that's a partial explanation for why this happened in europe.

The stripping of resources had an ENORMOUS amount to do with wealth produced by the industrial revolution. for example europe stripped the primary resources via slavery or other means of cheap labour, shippied the dirt cheap commodities like sugar cocoa rubber etc and produced manufactured goods out of them in european factories which then sold for incredibly marked up prices.
>European countries gifted enormously.
maybe in india, more difficult to make that argument for latin america, africa, middle east

>> No.12275005

yes you explained it better than i did.

>> No.12275009

it's just one of the so many revolutions Europe has had. People here eventually rebelled against the harsh conditions brought by capitalists that exploited for profit. I don't see that shit happening in Bangladesh or something.

Europe doesn't take shit from anyone and other countries do.

>> No.12275010

I can count the relevant continents with one hand

>> No.12275015


>> No.12275016

The mediterranen area is far more important

Europe is only relevant during industrial Revolution, not before that not after that

>> No.12275036

Dude Europeans put so much shit into Africa. Railroads being one of it. You know what happened to African railroads? They got neglected and destroyed. You can watch that documentary about how asians are now industrializing Africa, but they're doing it for their own self worth also. Instead of bitching about what happened 300 years ago look at what's happening today. You can bitch about whites being horrible to blacks during slavery years, but slave owners didn't discriminate. They also sold white people. Also a lot of blacks being sold to slavery were sold by black slave owners. The times were different. The world was shitty. Stop turning humanitys tragedy into race tragedy. Blacks have slave monopoly just like jews have holocaust monopoly. Never mind the 20 million christians murdered by progressive communists in soviet Russia. You know why you don't learn about communistic crimes in school? Because USA was allied with USSR and they couldn't tell people about their crimes and still can't. They hide the dark sides of history where they were wrong. The winners write history. Just like when I asked my history teacher in school why did Hitler hate jews and she said because she crucified Jesus. Really nigga? The whole nation and later Europe went after jews because of shit that happened 2000 years ago? Give me a break. Stop bitching blacks. You're not getting reparations. Start looking at the world, what's happening and how you can help to improve it. SUCK MY DICK.

>> No.12275060

>Stop turning humanitys tragedy into race tragedy.
stop projecting leftist revisionist history onto me, i don't really disagree with you in most areas and I'm not saying europeans were especially worse than anyone else. You are the one overemphasising race.

>You know why you don't learn about communistic crimes in school?
lol what country are you in? I'm in the uk and we learn all about the atrocities of communist dictatorships in secondary/high school.

I think you might be suffering from psychosis, or maybe you're just american.

>> No.12275077

Despite "common wisdom," all scientific studies showing that Jews have a higher average IQ than whites are debunked when you look at the selection bias in the sampling. There is not a single IQ study of Jews that takes a double blind random sampling of the Jewish population in any country. Every study that exists draws from favorable urban populations with high SES and educational backgrounds. Meanwhile, European IQ sampling is so prolific that there is an accurate sampling over the entire spectrum of SES and educational backgrounds, and includes urban, suburban, and rural populations of many varying geographical areas over an extended period of time.

The Jewish IQ gap is a myth perpetuated by the same Jewish establishmentarians that have pushed the meme that Einstein is synonymous with genius, even though he was a prolific and unrepentant plagiarist. These are the same Jewish academicians that have disenfranchised Whites in the Ivy League that Whites built. They are only concerned with the promotion and advancement of their own achievement mythos, and go to great lengths to convince everyone of their capabilities.

However if you do your due diligence in seeking out the truth, it's plain to see how transparent their lies are and that they really do lie at every available opportunity to caricature themselves as what they are not. Take my advice, if anyone ever mentions that Jews have a higher average IQ than whites, demand that they show even a shred of proof from a double blind randomly selected group of the Jewish population. They won't, because no such thing exists.

The Jewish IQ gap is a myth. Stop repeating it. Start talking about the real reason they're vastly overrepresented in the upper echelons of society.

>> No.12275085

It doesn't have so much to do with economics as it does with biology.

>> No.12275091

Will post this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtsa0MT2H4I

I learned about it in school I'm from eastern Europe. My family went through Siberian deportations. I was talking about American colleges and schools. It's fairly obvious they don't know about communistic crimes if their youth is turning Marxist and communistic through college professors. If they were taught correct history and economics they'd be turning nazi or libertarian+capitalistic. They want free shit and they want to achieve it through communism. It's fairly obvious certain information is withheld from them.

>> No.12275099

You think Europe hasn't exploited it's own people in the same way? Think again Negro. The fact is that Europe fought very hard for what it has with others and with its own. It's not like you were using any of those resources anyway as you were all still to busy hunting and gathering. And if you don't like being a doormat do something about it. I'm not saying what happened with countries like Kongo is right. But the fact is that in life if you want something, you fight for it, you don't expect shit to be handed to you. You don't like something? Do something about it, sacrifice your life, spill blood. Europe has, Europe has sacrificed and spilled blood in every revolution and it got us where we are today. It is litterly the people and their pursuit of a better life and conditions.

Face facts Negro, you're not going anywhere, start caring instead of complaining.

>> No.12275108

Primitive accumulation. The west accumulated capital through displacement, primarily via the transatlantic slave trade and mineral / land wealth from the americas. This laid the basis for imperialist/colonialist expansion into central asia and asia.

Read Global Rift by Stavrianos

>> No.12275115

Fucking third world shitlords think Europe hasn't had any struggles because it's enjoying the fruit of its labor.

You don't like your situation? Do something about it. Not my problem my fore-fathers were able to organize and do something about their situation and yours can't.

>> No.12275126

also i think you are conflating bitching with just me explaining some of the various reasons for why europe is rich. this included exploitation. you can acknowledge the various ways in which europe developed their colonies, but you can't ignore the exploitation and long term inhibitors of development they brought. or maybe you are just unaware of them. to give you an example, all of the infrastructure built in latin america set up their economies to be export oriented, to ship their cheap commodities to europe where they can be developed into more expensive goods. this led to a long term dependence on 1 or 2 commodities like sugar. also wealth concentration from things like the latifundio–minifundio land tenure structure in brazil. wealth concentration leads to extreme income inequality. income inequality makes your country politically unstable for obvious reasons. lack of economic diversity leaves you vulnerable to volatility. price of sugar crashes, your economy crashes, like holding one shitcoin in your portfolio. this is partially why there was a communist revolution in cuba, and look at how fucked they are today. that has roots in european colonialism.

this is not a hurr europe bad post or a race thing. just showing its a complex multi-faceted topic.

>> No.12275132

the nordic model is not communism

>> No.12275133

>hurdurrr they're stealing muh resoruces

>> No.12275143


think you are also misunderstanding where im coming from. i dont really disagree with your perspective generally

>> No.12275144

You know what they do in Latin America? they shoot eachother. You know what they do in the American Ghettos? THEY SHOOT EACHOTHER. You think we did that shit here? You think my fathers fathers were complaining about their situation and then robbed their neighbour?


>> No.12275145

Anyone else ever think about what would have happened if Africans got shitloads of asian slaves and imported them there? What would have changed? Africans would have used asian slaves to be kangs. They'd force their slaves to feed black kangs bananas, massage them, wash them and that's it. There would be no industry there because there was no idea for it. The slaves would have gone to waste just like the industry left by the white man.
>If you enslave another nation/human you will live with no care in the world for the next 1000 years
Give me a break slave wealth arguers. Give me a break.

>> No.12275154

not sure what you're so angry about. im spanish moved to uk when i was 3, i couldnt give a damn and feel neutral about it. just trying to explain how we got where we are.

>> No.12275162

do you think ghettos and shanty towns never existed in europe?

>> No.12275174

Completely besides the point.

>> No.12275192

mi gusto taco bell

>> No.12275223

>This tiny little minuscule economical thing which I put under magnifying glass made white people forever smart and rich
Dude it was a long time coming until slavery. It wasn't like Africans and Europeans were hunter/gatherers and one day POP Europeans enslave Africans and they become amazingly rich and smart. You can downplay white people achievements all you want and think that everything was handed to them, but instead blame your ancestors for not doing work for future generations. Also if you've already been brainwashed by one side of the facts it's healthy to read up on both sides and then draw your own conclusions. Also stay away from things being taught to general population. If you want to be successful as rich people or as successful people look at what they learn and the risks they take. Sure Elon Musk and Trump were born to rich parents. But they didn't go the nigger route of being lazy kangz they used their money. I hate this idea being pushed in schools and academia that whites are only rich because of exploitation. It's an incorrect idea being spread to make blacks feel not as useless. Blacks born in America are lucky as fuck. They won the lottery. They won't die of starvation but they want more more more. They're entitled and they're moving whole America backwards. Get jobs you NIGGERS. LMAO.

>> No.12275228

I never mentioned nordic countries. I was talking about USA. They're adapting Marxist ideas and are preparing for red revolution. Which jews are in charge of no doubt.

>> No.12275234

we don't have taco bell in the uk and im not mexican mutt, but i should expect creaturas to have a firmer grasp on fast food restaurants than they do geography

>> No.12275237

yeah I know, it's almost like white countries are cities and poorfag countries are drumph territory

>> No.12275238

We have the intelligence and lower levels of aggression needed to build and live in sophisticated societies

>> No.12275247

fucking exactly, this whole world is a bunch of lazy people that want gibs. The truth is that people here, especially the lower classes fought tremendously for their rights and better living conditions.

>> No.12275258

Used to be capitalist, built huge capital infrastructure, conned third world countries unto providing slave labor for us, conned China into buying our worthless debt

>> No.12275260

The industrial revolution started in the UK and moved to Eurooe and the US first. This spilled into South Africa and Australia.

Truth is this. Whites have higher IQ than other races in average thats a fact dont blame the messenger. But actually the superior race is actually Asian but they got bogged down with their buddist confucian system and also Communism which held them back. Next century they will be the leaders.

>> No.12275276

Oh and btw people that trade stocks are far from useless, shows how little you even know about economics. Countries with public markets perform economically better this has been proven over and over. So fuck you.

>> No.12275292

>minuscule economical thing
economic dependency and wealth concentration are not minuscule lol. this is why you had banana republics or communist cuba.

>it's healthy to read up on both sides
this is exactly what im demonstrating to you and others.
i generally agree with you, just trying to present a nuanced perspective which you are clearly lacking. the fact that you described the above as minuscule is demonstration of your narrow minded worldview.

>whites are only rich because of exploitation
here's another demonstration of your lack of nuance
>hint: "only"
there are many, many factors. exploitation is one of the many, i never said it was the only lol.

again im not sure why you keep projecting/strawmanning. this has nothing to do with me thinking blacks or whoever are owed anything today lmao. i dont believe any concessions or anything would be justified. im just talking about history.

>> No.12275313

Muds didn't invent mathematics.
It was already invented when they invaded, the only reason Arabs get the credit is because they copied everything into Arabic. The golden age of Islam is a meme

>> No.12275377

Lol just stop dude, you're emberrasing yourself. You think the White man got where they are by getting everything handed to them?
So much envy when you're at the top

>> No.12275423


Are you claiming Persians were white in the 9th century A. D. then? Because they are where most of the inventions came from.

>> No.12275430

Then say so, you're only pointing out slavery and economic exploitation as your main argument.
>I never said
Then acknowledge that instead of being a smartass

>> No.12275451

>What is stopping the third world countries from adopting this higher grade of technology that we use to produce our quality over their quantity?

IQ and genes

Sub-humans will always be sub-humans.

>> No.12275460
File: 240 KB, 1190x906, 1521196311281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you claiming Persians were Arabic?

>> No.12275473

Wow a whole blogpost to frame a quarter of a percent of the population (.25%) as an intellectual myth. Nigeria has 10x the population, but i don’t see you breaking your back threatened about their establishment or achievements. If that isn’t an intellectual gap, I guess 19% of Billionaires being Jewish is

>> No.12275479

>The tallest building in the World Stands in mud peoples land

Built by white people

Gee, I wonder why?

>> No.12275490

>The european genes are so superior nothing happened for 1500 years

This meme again.

Can you prove nothing happened during that period? Give me some sources, nigger.

>> No.12275498


Red herring. Classic logical fallacy.

>> No.12275516

I didn't claim Persians were white in the first place, you're retarded.

>> No.12275576

Not many in /biz/ would agree. But it has a simple but non-economic answer (bordering economic anthropology) - extroversion / materialism / greed / aspiration. East was predominantly a collection of fragmented introverted souls ruled by autocratic rulers or elite class or monarchs. However, materialism and greed can go so far. As the decadence accelerates, “western capitalism ” (socialism is equally bad; but majority of Asia prior to colonial invasion was traditional / village centric, not communist) has successfully initiated indoctrinating Asian elites with similar principles. Thus there are not much difference between Chinese and Western billionaires. However happiness remains elusive to such rich nations who need to be reminded of alternate possibilities with small village living / homesteading / off-grid communities with strong bonding. Asia will decay in a similar way west is decaying. Being rich is of no use if you live in constant anxiety / stress and deteriorating health.

>> No.12275612


>Get your anal boy pussy ravaged by your opponent
>Muh red herring

>> No.12275619


You said that "muds" were not responsible for the Islamic Golden Age, which is a despicable neo-Nazi slang word for all coloured or non-white people. Are you really too stupid then to infer how you are shifting the goalposts here? I will leave that for you to determine, because I refuse to do the work for you.

>> No.12275697

nowhere have i implied its the main or only factor, you just cant into reading comprehension

>explaining some of the various reasons
>its a complex multi-faceted topic
>there are many, many factors

the reason i detailed certain factors over others, is because others had been discussed and i was adding to those discussions factors that were disregarded or dismissed. you'd have to be retarded to say colonialism didn't have significant negative aspects. that doesn't mean i'm saying there weren't positive aspects, or that even the positive aspects are overwhelming in certain countries. as you'd have to be equally retarded to omit those also.

here's my first post

>> No.12275832

We can see your posts because of your ID.
Please tell us though, did colonialism do more harm or good. Please consider that before the white man came ALL. and I mean ALLLLLL Black people were cutting each others dicks off (it's actually what happens between rivaling tribes), killing each other, living off animals basically being permanent hunter gatherers with no chance of development ever. Think of all diseases, clit cutting and primitive shit like that. Now being a human would you rather leave them to their own devices, isolate them and develop the western world without interacting or would you rather they went through being treated like animals at the start but later being given white technological advancements and in turn whites learning to be nicer to other cultures and not treating them as savages. Now ask yourself did colonialism do more harm or good to overall good of the world.

You see you never learned critical thinking because you were pampered growing up. You cannot make omelette without busting a few eggs. Yeah sure Europeans were fucking cumming when they found Africans. They could fuck them, they could use them, meaning that children will no longer need to work in factories or farm fields. And even now most whites would rather live in a monolithic white world, but they have a burden to take care of and they took it upon themselves for the goodness of all humanity. So the next time you're trash talking whitey, committing crime, listening to your ebonic music trying to be oh so different from whitey through degradation of societys norms try to be more human and understand that sometimes being a teenage hormone brat and protesting against your parents can cause more harm to society than do good. You can move society forwards and bring it back. It's a choice and black population always chooses to move it back just to not be like whitey. Over many years they learned the best way to run society. LISTEM TO THEM AND THINK. THINK.

>> No.12275958

Conolism moved the world forward. Yes it is despicable and utterly disgraceful what happened in places like the Congo. But I see >>12275832 already has everything to say that I want to say about it.

Everything is being pushed of as racism these days and it's made to look as if people should be guilty for their history. Utter nonsense. The fact is that so many cultures are undeveloped not only technologically but also socially and philosophically/politically. You can't deny that there's a form of inequality in the different cultures and races in the world in terms of intellect. And I don't mean that in a bad way, everyone in life has to start somewhere.

It's also worth noting that all this would have happened anyway if it was another culture or race that advanced prematurely relative to the others.

>> No.12276371

>Americans hang out in the office for the most hours per year pretending to work hard

fixed that one for you buddy

>> No.12276495

money. How do you expect these poor ass niggers to all of a sudden gain control over the tech? Buy it? No retard, people in power STAY in power, its very hard to lift yourself out of poverty.

That is why there is an increasing wealth gap in the world. Seriously, it's a problem and it's only getting worse

>> No.12276766

Neoliberalism. The elites fed them the globalist pill and now they’re dependent. They were also originally financed by western countries.

>> No.12276788

I'd say because you're painting a really broad swath across the economic spectrum by not defining exactly what you mean by "white".

It's one of those words that, when examined, means very little.

Also, what about asian economies like China and singapore?

>> No.12276851

What about economies exploited by western companies for cheap labor?

>> No.12277024

This is all you really need to know

>> No.12277095

We're talking about white American here. Remove tacos and blacks to get the real figure.

>> No.12277122


It has more to do with climate.

>> No.12277679

Were still the most advanced for now and it pays to be close to wealth. Take away the passport of the exploited person making your coffee and drop them in the middle of China to see what their "skills" are truly worth.

>> No.12277773

Its simple, in a capitalist society, organizers land, labor, capital get all the proceeds.

So basically the (((organizers))) and their wagies that do the marketing, sales, management, distribution are the most valuable in such a system where things are so commoditized that the only way to turn a profit is to differntiate yourself through marketing.

Basically, hordes of 3rd world pajeets will race to the bottom to manufacture cheap products, but Goldstein and his goons will convince everyone that their commoditized products are superior. They also do clever M&A to eliminate competition and end up with local monopolies in points of distribtion like desirable locations, Google Adwords, Amazon search, etc... Basically whereever your average normie will look, Goldstein will offer (((branded))) products you must buy, otherwise "What are you poor kek?"

>> No.12277784

Industrial production used to be located in the west, what you're observing is post-industrial society, a further development, as western companies moved production overseas to take advantage of cheaper labor. The companies are still headquartered in the west, owned by western investors, so the surplus produced still comes to western capitalists. The rest of us mostly live off the rent imposed by the working class on these money flows, that or what little value added production does still occur in the west.

Third world countries where industrial production occurs are getting richer, especially the ones that have strong governments capable of capital controls and industrial policy. Eventually the companies will have to move on, to even less developed countries in search of cheaper labor and lower capital concentrations that make for big profits.

>> No.12277831

Stop cherrypicking faggot.

>> No.12277833

Imperialism is why America is rich. Genetics are why Europeans are rich (notice how poor the slavs have always been, it's not a coincidence.)

>> No.12277860

All the countries above the US on that list lack a black problem. I'm just asking for some handicap compensation.

Also who was >>12277777

>> No.12277879

The economy moves based on war. The United States is the most terrorist country that strips the world of goods

>> No.12277891

1. europe is actually the best land
2. luck. escaped the mongols, who killed everyone else. the enlightmenment was a fluke

>> No.12277995

>white countries are so rich

because white have brains, and often they use it to create science, art, tech, whatever.

can't find the memepic "Rome 2000 years ago, Nigger village today".

>> No.12278008

>best land
Meanwhile Africans had abundance of fruits and shit and all we had was crap. Also their climate was warm so they didn't freeze to death. Reminder that America brought us potatoes after which Europe was ez mode.
>ESCAPED the mongols
Nigga Europeans FOUGHT golden Horde. Shit was bloody. How would you ESCAPE mongols???
Let's also not forget about muslims wrecking shit in Europe. I bet you also believe that crusades were worse than muslim invasions. Once again people can't stop hating Europeans for no fucking reason as if it was heaven on earth.

Don't forget that 70 years ago most of Europe was wiped clean through WW2. And look at where we are at now. Africa is still a shithole though. So who is to blame for African shortcomings? Europeans? For slavery??? Remember when arabs used to sell European women to other arabs as slaves? You don't? Because we don't go to Saudi Arabia and tell them how oppressed we are and that we can't get a job there just because we're white and our ancestors were enslaved. Alright peace. You American negros haven't seen half the horrors and will never see the horrors most Europeans have seen. Alright peace.

>> No.12278017


>> No.12278064

>You said that "muds" were not responsible for the Islamic Golden Age
No I didn't, I said the Islamic golden age was a meme. It never existed as they didn't produce anything, they just invaded and copied existing works into Arabic.
I was replying to someone else who used the term mud people for continuity.

Take your tone policing elsewhere, no goalposts were shifted either. Work on your comprehension.

>> No.12278124

Asians have little social / human emtional reasoning skills. Empathy, connecting to others etc.
If they can feign that for long enough then I agree

>> No.12278128

America hasn't been white for centuries.

>> No.12278172

Exactly, that's another "grey area". If you play with the definition of what is and isn't "white" you can include almost *anything* under that vague, flexible umbrella.