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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.82 MB, 1125x2436, 0A6EFC58-6917-4540-8CE3-7AAAF7328798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12248677 No.12248677 [Reply] [Original]

is this a biz approved couch?

>> No.12248693

$700 couch? LMFAO how poor are you?
My dog wouldn't even approve of this let alone BIZ

>> No.12248706

Ugly as fuck and not designed to be backed up against a wall. What kind of worthless idiot puts furniture that isn't a table or desk in the middle of the room?

>> No.12248717

That shit is so ugly, super white so it'll show any stain, looks str8 outta the shining movie

>> No.12248724
File: 36 KB, 800x450, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so desperate for attention that you need to tripfag on the business and finance section of a tibetan fingerpainting canvas

>> No.12248762

Unironically this dude I'm 24 and my couch was 5k

>> No.12248890

it can be backed up against the wall and the floor plan of my apartment won't allow it to. clearly you don't know much about interior design

it's cute af. also, im a clean person so i won't have to worry about stains

i'm not going to spend $5k on a couch at 20 years old. also, this looks good. i just want to see what bizlets think

>> No.12248903

looks alright, i don't buy furniture often so i forgot how pricey things can be. is $700 considered "cheap" for a piece of wood and cushions?

>> No.12248918

yeah, $700 is actually pretty cheap. i see ugly ass couches go for a few thousand. i also love the design of the couch and it would look pretty good in this apartment i am going to get soon

>> No.12248925
File: 82 KB, 1280x800, 9eVPm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only /biz/ approved couch.

>> No.12248926

Kek. Too late into the couch game. I bought this couch at $0.07

>> No.12248943

>implying im not going to make porn videos on my couch

don't worry. i hold 100k link. this couch will only be worth half a link eoy

>> No.12248962

Looks fine for $700 anon. Don't spend 5k on a couch unless it's in your forever home but I think you know this.

>> No.12249194

Why not buy a comfortable couch? That looks like something that belongs in a prison.

>> No.12249210

Lacks any element of style. Here's my advice to you since you're clearly autistic when it comes to interior decorating: Ask a friend for help or hire someone to help you. This is fucking beastly disgusting ugly.

>> No.12249217

Everybody is commenting on how it looks and not how cozy it is. What a bunch of snobbish cunts occupy this board.

>> No.12249540

I bought this couch and it fell apart after 2 years of chronically masturbating on it. Get yourself an artisinal, locally made by hand piece of furniture if you want to make it friend.

>> No.12249553

>$700 for a shit-tier couch that will show stains easily and has no real back to it to lie back against

What a ripoff

>> No.12249565

its truly sad, I have to say.

>> No.12249610

I would never go over 1000/couch at your age. Mine were less than 500 each. They're noticeably cheap, but lightweight and have held up for about four years now. I'd also never get white furniture. One thing to note is these modern couches are usually lower which equals less comfy back support. Consistently checking Craigslist and making calls will eventually score you a great deal. It might take three months of watching, but the key is to be watching.

>> No.12249628
File: 13 KB, 250x250, warren buffett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spends thousands of dollars on a fucking couch
>calls others poor
Poor people spend money on frivolous shit. Rich people live modestly.

>> No.12249643

Fuck Warren Buffet that cunt is going to regret living like a old ass man on SS. You got billions and drive around in a POS

>> No.12249770

how pathetic can you fucking be. That nigger doesn't need it and doesn't want it. He just wants to eat his steak and shit on cryptos and yet you project how you have to show off.

>> No.12249907

Pretty much this.

>> No.12249921

the couch looks good, but at the cost of all its comfort. looks like you'd snap ya back up trying to sit on this

>> No.12249932
File: 51 KB, 220x165, Yocouch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone wants a white couch but no one actually wants to own and clean a white couch.

>> No.12250798

just go to a thrift store and buy some 25 dollar couch like any other 20 year old. jesus christ 700 dollars on a couch that will fall apart in 1 year and show every beer and shit stain? wtf are you thinking

>> No.12251493
