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12218023 No.12218023 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12218039


some anons have talked about regrowth procedures on here, there’s hope for you yet anon

>> No.12218050

Cut dick is better.

>> No.12218055
File: 31 KB, 575x544, DlbofX4XcAU1Y7J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for making me feel better about my dick with way too much foreskin when fully erect it still covers my entire penis head.

at least i can jerk it with no lube tho
it feels amazing btw, using your foreskin to jerk off, i tried with lube and without the foreskin, it felt awful.
cutfags are so sad

>> No.12218060

where are my cut dick bros at?


>> No.12218235
File: 92 KB, 251x242, 1530338285880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that just means it's pretty small
lmao you just exposed yourself

>> No.12218626
File: 19 KB, 499x499, cdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 inches
5.3 inch width

how is yours doing, mutilatefag?

>> No.12218647

That would mean your dick would have to literally look like a bologna stick. We all know that isn't the case.

>> No.12218665

what's it like knowing that you weren't the first person to touch your own dick?

>> No.12218671

kek this guy has small peepee

>> No.12218680

thats why your mom told you not to run with scissors anon

>> No.12218686

Not that uncommon. Search for amateur porn with uncut guys if yoy don't believe me. I have a pretty big/normal dick (17.5 cm) and mine is the same.

>> No.12218696

OP please rename thread to /3wg/ - 3rd world general

>> No.12218710

shalom fellow white person!

>> No.12218722

You do realize that most of the 1st world is uncut, right? Look at circumcision rates across Europe. The US is the main exception.

>> No.12218733

only kike/shitskin countries have circumcision, and the rate is dropping here in the us anyway

>> No.12218751

Oh, perhaps I misunderstood what he was saying.

>> No.12218758

Atleast you don’t have 6” micropenis like I do

>> No.12218981

I'm personally proud of my circumcised penis. It's still so aesthetic. Though it does take a frustratingly long time for me to cum when having sex.

>> No.12219179


I wish I had a cut dick tbqh familia. I started masturbating in a weird way that’s only possible with an uncut, been doing this for the last 15 years and now my dick is totally fucked

>> No.12219203

better for girls because you take longer to cum since you only feel like 10% of what regular men feel during sex

>> No.12219916
File: 16 KB, 547x433, Burgerica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. proud desensitized golem

Never understood why amerifats needed "lube" to masturbate until I learnt their jewish masters are marking them like cattle at birth for their blood good, so sad.

You realize that all the middle east and half of africa is cut right ? It's literally a semitic thing you fucking disgusting ogro.

>> No.12219922

back to r3ddit, normie

>> No.12219955

stop fucking whining, i'm so sick of you faggots making this topic. you don't really need your foreskin, it's not like a finger or foot or something. you'll be fine.

>> No.12219966
File: 129 KB, 813x1024, 1499496111920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he cares about the girl he's fucking

>> No.12219983


Uhhh, we don't need lube.

>> No.12220003

Probably not, regenerative medicine is advancing rapidly and there are people working on reversing it.