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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12213217 No.12213217[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Technically I don't have a problem with racial Jews nearly as much as I do with their religion. I hate Orthodox Jews and I have a legitimate reason, due to their code of conduct/morals. They happen to clash with mine, sometimes violently. Last I heard this country had a freedom of religion clause. This should mean I am free from their religion right? I should not be forced to hire people I not only can't get along with but can't help but discriminate against. What's more this argument has merit because it's about idealogy not biology. Should I be forced to hire Orthodox Jews for MY business? Nothing stopping me from selling or buying, just that I find it hard to trust them after my life experiences, and can't for the life of me understand why I would hire people that can't stand me and I can't stand them. Is this freedom of the market?

Please do not report I was unsure where I would post such a thread and it seemed quite pertinent to this category.

>> No.12213349
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Also isn't it an oxymoron to have anti-boycott laws in direct contradiction to anti-monopoly laws? You can't force a private company to buy something just because it has a governments seal of approval. Nothing is stopping people from buying Grade F rotten mad cow meat off a street vendor, as long as their cart passed inspection right? If it's not a direct order to a government employee from said government to use their purchase orders on said product then it breaks how many laws for the government to step in and fire her for having a different preference on items? For all you know the purchaser got a better deal on something that is slightly less then the best on the market, however because of the savings they were able to get other needed products? You want Proof Israel is the slavers I claim they are? They rain down holy paperwork in the tons if you show any bias in a purchasing order that doesn't have the name of one of their companies on it. Either locally or abroad. WTF. Also they love to argue... If you have a board of directors that is all Orthodox jew it's gonna take 10 hours before they even decide on lunch... why would I want to hire them or haggle with them?

>> No.12213361
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Kill all kikes

>> No.12213378

I don’t really understand what you’re on about because affirmative action doesn’t dictate you hire a specific kind of person, but as an ethnic non-religious Jew I appreciate your hatred for Orthodox Jews, they’re fanatic and creepy and give Jews a bad name and I hope you don’t have to hire any of them. Good luck, anon.

>> No.12213381

>don't have a problem with racial Jews

>> No.12213398

You've got it all wrong - orthodox Jews are persecuted by the elites in Irsael, who view orthodox jew as backwards and dangerous. They often have their rights deprived there and hence most Orthodox are against zionists. Yes, you've heard me right, Israel isn't actually Jewish in the orthodox sense- they just want the land with none of the religious commitment

>> No.12213449
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>You've got it all wrong - orthodox Jews are persecuted by the elites in Irsael, who view orthodox jew as backwards and dangerous. They often have their rights deprived there and hence most Orthodox are against zionists. Yes, you've heard me right, Israel isn't actually Jewish in the orthodox sense-
Everyone know this, it doesn't suddently make orthodox jews the good guys, they are still filthy shit pro white genocide and pro talmud

>they just want the land with none of the religious commitment
That's where you are wrong kiddo, they are palladist satanists.

>> No.12213455

The steak comment was definitely hyperbole but you know what I mean. If that steak gets you sick you can sue, or if they sold it knowing it would do such possibly a poisoning/manslaughter charge depending on severity of symptoms.

>> No.12213468

Zionist are just as dangerous are they not? Not as violent or zealous perhaps but still dangerous?

>> No.12213968
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NPCs chant: jew bad