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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 951x605, ahfdhdhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12198690 No.12198690 [Reply] [Original]

why is nobody talking about the crash??

>> No.12198700

Because boomers only come here to make fun of crypto fans when crypto crashes. We don't even think about stock market because it's for retards.

>> No.12198714

It’s only the beginning

>> No.12198716

Because everyone is doing so well in shitcoins. Don't you know they can 10x overnight?

>> No.12198724

top kek, just wait til all the shitcoin founders exit scam, jihan is going to continue dumping on u retards all the way to 0

>> No.12198726

desu at least they hold something with a legal value instead of some token some random guy created in a day

>> No.12198734


>> No.12198753

>the real market is for retards
if Crypto goes down, people aren't going to start losing jobs. when Big boys like GM and Ford start losing money, they will start laying off employees and kill contracts with other companies that will, in turn, lay off their own workers.

Stocks are down near 10% and the month isn't even over, this is a scary looking drop, this could be the beginning of the final crash.

>> No.12198757


So can puts kek

>> No.12198759

If only you knew how currency works you'd never work a day in your life. But then again some people love being slaves to jewish bankers and their printing presses. BTC is a billion times better than any FIAT.

>> No.12198763

It's not a crash. This is a slight hick-up. The big-one needs a significant catalyst like what happened in 08.

>> No.12198768

Fanny Mae 2k19 when?

>> No.12198774

Wealth isn't meant to be stored in currency retard.

>> No.12198775

probably the fakest drop in the history of the sp500/dow
cant wait for the rally back to all time highs next month

>> No.12198788
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Crash! Crash! The great mad dash! Gettin' bad rash from the price lash!

>> No.12198809
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Dividend investments are not scams. They're just overpriced right now.

>> No.12198817

Who /bearsquad/ here?

>> No.12198819
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>malls closing all over america, banks not getting the money back that they invested in said malls
>millenials with 100k student loan debts working at Starbucks making minimum wage who will never pay off said debt
>good skilled Manufacturing jobs that would traditionally pay between 20 to 25/hr are being automated and replaced by Mexicans getting paid minimum wage (or probably less if they are illegals)
>retail jobs dying because of online stores
>trucking and driving jobs on the chopping block because of autonomous vehicles.

Anon there are a lot of reasons the market could be crashing right now, I'd mostly pin it on the fact that wages have been stagnant since the fucking 80s. but prices of housing, food, clothes and basically everything has gone up because of inflation.

>> No.12198823

Because only Boomers care about stocks. Bro do you even Crypto?

>> No.12198848

>mountains of bad loans
They'll just inflate it away...
... or their heads will end up on sticks!

>> No.12198866

>people arent going to lose jobs
Miners and nvidia already cut back

>> No.12198870

I sold on greater fools like you just when you entered. If only you understood simple economics you wouldnt be shilling right now. You would have already sold anything and be happy.

have fun holding the bags shilling for thin air brah

>> No.12198875

>more inflation
>wages still stagnant
yeah, sure anon, when a loaf of bread is $50 I'm sure all the minimum wage workers will survive just fine.

>> No.12198903
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Out of curiosity, what are worthwhile ways to cashe money?
I'm new to this, but I would assume real estate, or precious metals of some sort. Could be completely wrong, but I'd really like to know what you think.

>> No.12198928

Don't forget to donate your wagecuck cash to Israeli widows, goy.

>> No.12198930

I have Crypto, but I don't think there will be another rally until after 2020. my only goal is to make it out of the city, buy some acreage in the country and farm it before 2023. I don't want to be anywhere near the city in 2023.

>> No.12198944
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stinks of bullshit in this bread

>> No.12198975

Real-estate, S&P 500.

>> No.12198986

>i hold the knowledge to never work
t. Bought in at btc ath

>> No.12199009

Anyone can never work to protest the fed. Just work for as long as you need to survive and hop from job to job.

>> No.12199013

dow is a shit index m8, good time to get out anyways

>> No.12199021

the 2008 crash happened because total garbage was being rated AAA by corrupt and incompetent ratings agencies causing massive discrepancies in the market that finally corrected with a huge crash

all that shit you stated is priced into the market accurately. people who invest in those businesses know what they're getting into unlike those who invested in toxic cdos in 2006

>> No.12199043

sounds like a shitty life, kys and rid this world of your pitiful existence. I might be a wage cuck, but I make 60k per year, more than enoguh to live on, my house is paid off so I don't have to worry about that, I can survive on less than $800 per month if I had to. I've got the savings to live a miserable life like yours if I wanted to, but I choose to work so I have more money to invest. because I dont' want to just barely survive, I want to live a life with fulfulment

inb4 boomer, I'm 25.

So yeah have fun being a poorfag with your mentality anon. and I won't share how I was able to buy a house when I started out with only $2,000 to my name when I left my parents house at 18 yo because you're not worthy of it.

>> No.12199066

>my house is paid off so I don't have to worry about that
in any serious crisis, a desperate state will simply enforce mandatory mortgages. states have done that, they will do it again.
having a house before the crash might actually be worse than not having it. right now you'd get insane amounts of money compared to in, say, 10 years. money you could use to seriously hedge and come out as a millionaire.
you have been warned.

>> No.12199074
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>> No.12199076

no, the crash happened because Americans are poor, 7 out of 10 Americans have less than $1,000 in their bank account. 1 third of boomers over the age of 55 don't have a penny saved for retirement (hoping for social security) another third of them have less than 50,000 saved for retirement.

The crash is coming, because the reality it doesn't matter what stocks are priced at, it matters how many consumers there are because without consumers you can't make money and the reason I bring up stagnant wages is because it limits how much consumers are willing to spend on products. and your company will not make money if consumers aren't giving you money. and right now the average american just doesn't have the money to spend.

that's the reason I want to be out of the city by 2023, I don't want to be in the city when food prices sky rocket due to low crop yields (which have already been happing, crop yields are down all over the world and it's getting worse because climate change isn't a meme and has real world consequences)

>> No.12199077

You see the beauty of it all is that we will both end up the same way. I'm just spending time on myself and enjoying life whereas you stress out everyday for paper. You are extremely insecure and act like a little good hard working boi. Don't forget to share your current status with your friends on fb. I'm also 25 and I'm free. You can't own me.

>> No.12199083

Based, give me the keys 2 the castle

>> No.12199098
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Can't wait to get exterminated and replaced with robots.

>> No.12199102

I'm renting my house out because I live in the city right now for work. and I never had a mortgage on the house, I got it land contract.

>> No.12199110

Dipshits have veen convinced that crypto is dead when its been a psyops to give a nice entry for big money in Jan.

>> No.12199111
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Say hello to The People's Bail-out, AKA UBI (or better yet: remove minimum wage requirements entirely and simply be the "employer of last resort" that is sent in to rebuild infrastructure/defense, which pays something like $20/hr even if the 'workers' lean on shovels all day to act as job-competition to businesses, as a way to "fairly" distribute the newly printed inflation-dollars. Just give raises above $20 to the people who actually work/produce on infrastructure/defense, and leave the shovel-leaners at $20/hr. Fed will need to be nationalized though.).

>> No.12199153

>you stress out every day
I don't you dipfuck, I have a house that's paid off and savings, I could tell my boss to go fuck himself tomorrow and really wouldn't need to work for 5 to 10 years because I I have the savings. the reason I don't is that I genuinely want to further my career as a controls engineer. I want to make sure I'm on the other side of the wall before automation makes it impossible for me to suck money out of the corporate system.

I'm in a good position, I'll be in the 1% you'll be starving because there won't be a temp job for you to take, robots will be doing them. robots I helped create.

>> No.12199173


>> No.12199177

lol, not happening. they know what's coming in 2023, they're hoping the low crop yields, skyrocketing food prices and starvation will take care of the poverty problem.

>> No.12199181

>t. I dont know what a cdo even is let alone how the 2008 market crashed

>> No.12199185
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what are you laughing at chucklefuck? my personal robot bodyguard will take care of you now.

>> No.12199202


The catalyst is raising rates. Look up the rate cycle prior to 2008.

>> No.12199208

no, I don't and I don't need to. the economy is just supply and demand everything outside of that is bullshit. you can predict the markets if you understand how supply and demand work you don't need to know anything else.

>> No.12199334
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Day of the Rope Soon

>> No.12199378

Who else /all in on TVIX/ here?

>> No.12199389


>> No.12199419

i too have seen The Big Short

>> No.12199421
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>> No.12199422

>crop yields are down all over the world
except based Russia

>> No.12199426

because its not a double top, its a cup and handle!

>> No.12199433

>a significant catalyst
like losing a trade war?

>> No.12199443

exactly. you dont. and no you can't. if you could predict the markets you'd be a world famous billionaire. youre just a guy who watched a few conspiracy videos and thinks he knows the markets now

>> No.12199464
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>> No.12199579

>in any serious crisis, a desperate state will simply enforce mandatory mortgages. states have done that, they will do it again.
When and where, i wanna read about that.

>> No.12199627

Perhaps Russia colludes with China to increase global warming so Russia can be the main exporter of crops? Conspiracy?

>> No.12199656

>you can predict the markets if you understand how supply and demand
That's one of the most random and retarded shit i have every read on /biz/

>insert the reddit shrek meme

>> No.12199837

Bets on GE collapsing causing the crash to go full on

>> No.12199895

This correction was way overdue frens.
Everybody was expecting it.
No worries here
Have fun

>> No.12199920


It's hiccough you absolute illiterate mongoloid.
You will never make it.

>> No.12199934

>The big-one needs a significant catalyst like what happened in 08.
Like the FED hiking the rates up 4 times in the shortest fucking time of history?
Poor Trumpy is getting fucked by (((them)))

>> No.12199949

China is investing more than any other country in renewable energy tech so doubtful. Largely to curb pollution also because their apocalypse-tier air quality in major cities was actually impacting the passivity towards gov of their population.

>> No.12199953
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>> No.12199966

are you from 1891?
just spell it "hiccup" like any reasonable human being would

>> No.12200058


>legal value

Hahaha so you mean government controlled. No thanks, you can pay my share of taxes for your communist dreams if you want to. In fact, I don't think you'll have much of a choice when tax revenue starts dropping. You choose to live by the grace of whimsical evil people, never forget that.

>> No.12200079

long $TVIX

>> No.12200083

you are such a retard holy shit mate

>> No.12200086


Greenhouses are literally pumped full of co2 to increase plant yields

>> No.12200096

Negative news saps energy out of people so they fill fatigued to create a thread and even reply. Grief is silent and pleasure is loud.

>> No.12200115
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>> No.12200129
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>millenials bout to get blown out the work force for a second time in ten years

>> No.12200142
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why this guy talks about head n shoulders so much?

>> No.12200143

isn't this kind of a good thing though
every great change has happened in a time of shit economic climate
maybe the rootless cosmopolitan banker and merchant class will finally be lynched in the streets?

>> No.12200164
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It's just a healthy correction, bro.

>> No.12200166

It should really be the repubs killing off all of the boomers on social security and medicare. As soon as all the oldies die, younger people can enter the workforce.

>> No.12200193


It is though. How come that race from 7k to 27k is considered a 'new norm' and a correction from 27k to 24-25k is a "TOTAL ECONOMIC APOCALYPSE" AND "FINANCIAL MELTDOWN"?
Interest rates are up, no shit stock market won't be reaching new heights any time soon.

>> No.12200212

why do people start losing their job because of stock market ? That's the real question

Stocks shouldn't have impact on real life, it should be the other way around.

>> No.12200225

Stocks are supposed to reflect the value of a company.
If he value decreases, gues what..


>> No.12200230
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You guys have seriously no clue how bad this is.
Christmas Time is usually (and should be) boom time for all markets since tons of money flood the economy - and shops and businesses make their biggest gains.
A baisse at this time, with an extra government shitdown, will most likely trigger the big one.
Fasten your seatbelts - 2019 will be a rough ride.

>> No.12200238

Hopefully a bunch of poor people die off due to starvation or similar. A little economic downtime in good once in a while. It punishes the bad people who deserve to suffer. As an added bonus people who aren't retarded get to scoop up more stocks at a discount.

>> No.12200241

>bunch of poor people die off due to starvation or similar
you mean niggers, bud

>> No.12200248


>> No.12200255


>> No.12200291

he got dandruf

>> No.12200292

>supposed to
So returning to what's acceptable/normal is bad for business because ?

>> No.12200318

green energy is a meme for a myriad of reasons and everyone knows it
from wind to solar to everything but nuclear it's an economic dead end that's only being peddled for government gibs or propaganda reasons
china can claim all it wants about being the main investor in green energy but at the same time it's the worlds largest polluter in basically all the ways you can measure pollution
and instead of doing things that actually curb pollution in quantitative ways like stopping their shitty coal plants from dumping particulates in the air they "invest" in the new™ trendy™ energy™ that only stays afloat because of government subsidies
in short china doesn't give a shit about pollution like all the green energy shills, but they just invest in it for propaganda and whatever other reason they think of

>> No.12200322

>(which have already been happing, crop yields are down all over the world and it's getting worse because climate change isn't a meme and has real world consequences)

No they aren't. Warmth is good for vegetation and CO2 is plant food.

There has been no increase in extreme weather for several decades (not floods, droughts or cyclones, all confirmed by peer-reviewed reports and even the IPCC) and satellite data shows the planet is greener now than it was when we started using them in earnest in, iirc, the 70's.

>> No.12200381

Unless you're a degenerate who doesn't own a successful businesses nobody cares about the peons, even during a crash

>> No.12200410

what a faggot jew answer
look faggot
you depend on those peons whether you want to admit it or not
they're your countrymen, your extended family
kys if you've fallen into this nouveau riche "fuck de plebs XD" type of retard mindset

>> No.12200422

should I buy gold today?

>> No.12200432

Niggers spics and mudslides aren't my countrymen or family, if anything a crash means we purge these actual shit stains from our country when they all starve. The only people who want to keep them around are actual faggot jews

>> No.12200440

>only niggers spics and camelfuckers will get harmed in a crash
this is your mind on talmudry

>> No.12200465

Oh boo hoo someone still has a position they've lost big on, keep drinking fag maybe you won't have to wake up tomorrow

>> No.12200500

i don't even live in your country you burger nigger

>> No.12200528


>> No.12200537

>in short china doesn't give a shit about pollution like all the green energy shills, but they just invest in it for propaganda and whatever other reason they think of
you are actually such a retard holy shit

>> No.12200557

nice argument retard :^)

>> No.12200564

pointless arguing with someone with such a poor grip on reality and simplistic worldview. not worth the effort

>> No.12200623

some solid 7am cringe

>> No.12200627


who's "we", you faglord?
Military and law enforcement are full of minorities. If (not when, but IF) you merely utter these retarded /pol/ memes irl you will be the one who's ass will get purged in a prison cell.
You're like that retard itt who thinks that if he managed to pay off his mortgage and became a good wagie boi the 1% will actually accept and embrace him as an equal. Topest fucking kek.
You are just an easily replaceable cog, nothing more.

>b-but muh day of the rope

more like day of the cope lmao

>> No.12200647

>yu wrong XD
not an argument you dumb faggot :^)

>> No.12200653

sad thing probally not, their tools of surveillance are greater than ever before Google and Facebook can already predict and manipulate peoples behaviour and it will get worse

>> No.12200806

all of those things are fantastic for stocks you dip

>> No.12201094
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Jeffrey Gundlach points out in this interview that the "growth" in the US economy is caused by government deficits.
This has been going on for a long time and the FED just starts inflating the dollar with QE everytime shit hits the fan. This will either result in a collapse of the propped up economy (if they don't deliver on printing money) or massive devaluation of the $ once traders start figuring that the FED keeps on printing money.

>> No.12201101

JG interview on CNBC

>> No.12201246

shhhhh i'm buying cheap stocks don't wake the normies


>> No.12201341

>7k to 27k is considered a 'new norm'
only by retards and zoomer traders.
anyone who couldn't tell that zero interest rates and QE would create a bubble if implemented for too long is literally stupid.
this rally was never normal. it was created by unorthodox emergency economic measures.

>> No.12201380

I'm a bit surprised that there isn't more buzz about this, I remember half way through the year things were slowing down and it spilled over to /pol/ with everyone saying it was the next recession, but not so much this time.

>> No.12201593

>he doesn't know about reflexivity
Deteriorating asset prices are the catalyst. In this fragile of an economy, having a bear market in most sectors in <3 month is catastrophic. We're unironically fucked if asset prices don't recover with the next few months.

>> No.12201656
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You are a total fucking brainlet and this post proved to what extent you are a retard.

> I'm going to move out of the city and buy an acreage large enough to make money selling my crop yields

The machinery you would need costs into the hundreds of thousands, even for shit tier farm equipment. The land... depending on where you live could cost millions (to buy enough that you can actually make a living). Then you are completely dependent farm subsidies from the government. I think your master plan needs a harsh reality check - and your facts are way out of line too. Pic related is the national wage index. If you are making the same amount of money you were making in the 80's - I don't know what job you're doing.

You are truly the ultimate loser. You bought everything your college teachers sold you hook line and sinker. You had the good fortune of being born near the BEGINNING OF THE INTERNET and you still can't figure out how to make money. From your cheeto covered finger-tips, you have access to the WORLD MARKET and you are still making excuses. Completely pathetic. You'll never make it carrying all that liberal ass-hurt around with you.

>> No.12201894

it's not a crash its just a healthy correction before the next rally. it's not a crash until cnbc says it's a crash

>> No.12201943

>Muh jobs

Unemployment rate is at 3.7% brainlet

>> No.12201953

Fun fact: crop yields will continue to decrease due to a new solar minimum, winters will get harsher. Get ready for the next maunder minimum

>> No.12201982


Who cares about making money, I would just grow enough to feed my family and get enough guns to shoot anybody that comes for it, that’s the only way to survive

>> No.12201983
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pic related is all that matters, everything else is jewish games.

>> No.12202017

>most random retarded things
t.never took econ 101

do know what shifts in demand and supply ae? price floors, price ceilings? everything on the macro scale is predictable when you understand how supply and demand work.

if you're autistic enough to study individual companies you can predict how well they will do based on supply and demand

>> No.12202034

China is on the brink of a housing bubble collapse. they keep building houses and apartments that nobody ever occupies.

>> No.12202036

it's not done.

>> No.12202044

greenhouses are expensive and we don't have enough of them and won't have time to build enough of them. if we were going to do that we should have been building them in the 90s. it's too late now.

>> No.12202048



>> No.12202065

dow is at 22k right now, if it goes down to 20k and it looks like it will this week then it's officially a crash because that's well over 25% down. Merry Christmas.

>> No.12202066

Controls is pretty based - too bad it's all gonna be replaced by reinforcement learning real soon.

>> No.12202079

Oh, my fucking god are you fucking retarded?

>> No.12202091

>actually believing that trash

>> No.12202096

I sold everything in november because I'm not retarded, planning to put it all into silver. I literally only have a few hundred dollars left in my brokerage account.

>> No.12202106

>he believes CO2 is causing climate change

>> No.12202112
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Based and reality-pilled

>> No.12202127

You're the brainlet, I never said I would make money off the farm, I would farm it to be self-sustaining.

>> No.12202130


That dude probably gets his news from boiny sandas

>> No.12202138

>thinking low unemployment is a good thing
When businesses can't find workers it also creates issues you moron.

>> No.12202180

So China, then

>> No.12202182

I have one of his funds, not doing that great right now.

>> No.12202415

The absolute state of 22 year old americans who have internet access.

>> No.12202472

>Christmas boom time
It's literally not

>> No.12202480
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>> No.12202488


>> No.12202525


>> No.12202560

>1.5T student loan debt
>roughly 45% of all jobs can be automated to cost less while being exponentionally more efficient

Any time now

>> No.12202567 [DELETED] 
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>this time it's different

>> No.12202612 [DELETED] 
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Get ready for the coming war frens. The lower classes are getting too numerous and society needs to shed the dead weight. Everyone who doesn't own their own business(that includes anyone on NEETbux or working a McCuck job) will be drafted and thrown into the meat grinder. Best way to survive if you don't have money? Join the military now and get a comfy POG job working on a computer. Those positions are going to be out of reach by the time uncle sam knocks on your door.

>> No.12202897

yeah, China is probably going to cause the next crash because of their currency manipulation, but the Fed caused this recent dip.

>> No.12203076

>people cashing out for Christmas/new year guys, don't worry. Wall street gets their bonuses at February, we'll go up then.

>> No.12203314

This is the most boomer thing I've heard this week.
>none of that mambo jambo numbers thingies works man, you just gotta wing it and use your guts man

>> No.12203324

I have 400k in RSUs, how just am i?

>> No.12203586

Wow then fuck off, you really don't have a say in this matter

>> No.12203611

That's why a crash is happening now and not in 30 years, what do you think Trumps election really was about? Why is everyone who makes money quietly supporting him across the political spectrum? They know it's down to this and if the economy wants to keep being successful we need to purge a few worthless skin bags

>> No.12203719
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>> No.12204313

I didn't say anything about using your guts, Supply and Demand is the only thing that actually works, everything else is a Jewish farce.
all I need is a good newspaper and understanding of supply and demand. I'll give you a hint since you're brain dead to understand what I'm talking about, supply and demand curves shift.
When people don't have lots of money their demand for luxury goods will be down. it's just fucking common sense anon. If I read in the newspaper that there is a frost in an area known for growing cherries, I bet on cherries, because that year cherry prices will be higher than normal because the supply will be low because of the damage the frost caused to the crops.

supply and demand is real world anon, if you don't understand that you'll never make money investing, even crypto is based on supply and demand even more so since it's generally an unregulated market.

>> No.12204318
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Oh yes. I'm sure you will be self sustaining. You will breed cattle. Make your own everything. Mill your own wood. What are you 12 years old? You are talking about a complete anarchy scenario. Have you ever even done any of that shit? Not to mention - someone would just take it from you. Your fantasy falls apart because it relies on government collapsing, but also being there to protect you - because you damn sure aren't going to maintain order by yourself. Are you going to form a group? On your imaginary farm? Are you the leader of the group? The real problem here friend is, you don't know what you're talking about in the least bit. You are the worst kind of larper.

>> No.12204363


>> No.12204370
File: 43 KB, 421x512, zombie fumu fumu34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buch of soicuck liberals are unemployed therefore the economy is going to crash
Imagine believing this.

>> No.12204382

>I don't want to be in the city when food prices sky rocket due to low crop yields (which have already been happing, crop yields are down all over the world and it's getting worse because climate change isn't a meme and has real world consequences)

The same thing happened to Rome when it was collapsing because barbarians were roaming the countryside and killing off farmers. It probably won't get that bad in modern times but sure as the hell the food prices will continue rising.

>> No.12204440

I hope the market crashes so I can buy stocks for cheap :^)

We bear now

>> No.12204475

"Supply and demand" is just a phrase that describes competitive price signalling.
It has no real meaning in a command economy

>> No.12204542

>Significant catalyst
Well, take your pick, the world is filled with them?

>> No.12204557

Same reason noone was talking about the radio when TVs came out.

>> No.12204575
File: 11 KB, 226x199, 1544125880612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People across the board are working all sorts of jobs to get their monthly gibs but they still can't pay off their ungodly debt, but its alright because there is low unemployement.

>> No.12204588

What's the difference between normal volatility and a crash?

>> No.12204600


>> No.12204613

This. Daily reminder that markets are perfect and can only be made to produce negative outcomes if they are under the influence of malevolent actors. Every bad thing about capitalism is really caused by the jews. Full stop.

>> No.12204622

Because the economy is still fine and this is just market shittiness.

>> No.12204635
File: 433 KB, 702x526, question sasdfasdfas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is the fed ending the Obama economy during Trump's term? I mean I know it had to happen but did it need to happen right now?

>> No.12204657

They are. You aren't paying attention.

>> No.12204756

>it's the worlds largest polluter in basically all the ways you can measure pollution

Gonna need some sources on that fella

>> No.12204782

Wind and Solar are already out producing legacy power in terms of EROI.

>> No.12204977

do you faggots know the cause and effect relation ?

>> No.12205049
File: 46 KB, 1378x1120, efsdsdsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supply and demand have no meaning
please kys, it doesn't matter what kind of economy you are in people still have needs and desires, that's just what demand is. and people's desires and needs drive the economy. if people have to spend most of their money on needs and have nothing left for things that they want it will drive the demand for luxury goods down.

>> No.12205104

>anons if a company isn't making the money to survive and loses investors it should start hiring peope with money it doesn't have, and cutting people out totally won't save them money in the short term.

you fucking brainlet, I bet you're the type of moron that thinks a business should start paying it's employees more just because it made more revenue, ignoring the fact that high revenue doesn't necessarily correlate to high profits.

>> No.12205328

What is your net worth? No larping

>> No.12205343

>anons stock value dropped by %80 because some boomer decided to sell at that price
Pack it up boys, we are closing.

>> No.12205374

what is yours?

>> No.12205790

I don't know, I haven't had my house valuated for over two years. Probably something like 200k. I'm not planning on selling the house though, it's a good rental property.