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File: 50 KB, 768x384, 8CA26437-FD4D-4199-AEE5-36219E8A9116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12192009 No.12192009 [Reply] [Original]

Parents loaned me about $250k over the course of a few years so that I would be able to pay tuition and housing costs.

Now, I’m considering cutting them off and not repaying them. Should I? No longer really gain anything from the relationship and they just keep pestering me about the money I owe them.

>> No.12192017

>I'm considering cutting them off

So... you'll never see your parents again over a loan? Wow. Good luck with the rest of your life. Your parents will probably come across your homeless ass in ten years.

>> No.12192026

I know this is a larp, but anyone that actually does this is an absolute piece of shit. Lower than the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.12192034

your parents are the only people you can trust in this world. 0/10 would not recommend.

>> No.12192039

I hope you have other siblings that your parents can be proud of. You seem like a bit of a disappointment.

>> No.12192043

>spend years investing time and money into your offspring
>kid takes the money and runs
Thank you for reminding me why I’ll never have kids, spoiled ungreatful and untrustworthy pieces of shit.

>> No.12192060


Lmao, you are human scum OP. They basically gave you 5-10 years of low-mid wage to pay for your comfortable lifestyle and education. Instead of working hard, you masturbated, browsed 4chan, and shitposted pictures of alex jones on /biz/. Now you want to cut them off. If you had to deal with someone much like yourself in real life, you would track them down and put a bullet in them.

You are a piece of shit.

Your parents don't deserve this.

>> No.12192067
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op pic related

>> No.12192075


Blood is thicker than water friendo

>> No.12192085
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Parents with $250k to give away would and could definitely sue their own kid.

The real question is, Would your parents have you killed? Not a joke these things happen. You don't know savage until you seen boomer savage.

>> No.12192090

Do you stand to receive inheritance from them? If not, fuck 'em. It will teach them a lesson not to loan money in future. You're doing them a favour.

>> No.12192100

>he doesnt trust his own genetics and parenting ability

>> No.12192110

The full quote is "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb", meaning loyalty is forged in battle and that family is arbitrary and meaningless in comparison. So you're telling the OP to not pay them back?

>> No.12192132

god i wish i had those sort of parents mines never gave me a penny.
and here you are getting 250k and thinking of just running away.

>> No.12192138

You can't get sued over money they gave you, that sounds quite stupid. It was their choice to give birth to OP and lend him the money.

>> No.12192152

Lol it's fucking sad that they expect you to pay them back. Greedy bloody boomers, they never stop.

>> No.12192155

Modern commentators, including authors Albert Jack[6] and R. Richard Pustelniak,[7] claim the original meaning of the expression was that the ties between people who've made a blood covenant were stronger than ties formed by "the water of the womb". However, no known historical sources support this.

>> No.12192174

You sound like a massive faggot

>> No.12192188

What sort of psychological effect does receiving huge handouts off your parents? I mean I don't even feel comfortable getting $50 off them. They spent enough raising me already

>> No.12192192
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you CAN get sued over a verbal agreement which amounts to a contract. It does not have to be a written contract

>> No.12192210

Well if they just gave him money, and didn't create a contract. They have no way to prove money is owed to them, OP can just say "they gave me the money and didn't expect me to pay it back".

>> No.12192214
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This is some gay "quote" from fucking warhammer isn't it?

>> No.12192225

How pathetic would you have to be, to sue your own kids anyway. It wouldn't look good in court.

>> No.12192227

Don't listen to the Normans OP. If you have no love for your parents, then it was their mistake to give you that money. Of course, you should be aware that you're burning a bridge and can absolutely never see them again for any reason.

>> No.12192242

You sound like a great guy.

>> No.12192275
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>> No.12192283

Your parents could have saved a lot of money by investing in an abortion

>> No.12192303

Sorry I'm not familiar with the United States of America. That's the country where people can you for anything right?

>> No.12192314

You pathetic little shit.

>> No.12192320

>They spent enough raising me already
Perhaps they didn't spent that time raising OP. Just either serving him or ignoring, not treating him like a human in general. Throwing some money to fend him away in case he attempted contact.

>> No.12192350
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I would sue your faggot ass
Told your mom to abort you she wouldn't listen that stupid cunt. that's why I divorced her. It's all your fault son kys

>> No.12192473

Why would it be from warhammer? It's of Germanic origin I think.

>> No.12192493

Based and redpilled.

>> No.12192519

Dude you will so regret that. At the same time your parents are assholes for expecting you to pay back 250k. Maybe try negotiating it down to 100k or something more reasonable.

>> No.12192525


Your parent, if they aren't deadbeats are you last resort and emergency plan when all else fails. If they have 250k to loan you, it sounds like they are fairly well off. And you are cutting that off for 250k you blew and have nothing to show for it.

>> No.12192700

Do not take for granted that you can trust your parents. OP for instance, if ever were to become a parent himself, would not be a trustworthy parent.

>> No.12192871

OP here...

...jesus... most of you are a bunch of pussies. Life is a dog-eat-dog world. If you’re not willing to screw over a few people to get ahead in life, you’re going to be a wage cuck forever.

>> No.12193143


You're retarded. You can keep your parent's good will by paying them back slowly. You might never need to pay back anywhere near the full amount, but at least you will retain their good will, therefore access to more capital.

Obviously you too stupid to realize how to use people properly, and can only see the short sighted gains.

Its not about being a pussy, but extracting the maximum benefit out of people.

>> No.12193373

Based and manipulapilled.

>> No.12193649

>No longer really gain anything from the relationship and they just keep pestering me about the money I owe them.
Did you read his post? I agree with you, especially from an inheritance perspective, but he hasn't been clear on that.

>> No.12193692

Worked every single time it comes up on Judge Judy

>> No.12193718
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>leddit spaced
>doesn't know the doggy-dog world pasta

>> No.12193740

wtf is wrong with you

>> No.12193765

>1 post by this ID

>> No.12194577

You should have picked a college that was within commuting distance so you wouldn't have had to pay so much for housing. You could have pared your expenses down to $25k. Maybe then your parents would have just given you the money instead of expecting you to pay them back.

>> No.12194711

welcome to 4chan

>> No.12194731


If your parents can afford to give you that much of a loan, you’re going to be fucking yourself out of any inheritance.

>> No.12195116
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I do agree that OP is a piece of shit but to act like the parents are innocent here just shows how lost and confused society has become. You don't "loan" money to your son and enslave your own flesh and blood to a debt you already know he won't be able to pay off. This is supposed to be a parent/child relationship not a jew/goy one.
In an ideal world, parents' job is to raise the child, ensure he has a wholesome and healthy upbringing to ultimately become a useful and competent person in society. Not only have OP's retard boomer parents failed to instill proper values and principles in OP, mostly because of their own vapidness and money-mindedness, but they have obviously done nothing to create loyalty and a familial bond in OP's heart otherwise this thread wouldn't have even been made. They have completely failed him and themselves as parents.
They never gave him any skills or money management sense, but kept chugging money at him hoping to enslave him, their own blood, blackmailing him into sustaining them. What I want to know, what the fuck else would you spend money on if not your own child's well being? Is their materialism so strong that they would put money before their own child? No wonder OP has an empty brain and an even emptier soul, this whole situation says a whole lot more about the parents than about OP, who is only a product of his circumstances.

>> No.12195260
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>> No.12195379

>I know this is a larp, but anyone that actually does this is an absolute piece of shit. Lower than the bottom of the barrel.

Why are parents loaning their kids money for education instead of giving it to them? Parents are the shit biscuits in this scenario.

Either the education was worthwhile in which case they should be happy their child became well educated. Or the education was not in which case they should not have enabled by lending money for it.

>> No.12195399

White parents do this a lot. But if they see their kids actually get decent jobs and careers and are proud of them they forget about the loan.

>> No.12195401

What would be the point in paying them back? They don't need it, and it would just come back to the son in the inheritance anyway

>> No.12195413

Excellent bait

>> No.12195432

Have fun in court.

>> No.12195445
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Yikes. Thankfully i rolled good parent RNG so they dont ever loan me shit, just gift

>> No.12195452

Parents sue their kids every day. Unless they explicitly told the dickbag it wasn't a loan, he'll lose in court.

>> No.12195462

A judge won't accept that.

I love threads like this, when you NEETS explain how you think the world works.

>> No.12195472

Jesus would like to have a word with you anon.

>> No.12195493
File: 545 KB, 840x854, 1543953642652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I gave heavy loans to my father

>> No.12195499

Loads, or loans?