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12187893 No.12187893 [Reply] [Original]

How can blockchain technology be leveraged to improve outcomes for disadvantaged people of color?

>> No.12187905

gibs pls they killin us out here

>> No.12187929
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holy fuck great op pic. everyone one of them looks like a cartoon. Look at the fucking lips on the one second from the left. You can see them fuckers from space. Then there's miss nappy jawline second from the right between diaperhead and malcolm x's gay brother.

>> No.12187936
File: 88 KB, 617x767, 1544325604339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12187942

Satoshi is a black man

>> No.12187943

You can have a blockchain that only has one block which contains a list of all the things black people should do to fit in with normal society and start building generational wealth, like:
>Stop sneering all the time
>Stop talking in a 'ghetto' or 'southern' accent
>Conjugate basic verbs properly
>Dress to impress
>Don't associate oneself with the ""We"" of 'other black people'
>Work hard but also don't be tempted by the dumb consumerist clout of having the latest/brandname/designer X
>Disassociate with anyone who does not share these values
>Provide little time for 'muh relaxxashun' when trying to get ahead
>Don't have children before 26 or if you cannot support them well
.. and so on asf.

Then just have a mining pool of white people and Asians constantly verify this block's cryptographic validity, to ensure it hasn't been tampered with to include something like
>'Gotta get dem Jordans'
or such

>> No.12187960

EBT on the blockchain to stop scams and useless government spending. Give people essentials, not nice to haves. My tax shouldn't fund your luxury

>> No.12188007

That's a good idea. In my experience buying beer at 7/11, they run the EBT for the twizzlers and donuts, then pull a few crumpled singles out of their cargo pocket for the swisher sweets, magnum and scratchers tickets. We should put vices on the blockchain to close this loophole.

>> No.12188067

I'm headed to St. Louis tomorrow for Christmas. St. Louis persons of color are particularly aggrieved and coincidentally fit many of these characteristics. I think you have identified some excellent quality focus areas. What do you think of "WakandaChain?" The genesis block will be free for benefit recipients, a progressive fee for the employed based on income. We could pitch to Goldman Sachs as a feature for their next Twitter inclusion ad blitz.
>Improving communities with the power of blockchain